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ter Sessions at Manchester, sends more criminals to transportation than all Scotland in a year.' He then says, We must look to some other cause for the good order aud morality of our people. In my opinion, that cause is-our institutions for the education of youth, and for the maintenance of religion.' The institution of parochial schools,

in the manner and to the extent in which they are established in Scotland, is, I believe, peculiar to ourselves; and it is an institution to which, however simple in its nature and inobtrusive in its operation, I am persuaded we are chiefly to ascribe the regularity of conduct by which we are distinguished. One great advantage,' he ob

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serves, resulting from education is, that by enlarging the understanding, a man rises in his own estimation, and is set above the mean and dirty crimes to which the temptations and hardships of life might otherwise expose him.

Ar an early period of the Reformation, it is said that Bishop Latimer proposed to Henry the Eighth the appropriation of part of the Abbey Lands, for the establishment of parochial schools for the education of children throughout England. Had that proposal been adopted, what advantages might not have been experienced by the whole kingdom! but, better late than never.'

Naval and Military Bible Society, instituted in 1780.

FROM the last Report of this useful Institution, it appears that the Committee have distributed, during the last year, 1848 Bibles and 25 Testaments; and since the formation of the Society, upwards of 47000 copies of the holy Scriptures.

The Committee lament the narrow limits of their ability to circulate Bibles as they could wish, and as the exigencies of the Army and Navy require. In a note appended to the Report, page 19, The Navy (including 31,400 Marines) are calculated at The regular Army and Militia




A letter to the Editor from the Secretary, Captain Close, states that, as the result of a circular letter to officers commanding ships and regiments on home stations, the Committee have now before them applications for Bibles and Testaments, from 21,420 British sailors and soldiers; while the Society's funds do not enable them immediately to furnish more than about 3000 of that number."

The Committee appear to be anxious to obviate an objection which has been injurious to them, viz. That the establishment of the British and Foreign Bible Society has rendered this Institution less necessary than be fore; but they observe, that the professed objects of the two Societies are very distinct, the soldiers and sailors being the only two classes of men to whom this Society directs its attention; amongst whom they distribute the Scriptures gratuitously. They also observe, that the Bibles which they obtained from the British and Foreign Bible Society, were paid for at prime cost,

The Appendix contains very pleasing Extracts of Letters from commanding officers, at home and abroad, soliciting Bibles for their men; and stating the good effects which have, in various instances, been produced in their several corps by the use of the Scriptures.

We are sorry to notice, that the Collections and Subscriptions made during the last year, for the support of the Society, amounted to little more than 300. A small sum indeed, compared with the wants of the Army and Navy-Subscriptions, which are earnestly solicited by the Cominittee, will be received by the Treasurer, Ambrose Martin, Esq. Charlotte Street, Bloomsbury; and J. Stephenson, Esq. William Street, ChathamPlace; by the Collector, Mr. John Ellsworth, Willow Walk, KentishTown; and by Mr. Hatchard, Piccadilly.


Elevation of the London Female Penitentiary, with the Additional Buildings.

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THE Committee beg leave to congratulate the Religious Public on the success with which it has pleased God to crown this Institution; and also to express an earnest hope that, on the present occasion, they will enable them greatly to extend its inestimable blessings. It is unnecessary bere to describe the excellence of its constitution and management; or to enumerate the particular iustances of its utility. The principal objects of this address are to inform them, that the proposed Enlargement of the Penitentiary House is at length begun; and to solicit their pecuniary assistance, to defray the expence.

The Committee have purchased a Lease of the Penitentiary House, and the contiguous ground; of which lease 74 years are yet unexpired. The extent of the ground adjoining the house is so considerable, as to admit the erection of a number of additional buildings. The additional wing is already covered in. In the ensuing spring it is intended to erect an Infirmary, and a prompt Reception Ward, in the garden. When these buildings are completed, which will be erected in the plainest manner possible, the Asylum will be capable of containing 100 objects. The expensive and very inconvenient occupation of the house in John Street will then be discontinued.

The purchase of the Lease, by which the Asylum will now he held rent-free, has necessarily much impoverished its Funds, as the following statement will evince:

Paid in discharge of a Mortgage for £1,500, and interest additional Purchase-Money for the Lease

£ s. d.

1,773 0 0


1,774 0 0

190 0 0

additional piece of Ground at the bottom of the Garden
Expence of erecting Wash-house, Laundry, &c.

675 0 0

4,412 0 0

Contract for the Wing which is now erecting

Estimate of the intended Buildings for an Infirmary, &c.

The Balance in the Treasurer's hands, including the building fund, and the fund for general purposes,

does not amount to

[blocks in formation]

£2,685 0 0

Sum wanted to discharge the expence of the Wing and Additional Buildings, exclusive of necessary furniture From this Statement, the indispensable necessity of very considerable pecuniary aid is evident. The Committee, however, assure the public that the Enlargements, which create this necessity, are not only requisite in order to extend the benefits of the Institution to a far greater number of objects, but are absolutely necessary also to give full effect to the original design of this charity. The peace, good order, health, industry, and reformation of the women, essentially depend upon separate and commo

dious Wards; and these cannot possibly be constructed without a material enlargement of the Asylum.

It is highly gratifying to the Committee to be enabled to state, that during the last four years, about seventy young women have been reconciled to their friends, or placed in respectable situations as servants; but it is painful to relate, that, during the same period, upwards of 500 unhappy objects have applied at the doors of the Asylum in vain! These facts present irresistible arguments in favour of the present application; and the Committee do not doubt that they will make a powerful impression upon the public mind.

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The Committee, having stated these grounds for their application, most respectfully and earnestly solicit contributions to the Fund for the Enlargement of the Penitentiary; and they trust that, whilst new instances of individual liberality will be afforded, such persons will also plead with their friends for similar Donations, and with Non-Subscribers for their annual Subscriptions likewise; since it is obvious that the enlargement of the Asylum will necessarily require a proportional increase of permanent By order of the Committee,


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January 1, 1812. T. PELLATT, Secretary. Donations for the Building Fund, and Annual Subscriptions, are received by W. Alers, Esq. Treasurer, No. 7, Fenchurch Street; T. Pellatt, Secretary, Ironmongers' Hall; T. Pattison, Collector, 21, Chapel Street, Pentonville; and by the following Bankers: Messrs. Hankey and Co.; Down, Thornton, and Co.; Forster, Lubbock, and Co.; Hoares; Fuller, Chatteris, and Co.; Ransom and Moreland; Smith and Holt; and Davison and Co.


A MURDER of uncommon atrocity, which has chilled with borror all the inhabitants of the metropolis, was perpetrated between 12 and one o'clock in the morning of Sunday, Dec. 8, 1811, at the house of Mr. Marr, Haberdasher, in Radcliffe Highway, London.

Mr. Marr had just shut up his shop at 12 o'clock, when, it is supposed, two or three men entered the shop with him, or immediately after: probably, under the pretence of purchasing something; for it appears that Mr. and Mrs. Marr had been under painful apprehension for some time past, that a robbery was intended, as some suspicious men had several times come to the shop. It seems highly probable that Mr. Marr was in the act of reaching, from behind the counter, some article asked for, when he received a blow on the head, which brought him to the ground. Mrs. Marr was then below stairs, in the kitchen; and it is thought came up, on hearing the noise of her husband's fall; and appears to have been killed while making towards the shop-door to escape, or call for

help. Her body was found near the door, with her head towards it. The apprentice, who probably came up on hearing the noise, was killed as he entered the shop, from the back door of it. An infant of 14 weeks old was also killed in the cradle, to prevent detection, as it is supposed, by its crying. There was no other person belonging to the family, but a maid-ervant, who had been sent out on an errand, which detained her 20 minutes. When she returned, and could notget admission, the watchman rang the bell aloud; but no one answering it, a neighbour got into the house by the back-door, which was open, and found the four bodies, still bleeding, lying dead!

The return of the maid servant immediately after the murder, prevented the intended robbery of the house; for it is more than probable that otherwise the murderers would have stript the shop of its most valúable articles, and then have set it on fire. The murder of the servant seems also to have been meditated, as a candle was found in the window of the staircase leading towards her apartment. By her unexpected return, their scheme

was frustrated; and they made their escape from the back door, through an empty house, in a manner that shewed they were previously acquainted with the premisses. A maul was found in the house, by which the three adult persons appear to have been killed. The throat of the infant was cut.

On Sunday, Dec. 15, after the morning service, at the parishchurch, the funeral was performed. All the congregation kept their places; when the entrance of the coffins of Mr. and Mrs. Marr, and the infant, occasioned feelings that cannot be expressed: Vast multitudes attended, to witness the ceremony in the church-yard.

Thursday night, Dec. 19, another horrid murder was committed on the bodies of Mr. Williamson (landlord) his wife, and servant-maid, at the King's Arms public-house, New Gravel Lane, Shadwell. A lodger in the front garret, hearing the cry of Murder, came softly down in his shirt, and saw Mrs. Williamson apparently dead, and a man rifling her pockets; upon which he crept up again unobserved, and, by fastening the sheets of his bed to the bedposts, escaped into the street, and alarmed the neighbourhood. On breaking open the door, the above were all found dead, with their throats cut in a most shocking manner; but the villains had escaped.

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It is impossible to describe the universal sensation occasioned by these horrible deeds: all ranks of people are deeply affected; and the magistrates, parish officers, and others, have shewn the most laudable anxiety to discover the san guinary monsters who committed this bloody deed. Rewards, to the amount of £700, have been offered for the detection of the former. murder, and 500. for the latter.

Lost Child.

A REGARD to the feelings of a distressed parent induces us to comply with the request of a humane friend, by inserting the following notice, in the hope that it may prove the means of finding out the Lost child:

Nov. 18, between ten and eleven

o'clock in the morning, there was” stolen from St. Martin's Lane, Upper Thames Street, a little boy, named Thomas Dellow, three years old, with light hair, which stands up on the right side of the forehead; dark eyes, and a round full face; he has three scars under the right jawbone, where leeches and a lancet had been applied; a remarkable dent or hollow at the bottom of the back-bone; and a pit on each arm, from the cow-pox. Had on a white frock, black stuff petticoat, blue print pin-apron, and half-boots laced in front. The woman who decoyed him away was dressed in a blue coat, trimmed with spotted fur, a straw bonnet with a blue flower in front; dark coloured gown, and an apron. She was seen with the little boy and his sister, about five years old (whom she soon desired to go back) at a pastrycook's shop on Fish Street Hill, where she bought some cakes, part of which she put into her pocket. She afterwards called at another shop on the Hill, with the little boy only, and bought for him a black beaver hat and feather; which last was put loose into the inside of the hat. The children, had neither of them a hat on when decoyed away. One Hundred Guineas reward is offered for restoring this little boy to his parents, to be paid by the church wardens. - Dec. 15, 1811.

Licences refused.

We are glad to hear that, on application to the Court of King's Bench, a Mandamus has been directed to the magistrate who, some time since, refused a licence to a preacher, at St. Edmund's Bury. Of course this cause will be tried.

We have also heard of the following cases, which have occurred in the county of Gloucester :

A person who has, for some time past, engaged as preacher in the neighbourhood of Uley, in order to save himself from the informa-, tions, prosecutions, and penalties of the Conventicle Act, desired the privileges granted him by the Act, of Toleration. His application was positively refused, unless he could

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