Inequalities of condition, 11. 291. Inoculation, practice of, 1. 257 n., 261, 263. Ireland, 11. 130; address to, 1. 75; troops and Italy, ports open, 1. 307. Izard, Ralph, 11. 125. Jackson, David, 1. 297. Jackson, Henry, 1. 323, 325; Rhode Island, Jackson, Jonathan, committee of war, 1. Jackson, Thomas, petition, II. 400. Jackson, Dr., 1. 143. Jackson, -, II. 247. Jamaica, 1. 75. Jason, II. 125. Jay, John, 11. 125, 127, 130, 176, 193, 220, Jefferson, Thomas, peace commission, II. Kaighn, see Keays. Kirkland, Samuel, mission to Indians, 1. 79. Knox, William, 11. 286. Labor, north and south, 11. 201. Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Roch Yves La Motte-Picquet, Toussaint Guillaume, Lancaster, Mass., I. 14. Lands, vacant, fund for credit, 1. 365; Langdon, John, 1. 351; 11. 88; Canada Langdon, John, 1. 109. Languages, study of, 11. 369. Laurens, John, 11. 158. Law, Richard, 1. 340. Leach, John, prisoner, 1. 78, 151. Lechmere Point, 1. 183; II. 429. Jesuit's bark, 1. 370; II. 94. Lee, Arthur, 1. 125, 358; 11. 118, 125, 142; on Johnson, Sir John, 1. 356. cultivating Europe, 1. 314; letters, 360, Johnson, Thomas, jr., governor, 1. 294, 298. 361, 379; on continental agency in France, Johnson, Sir William, 1. 53. Jones, Ichabod, 1. 100. 379; grant of land, 11. 15, 22, 25, 168, 170, Julien, II. 125. Lee, Charles, recommendation, 1. 47; on Lee, Francis Lightfoot, 1. 112. Lee, Richard Henry, 1. 80 n., 125, 293, 370; 11. Lee, William, 1. 84, 380. Lee, William Raymond, 1. 323, 325, 343- Leeks, 11. 377. Legge, William, Lord Dartmouth, 1. 21, 84, Leonard, David, 1. 343. Lethargy, II. 442. Louis XVI, crime of, 11. 371. grant to, 204. Lovells Island, 1. 216. Lowell, John, supreme court, 1. 150; for IO. Lowrie, James, 1. 189 n. Loyalists, Boston, 1. 48, 84; Plymouth, 11. Lux, George, 1. 93, 94, 124. Lexington, battle of, 11. 409. Lynch, Thomas, committee to camp, 1. 119, 120, 125, 149; II. 423. Light house, Boston harbor, burnt, 1. 84, 96. | Lynch, 1. 318 n. major general, 1. 243, 274; on Ticonderoga Lincoln, Benjamin, Jr., II. 304 п. Linn, John, 1. 374. 1.1 Little Hannah, 1. 193 n. Lively, 1. 109. Liverpool, 1. 375. Livingston, Abraham, 1. 320. Livingston, Robert R., 1. 80 n.; minister for Lloyd, James, Jr., 11. 357 n. Loan offices, continental, 1. 298, 309; 11. 448. Long, Pierce, 1. 343, 354. Long Island, Mass., affair at, 1. 83; fort on, Lothrop, Isaac, 1. 14, 21, 45; 11. 400 n. Macaulay, Catharine, letter to Otis, 1. 7. Macaulay, George, 11. 300 n. McKean, Thomas, 1. 250; letter, 11. 386 n., McNeill, Hector, 1. 312, 317, 319, 329, 335, Madison, James, election to presidency, II. Magaw, Robert, 1. 54 n. Magnifique, 11. 125. Manchester, duke of, see George Montagu. Manley, John, 1. 241, 317, 319, 329, 335; 11. 1. Lottery, continental, 1. 297, 309, 316; 11. 448. Manners, change of, 1. 197. Louis XV, death of, 1. 31. Marblehead, Mass., 1. 12, 13, 15; 11. 401. Mars, 1. 305 n.; 11. 165. Matlack, Timothy, 1. 250. Medford, Mass., 1. 15. Marshall, John, Life of Washington, II. 346. Maurepas, Jean Frédéric Phelippeaux, comte Marshall, Thomas, 1. 239, 253. Marston, Benjamin, 1. 188. Marston, Elizabeth (Winslow), 1. 188 n. Martindale,, captain, 1. 194. Maryland, reply to Sharpe, 1. 6; votes and Mason, Anne (Fayerweather), 1. 102. Mason, George, II. 207. Mason, -, I. I0I. 'Massachusettensis,' 1. 40 n.; II. 407. Mercer, Hugh, education of son, 1. 288. Mercury, 1. 301 n., 305 n.; II. 112, 136 n., Merit, modest, II. 71. 124. Massachusetts, Dickinson on, 1. 3; attack Milford, 1. 317; 11. 438 п. nor, 135, 138; exertions of, 152; treasury 130. Minute men, 1. 47. Monarchy, North American, 1. 167, 201. Montagu, George, duke of Manchester, II. 208. Montagu, John, Earl of Sandwich, 1. 314. Montgomery, Janet (Livingston), II. 306, 307. Montgomery, Richard, 1. 131; 11. 307 n. Morality, principles of, 1. 172. Morris, Robert, 1. 293, 379 n.; 11. 13, 143, 230. Morris, Thomas, 1. 379 n., 380. Morris, 1. 314. M Morton, Perez, 1. 87. Moscow, destruction of, 11. 372. Mount Independence, 1. 346. Moylan, James, II. 143. Murphy, Arthur, 11. 301 n. Murray, David, viscount Stormont, 1. 302. conduct in Virginia, 1. 191; rumor, 277. Murray, John, rev., II. 329 n. Murray, Judith (Sargent | Stevens), letters, Muses, Mrs. Warren on, 11. 94. Nancy, 1. 189 п. Nation, making a, 11. 295. Navy, Warren's proposition, 1. 78; Gadsden on, 81; Adams, 145; vessels fitting, 151; Navy Board, money for, 11. 8, 12, 25, 61, 78, Negroes, freeing, in Massachusetts, 1. 335, 339. Nelson, Thomas, 1. 112. Netherlands in prophecy, 11. 376. Neutrality, armed, 11. 154. Nevis, powder, 1. 136. Newburyport, Mass., 1. 12; saltworks, 177, 193; privateers, 193. Newfoundland, provisioning, 1. 98; loss at, New Hampshire, II. 218; government for, 1. New Jersey, government, 1. 250; lethargy, Newport, R.I., 1. 289; trial of Gaspee actors, change at, 272; impost, 11. 270. 176, 185; except for powder, 170. Oath of allegiance, 11. 52, 448. 178, 183; 11. 427; pay, 1. 194; promotion, Oliver Cromwell, 1. 335. Omoa, II. 126. Oriskany, N.Y., 1. 356 n. Passion flower, 11. 359, 363. Passy, France, American commissioners at, 1. 381. Paterson, John, 1. 347. Orne, Azor, 1. 15, 190, 229 n., 252 n., 286 n., Paul of Russia, 1. 263 n. 324, 350; II. 145, 435. Orne, Joshua, 1. 229 п. Orne, Mrs., 1. 229. Orvilliers, Louis Guillouet, comte d', 11. 38. Otis, James, 1. 15; 11. 401; commencement Otis, James, death, 11. 78, 82, 85. Otis, Mary, 11. 304 п., 354. Otis, Rebecca (Sturgis), death of, 1. I n. Otis, Samuel Alleyne, 11. 341, 408 n.; com- Otis and Andrews, difficulties, II. 9. Paca, William, 1. 293, 294 n. Paddock, -, 1. 187. Paine, Robert Treat, 1. 98; 11. 36, 443; in Paine, Samuel, 1. 133. Paine, Thomas, Common Sense, 1. 204, 208, Pallas, 1. 133 n.; II. 147. Palmer, Joseph, 1. 40 n., 66, 131 n., 178, 190, Palmer, Joseph Pearce, 1. 91, 92, 101. Palmes, Richard, 1. 372. Palmier, 11. 125. Paper on politics, 11. 117, 122. Park, -, 1. 244. Pay, high, for officers, 1. 79, 194; soldiers, Paymaster general, 1. 91; Warren, 93, 152; Peace, British commissioners, 11. 21, 23, 24, Peck, John, 1. 177, 305, 11. 16. 'Pennsylvania Gazette,' Farmer's Letters in, Penobscot, expedition, 1. 305; 11. 112; evacuated, 237. Peter, Martha Parke (Custis), 11. 6 n. Petry, Jean Baptiste, II. 130, 150. Petty, William, Lord Shelburne, 11. 75, 176, Philadelphia, review of troops, 62; Quaker Phillips, William, II. 10. Partridge, George, 1. 276; for Congress, 11. Phillips, William, general, II. 28, 45; on 102, 136, 142, 231. conquering America, 453. |