REVIEW OF RELIGIOUS PUBLICATIONS. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of W. Cowper, Esq. With an ele gant Portrait and Vignette. Foolscap, Svo, 45.; Ditto, 12mo, 35. THOUGH Mr. Hayley's elegant Work, in two volumes quarto, did not come under our Review, as being not strictly a religious publica tion, yet we have repeatedly made mention of it as a respectable literary production; and particularly valuable for the number it contains of Mr. Cowper's own Letters. But two volumes in quarto are within the reach of very few, comparatively, who admire Mr. Cowper's character and writings, particularly his religious friends, who will be doubtless highly gratified to find the present beautiful little volume expressly adapted for their use, and containing a fuller account of his remarkable experience and religion than any similar work. The outlines of this, it may be proper to observe, appeared in our Maga zine; and the additions may be fully relied on for their authenticity. This book, however, is not confined to Mr. Cowper's Life; it contains a masterly review of his writings, interspersed with anecdotes and observations, that will even in terest those who have perused the larger critique of Mr. Hayley, who passed over some of Mr. Cowper's productions very slightly; particu. larly his translations from Madame Guion; which are here, therefore, the more particulatly considered. The work concludes with an Elegy on Mr. Cowper, which would not have disgraced his own pen, written by the Rev. Mr. Beck. The whole is beautifully printed on fine wove writing paper; and the embellishments, a neat portrait, apparently copied from the elegant sketch taken by Mr. Laurence; and a vignette, exhibiting the Bouquet (or summer-house) in which Mr. Cowper wrote many of his composi tions. Two or three slight errata we have remarked: the most material is in page 4, where it is said, "The Account of Mr. Newton's Brother is appended to this Memoir." The fact is, it may be so in binding; for with that and Guion's Poems, these Memoirs will form a Third Volume of Mr. Cowper's Works, either in foolscap 12mo or 8vo. A Treatise on the Faith and Influence of the Gospel. By the late Rev. A. Hall, late Minister of the Associate Congregation, Wells Street, London. 121110, 388 p. IN an Advertisement to this va luable work, written by the Editor, the Rev. James Peddie, of Edinburgh, we are informed, that the author of this treatise was a respectable Minister of the Secession: first, at Torpichen, in Scotland; and afterwards in Wells Street, Ox, ford Street, London. He has been for a long time known to the religious public by several judicious and esteemed works; particularly by two volumes on Gospel Wor ship, An Essay on Fellowship, A View of the Constitution of the Gospel Church; and two Sermons, entitled, "Grace and Holiness;" which were published during his life. Though the present volume makes its appearance for the first time, after the lapse of more than twenty-five years since the author's death, the public are assured that it is printed from a manuscript in his own hand-writing, and evidently prepared for the press. It was deposited by him in the hands of his intimate friend, the Rev. Mr. Pattison, the Editor's predecessor in office, probably with a view to its publication in Edinburgh; but the death of the Author, which happened soon after, and then of that venerable minister of the gospel to whose care he had entrusted it, occasioned all thoughts of its publication to be laid aside. Through the politeness of Mr. Pattison's family, in whose custody it has ever since remained, several of the Edi. tor's brethren in the ministry were favoured with a perusal of it; and it now appears, in consequence of the opinion which they have been pleased to express, that it is in no respect inferior to the Author's otliers works; and that its publication might be of use for exhibiting clear and evangelical views of points which have occasioned much disputation in the house of God. - We can only add our cordial recommendation of this valuable work to the careful perusal of the people of God, as a work which is evidently the production of a clear and distinguished mind, aided by close study of the Scriptures; and, we hope, by that divine Spirit, of whom the faith of God's elect is the peculiar approbation. Andrew Dunn: a Narrative, cri. ginally addressed to the Roman Catholics of Ireland; but equally adapted to Members of the same Communion in this Country. By a Friend to Primitive Christianity. Third Edition. With a Short Preface, by the Rev. W. Cooper. 8vo, fine paper, as. 12mo, 15. THE narrative before us is briefly to this effect: Andrew Dunn, a poor man, but of good natural capacity, and who had been taught to read, entertains doubts as to several points of the Roman Catholic Religion; and expresses a great desire to read the Scriptures. By the benevolence of a charitable lady, he obtains a New Testament; and se. riously begins to read. His doubts increase; and he holds repeated conversations with his confessor Our readers will be able to form a general idea, by running over with the eye the contents of the several chapters: Chap. I, comprizes, a summary view of the doc • trines proposed in the Scriptures, as matters of faith to the children of men ; 11. Treats of the nature and foundation of the faith of the gospel; - III. Shews the necessity of believing the gospel; -IV. States the various kinds in which faith is commonly distinguished; - V. Proves that the Holy Ghost works saving faith by means of the word; VI. Displays the excellency of the faith of the gospel; and the last chapter of the first part shews, That the faith of the gospel admits of various degrees. The object of the second part of the Treatise is to il-Father Dominic, who endeavours, lustrate the influence of faith on the character and general conduct of the saints. He shows this inAuence of faith on our enjoying Christ, by vital union to his per.. son; on our regeneration, by the belief of the truth; and on our justification. Had the worthy Author lived, he would have followed out his plan, by shewing the influence of faith in our adoption, in promoting true holiness, comfort, hope, patience, and victory over the world; and in enabling the saints to resist the Devil, depart in peace, and enhance the glories of the world to come. The illustration of these would have been succeeded by two additional chapters: the one illustrating the office of . faith in the life, walk, profession, and religious duties of believers; and the other, pointing out the ge. nuine works of unfeigned faith. in vain, to silence his doubts-by the authority of the church; and at last falls into a passion with him for not believing. Andrew converses with his family, some of whom hear him with attention, particularly his youngest daughter; while others conclude him to be disordered in his mind. At length he begins family-worshi;; in which he is afterwards joined by several of his neighbours. He is providentially saved from fire, and from the malice of J. Nowlan, who, from a persecutor, becomes his friend; and his family afterwards worship with Andrew's. The narrative concludes with the miserable death of Father Dominic, and the happy departure of James Nowlan. Upon the whole, we have read this little history with much pleasure; and do not hesitate to pro nounce it the labour of a very able and ingenious pen. The incidents are natural, the characters are well drawn, the dialogue admirably supported; and the whole is not only instructive, bat entertaining. In addition to this, we have the pleasure to add, that the author's views appear to be perfectly evan gelical; and that while he successfully combats the errors and superstitions of Popery, he strongly enforces vital and primitive Christianity. We, therefore, cordially unite with Mr Cooper, and recom mend this little volume to all who have the opportunity of introducing it, either into Popish families, or among those who are in danger of being seduced into their errors and superstitions. new WE are happy to see a edition of this invaluable work printed in so neat a form; and to those who are desirous of having a summary view of the evidences of Christianity, we know not of any work of its size that we can more safely, or more strongly recommend. The present Bishop of London, we understand, has directed this work to be read by every person intending to take holy orders. It is also a suitable present to young persons, whose minds have been injured by the publications of our modern infidels. A Method of Prayer, with ScriptureExpressions, proper to be used under each Head; to which also are prefixed, Directions for Daily Communion with God. By the late Rev. Mat. Henry. 12mo, 25.6d, boards. DR. WATTS calls this, A judicious Collection of Scriptures, proper to the several parts of that duty. We perfectly agree with the Doctor; and know of no back more suitable to put into the hands of young converts than this. Here are also some Forms of Prayer for the use of those who may not be able to collect for themselves out of the foregoing materials. His Direction for Daily Communion with God, contain some admirable re marks; shewing how to begin, how to spend, and how to close the day with God. The Seaman's Preacher consisting of Nine short and plain Discourses on Jonah's Voyage. Addressed to Mariners, in the year 1672. By John Ryther, Minister of the Gospel in Wapping. A new edition, revised and corrected, with a Preface by the Rev. John Newton, Rector of St. Mary, Woolnoth, &c. and the Recommendation of several other Muisters. 12mo, 15. 6d. In our Magazine for April last (p. 167) we announced the Publi cation of the First of these Discourses singly, which was to be followed by the others progressively, at 4d. each; but this was found too expensive for wide circulation. The nine discourses are, therefore, here printed in one small volume, at is. 6d. uniform with the Village Sermons. The subjects are the folThe Terror of the Storlowing: my Ocean; Prayer, the Natural Effect of Fear; The Guilty Prophet sleeping; The Sleepy Prophet called to Prayer; Prayer and Praise for delivering Mercy; Sin, the Cause of all Calamities; Hid den Sins sought and discovered; The Guilty Person detected; The Improvement of Jonah's Lot, and Sequel to his Voyage. All which subjects are founded on Jonah i. 4-7. Each Sermon is followed by an appropriate Hymn; and the vo Jume concludes with a Selection of suitable Prayers for Seamen. Upon the whole, the public are much indebted to the editor (Rev. S. Palmer) for this new edition of so useful and excellent a work; of which it is quite enough to say, that it is strongly recommended, not only by the venerable Mr. Newton, but also by the Rev. Dr. Rutledge, Mr. N. Hill, Dr. Ryland, Mr. Lowell, Mr. Lambert, Mr. J. Townsend, Mr. Bogue, and Mr. Fuller. A few copies are printed on fine paper, 8vo, for the use of officers, &c. among whom, as well as the common sailors, we sincerely wish them an extensive circulation. The Divine Logos, or Jehovah Elohim the only proper Object of Christian Worship. By John Bentley. 12mo, p.p. 164. State of the Question concerning the Religious Agreement and Difference of Protestants and Roman Catholics with a Reply to a very ensnaring Pamphlet, &c. THIS small and cheap volume comes from the hand of the Rev. E. Gibert, of Guernsey, whose for mer-work, on the Authenticity and Divinity of the New Testament, we had the pleasure to recommend, in our Magazine for May and June, 1801. For reasons similar to what were then alleged, we wish to introduce the present publication to the notice of those, among our readers, who are acquainted with the French language; and more especially to those who have a view to the ad vancement of the gospel in France. The author, who before laboured to stem the torrent of Infidelity, now aims to secure his readers from the natural consequence of its re THE author of this little treatise seems to be a zealous Trinitarian; and though a layman, thinks it his duty to come forward to sound the alarm, and call upon those who are advocates for revealed truth, to rally under the banner of their God and Saviour. He laments the indifference to be found among many of our public teachers as to this doctrine; and particularly mentions his disappointment in hearing one who endeavoured to lessen its importance in the esteem of his au.action, ditors, under the idea of Christian Forbearance. He is no railer, however, against the clergy; and thinks that, bad as the world is, it would be worse without them. He does not think the doctrine of the Trinity to be of a merely speculative Iature. The term speculative divinity," he observes, "may suit modern indifference; but was unknown to Moses, the prophets, and the apostles; the only distinction they inade was, between sacred truths and destructive errors." He very justly founds his arguments for this doctrine on the sacred Scriptures; and, if we cannot agree with him in every thing, we cer. tainly can on the whole. The more learned reader, who has perused the labours of Owen, Buil, Allix, Taylor, Jones, and Simpson, on the subject, will not here find much addition to his knowledge but it is well worthy the perusal of those who have not time to read works of a larger magnitude on this important and highly essential doc trine. ; the flood of superstition. It appears, that the Popish Clergy are not only diligent in restoring their Ritual among persons who had lapsed into scepticism, but likewise in gaining converts from Protestantisin. M. Gibert withstands their efforts; first, By clearly defining, and solidly refuting the points of doctrine which the Roman Catholics have added to those of the primitive church; and next. By exposing the specious pleas and groundless assertions which have been industriously, though privately, circulated among his Protestant neighbours, in order to se. duce them from scriptural truth. The former part of his book, accordingly, furnishes a very concise, yet comprehensive, investigation of the errors of Popery. The latter part, though less interesting to per sons unacquainted with the pamph let referred to, supplies an useful Appendix, which comprizes various arguments in defence of the Protestant faith, not included in the preceding. The only occasion for F censure that strikes us in this publication, arises from numerous and gross mistakes of the press; a few of which only are noticed in the list of errata. This is a growing evil in modern books, and loudly calls for reprehension. The same serious piety, and love of evangelical truth, which characterize M. Gibert's writings in general, cannot fail to give pleasure in a perusai of his present performance. LITERARY NOTICES. The Rev. Mr. Jefferson, of Basingstoke, has in the press a volume of Sermons and Essays, on Sacred, Moral, and Literary Subjects; which may be expected in the course of the present month. Dr. Pike, of Enfield, is about publish a Tract for Children, entitled, "Principles of Religion :" in Two Parts. Adapted for dif ferent ages and capacities. The Fifth Volume of Dr. Dod dridge's Works is now in the press. This will complete all his Works, except the Family Expositor, Volumes more. which will be comprized in Five We understand, that but very few copies of the Expositor, more than shall be subscribed for at the commencement of the Sixth Volume, will be printed. This circumstance should be known to the Public, that none may have just cause to complain, if in future they should not be able to obtain a fine paper copy. Obituary. WILLIAM BURTWELL WAS born at Billericay, in Essex, of respectable parents, who gave him a good education, and put him apprentice to a painter; but being of a roving disposition, he entered into the army, and lived a very dissolute life, despising the gospel, and taking pleasure in wickedness. About three years ago, the Lord was pleased to afflict him with the dropsy, while he lived at Homerton : here he was recommended to the notice of, and visited by, the Members of the Homerton Benevolent Society, who found him quite ignorant, but desirous of being instructed; and the Lord was pleased to bless the means used to convince him of his lost state as a sinner. The late Rev. Mr. Eyre visited him se. veral times, and rejoiced to see such a visible display of the grace of God. When his old companions came to see him, he exhorted them to flee to Christ; and told them what God had done for his soul. His disorder was of such a nature, as did not permit him to lie down on a bed for six months; during which tine he did not murmur nor repine; but prayed to the Lord to grant hint resignation to his will; and praised him that, in his mercy, he had afflicted him. He enjoyed much of the divine presence till his death, which was June 16, 1803. We rejoice to hear that his exemplary behaviour under his afflic tions, with his frequent admonitions, have induced most of his relations to attend the preaching of the Gos pel. MISS BARLOW Died October 6, 1803, aged Twenty. The conversion of a sinner to God is a matter of pleasure to all who really know the bitterness of sin, whatever the instrument may be; but it is sometimes effected by means which call forth peculiar joy. For instance, when a number of persons deliberate upon the means best calculated to produce that great end; - when they unite their property, their labours, and their prayers, in the use of those means; — and when the Holy Spirit is pleased to ap. prove their plan, it encou |