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20. Matrimony.
Visitation of the Sick.
18. The Communion of the Sick.
19. Burial.
21. Visitation of the Sick, and Com- 20. The Thanksgiving of Women after
munion of the Sick.
22. Burial.
21. A Commination against sinners,
with certain prayers to be used divers
times in the year.
1 A Proclamation for the authorising of the Book of Common Prayer. [S. L.]
1. An Act for the Uniformity of 1. A Preface.
Common Prayer.
2. A Preface.
3. Of Ceremonies, why some be abol-
ished, and some retained.
4. The Order how the Psalter is ap-
pointed to be read.
5. The Table for the Order of the
Psalms to be said at Morning and
Evening Prayer.
6. The Order how the rest of holy
Scripture is appointed to be read.
7. Proper Psalms and Lessons at
Morning and Evening Prayer, for Sundays and certain feasts and days.
8. An Almanack.
9. The Table and Calendar for Psalms
and Lessons, with necessary rules ap-
pertaining to the same.
10. The Order for Morning Prayer
and Evening Prayer, throughout the
11. The Litany.
12. The Collects, Epistles, and Gospels
to be used at the Ministration of the
holy Communion throughout the year.
13. The Order of the Ministration of
the holy Communion.
14. Baptism, both public and private.
15. Confirmation, where also is a Cate-
chism for Children.
16. Matrimony.
17. Visitation of the Sick.
20. The Thanksgiving of Women after
[The Form and Manner of making and
consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and
Deacons. 1552.]
2. A Table and Calendar for Psalms
and Lessons, with necessary rules per-
taining to the same.
3. The Order for Matins and Even-
song, throughout the year.
4. The Introits, Collects, Epistles and
Gospels, to be used at the Celebration
of the Lord's Supper, and holy Com-
munion through the year, with proper
Psalms and Lessons, for divers feasts
and days.
5. The Supper of the Lord and holy
Communion, commonly called the Mass.
6. The Litany and Suffrages.
7. Of Baptism, both public and private.
8. Of Confirmation, where also is a
Catechism for Children.
9. Of Matrimony.
10. Of Visitation of the Sick, and Com-
munion of the same.
11. Of Burial.
12. The Purification of Women.
13. A Declaration of Scripture, with
certain prayers to be used the first
day of Lent, commonly called Ash
14. Of Ceremonies omitted or retained.
15. Čertain notes for the more plain
explication and decent ministration of
things contained in this book.
In 1552, the first Article in the Table of Contents is, " A Preface;" the Act for the Uniformity, &c. though printed, not being enumerated among the Contents. * At Morning and Evening Prayer, for certain feasts and days. [1552]