FOR XXX YEARS. [1559] AN ALMANACK FOR XIX. YEARS. D. C. 3 March 18 April 27 6 June 1632/19 • Pasch-day [S. L.] + Rogation week [1604] 14 April [S. L.] Whit Sunday. Sundays Advent Sunday. Note, That the Supputation of the year of our Lord in the Church of England beginneth the xxv day of March, the same day supposed to be the first day upon which the world was created, and the day when Christ was conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary. [1604] Note, That the Supputation of the year of our Lord in the Church of England beginneth the five and twentieth day of March. [1662] When ye have found the Sunday Letter in the uppermost Line, guide your eye downward from the same, till ye come right over against the Prime; and there is shewed both what month, and what day of the month Easter falleth that year. But note, that the name of the month is set at the left hand, or else just with the Figure, and followeth not, as in other Tables by descent, but collateral. 1 The Tables and Rules to find Easter, and the other moveable feasts, which are now prefixed to the Book of Common Prayer, were enacted by 24 George II. c. 23. (anno 1751). "Be it therefore further "enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said feast of Easter, or any of the moveable feasts thereon "depending shall, from and after the second day of September [1751] be no longer kept or observed in "that part of Great Britain called England, or in any other the dominions or countries subject or belong"ing to the crown of Great Britain, according to the said method of supputation now used, or the said "Table prefixed to the said book of common prayer; and that the said table, and also the column of "golden numbers, as they are now prefixed to the respective days of the month in the said calendar, shall be left out of all future editions of the said book of common prayer; and that the said new calendar, "tables and rules, hereunto annexed, shall be prefixed to all such future editions of the said book, in the #room and stead thereof." f THE CALENDAR WITH THE TABLE OF LESSONS. [1662] JANUARY HATH XXAI DAYS THE MOON HATH XXX. Morning Prayer Evening Prayer 1 Less. 2 Less. 1 Less. 2 Less. Sun ris. hour $7.34 4.48 fall. 2b 4 No. Lord Gen. 1 Mat. 1 Gen. 2 Rom. 1 8 2 Gen. 1 Mat. 1 Gen. 2 Rom. 1 8 1 Kaler L. 2. Circumcision of off 19 Circumcision 1 Gen. 17 Rom. 2 Deu. 10 Col. 2 19 Circumcision Gen. 11 d 3 Id. 12 e Pr. Id. 13 f Hilary, Bp. and Con 16 b 17 c 16 ΚΙ. 18 d 15 Kl. 19 e 14 Kl. 20 f 21 g 12 ΚΙ. Agnes, Rom. V. & M. 23 b 10 Kl. 27 1 28 g 5 ΚΙ. 6 Exod. 2 25 3 9 28 Exod. 1 25 Ex. 2 9 Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Sun Sris. fall. hour 7.14 (4.46 (fall.) (4.45 1 Less. 2 Less. 1 Less. 2 Less. Fast the B. Virgin Ex. 10 Mar. 1 Ex. 11 1 Cor. 13 1 Less. 2 Less. 1 Less. 2 Less. Fast 2 Ex. 9 Mar. 1 Ex. 10 1 Cor. 13 Fast 2 Ex. 11 Mar. 1 Ex. 12 1 Cor. 13 2 14 16 Purif. of B. Mary 3 Wis. 4 2 Wis. 6 14 16 Purif of Mary 3 Wis. 9 2 Wis. 12 14 12 3 13 15 5 Blasii 4 Ex. 11 3 Ex. 12 15 5 Blasii 4 Ex. 13 3 Ex. 14 15 |