NOTES CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY. BY GEORGE CAMPBELL, D.D. F.R.S. EDINBURGH. IN FOUR VOLUMES. VOL. IV. WITH THE AUTHOR'S LAST CORRECTIONS. ΜΟΝΗ ΘΥΤΕΟΝ ΤΗ ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY W. WELLS, AND THOMAS B. WAIT AND CO. T. B. Wait & Co. Printers. 1811. gift 4-9-1932, ADVERTISEMENT. It is proper to observe that, in the following Notes, repetitions and unnecessary references are, as much as possible, avoided. When an useful illustration of any word or phrase is to be found in the Notes on one of the succeeding Gospels, the place is com. monly referred to; not so, when it is in one of the preceding, because it may probably be remembered; and if it should not, the margin of the text will direct to the places proper to be consulted. But when the explanation of a term occurs in the Notes on a preceding Gospel, on a passage not marked in the margin as parallel, the place is mentioned in the Notes. In words which frequently recur, it has been judged convenient to adopt the following |