which they are enabled to glorify God, and receive the blessings which sanctified trials produce. What were the sufferings of the Son of God! Who can describe what he felt in the garden of Gethsemane? Who can form an idea of the agony of his soul when he bore the accumulated load of our trangressions! when he cried, " My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" May we never forget the love of his heart, but may it ever be our constant theme! To eye There is one thing that will tend very considerably to make us more reconciled under every trying dispensation, viz. That glory will make up for the greatest sufferings which we can possibly endure. The apostle's words are beautiful on this point: "Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory." speak of this glory, we must first have a view of it; for hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man," even "to conceive what God hath prepared for them that love him." We may carry our ideas to the highest state of felicity; but when we think of glory, we are lost amid the bliss which we strive to conceive. After all, we must be satisfied with this, that it doth not yet appear what we shall be ; but we know that when Christ shall appear, we shall appear with him in glory, we shall be like him: for we shall see him as he is; our joy will then be full, unspeakable, and full of glory. IGDALIA. ON THE FUNDS OF THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Sir, To the Editor. A PAPER lately appeared in a certain publication, entitled, "Observations on the present Management of the Missionary Society." As that paper appears to me grounded on a misapprehension of the subject, calculated to mislead the public, and to stop the current of their liberality, I must intreat your speedy insertion of the following remarks. I am disposed to give credit to the writer, when he affirms that he has been a friend and a supporter of the Society from the beginning; but I conceive that if he feared the evil tendency of any of their proceedings, it would have evinced friendship more pure, to have communicated his sentiments to the Directors themselves, who, I am persuaded, would have paid due respect to his observations; but to pass a public censure on their conduct, and that by the channel of a work with which few of them are acquainted, reflects no honour on his prudence, or his candour. Passing, however, over many unkind insinuations contained in that paper, I proceed to notice the only subject of conse quence, which is the writer's opinion, that the Society ought not to retain a permanent fund, but to spend their whole property. In my humble opinion, however, they are fully justified in their present mode of conduct by the following considerations. 1. The Missionaries who are employed by the Society in different parts of the world, have a just right to expect that their subsistence should rest on a security which is not precariousThere are about forty Missionaries in connection with the Society, and there is reason to expect a gradual increase of their number, so that the annual expenditure may probably much exceed the income of the Society arising from subscriptions, &c. This is likely to be the case in a considerable degree in the present year, in consequence of the equipment and expence of ten Missionaries, on the point of departure for Africa and Asia, whose subsistence abroad may occasion an increased annual expenditure of 1000l. These Missions could not, with full satisfaction, have been undertaken, notwithstanding their confidence in the liberality of the public, without the additional security for their subsistence arising from their capital in the funds. 2. It is requisite that the Missionaries in Africa and Asia should have a credit lodged in their favour, from time to time, for the amount of their expenditure. Their subsistence depends upon this. The amount of these credits is already considerable, and gradually increasing; but upon what honourable principle could these credits be fixed, if there were the smallest uncertainty whether the Society would be able to answer them with regularity? It is an adequate permanent fund alone that can insure the punctuality of these engagements, and preserve from danger the honour of the Society. 3. The operations of the Society are designed to embrace the Heathen world at large; and some of the Missionaries are placed in the uncivilized parts of it, where their personal security rests on the capricious disposition of the natives: others reside in countries partly civilized, where they have no legal right of residence. In both cases they may be permitted to dwell unmolested; but yet experience has shown that it is necessary to be prepared for contrary events; and should the expulsion of a Considerable body of Missionaries take place, their passage home would involve the Society in a large expence, which they should be prepared to meet. 4. The preservation of the honour of the Society is of the utmost importance; and this rests on the fidelity and punctuality with which it fulfills its engagements. A violation of its honour would inflict a mortal wound on the Missionary cause, and involve the Directors in an awful responsibility. It is incumbeat ou then, the fore, to act upon a principle which shall protect te credit of the Society under every possible event; and this purpose an adequate fund is indispensably necessary; whereas, to act upon the present capital in too great a degree, might endanger their credit; and while, by diminishing the resources of the Society, it would render necessary, in the same proportion, increased supplies from the public,-it would also in reality be gradually wasting its vital strength, and preparing the way for. its dissolution. These reasons, Sir, will, I trust, satisfy every intelligent reader that the Missionary Society acts prudently in preserving a fund; and that the exercise of this prudence argues no want of zeal for the cause, no suspicion of the public liberality, no distrust in the Divine Providence. I think also that some credit should: be given to men of character and wisdom, who devote so much of their time and attention to the interests of Christianity; and that those who reside at a distance and know little of their affairs, should not rashly and without enquiry condemn their conduct. I therefore think the writer of the paper in question,' with all his professions of friendship, has treated the Society in an unfriendly manner, and has thrown an obstacle in the way of its prosperity, at a time when the appearance of the fruits of their labours has warmed every heart, and inspired thousands with renewed zeal to promote this glorious cause. IN 1702, Peter the Great advanced to the frontiers of Sweden with a considerable army; and having made several ineffectual attempts against Noteburg, he sent Prince Gallitzin, colonel of the guards, at the head of a select corps, to take it by storm. That officer having, by means of rafts, landed his soldiers close to the fortifications, which advance almost to the water, they were received with such cool intrepidity by the garrison, and exposed to so dreadful a carnage, that Peter, conceiving the assault to be impracticable, sent immediate orders for the Russians to retire: Prince Gallitzin, however, refused to obey. "Tell my Sovereign," added he, " that I am no longer his subject; having thrown myself under the protection of a power far superior to him." Then, turning to his troops, he animated them by his voice and example, and leading them to the attack, scaled the walls and took the fortress. Peter was so much struck with this exploit, that, upon his next interview with Gallitzin, he said to him, "Ask what you chuse, except Moscow and Catherine." The Prince, with a magnanimity which reflects the highest honour upon his character, instantly requested the pardon of his ancient rival prince Repnin, wha had been degraded by Peter from the rank of Marshal to that of a common soldier. He obtained his request; and with the confidence of his Sovereign, the esteem of Repnin, and the applause of the public. This anecdote, found in Coxe's Travels in Poland, Russia, &c. and well authenticated by that respectable writer, no less illustrates some important points of Christianity, than it exhibits the natural greatness of Gallitzin's soul. The daring and noble reply of the Prince to the orders of his Sovereign, instantly reminds us of the unlimited confidence of a genuine believer in the power and protection of Divine Providence. The request of Gallitzin for the pardon of his former rival, strongly impresses our mind with the unparallelled disinterestedness and benevolence of our Saviour; who, when he might have left his people under the just disgrace of their high provocations, generously improved the splendor of his conquests, to demand their deliverance, their honour, and their happiness: whilst the various effects produced by the Prince's magnanimity upon the mind of Peter, of Repnin, and the public, at once strikes our imagination with what the Redeemer inherits by his death and intercession; the eternal confidence of his Father, the esteem of his people, and the plaudits of an enlightened world. Warwick. J. M. THE late Rev. Mr. Warrow, of Manchester, a little before his death, was complaining to the trustees of the chapel, That he had not been made the instrument of calling one soul to the knowledge of the truth for the last eight years of his ministry. He preached but two sermons after this, before the Lord called him to himself; and soon after his death, between twenty and thirty persons proposed themselves as churchmembers, who had been called by grace, under Mr. Warrow's two last sermons. Let not ministers think their work is done while they can preach another Sermon, or speak another word. MR. Joel Barlow, of Hartford, Connecticut, New England, (Author of the Advice to Privileged Orders) meeting the Rev. Mr. Strong, of the above place, one day, asked him why he did not publish the set of Sermons he had promised the world so long? "There is one subject," replied Mr. Strong, "I cannot get master of." What is that?' said Mr. Barlow, "To reconcile the profession of the Christian Religion," said Mr. Strong, "with non-attendance on publie worship." J. C. YOUR well-timed insertion of Rapin's account of the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, in your Magazine for October last, could not but be acceptable to your readers at this momentous crisis; and it recalled to my remembrance an anecdote of our famous Queen Elizabeth, in reference to that great event, which may not be unworthy of your notice. - When the defeated enemies of our favoured Isle, stung with disappointment and chagrin, and wishing to detract from the honour which our brave defenders had acquired, loudly exclaimed, that "the English had little reason to boast; for if the elements had not fought against them, they would have certainly conquered us."-The enlarged and vivid mind of Elizabeth improved the hint; and she commanded a medal to be struck, representing the Armada scattered and sinking in the back ground; and in the front, the British fleet riding triumphant, with this motto round the medal :-" Thou didst blow with thy wind, and the sea covered them." A passage admirably calculated to express gratitude to God, for the wonders which he had wrought for our nation: and, at the same time, to remind princes and conquerors, as well as peasants, that, though we are bound to love and honour the instruments of our deliverance, "Salvation is of the Lord." PHILEMON. To the above Anecdote we are desired to subjoin the Speech of Queen Elizabeth to her Army, at Tilbury Fort, previous to the Engagement with the Spaniards. "My loving People, "We have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit ourselves to armed multitudes, for fear of treachery: but I assure you, I do not desire to live to dustrust my faithful and loving people. Let tyrants fear: I have always so behaved myself, that, under God, I have placed my chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and good-will of my subjects; and therefore I am come amongst you, as you see, at this time, not for my recreation and disport, but, being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die amongst you all; to lay down for my God, and for my kingdom, and for my people, my honour and my blood, even in the dust. I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too; and think foul scorn that Parma, cr Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare invade the borders of my realm; to which, rather than any dishonour should grow by me, I myself will take up arms; I myselt will be your general, judge, and rewarder of every one of your virtues in the field. I know already, for. your forwardness, you have deserved rewards and crowns, and we do assure you, on the word of a prince, they shall be duly paid you. In the mean time, my Lieutenant General shall be in my stead, than whoin never prince commanded a more noble or worthy subject; not doubting but by your concord in the camp, and your valour in the field, we shall shortly have a famous victory over those enemies of my God, of my kingdom, and of my people." In a Note in our Magazine for October, page 444, was given, in the Latin language, a curious Pasquinade (a satirical label attached to the image of Pasquin, in Rome) offering an indulgence of 1000 years, to discover what was become of the Spanish feet. 3 |