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nner, being led on from one thing mbrace a system of doctrine which despised. As I assuredly believe e hath been effected under the guining of the Holy Spirit: so I hoped antial relation of it might be an ennd comfort to those who know and and from them levy a tribute of praise to our gracious God: and ght be instrumental, by the conto awaken others to a serious reeligious sentiments; to put them earnest enquiry after the truth as it d to influence them to the diligent blessed means, in which the Lord be found. I would therefore now rvations on the preceding narrathe Lord guide both the writer er of these pages to the saving the truth, and into the ways of cousness!

system of religion, which both soothe science, and flattered my self-conce some trivial alterations, I seemed to my mature deliberation to have come to a termination; and had bestowed conside in making myself acquainted with th ments and interpretations of Scripture, that system is usually defended: and I together many of those plausible obje high charges, which are commonly b reasoning men against the doctrines and of the Calvinists. But I was in great stranger to what the Calvinists coul themselves; because I thought the matte to bear an argument, and therefore did their answers worth reading. In short have been recovered from that abys (for so I must call it) into which I permitted to sink. Full of confidence in and in the arguments with which I was prepared to support it, I was eager to engage in controversy with the Calvinists, and entertained the most sanguine hopes of victory. In this confidence I frequently harangued against them from the pulpit, and spared not to charge upon them consequences both absurd and shocking. Yet after much, very much, anxious diligent enquiry, I have embraced, as the sacred truths of God's unerring word, every doctrine of this despised system!

2. My natural spirit and temper were very unfavourable to such a change. Few persons have ever been more self-sufficient, and positive in their opinions, than I was. Fond to excess of entering into argument, I never failed on these occasions to betray this peculiarity of my character. I seldom acknowledged or suspected myself mistaken; and scarcely ever-dropped an argument, till either my reasonings or obstinacy had silenced my opponent. A certain person once said of me, that I was like a stone rolling down a hill, which could neither be stopped nor turned: this witness was true; but those things, which are impossible with man, are easy with God. I am evidently both stopped and turned: man I am persuaded could not have done it; but this hath God wrought, and I am not more a wonder to others than to myself. Indeed I carried the same obstinate positive temper into my religious enquiries; for I never gave

constrained to recede. So that the Lo

made me willing in the day of his pow forced to confess: "O, Lord, thou art than I, and hast prevailed."

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3. My situation in life rendered such improbable. I had an increasing famil vate fortune, a narrow precarious incon expectations, except from such friends a duct might procure or continue to me. expectedly contracted an acquaintance of those, whose favour goes a great wa a man's advancement in life; nor was I to the advantages to be hoped for, fron ing by a compliant behaviour their friendly regard to me. At the same tim stranger to the opinion, which the world of those who preach the disreputable above-mentioned; and could not but that embracing them would probably d of these prospects of preferment. But, as the result of diligent enquiry, I was assuredly convinced that it was my indispensable duty to profess and preach them, and that by so doing alone, I could ensure to myself the favour of a better Friend than any here below: and thus, while fully aware all along how unfavourable, according to human probability, it would prove to my worldly interests, I at length deliberately embraced them.

4. My regard to character was no trifling security against such a change of sentiment. I was ambitiously and excessively fond of that honour which cometh from man; and considered the desire of praise as allowable, nay, laudable. By this motive was I urged on to a very diligent prosecution of my studies, even beyond what natural inclination led me to; and my whole conduct was influenced by, my whole conversation was tinctured with, this vain-glorious aim. On the other hand, with approbation and self-complacency, I had been accustomed to hear the most contemptuous and opprobrious epithets liberally bestowed on those persons to whom I now joined myself: and all along, as I verged nearer and nearer to Methodism, I was painfully sensible that I was drawing upon myself the same mortifying distinctions. - I have been a vain-glorious candidate for human applause; but I renounce such pretensions, and willingly submit to be considered by the world, under the mortifying character of a half-witted, crack

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