forreign Settlers will rather prove advantageous in the event of things than otherwise. Mr. Adams has published a Defence of the American Constitutions I have not yet had time to read it, therefore can give you no account of it; but I suppose you will have received a copy before this comes to hand We are now upon the Eve of a Treaty with France 1 which is in a stile of politicks so new to this Country and so agreable to the present views of our old enemy that it alarms many; yet the two houses of parliament seem only to have considered it as a party business, tho it might have been imagined that the spirit of reformation which has taken place in the counsels of that formidable power would have produced more serious and anxious debates and more deliberate conclusions I thank you, Dear Madam, for your kind wishes and do most sincerely return them by earnest desires and hopes that you may never again experience the sorrows you have felt. I was happy to hear that Mrs. Russel had brought so agreable an addition to Mr. Russel's felicity as a child, and I sincerely hope that it has not been clouded with the loss which rumour says he has sustained in one of his ships taken by an Algerine Corsair. When you see our mutual friend Mr. Gerry I shall be obliged to you if you will make our compliments of congratulation on his marriage 2 which tho an event of an old date we only heard this winter by Dr. Prevost the Bishop of New York. You flatter me much, Dear Madam, in interesting yourself on the subject of my composition my present thoughts are employed on education for tho the History of your late glorious revolution is what I should certainly undertake were I again young, yet as things are I must for many reasons decline the task. My Daughter I thank God enjoys at present a perfect state of health she is much obliged by your remembrance and joins me and Mr. Graham in best compliments to your self Genl. Warren and family. From Dear Madam Your Very Sincere Friend And Obedt. I The treaty negotiated by William Eden and Dupont de Nemours. 2 To a daughter of James Thompson of New York. 3 Samuel Provoost (1742-1815). Servt. CATH: MACAULAY GRAHAM KNIGHTS BRIDGE, near London, March 6, '87. pray make our compliments to Mr. Otys's family and to your Sister and to General Lincoln and his family. BENJAMIN LINCOLN TO MR. AND MRS. WARREN General Lincoln presents his respectful compliments to General Warren and Lady. Whilst he mingles his joys with those of their other friends on the safe return of their son Major Warren,1 he begs leave to add his warm congratulations on the very important and felicitating circumstance that in addition to a knowledge of duty he has ever discharged it with ability and the greatest punctuality. He has not only merited, but has gained the esteem of all who have been happy enough to form an acquaintance with him. Monday morn, 12 March, 1787. MERCY WARREN TO HENRY KNOX KNOX MSS. MILTON, May 2d, 1787 SIR, From your extensive acquaintance, connexions and Correspondence, I am sensible you cannot wish to see a new signature to your address. Nor should I interrupt the thread of political attention, or break in on the more agreable moment of polite amusement, but from the habits of Friendship which for several Years has subsisted between yourself and his parents, a son of mine has requested me to apply to you in a small affair relative to bussiness. This young Gentleman in common with many in these days of commercial embarasment has had the misfortune to suffer many disappointments in the mercantile line, which has obliged him to bring his affairs to a certain point and offer an equal dividend to his Creditors. and he now only waits for an answer to a Letter wrote several weeks since to your Brother on a matter of no considerable moment which yet I understand cannot be negotiated with Mr. Breck1 without his 1 Henry Warren. consent. By Mr. Breck and by all else (except in one very singular instance) he has been treated in the most delicate and polite manner. But as it is both proper and equitable that each creditor should receive a similar proposition, the settlement of all his affairs now only remain at a stand till Mr. Breck shall receive an intimation from Mr. W. Knox that he is at liberty to compound in the same manner that other Gentlemen have already consented. Your Goodness of disposition, without the additional motive of Friendship which we have the honour to Claim, I am confident would lead you to wish a young person in the meridian of active life might as soon as possible be extricated from any further impediments to usefulness and industry. I therefore think I am certain it will not be many days before either yourself or Brother will pay the necessary attention to this request and authorise Mr. Breck to act agreable to his own and to the inclination of every other Gentleman of Generosity and Benevolence. You will not fail to make my best Compliments to Mrs. Knox. shall not we have the pleasure of seeing you both in the environs of Boston in the Course of the ensuing season. In the interim your Friends on Milton hill would be gratifyd in knowing how the political Hemisphere opens to your eye on the important spring of '87. But if you, sir, should judge that inquiries of this nature are not altogether consonant to Female Genius, then tell us the Gradations of Theatrical improvement and anything that will do honour to the taste, the understanding, or the heart of a single American, either as a writer, a Hero, a statesman, or an Honest man. I know the amor patriae burns too strongly in your breast to I Samuel Breck. consider these as frivolous inquiries. But till further encouraged I will check the laudable curiosity of my sex: yet not deny that a full share thereof occupies the bosom of your sincere Friend and very Humble servant, M. WARREN Of Genl. Warren's compliments and best wishes General Knox and Lady may ever be assured. ABIGAIL ADAMS TO MERCY WARREN LONDON, May 14, 1787 MY DEAR MADAM, - I have lately been reading Mrs. Montague's essays upon the Genious and writings of Shakspear,1 and I am so well pleased with them; that I take the Liberty of presenting them to you. the Lady is still living, a widow, and possessd of an ample fortune, without any children. She has a Nephew who bears the same name and has lately been returnd a Member to Parliament. I should have wished to have formed an acquaintance with her, if I had not learnt that she was a violent Anti American, tho a sister of a Mr. Robinson who has written some things in favour of our Country, and who has always been Friendly to our cause. I have resided in this Country near two years and in that time, I have made some few acquaintance whom I esteem and shall leave with regret, but the customs and manners of a Metropolis are unfriendly to that social intercourse which I have ever been accustomed to. Amusement and diversion may always be purchased at the Theatres and places of public resort, so that little pains is taken to cultivate that benevolence and interchange of kindness which sweetens life, in lieu of which mere visits of form are substituted to keep up the union; not only the wrinkled brow of age is grasping at the card table and even tricking with mean avarice, but the virgin bloom of innocence and beauty is withered at the same vigils. I do not think I should draw a false picture of the Nobility and Gentry of this Metropolis, if I was to assert, that Money and pleasure are the sole objects of their ardent persuit, publick virtue, and indeed all virtue is exposed to sale, and as to principle, where is it to be found, either in the present administration, or opposition? Luxury, dissapation and vice, have a natural tendency to extirpate every generous principle, and leave the Heart susceptable of the most malignant vices, to the total absence of principle must be asscribed the conduct of the Heir apparant to the British Throne, which is the Subject of much speculation at this Moment. the World have supposed that a Marriage had taken place between the prince, and a Lady known by the Name of Fitzherbert,1 whom for three years he persued, driving her for more than half that time out of her country to avoid him, as she was in independent circumstances, of an ancient and respectable family; of a Fair Character and honorable connections every person presumed her married to him, tho contrary to the established Laws of the Land, and this not only by a Catholick priest, but a protestant one too, every step for more than a Year has confirmed this Idea, as the Lady has attended him; not only to the Watering places, but into all publick, and private parties, and at the prince's request has been countananced by the first persons in the Kingdom, and the publick papers have announced the report and given credit to it uncontradicted throughout Europe. but now at a time when he wishes to be relieved from the load of debt he has contracted, and finds that this affair is like to become a subject of parlimentary discussion, he authorizes Charles Fox (A Man as unprincipald as the prince) to declare the whole story a Malicious falsehood, and in the most explicit terms to deny even the Shadow of a Marriage. yet not a person whom I have heard mention the subject since believes; a syllable of mr Fox's assertion thus does this young Man set both Law and Decency at defiance; his Friends are even so barefaced I Mrs. Elizabeth (Robinson) Montague (1720-1800). Her volume on Shakespeare, which reached a third edition in England and was translated into French and Italian, was in answer to some contemptuous allusions to Shakespeare by Voltaire. 2 Her husband was Edward Montague, a grandson of Edward Montague, first Earl of Sandwich (1625-1672). He died May 12, 1775 3 Matthew Robinson (1713-1800). |