Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Inequalities of condition, 11. 291.
Inlistments, bounties for, 1. 211, 258, 276.
Inman, Elizabeth Murray (Campbell), 1. 70.
Inman, Ralph, 1. 70 n.

Inoculation, practice of, 1. 257 n., 261, 263.
Intrépide, II. 125.

Ireland, 11. 130; address to, 1. 75; troops and
provisions, 108.

Italy, ports open, 1. 307.
Ivers, -, II. 158.

Izard, Ralph, 11. 125.

Jackson, David, 1. 297.

Jackson, Henry, 1. 323, 325; Rhode Island,
317 n.

Jackson, Jonathan, committee of war, 1.
276 п.

Jackson, Thomas, petition, II. 400.

Jackson, Dr., 1. 143.

Jackson, -, II. 247.

Jamaica, 1. 75.

Jason, II. 125.

Jay, John, 11. 125, 127, 130, 176, 193, 220,
381; peace commission, 169, 173, 182, 185;
minister of foreign affairs, 240.

Jefferson, Thomas, peace commission, II.
169, 173; minister, 251; consular appoint-
ments, 266; Adams on, 331; subscribes to

Kaighn, see Keays.
Kean, John, 11. 241.
Keays, John, I. 74.
Keppel, Augustus, 11. 38.

Kirkland, Samuel, mission to Indians, 1. 79.
Knox, Henry, 1. 87, 157, 186; Warren's
creditors, 11. 285; on politics, 294; on a
constitution, 295, 297; memorial, 445.

Knox, William, 11. 286.
Knox, -, colonel, 1. 356.
Knox, -, II. 142.

Labor, north and south, 11. 201.
Ladies of Castille, 11. 326.

Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Roch Yves
Gilbert de Motier, Marquis de, 11. 55, 89,
126, 131, 272; Adams on, 213, 231.

La Motte-Picquet, Toussaint Guillaume,
Comte Picquet de La Motte, fleet, 11. 125.

Lancaster, Mass., I. 14.
Land jobbers and Connecticut, 1. 168.
Landais, Pierre, 11. 16, 82, 127, 132, 141, 158;
appointment, 22, 30, 43.

Lands, vacant, fund for credit, 1. 365;
valuation, 11. 203.

Langdon, John, 1. 351; 11. 88; Canada
committee, 1. 190; naval committee, 311;
naval board, 324.

Langdon, John, 1. 109.

Languages, study of, 11. 369.
Languedoc, II. 55.
Laurens, Henry, 1. 294 n.; captured, 11. 151,
154, 159, 166; peace commissioner, 169,
173; returns, 241.

Laurens, John, 11. 158.

Law, Richard, 1. 340.

Leach, John, prisoner, 1. 78, 151.
Lead, 1. 131, 155, 163.

[blocks in formation]

Lechmere Point, 1. 183; II. 429.

Jesuit's bark, 1. 370; II. 94.

Lee, Arthur, 1. 125, 358; 11. 118, 125, 142; on

Johnson, Sir John, 1. 356.

cultivating Europe, 1. 314; letters, 360,

Johnson, Thomas, jr., governor, 1. 294, 298. 361, 379; on continental agency in France,
Letters, of marque, 363; intercepted, see Lydia, 1. 342.

Johnson, Sir William, 1. 53.

Jones, Ichabod, 1. 100.

[blocks in formation]

379; grant of land, 11. 15, 22, 25, 168, 170,
171, 185, 190, 220, 225, 241; malignant
spirit, 59; dissatisfied, 67; secret letter, 68;
in Berlin, 69; Berkenhout and, 70; Adams
on, 73; Deane's attack, 83, 89; recall
proposed, 100; pamphlet, 132; on Alliance,
143, 158, 166, 170; minister for foreign
affairs, 167, 169; motion on clothing, 225.

Julien, II. 125.

Lee, Charles, recommendation, 1. 47; on
British generals, 53, 62; favors pikemen,
54; general, 58, 61, 64, 65, 72; conditions,
64, 70; defense of, 69; Warren on, 77; dogs
of, 89, 137; for Canada, 208; capture of,
282, 283; II. 443, 444; deserter, 1. 292; at
Monmouth, 11. 35.

Lee, Francis Lightfoot, 1. 112.

Lee, Richard Henry, 1. 80 n., 125, 293, 370; 11.
27; Adams on government, 1. 231; inde-
pendence, 256 n.; naval committee, 311;
jesuit's bark, 11. 94.

Lee, William, 1. 84, 380.

Lee, William Raymond, 1. 323, 325, 343-

Leeks, 11. 377.

[ocr errors]

Legge, William, Lord Dartmouth, 1. 21, 84,

Leonard, David, 1. 343.

Lethargy, II. 442.

Louis XVI, crime of, 11. 371.
Lovell, James, 1. 287; II. 142, 434, 446;
oration, 1. 10; prisoner, 78, 100, 151;

grant to, 204.

Lovells Island, 1. 216.
Low, Isaac, II. 265.
Lowdan, John, 1. 298 n.

Lowell, John, supreme court, 1. 150; for
Congress, 264; representative of Boston, II.


Lowrie, James, 1. 189 n.

Loyalists, Boston, 1. 48, 84; Plymouth, 11.
401; detested, 1. 50; conduct, 65; act of
oblivion, 208 n.; Adams on, 292; in
Massachusetts, 316, 326, 369; Great
Britain and, II. 182; in treaty of peace,

Lux, George, 1. 93, 94, 124.

Lexington, battle of, 11. 409.

Lynch, Thomas, committee to camp, 1. 119,

120, 125, 149; II. 423.

Light house, Boston harbor, burnt, 1. 84, 96. | Lynch, 1. 318 n.
Lincoln, Benjamin, 1. 190, 264, 368; 11. 293;

major general, 1. 243, 274; on Ticonderoga
loss, 348; at Saratoga, 373; Charleston, 11.
107, 110, 321; on apportionment of debts,
200; resigns, 230; on Henry Warren, 285,
321; papers, 318.

Lincoln, Benjamin, Jr., II. 304 п.
Lincoln, Mary (Otis), 1. 206; 11. 304 n., 354.

Linn, John, 1. 374.


Little Hannah, 1. 193 n.

Lively, 1. 109.

Liverpool, 1. 375.

Livingston, Abraham, 1. 320.

Livingston, Robert R., 1. 80 n.; minister for
foreign affairs, 11. 167; death, 381.
Livingston, William, 11. 38; speech of, 1. 298.
Livingston, —, 1. 278.
Lloyd, Edward, 1. 294 n.

Lloyd, James, Jr., 11. 357 n.

Loan offices, continental, 1. 298, 309; 11. 448.
London, reply of King, 1. 109; commercial
failures, 313.

Long, Pierce, 1. 343, 354.

Long Island, Mass., affair at, 1. 83; fort on,
130, 216.

Lothrop, Isaac, 1. 14, 21, 45; 11. 400 n.
Lothrop, Mrs., II. 79, 103.

Macaulay, Catharine, letter to Otis, 1. 7.
See Graham.

Macaulay, George, 11. 300 n.
McDougall, Alexander, 1. 370.
Machias, capture of ships, 1. 100; 11. 418;
threatened, 1. 151; defence, 368; operations,
II. 419, 421.

McKean, Thomas, 1. 250; letter, 11. 386 n.,

McNeill, Hector, 1. 312, 317, 319, 329, 335,
350; difference with Manley, 304, 311;
decline of reputation, 366; new cruise, 373;
claims, 11. 31; Adams as support, 42, 47.
McPherson, John, 1. 156, 169, 177, 182; 11.

Madison, James, election to presidency, II.

Magaw, Robert, 1. 54 n.

Magnifique, 11. 125.

Manchester, duke of, see George Montagu.
Manchester, 1. 368.

Manley, John, 1. 241, 317, 319, 329, 335; 11.
31; prizes taken, 1. 189 n., 193 n.; 11. 433;
difference with McNeill, 1. 304, 311, 366;
chagrin of, II. 42; Warren on, 43, 47;
opposition to, 64; captured, 451.


Lottery, continental, 1. 297, 309, 316; 11. 448. Manners, change of, 1. 197.

Louis XV, death of, 1. 31.

Marblehead, Mass., 1. 12, 13, 15; 11. 401.

[blocks in formation]

Mars, 1. 305 n.; 11. 165.

Matlack, Timothy, 1. 250.

[blocks in formation]

Medford, Mass., 1. 15.
Mein, John, 1. 122 п.
Menotomy, II. 411.

Marshall, John, Life of Washington, II. 346. Maurepas, Jean Frédéric Phelippeaux, comte

Marshall, Thomas, 1. 239, 253.

Marston, Benjamin, 1. 188.

Marston, Elizabeth (Winslow), 1. 188 n.

Martindale,, captain, 1. 194.

Maryland, reply to Sharpe, 1. 6; votes and
resolves, 35; riflemen, 76; eccentricity,
251; pay of troops, 276; suppression of
tories, 291; representation in Congress,

Mason, Anne (Fayerweather), 1. 102.
Mason, David, 1. 187, 195.

Mason, George, II. 207.
Mason, Thaddeus, 1. 102.

Mason, -, I. I0I.

'Massachusettensis,' 1. 40 n.; II. 407.

Mercer, Hugh, education of son, 1. 288.
Mercury in inoculation, 1. 263.

Mercury, 1. 301 n., 305 n.; II. 112, 136 n.,

Merit, modest, II. 71.
Mersereau, Joshua, 1. 277 n.
Mesplet, Fleury, 1. 52 n.
Middlebrook, 1. 336.
Middleton, Arthur, 1. 294 п.; II. 241.
Mifflin, Jonathan, 1. 132, 134; letter, 374.
Mifflin, Thomas, 1. 51 n., 55, 77, 88, 98, 199,
257, 307, 316; quartermaster general, 86;
brigadier general, 246; on departments, II.


Massachusetts, Dickinson on, 1. 3; attack
on charter, 8; General Court at Cambridge,
10; Provincial Congress, 40, 47; bills of
credit, 47, 365; government and constitu-
tion, 48, 60, 64, 97, 171, 183, 227, 233, 237;
dearth of public character, 83; council, 83;
secretary of, 94, 173; accounts, 116, 118,
129, 144, 151, 159; delegation in Congress,
116; correspondence committee, 131, 140,
143; misfortune in appointments, 143;
grant of money, 191; council, 196, 252;
representation, 241; governor, 243, 340,
376; battalions, 246, 257; election, 256;
defence of, 261; troops for New York, 268,
273; numbering the regiments, 269; navy,
270; pay of militia, 275, 276; committee of
war, 275; vote in Congress, 285; board of
war, 287; II. 441, 447; recruiting, 1. 289,
295, 299, 303, 326, 339; constitution, 296, |
322, 329, 332, 334, 338, 339, 341, 350, 368;
11. 36, 112, 135, 147; regulating act, 1. 305,
330, 334; trade, 313; equal representation,
327, 334; freeing negroes, 335, 339; Schuy-
ler's complaints, 352; legislation, 11. 87;
delegates in Congress, 92, 124, 183; pre-
pares for defence, 104; election of gover- | Montague, Elizabeth (Robinson), 11. 287.

Milford, 1. 317; 11. 438 п.
Militia, reluctance to serve, 1. 81; appoint-
ment of officers, 177, 183, 191, 197; low
estimation, 318, 323, 349; bill, 11. 429, 432,

nor, 135, 138; exertions of, 152; treasury
notes, 171; public accounts, 203; evil con-
dition, 272, 277, 278; attack on Senate,


Minute men, 1. 47.
Miralles, Don Juan de, 11. 153.
Miranda, Francisco, 11. 354.
Mitchell, Edward, 11. 330.
Mitchell, Henry, 11. 136.
Mitchell, Nancy (Bowen), 11. 330.
Mitchill, Samuel Latham, letter, 11. 359.
Molasses from cornstalk, 1. 368.
Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin, dit, Mrs.
Adams on, 1. 19.

Monarchy, North American, 1. 167, 201.
Monopolizers, Washington and, 1. 176.
Montague, Edward, 11. 287 n.

Montagu, George, duke of Manchester, II.


Montagu, John, Earl of Sandwich, 1. 314.

Montgomery, Janet (Livingston), II. 306,


Montgomery, Richard, 1. 131; 11. 307 n.
Montserrat, powder, 1. 136.
Moon, the, proposed fort, 1. 130, 216.
Moore, Fanny (Bowen), 11. 330.
Moore, John E., 11. 330.

Morality, principles of, 1. 172.
Morehead, John, rev., 11. 188.
Morgan, Daniel, 1. 360; 11. 166.
Morgan, John, director of hospitals, 1. 142,
164, 174, 185, 187, 229; inoculation, 263.
Morgan, Mary (Hopkinson), 1. 165 n.;
described, 229.
Morgan lecture, 1. 17.
Morris, Gouverneur, II. 118.

Morris, Robert, 1. 293, 379 n.; 11. 13, 143,
170, 171, 184, 248; conduct, 225; king,


Morris, Thomas, 1. 379 n., 380.

Morris, 1. 314.


Morton, Perez, 1. 87.

Moscow, destruction of, 11. 372.

Mount Independence, 1. 346.

Moylan, James, II. 143.

Murphy, Arthur, 11. 301 n.

Murray, David, viscount Stormont, 1. 302.
Murray, John, Earl of Dunmore, 1. 145; II. 5;

conduct in Virginia, 1. 191; rumor, 277.

Murray, John, rev., II. 329 n.

Murray, Judith (Sargent | Stevens), letters,
II. 328, 346.

Muses, Mrs. Warren on, 11. 94.
Musketo shore, 1. 314, 360.
Musters, commissary of, 1. 86, 90.

Nancy, 1. 189 п.

Nation, making a, 11. 295.
National Aegis, II. 342, 368.

Navy, Warren's proposition, 1. 78; Gadsden

on, 81; Adams, 145; vessels fitting, 151;
idle, 268; of Massachusetts, 270; conti-
nental, 297, 304; 11. 440; local boards, 1.
305, 311, 312, 327, 332; commissions, 340;
Boston, 350, 365; check for board, 367;
suspension of officers, 372; importance of,
II. 123; beginnings of, 378.

Navy Board, money for, 11. 8, 12, 25, 61, 78,
88; confidence in, 26, 92; pay, 64; im-
portance, 66; reflections on, 87, 122;
accounts, 265, 269.

Negroes, freeing, in Massachusetts, 1. 335,


Nelson, Thomas, 1. 112.

Netherlands in prophecy, 11. 376.

Neutrality, armed, 11. 154.
Neutrals, trade of, 11. 367.

Nevis, powder, 1. 136.

Newburyport, Mass., 1. 12; saltworks, 177,

193; privateers, 193.
Newcastle, Del., Howe at, 1. 355.
New England, jealousy of, 1. 77, 324; con-
vention of states, 286, 293; British designs,
315, 361, 362.

Newfoundland, provisioning, 1. 98; loss at,

New Hampshire, II. 218; government for, 1.
170, 175, 182; militia, 188; misconduct of
troops, 194; independency, 233; grants and
statehood, 321; exertions of, 11. 152.

New Jersey, government, 1. 250; lethargy,
279; representation in Congress, 293;
Howe in, 328, 357, 370; New York and, 11.

Newport, R.I., 1. 289; trial of Gaspee actors,
16; threatened, 151; British at, 296.
New York, plot discovered, 1. 259; expecta-
tions, 260; weakness, 263; troops from
Massachusetts, 268, 273; force at, 272.
Nicholson, Thomas, II. 17.
Nicola, Lewis, on fireships, 1. 256.
New York, tea, 1. 20; government, 250;

change at, 272; impost, 11. 270.
Nixon, John, navy board, 1. 312, 254.
Noddle's Island, 1. 216, 237.
Non-exportation, efficacy of, 1. 30, 128, 166,

176, 185; except for powder, 170.
Norfolk, Va., bombarded, 1. 200.
North Carolina, recommendation by Con-
gress, 1. 67; preparations, 230; independ-
ence, 232, 249; ratifies confederation, 11.
33; constitution, 303.

Oath of allegiance, 11. 52, 448.
O'Brian, Jeremiah, 1. 140, 163, 185.
Officers, militia, difference on appointing, 1.

178, 183; 11. 427; pay, 1. 194; promotion,
296; foreign, difficulty of, 333, 341;
Schuyler, on, 352; British, of convention,
11. 4; half-pay, 237.
Oliver, Andrew, death of, 1. 25.
Oliver, Peter, 1. 25.

Oliver Cromwell, 1. 335.
Olney, Joseph, 11. 26, 31.

Omoa, II. 126.

Oriskany, N.Y., 1. 356 n.

Passion flower, 11. 359, 363.

Passy, France, American commissioners at,

1. 381.

Paterson, John, 1. 347.

Orne, Azor, 1. 15, 190, 229 n., 252 n., 286 n., Paul of Russia, 1. 263 n.

324, 350; II. 145, 435.

Orne, Joshua, 1. 229 п.

Orne, Mrs., 1. 229.

Orvilliers, Louis Guillouet, comte d', 11. 38.
Osgood, Samuel, major, 1. 212; 11. 183, 231.
Ostermann, Jean, comte d', 11. 208.
Otis, Elizabeth (Gray), 11. 408.
Otis, Harrison Gray, 11. 341; letters, 334, 361;
political conduct, 361.

Otis, James, 1. 15; 11. 401; commencement
expenses, 1. 1; Bluster, 2 n.; Dickinson on,
4; on committee of correspondence, 11;
curious behavior, 61; council, 152; death,
II. 223, 224; McKean on, 386 п.

Otis, James, death, 11. 78, 82, 85.
Otis, James, ensign, II. 34 n., 49.
Otis, Joseph, 1. 59.

Otis, Mary, 11. 304 п., 354.

Otis, Rebecca (Sturgis), death of, 1. I n.
Otis, Ruth Cunningham, 11. 304 n.

Otis, Samuel Alleyne, 11. 341, 408 n.; com-
mittee of war, 1. 276 n.; cloathing, 320;
agent, 369; death, 11. 392.

Otis and Andrews, difficulties, II. 9.
Otsego County, N.Y., reply to address, 11. 340.

Paca, William, 1. 293, 294 n.

Paddock, -, 1. 187.

Paine, Robert Treat, 1. 98; 11. 36, 443; in
continental congress, 1. 27 n.; II. 52;
supreme court, 1. 150, 178; to Canada, 190;
illness, 265, 266; leaves Congress, 280;
speaker, 331; Springfield convention, 350.

Paine, Samuel, 1. 133.

Paine, Thomas, Common Sense, 1. 204, 208,
215; 11. 434; influence of, 1. 243.

Pallas, 1. 133 n.; II. 147.

Palmer, Joseph, 1. 40 n., 66, 131 n., 178, 190,
253, 264; committee of war, 276 п.

Palmer, Joseph Pearce, 1. 91, 92, 101.

Palmes, Richard, 1. 372.

Palmier, 11. 125.

Paper on politics, 11. 117, 122.

Park, -, 1. 244.

Pay, high, for officers, 1. 79, 194; soldiers,
152, 186, 189, 278.

Paymaster general, 1. 91; Warren, 93, 152;
duties, 218; needs, 238.

Peace, British commissioners, 11. 21, 23, 24,
37, 39; rumors of, 97, 119, 127; conditions,
109, 177; American commissioners, 169;
instructions, 173, 205, 214; preliminary
articles, 184, 186, 190, 207; secret motive,
195; acceptable, 217; definitive treaty,
233, 237.

Peck, John, 1. 177, 305, 11. 16.
Pedrero, 1. 54 n.
Peekskill, N.Y., troops at, 1. 339-
Pemberton, Samuel, 11. 120.
Pendleton, Edmund, 1. 80, 112.
Penet, Pierre, II. 6 n., 148.
Penn, John, 1. 230, 231, 280.
Penn, Richard, 1. 79.
Pennants in French ports, 11. 32.
Pennet, -, 11. 265, 269.
Pennsylvania, martial spirit, 1. 51; riflemen,
76; representation in Congress, 213, 293;
instructions to delegates, 250; lethargy,
279; government, 298.
'Pennsylvania Chronicle,' 1. 5.

'Pennsylvania Gazette,' Farmer's Letters in,
1. 5.

Penobscot, expedition, 1. 305; 11. 112;

evacuated, 237.

Peter, Martha Parke (Custis), 11. 6 n.
Peter, Thomas, 11. 6 n.
Petition to King, Congress, 1. 75, 79, 84, 178.
Petrie, Samuel, 11. 127.

Petry, Jean Baptiste, II. 130, 150.
Petticks Island, 1. 217.

Petty, William, Lord Shelburne, 11. 75, 176,
191, 195, 199.

Philadelphia, review of troops, 62; Quaker
interest, 213; town meeting, 250; British
and, 278, 300, 334; navy board, 312;
Howe and, 364, 369, 371; evacuated, 11. 14,
23; address, 226; pestilence, 334.

Phillips, William, II. 10.

Partridge, George, 1. 276; for Congress, 11. Phillips, William, general, II. 28, 45; on

102, 136, 142, 231.

conquering America, 453.

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