Crane, Stephen, naval committee, 1. 311 n. Cushing, Thomas, 1. 10, 15, 63, 190 n., 319 n.; governor, II. 135. Custis, Eleanor (Calvert), 1. 220, 229; II. 6. Dalton, Tristram, 1. 286 n., 319 п., 324. Dana, Francis, 1. 217, 264, 266; 11. 13, 41, 52, of, 67, 75; addresses, 75, 79; adjournment, 'Congress' mortar, 1. 189. Connecticut, 1. 75; general officers, 86; land- Conquérant, II. 125. Consuls, appointment of, 11. 226, 241, 264, 65, 106, 150, 176, 193, 208, 256, 441; Lee's 266, 267. Contempt of enemies, 11. 47. Convention, constitutional, 11. 295, 297, 299. Convention, troops of, 11. 4, 5, 7; in Boston, Conway, Thomas, 1. 333; Warren on, 319. Cooke, Nicholas, 1. 151. Coolidge, Nathaniel, 1. 149. Cooper, Myles, 'Friendly Address,' 1. 47 n. Cooper, Samuel, 1. 58, 73, 194, 268. Cooper, William, 1. 144, 319 n.; 11. 92; Adams on, 149. Cornwallis, Charles, 11. 144, 157. Cossacks, British said to want, 1. 289, 295. Cotton, John, 11. 78, 88. Cotton, -, 1. 301; 11. 406. letter, 69; absorption in business, 92; for Danbury, descent upon, 1. 323. Danielson, Timothy, 1. 252 n., 276 n.; 11. 142, Dartmouth, Lord, see William Legge. Davis's, I. 149. Deane, Silas, committee on hostilities, 1. 143, Deane, 11. 87, 93, 135, 138, 141. Dedham, Mass., 1. 106. Council, Massachusetts, 1. 83; militia officers, De la Balme, Mottin, 1. 333. Courageuse, II. 125. Courier de l'Europe, 11. 130. Couronne, II. 125. Courter, Harmon, II. II. Covenant, 11. 405, 406. Crafts, Edward, 1. 187. Delaware Bay, blockading, 1. 145; govern- Democrat, the, 11. 368. Denmark, honors flag, 11. 208; treaty, 222; minister, 331. Departments, staff, committee, II. 124. Dependence, 11. 238. Crafts, Thomas, jr., 1. 186, 194, 195, 240, Derby, John, returns from England, 1. 84. 248, 253, 304. Craige, Andrew, I. 190. Cramahé, Hector Theophilus, 1. 148. Deserters, law on, II. 430. Deshon, John, navy board, 1. 312 n., 324, 350; 11. 44, 122. Destin, II. 125. Cranch, Richard, 11. 121, 293. De Witt, - , 115, 158. Diadem, II. 125. Eliot, Andrew, reported confinement, 1.73,78. Embargo, Adams on, 1. 312; Jefferson's, II. Dialogue of the Dead, by John Adams, II. 356. Dickinson, John, letters to Otis, 1. 3, 4, 5, 6; Dickinson, Philemon, 1. 370 n. Dimsdale, Thomas, 1. 263. Dobrée, -, 11. 118. Dodd, William, 1. 381; 11. 65, 77. Donop, Carl Emil Kurt von, death, 1. 374. Du Coudray, Philippe Charles John Baptist Dudley, Charles, 1. 121. Duer, William, 1. 378 n.; on Cushing, 212. Dwight, Timothy, 11. 301. Dwight, -, col., 1. 109. Emigration from Europe, 11. 205, 232, Extravagance, prevalence of, 11. 59, 66, 82, Falmouth, 1. 178; burning of, 154. Fellows, John, 1. 80 n.; II. 434. Fenner, Mary, 11. 329 n. Ferguson, Adam, passport for, 11. 21. Firebrand, 11. 183. Fish, export of, 1. 198, 203; 11. 430. Dyer, Eliphalet, 1. 115, 119 n., 158; Canada Fisheries, sacrifice of, 11. 106, 107, 109, 168, committee, 190. Dyre, 1. 190. , Eagle, II. 11, n. East India, American prisoners for, 1. 363. Edel, Benjamin, 1. 66 n.; comes out of Bos- ton, 49. Edes, Peter, 1. 151. Edes and Gill, 1. 170. Edson, -, II. 406. Edwards, Richard, 11. 146. Edwards, Timothy, 11. 106. Egg, Plymouth prophetical, 1. 283. 172; rights, 193, 197; trade, 271. Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 11. 288. Fort Hill, 1. 237. Fort Mifflin, 1. 375. Fort Miller, N.Y., 1. 356. Fort Schuyler, 1. 355, 360. Fort Stanwix, 1. 366. Foster, Jedidiah, 1. 131 n., 178; 11. 406; judge, 1. 219, 226. Foster, Thomas Wait, 1. 187. Foster, -, 1. 109. Gadsden, Christopher, on navy, 1. 81, 311. Gaine, Hugh, 1. 310. Gallies, row, 1. 130, 154. Fox, Charles James, 11. 176, 199, 208, 288. Gamble, Thomas, 1. 123; II. 421. Fox, 1. 366, 373- France, policy of, 1. 184; 11. 171, 173; army Francy, -, 11. 117. Franklin, Benjamin, 1. 57, 211, 293 n., 380; Franklin, William, 11. 186. Franklin, William Temple, 11. 186. Franklin, 1. 270. Fraser, Simon, 1. 373. Freeman, James, 11. 103; clerk to council, 1. 83 n. Freeman, Samuel, 1. 60. Freeman, -, col., 1. 131 n. Furnace, -, ІІ. 436. Frye, James, 1. 91. Game Cock, 1. 339. Gansevoort, Peter, 1. 356. 368; 11. 97, 452; major general, 1. 246; on goyne, 374; defeat, 11. 140. George III, reply to London, 1. 109; procla- George IV and Mrs. Fitzherbert, 11. 288. Gerry, Elbridge, 1. 13, 15, 78, 81, 183, 219, Gibbon, Edward, History, 11. 327. Gibraltar, 11. 177, 182; praised, 268. Gill, Moses, 1. 319 n. Frye, Joseph, 1. 91; brigadier general, 204; Gill, John, 1. 49 n., 58, 99, 100, 151. Goodrich, Bridger, II. 44 n. Goodrich, John, II. 44 n. Goodrich, William, 11. 44 n. Gordon, William, 1. 144 n.; 11. 301. Gordon riots, II. 133. Gorham, Nathaniel, 11. 52, 182, 190; naval Government, setting up, in states, 1. 170; Governor's Island, 1. 216. Graham, Catharine Macaulay, 1. 7 n.; 11. Graham, -, Dr., 1. 158. Grasse, François Joseph Paul, comte de, 11.125. Gray, Ellis, 11. 117. Gray, Harrison, 11. 48; Warren on, 408. Great Britain, intelligence from, 1. 33; Greene, Nathanael, 1. 277, 282, 307. Greenleaf, -, captain, 1. 131 n. Gregory, Charles, 11. 300, 302, 304. Group, the, 1. 36, 169; authorship, 41; 11. 395, 396; reprinted, 1. 51. Guichen, Luc Urbain du Bouexic, comte de, Gustavus III, 11. 187 n. H., I., in Draper's paper, 1. 12. Halifax, N.S., burning of hay, 1. 50; fears an Hall, Edward, 1. 52 n., 62. Hall and Sellers, 1. 5. Hancock, Dorothy (Quincy), 1. 110. gout, 265, 321. Hancock, 1. 270, 304; loss of, 350, 373- Hare, Robert, 1. 273 п. Harrison, - , I. 110. Hartford, convention, II. 152. Harvard College, commencement, 1. Hooper, William, 1. 70; asks for opinions on Hoops, Adam, II. 212. Hopkins, Ezek, 1. 271. 1; Hopkins, Stephen, 1. 73, 85. of Hooper, Annie (Clark), 1. 70. Hawley, Joseph, 1. 57, 122, 173, 178, 190, Hayden, -, captain, 11. 150. Hayley, Mary, II. 241. Hazard, 1. 305 n.; 11. 87. Heath, William, 1. 13, 58, 78; 11. 413; in command at Boston, 1. 304. Henley, David, 1. 323, 324; court martial, II. 4. pamphlet, 257. Henry, John, 1. 124. Henshaw, William, 1. 47 n. Herand, John, 1. 301 n. Hercule, 11. 125. Herkimer, Nicholas, death, 1. 356. Hessians, employment of, 1. 129, 133, 362; Hewes, Joseph, 1. 328, 347. Hicks, John, 1. 99, 100. Hodgdon, Samuel, 11. 100. Holland, not hostile, 1. 309; angry, 11. 127; to keep peace, 154; alliance, 117, 178, 179, Holroyd, John Baker, earl of Sheffield, 11. 241. Holton, Samuel, II. 14, 142, 183, 231. Hopkins, -, of Baltimore, 1. 93. Hopkinson, Francis, 1. 165 n.; navy board, 312. Hopkinson, Mary, 1. 165 n. Hospital, establishment of, 1. 93; church, 93. Houston, William Churchill, 1. 353. Howe, Richard, Lord, 1. 261, 262, 272; II. Howe, Joseph, 1. 41. Howe, Sir William, 1. 53, 56, 68, 69 n., 188; 311 n. Hussar, German, 1. 76. Impost, Rhode Island and, 11. 234, 248; New Independence, declaration of, 1. 261, 268, |