S. James... Ecclus. 21 Ecclus. 22 Ecclus. 21 Ecclu. 22 S. Bartholomew + Christmas Day Ascension Day. PROPER PSALMS ON CERTAIN DAYS. Matins Evensong Matins Evensong Matins Evensong 19.45.85 89.110.132 19.45.85 89.110.132 19. 45.85 89.110.132 | 22.40.54 69.88 2.57.111 113.114.118 2.57.111 113.114.118 2.57.111 113.114-118 48.68 1662 104. 145 1604 45. §47 S. L. Simon and Jude [1604] barren. Sapien. 3 Sapien. 5 Second Lesson. Heb. 11. 12 Apoc. 19 Heb. 11.12 Арос. 19 Sapi. 3 Blessed is Heb. 11. 12 Sap. 5 (unto) His jealousy also. Blessed is Saints by faith, (unto) If you (unto) Saints by faith (unto) And I saw an tening. Angel stand. (unto) If you And I saw an Saints by faith Aрос. 19 (unto) And I saw an Angel stand. tising. PROPER PSALMS ON CERTAIN DAYS. Matins Evensong Matins Evensong Matins Evensong Christmas Day. 19.45.85 89.110.132 19. 45.85 89.110.132 19. 45.85 89.110.132 ** The Table for the Order of the Psalms to ** A Table for the Order of the Psalms to be be said at Morning and Evening Prayer. + Morning Prayer. said at Matins and Evensong. + Evening Prayer. 1 2 9. 10. 11 3 15. 16. 17 4 19.20.21 5 24.25.26 6 30.31 7 35.36 8 9 38.39.40 44. 45. 46 6.7.8 12. 13. 14 18 22.23 27.28.29 32. 33. 34 37 41. 42. 43 47.48.49 53.54.55 59.60.61 65.66.67 69.70 73.74 78 89 93.94 104 106 108.109 114.115 119. Inde 4 Inde 4 There is no separate Table of Proper Psalms either in [1552] or [1349]. In the former, they are placed with the Proper Lessons, and in the latter, under the head " of Introits," &c. .. 12 دندان and 1540) these Tables occur after the "Order how the Psalter is appointed to be read." Vide supra. THESE TO BE OBSERVED FOR HOLY-DAYS AND NONE OTHER. That is to say: All Sundays in the year. The days of the Feasts of the Circumcision of our Lord Jesus Christ. Of the Epiphany. 3Of the Purification of the blessed Virgin. Of S. Matthias the Apostle. Of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin. Of S. Mark the Evangelist. Of S. Philip and Jacob the Apostles. Of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. Of the Nativity of S. John Baptist. Of S. Peter the Apostle. Of S. James the Apostle. Of S. Bartholomew the Apostle. Of S. Matthew the Apostle. Of S. Michael the Archangel. Of S. Luke the Evangelist. Of S. Simon and Jude the Apostles. Of All Saints. Of S. Andrew the Apostle. Of S. Thomas the Apostle. Of the Nativity of our Lord. Of S. Stephen the Martyr. Of S. John the Evangelist. Of the holy Innocents. Monday and Tuesday in Easter week. Monday and Tuesday in Whitsun week. [1604.] In the New Calendar, Tables and Rules, mentioned and referred to in the Act (24 Geo. II. c. 28) for regulating the commencement of the Year, and for correcting the Calendar then in use, the Rule is this; "the first Sunday after the Full Moon, which happens upon, or next after, the 21st of March." A brief declaration when every Term beginneth and endeth. Be it known that Easter Term beginneth always the 18th day after Easter, reckoning Easter-day for one; and endeth the Monday next after the Ascension day. Trinity Term beginneth 12 days after Whitsunday, and continueth 19 days. Michaelmas Term beginneth the 9th or 10th day of October, and endeth the 28th or 29th day of November. Hilary Term beginneth the 23rd or 24th day of January, and endeth the 12th or 13th day of February. In Easter Term, on the Ascension-day; in Trinity Term, on the Nativity of S. John Baptist; in Michaelmas Term, on the feast of All Saints; in Hilary Term, on the Feast of the Purification of our Lady, the King's Judges of Westminster do not use to sit in Judgment, nor upon any Sundays. [1604] These and the subsequent Rules in [1604] and the Scotch Liturgy, are placed after the Calendar. 1586 10 20 27 B. 3 April 1587 11 1 28 Α. 16 April 1588 12 12 1 G. F. 7 April In [1559] the Epact is 6. Note 1. The Almanack of [1552] extends from 1552 to 1570 inclusive, but the Easter days are not specified after 1561. 2. The Almanack of [1559] extends from 1559 to 1588 inclusive. 3. The Almanack of [1604] extends from 1603 to 1641 inclusive. 4. The Almanack of [S. L] extends from 1637 to 1670 inclusive. The columns that are left blank do not form part of this Almanack, and the entries in italics from 1637 to 1641 inclusive, belong to the Almanack of [1604], and from 1661 to 1670 inclusive, to that of [1662]. 5. The Table of Moveable Feasts in [1662] extends from 1661 to 1700 inclusive. Easter Day. Rogation Sunday. Ascension Day. Whit Sunday. Sundays Advent Sunday. |