kindness and civility we have received from that polite benevolent man we shall not easily forget. There are a variety of other people, my Dear Madam, who claim our attention from the civilities we have received from them we must beg of you to dispose of our compliments according to that propriety which is so evident in all your actions. Enclosed you will find a letter from Mrs. Washington. I return you my thanks, Dear Madam, for the very kind remembrance which followed us to Providence. Our reception at Mount Vernon was of the most friendly and engaging kind we spent ten days very happily in one of the sweetest situations on the continent. The opinion we had formed of the illustrious owners was rather improved than lessened by that converse which our situation enabled us to enjoy. I am, Dear Madam, Your Affecnt. and Obednt. Servnt. NEW YORK, July 15, '85.1 CATH. MACAULAY GRAHAM MERCY WARREN TO JOHN ADAMS ADAMS MSS. MILTON, Sept., 1785 The account of your son's arrival you will have from himself. the Pleasure his Friends receive from his return you will not doubt, and in every instance where my advice or attention may be either useful or pleasing, be assured I shall treat him as my own, not only from that long Friendship I have felt for his parents, backed by their particular Request, but from the affection I dare say his amiable manners will always secure. That the Dreamers have augured and the Prophets long since foretold Mr. Adams would be the first American minister to the Court of Great Britain, is not more certain than the General satisfaction expressed in the Completion of this Event. And though it is a station attended with Difficulty and Fatigue, requiring much Delicacy and address, I have no doubt his abilities I A letter from James Warren to Washington, September 2, 1785, is printed in Correspondence of the Revolution, Letters to Washington, IV. 113. and Perseverance are adequate to the important trust. Nor will the train of Emmissaries who delight in mischief affect his Reputation, Integrity or Vigilance, however Variegated in shape or shaded with such dazzling Light as might put out the Eye of one less firmly attached to the interest of his Country. Yet there are few Characters so impeccable that there is no danger of loosing sight of their patriotism amidst the Golden mists which remarkably pervade a certain Island. speculatists have observed that this shining Fog is more or less apt to injure the Optics of the Greatest Politicians and statesmen. But neither Balls, nor Birth days, or the Nameless Favours that the Dignified splendor of either sex can bestow will, I trust, influence the Probaty of a Gentleman who long Braved the ordeal trial (even in the purlieus of a Brilliant Court), and that has stood the test for more than seven years amidst jarring Factions on each side the Atlantic, that would equally have rejoiced in his Fall. I cannot see anything you, sir, have to dread from a late appointment. Nor have I penetration to discover anything pitiable in your situation. As to Envy I cannot be so explicit. it is a kind of canker worm that Generally crawls round the loftiest Branches and Grows meagre in the innutritious soil that Genders it. it is a Reptile that may infest but seldom destroy the Heart of Oak, and while you enjoy the Dignity of office may selfapprobation ever counterballance the Malignancy of Rivalships. These may weaken the Hands but seldom depress the Heart of true Magnanimity. Your next question is, when shall I again see my Friend Warren in public life. I answer, when Republics are Famed for their Gratitude and the Multitude learn to Discriminate; when they more Respect their Real Friends than they admire the popular Demagogue or the lukewarm adherents to public liberty, who have sacrificed nothing in the Cause and held the powerful Ballance of Wealth, which in all Countrys outweigh the shining qualities of Honest patriotism, and not before. He has never retreated from the service of his Country. Particular Circumstance which, I dare say, Mr. Adams would have thought weighty, led him at a certain period to decline several Honorary offices. this his Enemies have industriously improved to prevent his Re-election, While his independency of spirit, supported by the Rectitude of his intentions, never suffered him to make the smallest Exertions to counteract. Yet Notwithstanding his fondness for private life, if his Country should ever again require his services, Depend upon it he will step forth with the same indefatigable Zeal and Integrity that has hitherto distinguished his Character. Mr. Dana is appointed one of the Judges of the Supreme Court. Mr. Warren bids me tell you he thinks this the only Circumstance that marks with any degree of Reputation the administration of Hancock. Mr. Gerry will not be eligable by the Confederation as a Delegate to Congress after November. I wish his Countrymen may never forget his Merits. But if his Happiness depended on their Favour, probably he might long pursue without ever overtaking the Phantom. But I have Reason to believe he means in future to build on the more solid Base of Domestic Felicity. I fear your very eligable situation at the Court of London will Hush every Future sigh for the silent Hills in the Neighbourhood of Tremont, and, perhaps before you return to your Native Land, your Friends, who now ardently wish for your smiles, may stand in the Presence of a Monarch Infinitely superior to the Bustling potentates of this spot [?] of Creation. Shall I ask the Favour of you, sir, to transmit by some safe Conveyance the enclosed to your young Friend in Lisbon, and shall I ask you if there is a Probability of a treaty with portugal. Nothing would have induced this young Gentleman to have fixed himself in a Country where the Religion, the Manners, and the Government are so different to the liberal Ideas in which he has been educated, but the promise of a consular appointment from many of the most Respectable Members of Congress. He has been long kept in suspence, because Congress do not appoint where no treaties are Formed, and, perhaps, there may yet be time for you to give a hint in his Favour, if you think his Merits and his Father's services deserve this small Consideration. I know you must be sensible this uniform Patriot has long laboured in the arduous struggle for the liberties of his Country: without any Emolument either of Honour or Profit to Himself or his Family. a small appointment in a distant Country to an amiable son is a very inadequate Compensation for his Fatigues and his sufferings. You will excuse this Freedom of Communication from one who subscribes very Respectfully your Friend and Humble Servant M. WARREN JAMES WARREN TO JOHN ADAMS ADAMS MSS. DEAR SIR, and the Dreamers of Dreams, I could hardly realize that I should ever have the Honour and Pleasure of corresponding with an Ambassador at the Courts of Versailles, or London, and yet this Event among many other strange ones has taken Place. I receiv'd a few Days ago by the Hand of your admirable Son, yours dated Auteuil, April 26th, and know no Reason why I may not expect very soon another from London of a later Date, as the Publick Intelligence announces your Arrival there, with many Circumstances which indicate a Residence for some Time. How many Difficulties you will have to Combat in this new Employ can't easily be foreseen, while it is pretty clear you will have some. but I hope they will not be insurmountable to those Abilities and Experience which have already triumph'd over so many. When I used to be in Company with the Prophets We have got through the Bustle of a new Election and after much Difficulty the Choice fell where probably you would have plac'd it. Mr. Bowdoin was chose by the two Houses and all is Peace, Tranquillity and Satisfaction. Mr. Hancock's Influence, which was great, was in favour of Cushing, more probably to keep a Door open for Himself at another Election, and by that means retrieve the Mistake he made in his Resignation, than from any other Principle. All other Parties were obliged to unite to defeat his Purposes, and he at last in Despair of his main Design, gave out that he did not care who was chose if it was not the Man on Milton Hill. If Ambition was my ruling Principle, and I was a Politician, I should have shaken Hands with this mighty man; But as it is I will still be honest and continue to despise his Caprice, Incapacity, and Indolence, and do every Thing I can to prevent his again having it in his Power to disgrace this Government by an Administration of Imbecility and weakness. and if I enjoy none of the Honour and Emoluments of a Government, my vigorous Zeal and Steadiness for many Years had some Share in obtaining, I will be satisfied if the Man on Bacon-Hill does not. however, he has gain'd tho' at a second or third Voting a Choice of a Delegate, and has now in View the Presidency of Congress. he may get it; my Fears make me think it probable, while my Hopes blast his Expectations. Mr. Temple has not yet arrived and when he does I don't know that my Regard for Him or Influence with Him will be so great as you seem to imagine. I was of Opinion that he was us'd ill by some People in this Country, and so far as Justice requir'd espous'd his Cause, while in general I agreed with you in the Character given of Him. His being a well-meaning Man, as you express it, cover'd a Number of Faults and engag'd me in the Line of conduct I observ'd. His present Employment has decided his Pretensions with Regard to America, and he should in future be unequivocally the faithful Servant of the King of Great Britain, and if I have any Influence I shall, when Opportunity presents, use it to make him as prudent as he should be faithful. The Doctor's Resignation has been accepted and it is said he is on his Way to America. If his Letters and his Measures were Inimical to you in Europe, you may expect the same Line of Conduct will be pursu'd Here with more Facility than there, but perhaps with as little Success. Your Son has visited me twice. Yesterday he din'd with me. I am much pleased with him and shall take Pains to cultivate a Friendship between Him and my Sons; from the Intimacy and confidence that has subsisted between the Fathers and the Mothers it seems a very natural one. he has promised to continue his Correspondence with Winslow and to visit us often. Tom I have not seen lately, but my favorite Charles spent a Night or two with us after Commencement. I would have them all con |