REVIEW OF RELIGIOUS PUBLICATIONS. Transactions of the Missionary Society, No. IX; containing the Rev. Mr. Kicherer's Narrative of his Mission to the Hottentots, &c. With a View of the Settlement at Zak River. 64 pages, price 15. THIS interesting Number is a continuation of the Society's Transactions, of which a complete volume was before published, and which contains much important matter relative to Missionary exer. tions; which has been in no other way laid before the public. The Narrative of Mr. Kicherer's Mission is full of surprizing incidents. He appears to have been eminently qualified for his arduous work, to have been remarkably preserved in his dangerous journies, and to have been peculiarly successful in winning souls. The anecdotes interspersed, of individuals converted under his ministry, are very affecting. It is impossible to read the account of their love to Jesus, and to one another, without emotion; especially considering the abject, loathsome, detestable condition in which the gospel found them; but in them is the Scripture fulfilled: "God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen; yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are, that no flesh should glory in his presence." We apprehend that few publications have issued from the press, in modern days, which are so full of truly interesting matter, which cannot fail to gladden the hearts of all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, to animate the prayers and quicken the exertions of the faithful, in the promotion of the Redeemer's kingdom.b The pamphlet concludes with a general account of other Mission ary stations in the south of Africa, which afford abundant cause for thankfulness; and encourage the hope, that, if a sufficient number of Missionaries can be sent out, and supported in that country, a great part of it will be evangelized. IN this masterly discourse, the author explains the principles by which true Christians are led to seek the things of Christ in preference to their own; and recommends the cultivation and exercise of this divine temper, by suitable arguments. A Report is annexed, in which a particular account is given of the Mission of Messrs. Brunton and Paterson, to the countries bordering on the Caspian Sea. Notice is also taken of the unchristian and impolitic Act of Assembly in Jamaica, by which so many useful preachers of the gospel have been silenced. We join with the writer in the sincere hope, That our gracious Sovereign will show his disapprobation of a measure so manifestly inconsistent with the spirit of the British constitution, the principles of toleration, and the dictates of sound policy, by treating it as he did a similar law, passed about ten years ago by the legis lature of St. Vincent, to which his Majesty refused his sanction." The Holy War, made by King Shaddai upon Diabolus, for the regaining of the Metropolis of the World; or, the losing and retaking the Town of Mansoul. Written by J. Bunyan, Author of the Pilgrim's Progress, El. A New Edition, now first divided into Chapters, with Explanatory and Practical Notes, by the Rev. G. THE Editor observes in his Preface to this little work, "That the Pilgrim is certainly not ill adapted to a poetic dress; and having judged that in this form it would be peculiarly acceptable to many persons, he made the attempt." Notes are subjoined, to explain the spiritual design, which is also uniformly regarded in the versification itself. Instead of giving an opinion of the merit of the verse, which, for the reason mentioned in the foregoing article, is inadmissible, we transcribe the following ex. tracts: "Our Pilgrims now their grand design pursue, And men that liv'd to cheat, and game, and swear. "Our Pilgrims enter'd then this wicked place, We look above, - our heart, our treasure's there !' Periodical Accounts relating to the THIS Number contains a large account of the two natives of Otaheite, Christian Mydo, aged 17, and Joseph Oley, aged 19, who died at Mirfield, in Yorkshire, 1803, and of whom, especially of the former, some account was given in this Ma. gazine for November last. Concerning Oley, we extract the following particulars: of, or our departure out of this life, he was so much moved, that the tears rolled down his cheeks. As the change which the grace of God had wrought within him was now so apparent, and his health declined every day, and as he himself fre. quently repeated his request for baptism, the Conference took it into consideration, and resolved that he should be baptized on the 25th. The arrangements, &c. were nearly the same as on Mydo's baptism, only with this difference, that the candidate was able to walk into the chapel, supported by two brethren, and seated in a chair in the midst of the congregation. "About Midsummer, Oley was taken ill, and, as it appeared possible that his illness might prove mortal, Mydo was sent for to see him. "When he was asked, "Dost thou On that occasion, he shewed the desire to be delivered from the powmost earnest desire that his poor er of sin and Satan, and to be recei countryman might be converted and ved into the fellowship of Jesus die happy, for at that time Oley Christ, and of those who believe in was not only indifferent about his him, by holy baptism? he answered eternal concerns, but even disco-Yes, certainly I do!" with such vered some displeasure when re- fervency, that it drew tears from minded to turn to God, &c. Mydo the eyes of all who heard him. expressed his uneasiness, in his own peculiar way, frequently saying, Oley bad man, Oley no love God, Oley never pray," &c. Soon after, it pleased God to humble the proud heart of Oley also, and to create in him an earnest desire to be saved. His sense of sinfulness in creased to a real self-abhorrence, so that once he desired his attendant in an emphatic manner, which seemed to signify something of importance, to lock the door. Being asked, why he wished it to be done? he replied, that both he and all his countrymen were very sinful men, and he was afraid somebody might come in and kill him; in which case, he knew not what might become of his soul. "When Mydo'sillness took a more serious turn, it seemed to work much on Oley's mind; and he became very thoughtful. After Christian's bap. tism, he expressed an ardent wish to be baptized, adding, that he hoped this grace would be conferred upon him while he was able to walk to the chapel; and his recollection still remained unimpared by disease. About this time, whenever the love of God in Christ Jesus was spoken "When Christian lay in his cof. fin, Joseph Oley (for so he was now called) desired to see him, and far from expressing the horror he used to do at the idea of death and the dead, he stood with a pensive and placid countenance, contemplating the corpse of his departed brother. Just before the funeral, he desired once more to be led into the room where he lay; and after looking at him for a few minutes, retired to his chamber, expressing his hope, that he should likewise soon depart to our Saviour in peace. "During the time which elapsed between his baptism and departure, his patience and serenity of mind afforded edification to all who saw him; and his amiable and humble gratitude for the least service done to him, was peculiarly striking. He would often shew his thankfulness to his attendants, by requesting them to partake with him of those little dainties with which his friends had provided him: and also himself planned something like a will, directing, that the few things he left behind him should be distributed among those who had served him in his illness, or otherwise. He departed in a gentle manner, in the night of October 13, about 19 years of age." Blessed be God for his mercy shewn to these dear South Sea Strangers, for the kindness of the Missionary Society to them, and for the pious care of the brethren in Yorkshire towards them! (Some Account of the Brethren's Mission in our next.) Remarks on the Uses of the Definitive Article in the Greek Text of the New Testament; containing many New Proofs of the Di vinity of Christ, from many Pas sages which are wrongly translated in the Common English Version. By Granville Sharp. Third Edition. THE first edition of this work was published in 1798, by the Rev. Dr. Burgess (now Lord Bishop of St. David's.) A second edition, under the patronage of the same divine, appeared in 1802. This third edition is published by COMMON VERSION. No whoremonger, &c. hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. According to the grace of our -The glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. the author himself, with the con sent of the learned editor of the preceding editions, with whose opinion we heartily concur; viz. That the remarks contain a valuable accession to the evidences of Christ's divinity." The work consists chiefly of six rules, respecting the uses of the Greek article; the first of which is the most important, viz. "When the copulative a connects two nouns of the same case, of personal description, respecting office, dignity, or qualities, if the article 8, or any of its cases, precedes the first of the said nouns, and is not repeated before the second, the latter always relates to the same person, and de. notes à further description of the first named person." The author then illustrates his rule by several examples; according to which the following texts will appear to contain the strongest declarations of the proper divinity of the Son of God: : CORRECTED VERSION. In the kingdom of Christ, even of God. Ephes. v. 5. -The grace of JesusChrist, our God and Lord. 2 Thess. i. 12. I charge thee, before Jesus Christ, the God and Lord. 1 Tim. v 21. -The glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Titus ii. 13. The righteousness of Jesus Christ, our God and Saviour. 2 Peter i. 1, Denying our only Master, God and Lord, Jesus Christ. Jude 4. ceive of God and Christ as separated into two persons, when one and the same glorious Saviour was intended by the sacred writer; but Mr. Sharp has so happily and decisively applied this grammatical rule to the correction of our version, that he has completely established the doctrine of Christ's divinity. The same rule has undoubtedly been mentioned by other writers, and the same deductions from it have been insisted upon; but Mr. Sharp has the merit of having stated it more clearly, and insisted upon it more fully than his predecessors. His publication has also given occasion for the confirmation of the rule, and its important consequences, by the most able critics in the Greek language. In short, we can with confidence recommend this work, especially to students in divinity, trusting that it will confirm the faith of every impartial enquirer after truth, and prove a death-blow to Socinianism. A Discourse on the Origin and Progress of the Society for Promoting Religious Knowledge among the Poor. By John Rippon, D. D. Second Edition, enlarged. 78 p. 15. 6d. THIS improved edition of the Sermon, contains a History of the Society, from its Commencement in 1750, to the last Year, with a general Account of the Books distributed, and the Benefit which has attended them. This useful institution, it appears, originated in the benevolent mind of Mr. Benjamin Forfitt, who, associating with himself five other friends, adjusted the outline of the plan, which was afterwards publicly adopted; and has been acted upon for more than fifty years. The very first donation of books was made to Dr. Doddridge, Sept. 6, 1750; from whom a long letter of thanks is subjoined in a note. The author gives us a distinct account of the books distributed by the Society, including many curi ous particulars. Of "Baxter's Call to the Unconvérted," we are told that the excellent Dr. Watts said, "I would rather be the author of that book than of Milton's Paradise Lost. Of Doddridge's and De Rise and Progress, we are informed that it has been translated into Dutch, German, Danish, French; and has been instrumental to the conversion of many. served encomiums are paid to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns; which the author supposes are sung by more than a million tongues every Lord's Day. Many striking anecdotes are given concerning the distribution of Bibles, sufficient to excite far greater zeal for that purpose, than that which generally prevails even among good people. The discourse, which is highly entertaining, concludes with Addresses to the Members of the Society, on the most useful methods of distribut ing books, -on the means of enlarging the utility of the institution, and by way of congratulation on the success which has already crowned it. -- The Isle of Man; or the Legal Proceedings in Manshire against Six. By the Rev. R. Bernard. 1870, Price 35. THIS little work was written in the 17th century, and is not only interesting, but an object of curi osity, as it has been supposed, by the late Mr. Toplady and others, to have been the model of the celebrated Bunyan, particularly in his Holy War." Hymns for the Use of Charity and Sunday Schools. 2d. This little Collection of Hymns is made by a warm friend to the Walworth Charity and SundaySchools; and the profits arising from its sale are devoted to their use. It consists of fifty-four hymns, some of which have never been printed; and many others have Mr. C. Wordsworth, of Trinity College, Cambridge, the author of "Six Letters to-G. Sharp, Esq. respecting his Remarks," &c. not content with the authority of Reza, or of any modern, has appealed to the Greek Fathers for the confirmation of Mr. Sharp's rule; and for the purpose of examining whether they interpreted the texts in question according to it, bas taken the surprizing pains of turning over seventy of those voluminous writers (besides about sixty Latin Fathers, &c.) The result of which obrious investigation, is such an additional testimony in its favour, as cannot fail to astonish those who are most unwilling to be convinced. |