Phinney, Edmund, 1. 80. Phips, Jedidiah, 1. 177, 284. Phips farm, 1. 48.
Pickering, John, 1. 78, 81; speaker, 11. 52.
Pickering, Timothy, on departments, II. 124. Pigeon, John, 1. 91, I01. Pigot, Hugh, 11. 175. Pike men, favored, 1. 54 n. Pinckney, Charles, 1. 294 n. Pitcairn, John, 1. 63.
Pitt, William, 11. 241, Pitts, John, 1. 58.
Places, multiplicity of, in one person, I. 173. Pliarne, Emanuel de, death of, II. 6. Ploughed Hill, 1. 107. Plumer, William, II. 382. Plymouth, Mass., town meeting and petition, I. 12; II. 399, 400, 405; annual festivity, 1. 19, 22; letter and protest, 20; threatened, 151, 177; privateers, 193; militia, 273 n.; prophetical egg, 283; attacks Warren, II. 17; collector of port, 315. Point Alderton, 1. 216. Politician, art of a, 1. 160.
Preble, Jedidiah, 1. 106.
Prescott, James, committee of war, 1. 276 n. Prescott, William, 1. 109. Prevost, Augustine, 11. 126.
Price, James, on Canada, 1. 52 n. Price, James, II. 245.
Prices, 1. 159, 175, 298; regulating act, Mass., 305, 330, 334; extravagant, 367; II. 3, 19, 32, 104.
Prince, Thomas, papers, II. 47. Princeton, N.J., affair at, I. 283. Privateers, 1. 182, 189, 213, 255, 267, 271; resolves, 227; embargo, 312, 317; pre- valence, II. 438.
Proctor, John, 1. 298 n.
Prophecy, Winthrop on, 11. 357, 365, 375. Prospect Hill, 1. 107.
Providence, R.I., continental ships, 1. 305, 311, 318, 335, 350, 365. Providence, 11. 103.
Provoost, Samuel, II. 284.
Pulaski, Kazimierz (Casimir), civil power and, II. 58.
Purviance, Samuel and Robert, 1. 288. Putnam, Israel, 1. 50, 68, 151; general, 61, 64, 65; at Cobble Hill, 114.
Quakers, 1. 168, 213; non-resistance, 280.
Popery, danger of, II. 9, 15, 39; loss of Quartermaster General, 1. 86, 90, 92; 11. 125.
Pomeroy, Seth, 1. 79, 85 n.
Poor, Enoch, 1. 347, 354.
Port bill, Boston, losses from, I. 160.
Portia, see Abigail Adams.
Quebec, Arnold's expedition, I. 109, 149, 152, 248; capture of fleet, 11. 141.
Queen of France, II. 35, 93.
Porter, introduction of manufacture, 1. 273. Quincy, Dorothy, marriage, I. 110.
Portland, duke of, see Bentinck. Portland, II. 145.
Portsmouth, N.H., arms, 1. 339.
Portugal, rumor of war with England, 1. 262; attitude of, 307; feeling against, 321; recognizes America, 11. 194, 208; treaty, 222, 265; Great Britain and, 376. Post, defective service, 1. 279.
Quincy, Elizabeth, 1. 159.
Quincy, Josiah, 1. 131, 230; 11. 236, 238.
Rainbow, 1. 305 n., 366, 373. Raleigh, 1. 365; 11. 16, 26, 44, 93. Ramsay, David, 11. 301.
Randolph, Peyton, 1. 158; returns to Con- gress, 112; death of, 161, 181. Randolph, 1. 371.
Post office, establishment of, 1. 25, 91; un- Ranger, 1. 365; II. 93. certainty, 337.
Pottstown, Penn., reply to address, II. 340. Powder, 1. 55, 65, 92, 93, 99, 108, 169; efforts to obtain, 66, 115, 170; anxiety on, 68, 132; from Antigua, 135; supplies, 199, 238. Powell, Jeremiah, 11. 138, 145. Pownall, Thomas, Hutchinson's salary, 1. 7 n.
Raynal, Guillaume Thomas François, His- toire, 11. 136, 155.
Rayneval, Joseph Matthias Gérard de, II. 196, 197. Read, George, 1. 218 n. Read, captain, 1. 129.
Rebels, Warren's use of word, 1. 113.
Reconciliation, II. 435.
Redbank, defence of, 1. 374, 375- Redman, John, 1. 164.
Reed, Joseph, 1. 85, 88, 99 n., 168, 174; II. 414; a lieut.-colonel, 1. 51; resigns, 238.
St. Clair, Arthur, evacuation of Ticonderoga, I. 342, 343, 344, 345, 347, 348; II. 450; Glover on, 1. 355, 356; inquiry, 356.
St. Eustatius, powder, 1. 136.
St. Johns, Canada, 1. 123, 131, 152, 181. St. Kitts, powder, 1. 136.
Reed, William, supreme court, I. 150, 178, 226. St. Martens, powder, 1. 136.
Regulating act, II. 449.
Religion, jealousy of, II. 39.
Republic, J. Adams on, 1. 201. Resistance, II. II, 15, 26, 44. Retaliation, 11. 166, 352.
Revere, Paul, 1. 20, 183, 187; II. 425. Rhode Island, troops for, 1. 273, 323; attempt upon, 304, 310, 315, 317, 329, 330, 371, 372, 377; expedition, II. 42, 44, 50; impost in, 234, 248. Rice, Nathan, II. 110.
Riedesel, Friedrich Adolph, baron, 11. 451. Riflemen, 1. 54, 58, 61, 64, 67, 76, 84; re- strained, 100; trouble with, 107.
Rivington, James, 11. 162, 164. Roberdeau, Daniel, 1. 250, 293 n. Robinson, Matthew, II. 287.
Roche de Fermoy, see Fermoy.
Rodney, George Brydges, II. 126, 131. Rogers, John, 1. 294 n. Rose, 1. 121 n. Ross, John, 11. 184.
Roxbury, Mass., town proceedings, 1. 13, 15;
II. 401; army at, I. 67; strength of, 83. 'Royal American Magazine,' 1. 33. Ruggles, Timothy, 407; at Albany Congress, II. 386.
Rumsey, Benjamin, 1. 294 n.
Rush, Benjamin, 1. 263; 11. 164, 381. Russell, Jonathan, 1. 1 n.
Russell, Lothrop, 1. 1.
Russell, Sarah (Sever), 11. 299, 302.
Russell, Thomas, 11. 258, 284.
St. Michel, 11. 125.
Salaries, reduction of, II. 248.
Salem, Mass., I. 98; privateers, 193; election disallowed, 253-
Salt, South Carolina, I. 313; Massachusetts, 368.
Saltonstall, Dudley, 1. 271. Saltpetre, efforts to make, 1. 66, 67, 115, 153, 157, 158, 163, 177, 189, 193; 11, 430, 433; need, 1. 132; supply, 199. Sampson, Deborah, 1. 305 n. Sampson, Peleg, 1. 305 n.
Sampson, Simeon, I. 182, 305; 11. 112, 127, 136, 139.
San Domingo, 1. 362.
Sandwich, see John Montagu.
Sandwich, Mass., I. 368.
Saratoga, N.Y., I. 348; Burgoyne at, 356. Saratoga, II. 141.
Sargent, Judith, 11. 329 n. Sargent, Winthrop, 11. 329 n.
Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de, 11. 71, 210.
Savage, Samuel Phillips, committee of war, 1. 276 n.
Sawbridge, Catharine, 1. 7 n. Saxe, Maurice, comte de, 1. 70. Schools, grammar, I. 171.
Schuyler, Philip, 1. 125, 131, 132, 140, 148, 156; 355; II. 439; general, 1. 61, 64, 65; in command, 208; on Ticonderoga, 295, 343; criticised, 342, 344, 353 n., 357, 364; inves- tigation of, 347, 356; distrust, 348; letter on Massachusetts, 352, 364; Glover on, 355, 356; on departments, II. 124.
Russia, attitude of, 1. 307; mediation, II. 122; Schweighauser, John D., 11. 118.
minister to, 158; invasion of, 372.
Sergeant, Jonathan Dickinson, 1. 231, 293 n.; naval committee, 311 n.
Sergeant, Nathaniel Peaslee, supreme court,
Sever, William, 1. 131 n.; II. 121, 406; su- preme court, I. 150; council, 152. Sewall, David, 1. 264.
Sewall, Jonathan, 1. 2, 101; Massachuset- tensis, II. 407.
Sharpe, Horatio, 1. 6.
Shaw, Nathaniel, Jr., 11. 25.
Shays' rebellion, 11. 279, 292, 312, 314. Shelburne, Lord, see William Petty. Sherburne, Mass., saltpeter, 1. 193. Sheriff, William, 1. 63, 123.
Sherman, Roger, 1. 293; naval committee, 340.
Shippen, Thomas, II. 186, 290. Shippen, —, dr., II. 166.
Ships, number and construction, I. 174, 182; destruction of British on lakes, 279, 282. Shipwright, row gallies, 1. 130; number, 174. Skene, Philip, prisoner, 1. 65. Slaves, in apportionment, II. 201. Smallpox, 1. 84, 194, 257, 260, 263; Boston, 261, 267; II. 14, 428.
Smith, Abigail (Adams), 11. 277, 290; illness, 384; death, 385.
Smith, Carolina, 11. 385.
Spooner, Sarah Warren, 1. 152 n. Spooner, Walter, 1. 178; council, 152. Spooner, II. 405.
Springfield, Mass., convention, 350. Squantum, proposed fort, 1. 130, 216. Stamp office, destruction of, 1. 358. Stanhope, Edwin, captain, II. 269. Stanhope, Philip Dormer, Earl of Chester- field, 11. 128.
States, votes of, under confederation, 1. 338, 375; reserved powers, 375. Steigner, Nicolas Frederic de, II. 340. Steuben, Frederick William Augustus Henry Ferdinand von, II. 12, 19. Stevens, Ebenezer, 1. 343. Stevenson, John, captain, 1. 193; II. 424. Stewart, Walter, 1. 282. Stille,
Smith, Elizabeth (Quincy), death of, 1. 159. Stillman, Samuel, 1. 143, 165.
Smith, John Adams, II. 384.
Smith, Jonathan Bayard, I. 191, 293 n. Smith, William, rev., death, II. 236. Smith, William, of Md., 1. 294 n. Smith, William Stephens, II. 277, 279, 386. Smith, William Steuben, 11. 290 n., 354. Smith, of Baltimore, I. 93; of Mass.,
Smythe, Walter, 11. 288.
Snow Bird, 1. 200.
Solitaire, 11. 125.
Somerset county, Md., tories, 1. 292. Somerset Court House, N.J., I. 336. Sourland Hills, 1. 336.
South Carolina, 1. 277; seizure of arms, 50; defence of, 170; government, 170, 175, 182, 230, 249; independence, 232; repre- sentation in Congress, 294; religious estab-
Stillwater, N.Y., I. 348.
Stirling, Thomas, Lord, 1. 208. Stockton, Richard, 1. 293 n. Stone, Thomas, I. 294 n. Storer, Ebenezer, 1. 310 n. Stormont, see David Murray. Story, William, 1. 131 m.; II. 101. Stoughton, Mass., I. 193. Strong, Caleb, II. 142. Sturgis, Rebecca, 1. 1 n. Suffolk county, justices, 11. 120. Sullivan, James, judge, 1. 219, 226; repre- sentative, 11. 219, 231, 236.
Sullivan, John, 1. 188, 282; mission from Howe, 272, 274; on Staten Island, 364; western expedition, II. III; letter to Hancock, 161. Sulphur, 1. 163.
lishment, 296; trade enterprise, 313; Brit-Sun, eclipse of, 1. 283.
ish in, 11, 107, 110, III. Souther, Daniel, 1. 182.
Sutton, Mass., powder mill, 1. 193. Swanwick, John, II. 225.
Sweden, treaty, II. 187, 208; minister, 331. Swift, Samuel, 1. 107.
Taxes, continental, 1. 374, 377; currency and, II. 90; Massachusetts, 105, 427. Taylor, Eldad, 1. 131 n., 252. Taylor, George, 1. 298 n. Tea, in Boston, 1. 18; 11. 166; Charleston, 1. 20; New York, 20; privilege, 238; Boston party, II. 403.
Temple, Elizabeth (Bowdoin), 1. 216 n.; ap- plication to Congress, 267, 270, 272, 273, 310. Temple, Sir John, 1. 216 n., 271, 316; II. 63, 448; persecution, 179, 233; consul general, 250, 263, 265.
Ternay, Charles Gabriel d'Arsac, Marquis de, death of, 11. 157, 160.
Test act proposed, 1. 178, 184. Thacher, Peter, 1. 144 n.
Trade, colonial, 1. 88, 95; with the enemy, 98; problems of, 126, 138, 146, 153, 155, 176; obstructing, 145, 166; foreign, 184, 213; spirit of, 222; with Europe, 11. 3. Trade, colonial defence of, 1. 87. Trapier, Paul, Jr., 1. 294 n. Treadway, Susanna B. (Adams | Clark), II. 386 n.
Treadway, William R. H., 11. 386 n. Treasury, continental, 1. 89. Treaties, of commerce, 1. 127. Trenton, N.J., British at, 1. 279. Triomphant, II. 125. Triton, 11. 125.
Trot, George, 1, 186, 194, 240, 248. Trumbull, John, 11. 154.
Trumbull, Jonathan, 1. 57, 66, 327, 352; II. 137.
Trumbull, 1. 365 n.; 11. 135, 138, 141. Trusler, John, II. 273, 277.
Thanksgiving, day of, victory over Bur- Tryon, William, 1. 24; II. 416; on tea, 20; to
Thaxter, John, 11. 84, 86, 165.
Thayer, Ebenezer, 1. 40 n.
Thayer, Ebenezer, Jr., 1. 252.
Theatres, French and English, 11. 244. Thomas, George, II. 17. Thomas, Isaiah, 11. 405.
Thomas, John, 1. 91, 101, 157; provision for, 68, 74, 78, 79, 85; in action, 83; Warren on, 95; 11. 413, 414.
Thompson, James, II. 284.
be watched, 65.
Tucker, Samuel, 1. 241.
Tudor, William, recommended, 1. 65, 87. Tull, Thomas, 1. 35, 320.
Tupper, Benjamin, at light house, 1. 96; adventure, 217.
Turin, court of, recognizes America, 11. 194. Turks, rising of, II. 304. Turnbull, William, 1. 320. Tyler, Royall, II. 154.
Thompson, Thomas, captain, 1. 312, 350; II. United States, future influence, 11. 213.
III; suspended, II.
Thompson, William, 1. 226; II. 435.
Thomson, Charles, 1. 198.
Thynne, Thomas, viscount Weymouth, 1. 21, Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de, 11. 169,
360; war with France, 315, 362.
Ticonderoga, affairs at, 1. 272, 296; militia for, 323; weakness of, 327, 342; evacuation of, 342, 344, 346, 348, 357, 359; II. 450. Tilghman, Matthew, 1. 294 n. Tillotson,, II. 132.
Toasts at banquet to French, 11. 48, 57. Tolley, Walter, 1. 39.
Tolman, Farr, I. 16 n.
Tolman, Hannah (Fayerweather), 1. 16 n. Tories, see Loyalists.
Tracy, James, II. 438.
Tracy, Robert, 11. 438 n.
Tracy, ́, 1. 168; 11. 247, 424.
210; character of, 195. Vermont, II. 151, 172.
Vernon, William, navy board, 1. 312, 324; II.
Vestal, 11. 159.
Veto, governor's, I. 242. Vice, licensed, II. 243. Victoire, 11. 125.
Virginia, assertion of rights of colonies, 1.6 7.; riflemen, 76; delegation in Congress, 112; government, 191; independence, 232, 249; constitution, 257; religious establishment, 296; British in, II. 104; donation from, 407.
Wadsworth, major, 1. 301. Wainwood, Godfrey, 1. 121 n.
I. 147; II. 308. Wallace, James, 1. 121, 145, 151; II. 419. Waltham, Mass., treatment of Dr. Church, I. 255.
War, nature of, II. 351.
Ward, Artemas, 1. 57, 58, 91, 237, 254; general, 58, 61, 64; reflection upon, 63; command at Boston, 218, 268, 271, 297; for Congress, 264; II. 102, 106, 123, 142; resigns command, I. 304; lieutenant governor, II. 145.
Ward, Eliza (Bowen), II. 330. Ward, John, II. 330.
Ward, Joseph, 1. 249; recommended, 306. Ward, Samuel, 1. 73, 85, 165, 185; death, 233. Ward, Samuel, Jr., 1. 165.
Ware, Henry, II. 354 %.
Ware, Mary (Otis | Lincoln), II. 354 n., 355. Warren, Charles, II. 237, 240, 246, 258; death, 273, 275.
Warren, George, 11. 79, 165, 246; death, 327. Warren, Henry, II. 7, 79, 246, 282, 285, 289, 309, 311, 321; for collector of Plymouth, 315, 316; Lincoln on, 321; death, 377. Warren, J., I. 273 n.
Warren, James, 1. 2, 12 n.; suggested as general, 67, 78; on Lee, 69 n.; occupation, 71; speaker, 83, 256; 11. 415; paymaster, 1. 93, 218; II. 445; resigns, 1. 218, 226, 240; judge, 240; governorship, 243, 340; accounts, 260; major general, 274; II. 435; board of war, 1. 287; II. 447; navy board, I. 312 n., 319 n., 324, 327, 332; speaker, 326, 331; question of rank, 349; resigns commission, 349; dropped from General Court, II. 13, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24, 36, 54; on Burgoyne's army, 28, 32; on navy, 30; pay, 32; resignation, 59, 60, 61, 63, 65; congress, 106, 183, 189, 220; attacked, 117, 121; lieutenant governor, 145; in retirement, 179, 229, 239, 260; Washington and, 257; represents Milton, 293; enemies, 309, 310; death, 359.
Warren, Joseph, 1. 33, 48, 53, 57, 68, 80 n., 90; death of, 59, 63, 66, 70, 72; letters to, 64, 65; appointments, 74; education of son, 288.
Warren, Mercy, the Group, 36; 11. 395, 396; opinion, 1. 184; characters, 201; history, II.
155, 301, 317; dedication of poems, 318; poems, 320, 323; Adams' unsealed letter, 325; History, 345, 346, 350; on armed vessels, 378; death, 395 n.; poem to J. Adams, 402.
Warren, Mercy, comforted, II. 101. Warren, Mercy Otis, II. 389. Warren, Sarah, 1. 152 n. Warren, Winslow, II. 134, 160, 181, 208; captured, 139, 145, 156, 159; Adams on, 189 n.; wishes to be consul, 220, 261, 264, 266, 267; return, 271; military appoint- ment, 315, 317. Warren, 11. 26.
Warren, Winslow, Jr., II. 374. Washington, George, 1. 47, 61, 65, 72, 77, 102, 130, 164, 315, 324, 352; commander-in- chief, 57, 61, 64; on Thomas, 85; army appointments, 97; Hichborn's release, 99; affair of Dr. Church, 121; monopolizers, 176; high opinion of, 186; difficulties en- countered, 188; want of public spirit, 192; on paymaster general, 218; defence of Boston, 257; pay of troops, 276; powers increased, 282; foreign officers, 333; plan of campaign, 336; northern army, 357; in Philadelphia, 357; retreats, 369, 371; on the Schuylkill, 11. 6; cabal against, 7, 343; toast and salute, 49; on currency, 98; dictator, 152; Warren and, 257, 307, 316, 414; distribution of office, 314, 316; dedi- cation of poems, 318, 323.
Washington, Martha, letters, I. 200, 220; II. 5; Mrs. Warren's visit, 1. 228; Mrs. Graham, II. 257; on president's illness, 319. Washington, privateer, 1. 194 n. Waterhouse, Samuel, scribbler, 1. 2 n. Waters, Daniel, II. 15 n., 31. Waters, Josiah, 1. 157. Watson, Elkanah, 1. 305 n.; II. 113, 217. Watson, William, 11. 315 n. Watson, ~, I. 24. Watts, captain, 1. 356. Wayne, Anthony, exploit, II. 112. Wedderburn, Alexander, 1. 362. Weishaupt, Adam, 11. 341. Wells, Agrippa, 1. 343. Wells, Elizabeth, I. II.
Wendell, Oliver, 1. 94 n., 108; 11. 120. Wentworth, Jonathan, 1. 301, 308. West, Samuel, election sermon, 1. 256 n.
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