Imágenes de páginas







Sunday after Ascension Day.

Deut. 12

Deut. 13

Whit Sunday.

First Lesson

Deut. 17

Deut. 18

Second Lesson

Acts 10.

Then Peter

It fortuned

opened his, &c.

when Apollo went to Corinth, &c. (unto) After these things.

Trinity Sunday.

First Lesson

[blocks in formation]

Gen. 18

Mat. 3

Acts 19.

Joshua 1

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


1 King. 2 1 King. 3

[blocks in formation]


Acts 19.
It fortuned

when Apollo

went to Corinthum, &c. (unto) After these things.

Acts 10.

Then Peter
opened his
mouth, unto
the end.

Acts 19.
It fortuned
when Apollo
went to Co-
(unto) After
these things.

Nativity of

First Lesson.

Evensong Matins


Isai. 9

Is. 7

God spake once
again to
Achas, &c.

Isai. 9

* (sic)

Is. 7

Isai. 9

God spake once unto the end.

again to
Achas, &c.
unto the

Is. 7

God spake once

again to Achas, &c.

unto the


[blocks in formation]

Matth. 3 Matth. 14 Matth. 13 Matth. 14 Matth. 13 Mat. 14 unSecond Lesson. Luke 2 unto

Second Lesson.

to v. 13

(unto) When Jesus heard.

to verse 13

S. Peter.

First Lesson
Second Lesson.

Ecclus. 15
Acts 3

Ecclus. 19
Acts 4

Ecclu. 15
Acts 3

Ecclu. 19
Acts 4

Acts 3

Acts 4

I find in the Scotch Liturgy, in all the Cambridge impressions of our Book of Common Prayer, and some others of the London Edition, a manifest error, in rendering here the 13 of Matth, for the third; expressly varying from the Liturgies of Edw. 6. the 1 and 2, and from that of Q. Elizabeth, all which give us the third of Matth, and conformable is the Calendar of the very impressions formerly cited as erroneous. This slip is taken in truth ex traduce, from the first

S. Stephen.

First Lesson Second Lesson.

8. John.

First Lesson Second Lesson.

Innocents' Day


First Lesson

Second Lesson.


First Lesson


Second Lesson.




Tit. 3 The kindness and love, &c. (unto) Foolish questions.

Acts 7

And when forty years were expired, there appeared unto Moses, &c. (unto) Stephen full of the holy Ghost.

Арос. 22


Mat. 1

unto the end.

Acts 6.7 Stephen full of faith and power, &c. unto And when

forty years.

Арос. 1 unto the end.

Jer. 31


Moreover I heard Ephraim.

Gen. 17 unto the end.

Rom. 2

unto the end.

Isai. 60

[blocks in formation]

unto the end, unto the end.

Luke 3.

And it fortuned, unto the end.

[blocks in formation]


And unto men
of good will.

Prov. 28

Act. 6 & 7.
Stephen full of
faith and
power, &c.
unto And when
xl. years, &c.

Eccle. 5
Арос. 1

Jere. 31

Moreover I
beard Eph-

Gen. 17

Rom. 2

Isai. 60

Luke 3.
And it

fortuned, &c.

Titu. 3
The kindness
and love, &c.

Eccle. 4
Act. 7

And when forty
years were ex-
pired, there
appeared unto

(unto) Stephen
full of the holy
Ghost, &c.

Eccle. 6
Арос. 22

Wisdom 1

Deut. 10.

now Israel, &c.

Coloss. 2

Isai. 49

John 2

After this he

went to Ca



Luke 2

And unto men a
good will.

Acts 6 & 7.
Stephen full of
faith and
power, unto
And when
forty years
were, &c.

Арос. 1.
the whole
Jer. 31

Moreover I
heard Eph-

Gen. 17

Rom. 2

Isai. 60

Luke 3
And it

fortuned, &c.

Deu. 10.
And now
Israel, &c.

Coloss. 2

Isai. 49

John 2

After this he

went down to

| Capernaum.

unto the end.

Deut. 10
And now


unto the end.

Coloss. 2

unto theend.

Isai. 49

John 2

After this he went down to Capernaum, unto the end.

Act. 22


They heard


* Act. 2

Acts 22

Acts 26

They heard



Acts 26 unto the end.

Eccle. 2

Eccle. 3

Wednesday before Easter.

First Lesson

Hos. 13

Hos. 11

Hos. 13. 14

Lament. 1 unto the end.

Second Lesson.

Thursday before Easter.

First Lesson

Dan. 9

Jerem. 31

Dan. 9

Jerem. 31

Lamen. 2 unto the end. unto the end.

Lam. 3

Sacotid Lesson.

Good Friday. First Lesson.

Gen. 22

Isai. 53

Gen. 22

Isai. 53

Isai. 53

unto the end. unto the end.

Secotel Lesson.

• (sle)

[blocks in formation]

v. 14

Whitsun Week.

First Lesson 1 Sam. 19. Deut. 30 1 King. 19. Deut. 30


v. 18

Second Lesson 1 Thess. 5. 1 John 4 to

S. Barnabas.

v. 12 to v.

David came to
Samuel to
Rama, &c.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

S. John Baptist. First Lesson

Malach. 3

Mal. 4

Mala. 3

Mala. 4

Mal. 3

Mal. 4

Second Lesson.

Matth. 3 Matth. 14 Matth. 13 Matth. 14 Matth. 13 Mat. 14 un

to v. 13


to verse 13

When Jesus

S. Peter.

First Lesson
Second Lesson

Ecclus. 15
Acts 3

Ecclus. 19
Acts 4

Ecclu. 15
Acts 3

Ecclu. 19
Acts 4

Acts 3

Acts 4

I find in the Scotch Liturgy, in all the Cambridge impressions of our Book of Common Prayer, and some others of the London Edition, a manifest error, in rendering here the 13 of Matth, for the third; expressly varying from the Liturgies of Edw. 6. the 1 and 2, and from that of Q. Flizabeth, all which give us the third of Matth. and conformable is the Calendar of the very impressions formerly cited as erroneous. This slip is taken in truth ex traduce, from the first

[blocks in formation]

Church-Book printed in King James his time, which ought to be the standard for ensuing times, and which hath it the 13 of Matth-L'Estrange, note, Chap. 2. 1 (sic)

† Saint Philip and James [1549]


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