Imágenes de páginas

Crane, Stephen, naval committee, 1. 311 n.
Cumberland, Richard, 11. 301.
Currency, danger of, 11. 90, 98; mending,
108, 112.

Cushing, Thomas, 1. 10, 15, 63, 190 n., 319 n.;
II. 118, 293, 413; in Continental Congress,
1. 27 n.; 11. 430; discouraging letter, 1. 57;
in council, 94; Supreme Court, 150, 178;
militia appointments, 192; conduct of,
211; for Congress, 264; letter from, 286;
naval agent, 305, 324; councillor, 331;
Springfield convention, 350; lieutenant

governor, II. 135.

Custis, Eleanor (Calvert), 1. 220, 229; II. 6.
Custis, John Parke, 1. 220, 229.
Custis, Martha Parke, 11. 6.
Cutting, John Brown, II. 290.

Dalton, Tristram, 1. 286 n., 319 п., 324.

Dana, Francis, 1. 217, 264, 266; 11. 13, 41, 52,

[ocr errors]

of, 67, 75; addresses, 75, 79; adjournment,
90; committee to camp, 119, 125, 149, 169;
secrecy, 124, 126, 138, 170; committee on
ostilities, 143; governments, 242; Eastern
district, 245; committee on the Howes,
274; pay of troops, 276; bounties, 277;
foreign relations, 281; II. 192; naval
committee, 1. 311; finance, 360; adjourns
to Yorktown, 371; Hancock's speech, 378;
address, 11. 18, 38; returns to Philadelphia,
35; toast and salute, 49; representation,
110, 270; resolutions, 120; economy, 124;
requisitions, 152, 190; at Annapolis, 233;
proceedings, 236; indecision, 442.

'Congress' mortar, 1. 189.

Connecticut, 1. 75; general officers, 86; land-
jobbers, 168; militia, 188; misconduct of
troops, 194; cowardice, 323; regulation act,
II. 19; rewarded, 152.

Conquérant, II. 125.

Consuls, appointment of, 11. 226, 241, 264, 65, 106, 150, 176, 193, 208, 256, 441; Lee's

266, 267.

Contempt of enemies, 11. 47.

Convention, constitutional, 11. 295, 297, 299.

Convention, troops of, 11. 4, 5, 7; in Boston,

Conway, Thomas, 1. 333; Warren on, 319.
Conyngham, Gustavus, 1. 381.

Cooke, Nicholas, 1. 151.

Coolidge, Nathaniel, 1. 149.

Cooper, Myles, 'Friendly Address,' 1. 47 n.

Cooper, Samuel, 1. 58, 73, 194, 268.

Cooper, William, 1. 144, 319 n.; 11. 92;

Adams on, 149.

Cornwallis, Charles, 11. 144, 157.

Cossacks, British said to want, 1. 289, 295.

Cotton, John, 11. 78, 88.

Cotton, -, 1. 301; 11. 406.

letter, 69; absorption in business, 92; for
Russia, 158; at St. Petersburg, 221; return,
222; Congress, 236; judge, 261.

Danbury, descent upon, 1. 323.
Dane, Nathan, 11. 36.

Danielson, Timothy, 1. 252 n., 276 n.; 11. 142,

Dartmouth, Lord, see William Legge.
Dauphin Royal, 11. 125.

Davis's, I. 149.

Deane, Silas, committee on hostilities, 1. 143,
144, 162; naval committee, 311; charges
against, 379, 380; expenditures, 11. 67;
statement, 68, 83, 86, 89, 94, 96; Adams
on, 75; fall of, 106, 171.

Deane, 11. 87, 93, 135, 138, 141.

Dedham, Mass., 1. 106.

Council, Massachusetts, 1. 83; militia officers, De la Balme, Mottin, 1. 333.

Courageuse, II. 125.

Courier de l'Europe, 11. 130.

Couronne, II. 125.

Courter, Harmon, II. II.

Covenant, 11. 405, 406.

Crafts, Edward, 1. 187.

Delaware Bay, blockading, 1. 145; govern-
ment, 251.

Democrat, the, 11. 368.

Denmark, honors flag, 11. 208; treaty, 222;

minister, 331.

Departments, staff, committee, II. 124.

Dependence, 11. 238.

Crafts, Thomas, jr., 1. 186, 194, 195, 240, Derby, John, returns from England, 1. 84.

248, 253, 304.

Craige, Andrew, I. 190.

Cramahé, Hector Theophilus, 1. 148.

Deserters, law on, II. 430.

Deshon, John, navy board, 1. 312 n., 324,

350; 11. 44, 122.

Destin, II. 125.

Cranch, Richard, 11. 121, 293.

De Witt, - , 115, 158.
Dexter, Samuel, 1. 110.

Diadem, II. 125.

Eliot, Andrew, reported confinement, 1.73,78.
Elmer, Jonathan, 1. 293 n.

Embargo, Adams on, 1. 312; Jefferson's, II.

Dialogue of the Dead, by John Adams, II. 356.
387 n., 389.

Dickinson, John, letters to Otis, 1. 3, 4, 5, 6;
sends Farmer's Letters, 3; corrections, 4;
on Massachusetts, 3; advises moderation,
4; letter to Boston, 5; a colonel, 51; Adams |
on, 88; change of heart, 251; error in con-
duct, 280; letters to Mrs. Warren, 11. 347,
348; on Otis, 347; writings, 364.

Dickinson, Philemon, 1. 370 n.
Dilly, Charles, 1. 8 n.
Dilly, Edward, 1. 8 n.

Dimsdale, Thomas, 1. 263.
Doane, Elisha, 1. 23; II. 404.

Dobrée, -, 11. 118.

Dodd, William, 1. 381; 11. 65, 77.

Donop, Carl Emil Kurt von, death, 1. 374.
Dorchester Neck, 1. 133; importance of,
154; occupied, 210; fort on, 216, 237;
rendezvous, 268; affair, 11. 435.
Draper's newspaper, 1. 12, 155.
Drayton, William Henry, 1. 230; 11. 38.
Duane, James, 1. 378 n.; 11. 143, 167.
Duché, Elizabeth (Hopkinson), 1. 165 n.
Duché, Jacob, 1. 80, 143, 165.

Du Coudray, Philippe Charles John Baptist
Tronson, 11. 213; arrival, 1. 318; embarrass-
ment, 333.

Dudley, Charles, 1. 121.

Duer, William, 1. 378 n.; on Cushing, 212.
Dunmore, Lord, see John Murray.

Dwight, Timothy, 11. 301.

Dwight, -, col., 1. 109.

Emigration from Europe, 11. 205, 232,
Encyclopedia, French, 11. 273, 277-
Enos, Roger, deserts Arnold, 1. 181, 188.
Ervin, -, dr., 1. 360.
Estaing, Charles Hector, comte d', 11. 38,
112; entertainment, 55.
Eugène, François, 1. 70 n.
Europe, balance of power, 192.
Evans, John, 1. 298 n.

Extravagance, prevalence of, 11. 59, 66, 82,
86, 91, 105, 114, 147, 154, 178, 180, 184,
249, 264, 269, 289.

Falmouth, 1. 178; burning of, 154.
Faneuil, Mary, 11. 136 n.
Faneuil, Peter, 11. 136 n.
'Farmer's Letters' (Dickinson's), 1. 3, 5.
Fast, continental, 1. 58, 80, 83; 11. 416.
Fawcett, Sir William, 11. 131.
Fayerweather, Anne, 1. 102 п.
Fayerweather, Hannah, 1. 16 п.
Fee bill, 1. 219.

Fellows, John, 1. 80 n.; II. 434.
Fendant, II. 125.

Fenner, Mary, 11. 329 n.

Ferguson, Adam, passport for, 11. 21.
Fermoy, Mathieu Alexis Roche de, 1. 347.
Fessenden, Josiah, 1. 55, 58, 81, 110, 169, 181,
195, 219, 264.

Firebrand, 11. 183.
Fire ships, 1. 256.

Fish, export of, 1. 198, 203; 11. 430.

Dyer, Eliphalet, 1. 115, 119 n., 158; Canada Fisheries, sacrifice of, 11. 106, 107, 109, 168,

committee, 190.

Dyre, 1. 190.


Eagle, II. 11, n.

East India, American prisoners for, 1. 363.
Eclipse of sun, by Cynthia, 1. 283.

Edel, Benjamin, 1. 66 n.; comes out of Bos-

ton, 49.

Edes, Peter, 1. 151.

Edes and Gill, 1. 170.

Edson, -, II. 406.

Edwards, Richard, 11. 146.

Edwards, Timothy, 11. 106.

Egg, Plymouth prophetical, 1. 283.

172; rights, 193, 197; trade, 271.

Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 11. 288.

[blocks in formation]

Fort Hill, 1. 237.

Fort Mifflin, 1. 375.

Fort Miller, N.Y., 1. 356.

Fort Schuyler, 1. 355, 360.

Fort Stanwix, 1. 366.

Foster, Jedidiah, 1. 131 n., 178; 11. 406; judge,

1. 219, 226.

Foster, Thomas Wait, 1. 187.

Foster, -, 1. 109.

Gadsden, Christopher, on navy, 1. 81, 311.
Gage, Thomas, 1. 50, 68, 84, 106; treachery
feared, 48; reinforcements, 57; courage,
69; denounced, 72; inhabitants of Boston,
98, 100, 102; governor general, 133; goes
to England, 141, 151; proclamation, 405,

Gaine, Hugh, 1. 310.

Gallies, row, 1. 130, 154.

Fox, Charles James, 11. 176, 199, 208, 288. Gamble, Thomas, 1. 123; II. 421.

Fox, 1. 366, 373-

France, policy of, 1. 184; 11. 171, 173; army
in America, 1. 241; fleet, 259; recognition
of America, 302; supplies from, 302, 306,
307, 317; officers, 303; ports open, 307;
war with Great Britain, 309, 313, 315, 321,
330; doubt, 313; aid to America, 322, 357,
381; fleet at Boston, 11. 8, 9, 44, 46, 51, 55;
tories on, 9, 15; pennants in ports, 32;
minister, 33, 34; repair of squadron, 61, 78,
93, 122; recall proposed, 100; fleet in West
Indies, 102, 105, 112; preparations and
ships, 125; Americans in, 127; at Newport,
140, 151; cultivates tories, 167; peace
objects, 185, 193; American minister, 198;
influence, 229; Mrs. Adams on, 242;
treaty with Great Britain, 284; mission
to, 335, 336, 340.

Francy, -, 11. 117.

Franklin, Benjamin, 1. 57, 211, 293 n., 380;
11. 118, 171, 182, 185, 387 n.; letter from
England, 1. 8; return, 34; committee to
camp, 119, 120, 125, 149; to Canada,
206; goes to France, 283; reception, 301;
Adams on, 11. 74, 209, 222; Mrs. Warren
on, 132; trade permits, 137, 142; recall of,
144, 158; peace commission, 169, 171, 173;
Vergennes and, 197; resignation, 211, 251,
263; Warren on, 231.

Franklin, William, 11. 186.

Franklin, William Temple, 11. 186.

Franklin, 1. 270.

Fraser, Simon, 1. 373.

Freeman, James, 11. 103; clerk to council, 1.

83 n.

Freeman, Samuel, 1. 60.

Freeman, -, col., 1. 131 n.

Furnace, -, ІІ. 436.

Frye, James, 1. 91.

Game Cock, 1. 339.

Gansevoort, Peter, 1. 356.
Gardiner, Sylvester, 11. 48.
Gardner, Christopher, 1. 96 п.
Gardner, Henry, 11. 407.
Gardner, -, captain, 1. 319 n.
Gardoqui, Joseph and Sons, 1. 370 n.; 11. 153.
Gates, Horatio, 1. 54, 257, 277, 282, 307, 323,

368; 11. 97, 452; major general, 1. 246; on
pay of troops, 278; command of northern
army, 329, 351, 357; victory over Bur-

goyne, 374; defeat, 11. 140.
Gates, Mary (Valence), 11. 6.
Gellée, N. M., 11. 127.
Generals, continental, appointments, 1. 64;
criticised, 69; method, 79, 85.
Gentille, 11. 125.

George III, reply to London, 1. 109; procla-
mation, II. 426.

George IV and Mrs. Fitzherbert, 11. 288.
George Tavern, 1. 96.
George's Island, 1. 216, 217, 238.
Georgia, defense of, 1, 170; for independence,
249; descent on, II. 104.
Gérard, Conrad Alexandre, 11. 33, 125, 197;
on A. Lee, 70; communication from, 109.
Germain, George, 11. 165.
Germans, arousing, 1. 76; not to be hired,
II. 124, 131.

Gerry, Elbridge, 1. 13, 15, 78, 81, 183, 219,
238, 260, 336, 342; 11. 14, 27, 50, 136, 137,
150, 248; elected to Congress, 1. 212 n.,
267, 272; 11. 142, 183, 231, 256, 261, 264,
430; marriage, 284; vice president, 373;
reconciliation of Adams and Warren, 374;
law on armed vessels, 378, 380; writing
history, 381.

Gibbon, Edward, History, 11. 327.

Gibraltar, 11. 177, 182; praised, 268.

Gill, Moses, 1. 319 n.

Frye, Joseph, 1. 91; brigadier general, 204; Gill, John, 1. 49 n., 58, 99, 100, 151.
resigns, 218 n.

[blocks in formation]

Goodrich, Bridger, II. 44 n.

Goodrich, John, II. 44 n.

Goodrich, William, 11. 44 n.

Gordon, William, 1. 144 n.; 11. 301.

Gordon riots, II. 133.

Gorham, Nathaniel, 11. 52, 182, 190; naval
accounts, 269.

Government, setting up, in states, 1. 170;
form of, 221; preamble, 245; universal, 11.

Governor's Island, 1. 216.

Graham, Catharine Macaulay, 1. 7 n.; 11.
241; style, 254; letters, 257, 283, 298, 301,
303; on the Washingtons, 259; on the
constitution, 299, 303; education, 300;
reply to Burke, 327.

Graham, -, Dr., 1. 158.
Grand, Ferdinand, 11. 243.
Grant, James, 1. 54.

Grasse, François Joseph Paul, comte de, 11.125.

Gray, Ellis, 11. 117.

Gray, Harrison, 11. 48; Warren on, 408.

Great Britain, intelligence from, 1. 33;
elections, 1774, 34; opinion in, 74, 84;
address to, 75, 80; preparation in, 129,
132; fear of negotiations, 209; commis-
sioners, 210, 214, 223, 225, 247; 11. 436;
property of subjects, 1. 258; fleet, 277;
cossacks, 289, 295, 300; army, 299, 362;
war with France, 309, 313, 315, 321, 330;
losses of merchants, 314; relations with
Spain, 360; peace commissioners, 1778, 11.
21, 23, 24, 37, 39; relations with, 40; con-
ditions in, 89, 432; conduct of war, 99,
126; burning towns, 111; situation, 130,
194, 205; trade with, 136; capture of fleet,
144; peace and, 175, 177; recognizes
America, 187; treaty of commerce, 189,
191, 193, 194, 218, 221, 236, 271; hostile
feelings, 198; treaty with France, 284;
commerce and neutrals, 367; policy, 424.
Green, John, at Red Bank, 1. 375.
Green, John, 11. 35.

Greene, Nathanael, 1. 277, 282, 307.
Greenleaf, Benjamin, 1. 131 n.
Greenleaf, Jonathan, II. 145.

Greenleaf, -, captain, 1. 131 n.
Greenleaf, Mr., 1. 238.

Gregory, Charles, 11. 300, 302, 304.
Gridley, Richard, 1. 91, 101.
Grinnall, —, captain, II. 181.

Group, the, 1. 36, 169; authorship, 41; 11.

395, 396; reprinted, 1. 51.

Guichen, Luc Urbain du Bouexic, comte de,
11. 125.

Gustavus III, 11. 187 n.
Gwinnett, Button, 1. 249 n.

H., I., in Draper's paper, 1. 12.

Halifax, N.S., burning of hay, 1. 50; fears an
attack, 106.

Hall, Edward, 1. 52 n., 62.
Hall, Elihu, 1. 52 n., 62.
Hall, Lyman, 1. 249 п.

Hall and Sellers, 1. 5.
Hall, -, Dr., 1. 143.
Hamilton, Alexander, on Mrs. Warren's
poems, 11. 326.

Hancock, Dorothy (Quincy), 1. 110.
Hancock, Ebenezer, paymaster, 1. 285.
Hancock, John, 1. 45, 64, 151, 152, 190; 11.
123, 235; letters, 1. 57; on Washington, 57;
marriage, 110; slights Randolph, 112, 123,
157, 161, 181; major general, 243 n., 323; 11.
434, 435; treasurer of Harvard College, 1.
310; in General Court, 331; governor, 340;
leave of absence, 376; speech in Congress,
378; not at French entertainment, II. 9;
councillors, 12; takes leave, 14, 33; opposes
Warren, 20; Rhode Island expedition, 42,
44, 52; entertains French, 48, 59; marquee
for, 53; an idol, 54, 147; on Navy Board,
87; speaker, 106; governor, 135, 138, 141,
145, 149, 150; 292; threatens to resign,
236; resigns, 249, 250, 253; influence, 262;

gout, 265, 321.

Hancock, 1. 270, 304; loss of, 350, 373-
Hannibal, II. 125.

Hare, Robert, 1. 273 п.
Hare, -, 1. 273, 274.
Hare and Twell, 1. 273.
Harrison, Benjamin, 1. 88 n., 115; committee
to camp, 119, 120, 125, 149; 11. 423; naval
committee, 1. 311 n.

Harrison, - , I. 110.
Hart, Joseph, 1. 157.
Hart, Josiah, 1. 157.

Hartford, convention, II. 152.
Hartley, David, 11. 208, 282.

Harvard College, commencement, 1.
Hancock, treasurer, 310; catalogue
graduates, 11. 363.
Hastings, Warren, 11. 302.
Haussegger, Nicholas, 1. 76 n.

Hooper, William, 1. 70; asks for opinions on
government, 230, 231.

Hoops, Adam, II. 212.

Hopkins, Ezek, 1. 271.

1; Hopkins, Stephen, 1. 73, 85.


Hooper, Annie (Clark), 1. 70.

Hawley, Joseph, 1. 57, 122, 173, 178, 190,
227, 285; II. 413; evacuation of Boston, 1.
224; for Congress, 264, 266, 271.

Hayden, -, captain, 11. 150.
Hayley, George, II. 241 n.

Hayley, Mary, II. 241.
Hazard, Ebenezer, 11. 46.

Hazard, 1. 305 n.; 11. 87.

Heath, William, 1. 13, 58, 78; 11. 413; in

command at Boston, 1. 304.

Henley, David, 1. 323, 324; court martial, II. 4.
Henry, Patrick, 1. 109, 112; on Braxton's

pamphlet, 257.

Henry, John, 1. 124.

Henshaw, William, 1. 47 n.

Herand, John, 1. 301 n.

Hercule, 11. 125.

Herkimer, Nicholas, death, 1. 356.

Hessians, employment of, 1. 129, 133, 362;
at Burlington, 279; sickness, 300; in
Boston, 11. 451.

Hewes, Joseph, 1. 328, 347.
Heyward, Thomas, jr., 1. 294 n.; II. 241.
Hichborn, Benjamin, 1. 87; intercepted
letters, 88, 101, 114, 118, 136, 154, 205;
exchange proposed, 99; escape, 150.

Hicks, John, 1. 99, 100.
Higginson, Stephen, II. 183, 224, 231.
Hillegas, Michael, 1. 123 n.
Hingham, Mass., 1. 12, 14; II. 401.
Hinman, Elisha, 1. 350; 11. 11, 430

Hodgdon, Samuel, 11. 100.
Hoge, Jonathan, 1. 298 п.
Holker, John, 11. 93, 118.
Holker, Mrs., 11. 56.

Holland, not hostile, 1. 309; angry, 11. 127;

to keep peace, 154; alliance, 117, 178, 179,
182, 188.

Holroyd, John Baker, earl of Sheffield, 11.


Holton, Samuel, II. 14, 142, 183, 231.

Hopkins, -, of Baltimore, 1. 93.
Hopkinson, Elizabeth, 1. 165 n.

Hopkinson, Francis, 1. 165 n.; navy board,


Hopkinson, Mary, 1. 165 n.
Hopkinson, Thomas, 1. 165 n.
Horn, John, 1. 200.

Hospital, establishment of, 1. 93; church, 93.
Hostilities, committee on, 1. 143, 144, 159,

Houston, William Churchill, 1. 353.
Howard, Charles, Lord Howard of Effing-
ham, 1. 141.

Howe, Richard, Lord, 1. 261, 262, 272; II.
413, 415; Congress and, 1. 274.

Howe, Joseph, 1. 41.

Howe, Sir William, 1. 53, 56, 68, 69 n., 188;
11. 452; in Boston, 1. 113, 210; in command,
133 n., 141, 151; 11. 421, 428; proclamation,
1. 179; leaves Boston, 216; in New York,
263; intentions, 271; prophecy, 283; Lee
and, 292; atrocities, 293; plans, 328, 342,
360, 362; at New Castle, 355; in the
Jersies, 357; for Philadelphia, 364, 369,
371; on Burgoyne's defeat, 375-
Howland, -, 1. 60.
Hubley, John, 1. 298 n.
Hughes, Hugh, 1. 82; 11. 416.
Humphreys, James, jr., 1. 51 n., 260 n.
Huntington, Joshua, 11. 78, 88.
Huntington, Samuel, naval committee, 1.

311 n.

Hussar, German, 1. 76.
Hutchinson, Thomas, 1. 20, 24, 33, 55, 100,
153, 366; 11. 399, 403, 404; pension for, 1. 7;
Caesar and, 8; voyage to England, 24;
letters, 49; policy, 244; death, II. 134;
character, 165; Milton seat, 171; abilities
defended, 282; controversy with, 381.

Impost, Rhode Island and, 11. 234, 248; New
York and, 270.

Independence, declaration of, 1. 261, 268,
281; 11. 434, 438; recognition by France, 1.

« AnteriorContinuar »