Imágenes de páginas


Abarca de Bolea, Pedro Pablo, conde de
Aranda, 11. 176.
Accounts, committee of, 1. 89.
Actionnaire, II. 125.

Adams, Abigail, death of mother, 1. 159;
inoculated, 261, 267, 268; farmer, 320;
on Lord Chesterfield, 11. 128; in Europe,
238, 240, 242, 274, 287; on presidency, 332;
French mission, 336; war with France,
337, 339; abuse of confidence, 342; health,
344, 345, 352; on S. A. Otis, 392.

Adams, Abigail, 11. 79, 81, 84, 95, 165;
married, 277.

Adams, Ann (Harod), 11. 386.
Adams, Charles, 1. 268; 11. 263, 386.
Adams, Elizabeth (Wells), 1. II.
Adams, John, 11. 445; on Waterhouse, 1. 2 n.;

in Continental Congress, 27 n.; feels his
insufficiency, 29; opening letters, 39; in
Provincial Congress, 40 n.; health, 66,
265; 11. 206; return to Congress, 1. 105,
106; committee on hostilities, 143, 144; on
Supreme Court, 150, 178; militia officers,
192; republic, 201; form of government,
221; 'Thoughts on Government,' 230,
240; Braxton's reply, 242; on woman's
rights, 236; preamble, 242, 245; resigns,
265; 11. 205; leaves Congress, 1. 280; on
horse hire, 290; naval committee, 311;
cost of living, 333, 341; leaves for Europe,
II. 1; voyage, 27; on affairs in France, 67;
merit, 71; description of manners, 81; on
currency, 90; honesty, 95; obnoxious, 101,
106; disposition of, 108, 112; return, 115,
118; want of success in France, 118;
charges, 128; second voyage to France,
129; on Europe, 156; intrigues against,
167; peace commission, 169, 185; Dutch
negotiation, 177, 179, 182, 188; self-
examination, 188; report on foreign
relations, 192; on Franklin, 209; wanted
as governor, 219, 221, 253; wishes to
retire, 223; minister to England, 255, 259,
275; on social unrest, 277, 280; Defence
of the Constitutions, 281, 284, 291, 294;

returns, 304, 305; vice president, 305; on
Warren, 313; patronage, 313; Mrs.
Warren's poems, 324; an unsealed letter,
325; on Jefferson, 331; intercepted letter,
342; on Napoleon, 353; reconciliation with
Warren, 374; Dialogue of the Dead, 387 n.,
389; thoughts on July 4, 393; failing
health, 394; Mrs. Warren's poem, 402; tea
letter, 403.

Adams, John Quincy, II. 217, 240, 259, 263,
357 n., 383, 390.
Adams, Robert, 1. 193 n.

Adams, Samuel, 1. 45, 101, 120, 272, 293; 11.
150, 293; on Hutchinson, 1. 8; moderation,
9; boy for, 10; in Continental Congress,
27 n.; illness, 60, 265; secretary of province,
94, 173; 11. 417; rides a horse, 1, 110; II.
419; on government, 1. 195; independence,
224; account of expenses, 290, 324; horse
hire, 280; loyalists, 292; opposed to Wash-
ington, II. 12, 92; on marine committee,
15; health, 96; councillor, 106; rumors,
128, 138; for secretary, 145; malice, 148;
on Bowdoin and Hancock, 161; warning

on safety, 405; not a justice, 423.

Adams, Samuel, jr., 1. 80,90,94,98, 190;11.418.
Adams, Sarah (Smith), 11. 386 n.
Adams, Susanna Boylston, 11. 386 п.
Adams, Thomas Boylston, 1. 226; 11. 263, 386.

'Adulateur,' the, 1. 18 n.


Aitken, Robert, 1. 256 п.
Albany, N.Y., militia for, 1. 323.


Aldrich, -, 1. 343.
Alexander, Alexander John, 11. 127 n.
Alexander, Mariamne, II. 127 n.
Alexander, Robert, 11. 127 n.
Alexander, William, II. 127 n.
Alfred, 1. 304, 335, 365; 11. 442.
Algiers, corsairs, 11. 271, 276.

Allan, John, 1. 286.
Allen, Ethan, 1. 131.
Allen, Jolley, 1. 220.
Alliance, II. 16, 22, 30, 82, 125, 127, 135, 141,
143, 158, 167.

Alliances, with foreign powers, 1. 127.

Allison, Francis, 1. 80.

Ambassadors, to foreign courts, 1. 127.

Amboy, N.J., 1. 337.

America, an asylum, 11. 199.

America, II. 11 n., 217.

Amherst, Jeffrey, 1. 133, 141; 11. 422.

Amphitrite, 1. 339.

Amsterdam, prices of stocks, 1. 308.

Amuzettes, 1. 54.

Anderson, James, 11. 48, 428.

Andover, 11. 411.

André, John, 11. 139.

Anthony, -, 1. 203.

Antigua, powder in, 1. 135; prize from, 193.

Appleton, Nathaniel, 1. 285.

Apportionment under the Confederation, 11.


Appreciation, papers on, II. 124.
Apprentice, boy, 1. 10.

Aranda, see Abarca de Bolea.
Arbre de Cracovie, II. 131.

Arms, imported, 1. 339, 351.

Army, before Boston, wants direction, 1. 47;
cleanliness and health, 53; operations, 67;
size, 77; continental, 11. 12, 19.

Army, continental, 1. 58, 61; 11. 416, 418;
officers, 1. 73, 78, 79, 85; vote for, 80; size,
81; appointments, 97; committee on, 119,
125, 149, 152, 169, 174; numbering the
regiments, 269; new plan, 1. 275; 11. 426;
clothing, 1. 278; 11. 143; situation, 140, 432;
enlistments, 431, 439; paymaster, 437;
northern, 450.

Army, British, honor in, 1. 141; situation, II.
416, 420, 422; standing, dangers, 1. 198.

Arnold, Benedict, 1. 368; expedition against
Quebec, 109, 123, 140, 148, 152, 181; 11.
419, 421, 428; brigadier general, 1. 204; at
Fort Stanwix, 366; at Saratoga, 373;
treachery, 11. 139, 157; in the south, 166.

Arnold, -, captain, 1. 316.
Artésien, II. 125.

Artillery, commissary of, 1. 86, 90.
Association, continental, 1. 166.

Athalie, Racine's, II. 244.

Attain Attainder, bill of, suggested, 1. 75.

Augusta, 1. 375.

Austin, Benjamin, 1. 319 n.

Austin, James Trecothick, 11. 36.
Austin, Jonathan Williams, 1. 248.

Austria and America, 11. 208.

Auteuil, 11. 245.

Avery, John, II. 120, 145, 149, 150.
Avery, Samuel, 11. 11.

Ayres, John, captain, 1. 318; 11. 38.

Bacon, Edward, 11. 52.

Badger, Stephen, 11. 377.

Bailey, Francis, 1. 375.

Baker, -, 1. 177.

Balch, Nathaniel, 11. 404.

Baldwin, Jeduthon, 1. 343.

Baldwin, Loammi, 11. 62, 77; Dickinson's

writings, 364, 368.

Bancroft, Edward, 1. 380.
Bant, William, 1. 87.
Barbadoes, 1. 147-

Barbé-Marbois, François, 11. 193, 197.
Barber, Francis, II. 439.

Barclay, Robert, dedication, II. 149.
Barclay, Mrs. Thomas, II. 245.

Barlow, Joel, 11. 301.

Barnard, John, 1. 2.

Barnes, -, 11. 29, 36.

Barney, Joshua, 11. 184, 207.

Barnstable, Mass., privateers, 1. 193; militia,
273 п.

Barrell, William, 1. 95.
Barrett, Samuel, claims the Group, 11. 395.
Barruel, Augustin de, 11. 341.
Barry, John, 11. 16, 24, 31, 141.
Bates, -, I. III.
Bayard, John, 1. 124 п.
Beaumarchais, Caron de, 1. 301 n.
Bentinck, William Henry Cavendish, Duke
of Portland, 11. 199.
Berkenhout, John, Lee and, 11. 70.
Bernard, Francis, 1. 100; on Hutchinson's
salary, 7 n.; title, 11. 350, 355.

Bethune, George, 11. 136.
Bethune, Mary (Faneuil), 11. 136 n.
Bigelow, Timothy, 1. 354, 357.

Bills of credit, continental, 1. 56 n., 58, 61,

80, 92, 151; standing of, 268, 322, 377; 11.
135, 141.

Bingham, Anne (Willing), 11. 245.
Bingham, Anne Louise, II. 245 п.
Bingham, Maria Matilda, 11. 245 п.
Bingham, William, 11. 184.
Blair, , captain, 1. 360.

Blake, - -, II. 241.

Bland, Richard, 1. 112.

Blodget, Nathan, 11. 158, 166, 170.

Boats, flat, for lakes, 1. 133.

Boileau, Jacques, 1. 37.

Bollan, William, 11. 188.

Brattle, William, 1. 13; 11. 381; recantation,

1. 32 n.

Braxton, Carter, 1. 218 n.; address to

Virginia convention, 242, 252, 257.

Bonaparte, J. Adams on, 11. 353; doubt on, Breck, Samuel, 11. 286.

Borré, Prudhomme de, 1. 303.

Boston, 'massacre,' Lovell's oration, 1. 10;
pleasures of, 17; tea, 18, 19; 11. 403;
fortifications, 1. 32; of harbor, 216, 226,
237; refugees, 48; British army in, 68;
situation in, 71, 100, 113, 150; 11. 426;
operations near, 1. 83, 96; II. 422, 431,
437; inhabitants and Gage, 1. 98, 100, 101,
102, 194; channels in harbor, 129; plan of,
130; S. Adams desires an attack on, 141;
play interrupted, 151; move upon, 210;
defense of, 217, 225, 238, 239, 244, 271; II.
443; condition after evacuation, 1. 262;
tories, 292, 369; navy board, 312, 324;
General Court and, 332, 341; II. 440;
representatives, 10; meeting, 406.

Boston, 1. 304, 312 n., 366, 372; 11. 10, 14, 18,
29, 53, 88, 103.
Boston Patriot, 11. 368.

Boundaries, settlement of disputes, under
confederation, 1. 376.

Bounties, army, 1. 152; for inlistments, 211,
258, 276, 277, 295, 299, 304, 325; 11. 446;
money for, 1. 285.

Bourke, William, 11. 15, 26, 29, 30.
Bowdoin, Elizabeth, 1. 216 n.
Bowdoin, James, 1. 152, 241, 264; 11. 5; on
Paine's Common Sense, 1. 208; governor,
243, 253, 340; committee of war, 275
n.; for governor, II. 135, 141, 144,
161; governor, 250, 262, 293; refuses aid,

Bowen, Eliza, 11. 330.
Bowen, Ephraim, 11. 329 n.

Bowen, Fanny, 11. 330.

Breteuil, Louis Auguste le Tonnelier, baron
de, 11. 196.

Brewer, David, 1. 195.

Bromfield, Henry, 11. 446; committee of war,
1. 276 n.

Bromfield, - , 1. 196.
Brown, Gawen, 1. 162.
Brown, John, 11. 10.
Brown, John, 1. 52, 98, 169.
Brown, Woodbridge, 1. 226.
Brown, , captain, 11. 60.
Brown's House, affair at, 1. 83.
Browne, John, of Providence, 11. 113.
Brownson, Nathan, 1. 321.

Bruce, -, 1. 346.

Brunswick, N.J., 1. 289, 336.
Bryan, George, 1. 298.

Buchanan, Archibald, 1. 39.
Buchanan, Claudius, 11. 376.
Buffoonery, Morgan lecture on, 1. 17.
Bunker, David, II. 443.

Bunker Hill, battle of, 1. 59, 62, 66, 69, 78;
II. 412; British account, 1. 79; official
relation, 144 n.

Burbank, Silas, 1. 91, 101.
Burbeck, Edward, 1. 187, 194.
Burgoyne, John, 1. 53, 56, 62, 69 п., 360, 362;
return to England, 68; march from
Canada, 263; at Fort Edward, 353, 354;
Saratoga, 356; dangerous situation, 357,
364, 368, 371, 372; surrender, 374; at
Boston, 374, 377; 11. 28, 32, 451; hand bill,
1. 375; trial of Henley, 11. 4.

Burke, Ædanus, II. 237.

Burke, Edmund, 1. 34; 11. 327.
Burke, Thomas, 1. 293 n.; II. 444.

Bowen, Jabez, letters, 11. 234, 329; on impost, Burlington, N.J., British at, 1. 279.

Bowen, Mary, 11. 330.

Bowen, Mary (Fenner), 11. 329 п.

Bowen, Nancy, 11. 330.

Bowen, Obadiah, 11. 329 n.

Bowers, Jerathmeel, 1. 226.

Boylston, Thomas, 1. 99, 100, 199.

Bradford, John, 1. 370; 11. 26.
Brailsford, Norton, 11. 15, 24, 94.

Burnet, Gilbert, 1. 21.

Burr, Aaron, 11. 353.

Burr, Thaddeus, 1. 110 n.

Butler, Francis, 1. 122 n.

Cabot, Andrew, I. III.

Cabot, 1. 304.
Cadwalader, John, 1. 250.
Calipash, calipee, 1. 122.


[blocks in formation]

Campbell, Archibald, 1. 292.
Campbell, Donald, 1. 92.

Campbell, Elizabeth (Murray), 1. 70 n.
Campbell, —, col., 1. 270.

Canada, 11. 36; Continental Congress and, 1.

52; attitude of, 84; situation in, 123;
expedition against, 109, 123, 134, 187, 255;
II. 92; proposed government, 1. 131, 155;
committee, 206; importance of, 208, 258;
evil news, 247; specie, 249.

Cane, Maurice, 1. 121.
Cannon, of bar iron, 1. 306.
Captains, Navy Board and, II. 26.
Carey, Mathew, 11. 350.

Cargill, James, captures by, 1. 100, 140, 163,

Carleton, Guy, Lord Dorchester, 1. 53, 123,
133, 149, 362; 11. 421; retreat, 1. 277; peace
propositions, II. 175.

Carmichael, William, 1. 321, 380; 11. 125;
appointment, 10; Lee's letter, 68.

Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton, 1. 294 n.; 11.
83; committee to Canada, 1. 206.
Carroll, John, to go to Canada, 1. 207.
Cartel, prisoners, 11. 438.
Cary, Richard, 1. 93.
Cary, Richard, jr., 1. 93.
Castle Island, 1. 216.

Catherine of Russia, 1. 263 n.
Catholics in Great Britain, II. 133.
Caton, II. 125.

Cavendish, John, lord, 11. 199.
Cazneau, Andrew, captain, 11. 159.

Cerberus, 1. 133 n.
Ceremonials, 11. 41.
Chamblee, 1. 179.

Charleston, S.C., 11. 104; tea, 1. 20; loss of, 11.
133, 134; Lincoln on siege, 322.

Charlestown, Mass., 1. 15; incident, 50; burn-
ing of, 59, 72; army at, 68; fort, 216; ruins,

[blocks in formation]

prospect of redress, 35; committee to
Canada, 206.

Chatelet, comte de, 11. 130.

Cheever, Ezekiel, commissary of artillery, 1.
86 n.

Cheney, Andrew Francis, tory, 1. 292.
Chesapeake Bay, trade of, 1. 145.
Chesemuttock, Sachem of, 1. 14; 11. 401.
Chesterfield, Lord, see Philip Dormer

Chew, Samuel, 11. 32.
Christianity, propagation of, 11. 370.
Church, Benjamin, jr., 1. 56, 60, 63; director

[ocr errors]

of hospital, 93, 94; treasonable correspond-
ence, 121, 134, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142,
152; 11. 423, 424; dismissed from office, 1.
142, 164; punishment, 148, 153, 172, 174,
178, 180; hearing, 168; fears for, 254.
Cincinnati, Society of, 11. 237, 291, 298.
Citoyen, II. 125.

Clairac, Chevalier de, 1. 256 n.
Clark, Abraham, 1. 293.

Clark, Annie, 1. 70 n.

Clark, Charles Thomas, 11. 386 n.
Clark, Susanna Boylston (Adams), 11. 386.
Clinton, George, 1. 218.

Clinton, Sir Henry, 1. 53, 69 n.; 11. 144, 151.
Clothing, 1. 155; purchasing agents, 320; for

[blocks in formation]

Concord, currency convention, II. 112.
Concord, 1. 189.

Confederacy, 11. 78, 93, 125, 130, 135, 141.
Confederation, articles of, 1. 199, 263, 309,
322, 337; 11. 430; votes of states in, 1. 338;
progress, 374, 375; signed, 11. 33; ap-
portionment of debts, 200; representation
under, 270.
Confiscation bill, 11. 48, 51, 87.
Congress, Continental, 1774, 1. 26; annual,
28; moves slowly, 51; rumor, 56; business

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