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The following interesting Letter is just received from Mr. Read,
dated Cape Town, June 26, 1811.

Dearly beloved Brethren and Fathers in Christ,

GoD moves in a mysterious way, his wonders to perform.' A chain of providences has cast our lot, disagreeable as it is to us, for the present again in Cape town, at which our friends will not be so much surprised, having received our Annual Report for 1810. You know, dear brethren, that our prayers and desires have, for a long time, been incessant, that the sufferings of the poor Hottentot nation might come to a termination. It hath pleased God, I trust, to make use of my letter to you in 1808, to effect, at least in part, this great and important circumstance, for which we desire to be thankful. We left our dear Bethelsdorp the 28th of March, with many cries and tears on both sides; and the whole institution led us out about a quarter of a mile from the village, and then, with almost broken hearts, we parted; but were followed, no doubt, by many prayers and supplications. I left, for different reasons, my dear wife and family at Bethelsdorp. In the first place, an increase in our family was expected in about six weeks; secondly, the knitting-school could not spare her; and, thirdly, we were afraid of the expence of the journey, and the residence at Cape Town. We were received by the governor, and other persons of government, with some degree of friendship; and our business hitherto has been treated quite congenial to our wishes. We are ignorant as yet if government will bear our expences or not; but we shall take the liberty of enquiring. I heard, verbally, a few days ago, that Mrs. Read was delivered of a fourth daughter; but have received no letter from Bethelsdorp since our departure. Our journey back to Bethelsdorp night have commenced perhaps by this; but on the 11th of this month I was suddenly taken ill, and as yet am not quite restored; which has retarded our business with the commission. I found on my arrival at the Cape my hands full; I have preached four times a week to the soldiers and others, who attend at the meetinghouse, and it seems not without a blessing; and likewise in Dutch. Among the soldiers the work of the Lord seems greatly flourishing; and there appear many precious souls who belong to Christ, and cleave to bim with full purpose of heart. There are about seven or eight who preach in turns, and who have been the means of carrying on this good work. Among these is our brother Anderson, who is a man of sound judgment and amiable piety; and there are others of such shining talents and godliness, that I wish often that they were added to the list of Missionaries among the Heathen. Among the Dutch is a greater revival than we ever saw; one speaks to the Christians on Saturday evenings, and another instructs the slaves on the Sunday evening. Mrs. Smith and Huyser, like two Deborahs, are indefatigable in their labours, instructing the slaves, admonishing, attending prayer-meetings, &c. The Lord seems to be stirring up a few simple Christians to begin the work in earnest; and there are several honourable women who are ornaments to Christianity.

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On Friday, the 7th of June, Mrs. Smith, Brother Vanderkemp, and I, were together at a friend's house, a little before twelve at noon, when a sudden clap, like the salute of great guns, took place, and shook the house in which we were. The troops returning through the streets from exercise, we thought of nothing, for a moment, but the discharge of guns, er explosion of a powder magazine; but the concourse of people in

the streets, some crying, others fainting, so that the streets were thronged; and the sick were dragged from the houses, we soon found it to be an earthquake. We did not feel much of the shock; but, by examina tion, found few houses but what were damaged, more or less; even our own house, where we resided, was rent in several places. A universal consternation was visible; and all faces gathered blackness. Another was expected, but did not take place till the 19th, and that not so heavy as the first. I was then lying sick in bed, and brother Vanderkemp with me in the room. We heard it coming on, at least the noise under the ground, till it apparently came under our house, when the house seemed lifted up under us, and it seemed to take its direction under the Bay eastward. The inhabitants are, however, still in continual fear, and run by hundreds to the church and chapel. What may be the issue I know not, Indeed, this is a guilty country; the blood of the innocent cries for vengeance. May the blood of Christ interpose, and speak peace!


July 29. I have laid this letter aside till now; but a mail being open for England, I shall endeavour to finish it if my health will permit; for as yet it is not restored. I begin to suspect my disorder to be something of a bilious nature; and what will be the end of it I know not. Letters from Bethelsdorp inform us, to our joy, that all things are well there. Brother Wimmer and Ullbricht are in a low state of health:-the last writes to us of the death of one of our Hottentot sisters, who went triumphantly to heaven. She has been mentioned in one of our Reports, about six years ago, when she was suddenly taken ill, and longed so much to die and go to Christ She has at last her desire. She was one of the pillars of our church. She, like Enoch, walked with God, and is not, for the Lord hath taken her. The Lord's way with her has been wonderful. She was permitted to fall into sin, but not to continue: the Lord soon brought her back. She was generally part of the day in the bushes, in communion with God, and experienced inexpressible things, so that, if what she often said she experienced be reality, she has often been (as it were) in the third heaven. She was generally melted in tears at the Lord's Supper, and often could not help breaking out in exclamations to her Saviour when the emblems of his body and blood were reached to her; — and after church she went with fears of joy to the bushes (the Hottentots' inward: chambers). She was generally, even at the Sacrament, dressed in a black or greasy caross, or garment of sheeps' skins; ;-- but all glorious within. Not long before our departure from Bethelsdorp, our sister Antjé Kakkalak, wife of brother Cupido, is likewise mentioned in our Report, from, I think, Botha's Place. These are souls, i trust, now before the throne, praising God for the Missionary Society; and ought to be encouraging to its friends. Our coming to Cape Town seems to be of no small importance. We have morning and evening lectures in our own hired house, which, in the evening especially, is not only crowded, but numbers who cannot come in, hear from the open windows. There seems not only a great revival of religion among the pious, but several apparent instances of conversion. Among others, is a man and his wife of good fortune: he, like Zaccheus, has offered the half he has to the poor. He had built a large house for himself; but has now devoted it to the service of Christ; and will, I trust, be of no small service in future to the cause of Jesus, and to the Missionary Society.

There is a young man who has been dumb five years, and lately began to speak! and his language testifies that he has been taught of God. He prayed, after I had preached, a little time back before a large assembly, to the astonishment of all present! I have commenced a Sunday School for the poor slaves; which is likely to be of important service:-there are numbers of young friends who will supply it, and carry it on, as the hearts of many are open at present; and much good we hope will be done. The same revival seems visible in several parts of the country as at Stellenbosch, Tulbach, and by brother Vos, at the Zwartzberg. We believe

the earthquake is a mean of helping forward this good work. About a fortnight ago, a lady at the play house begged to have a seat near the door, through fear of the earthquake:-this was on the Saturday evening. Sunday evening she played at cards; and at supper dropped down and expired. Your unworthy son in, but willing servant of, Christ,

Theological School.

The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, has addressed a Letter to the Churches, under their care, proposing the Establishment of a Theological School: intended to increase the piety and learning of candidates for the holy ministry, as well as to procure a larger supply of ministers for the wants of the churches.

In this letter the friends of religion are reminded that the progress of population in that country is going on in a ratio four times greater than the increase of the ministers: that there are nearly 400 vacant congregations within their bounds; and that the frontier settlements are every year loudly calling upon them for Missionaries.

The Assembly, therefore, proposes the establishment of a School, in which several professors may be supported, and an adequate library furnished, together with the means of affording gratuitous instruction and board to a number of pious youth. Every true friend of Christianity must heartily wish them success in the name of the Lord.

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Bible Society in Philadelphia.

THIS Society has published their Third Report; from which it appears, that, altho' the year past has not been marked with any event of peculiar magnitude in their concerns, it has nevertheless been distinguished by that uniformity of happy results in the management of their ordinary business, which enlivens hope, animates exertion, and dictates gratitude to the Author of all good.

The managers have distributed, during the last year, 8185 Bibles and Testaments; many of which were


sent to places very destitute of the Scriptures. It is a rule of the Society not to give a copy where one was previously possessed.

We find that, in the course of the last year, Six additional Bible Societies have been formed in America. The whole number is now 15.

A curious circumstance has oc

curred: A person, pretending to a Missionary, sent out by a Society established at St. Louis, in Upper Louisiana, for the conversion of the savage tribes, coll cted considerable sums of money at Alexandria, and other places in Virginia ; but being detected as an impostor, he went off, leaving behind him most of the money which he had collected. In consequence of which the Rev. Messrs. Barclay, Muir, Bunn, and Gibson, ministers of the Episcopal, Presbyterian, and Methodist congregations at Alexandria, have sent the money, 546 dollars, to the Bible Society in Philadelhia.

Provincial Intelligence.

Oct. 26. At a numerous and respectable Meeting held at the townhall, High Wycombe, Lord Viscount Mahon in the Chair, an Auxiliary Bible Society was institured. Among the persons present, who took an active part in the Meeting, were Sir. T. Baring, Baronet, M. P. for the Bʊrough, the Rev. J. Price, Vicar, and the Rev. Mesars Scott, Marsh, and the Secretaries of the Parent Society'; Messrs. Owen, Hughes, and Steinkopff. The Marquis of Buckingham was chosen President, and several other Noblemen and Gentlemen Vice Presidents.

Oct. 21. The Rev. T. Raffles. delivered an appropriate Address to a numerous Assembly, on laying the first stone of a new Chapel at Waltham Green: the building is already covered in, and expected to be opened in the spring,

Oct. 31. Chapel was opened at Guisborough, a respectable market town, in Cleaveland, Yorkshire. In the moraing, Mr. Jackson, of Green Hammerton, supplicated the divine blessing, and preached from Isa. lv. 11. In the afternoon, Mr. Neale, of Thirsk, from 2 Cor. vi. I. In the evening the place was crowded; when Mr. Hinmers prayed; and the people having been disappointed of some of their friends in the ministry, Mr. Jackson addressed them a second time, from Gal. i. 24, and concluded the pleasing services of the day with prayer. Mr. Hinmers preaches here and at Stokely every Sabbath, and also at Great Ayton once a fortnight, besides visiting several villages in the neighbourhood on week days.

A neat and commodious

Nov. 7. The Rev. J. Smith, late of Melbourne, ia Derbyshire, Was set apart to the pastoral charge of the newly formed Independent Church at Wickford, six miles from Billericay, in Essex. Mr. Parker, of Barking, introduced the service with reading, &c.; Mr. Theratou, of Billericay, offered up the general prayer; Mr. Douglas, of Chelmsford, delivered a discourse from Phil. i 2; Mr. Smith, of Brentwood, concluded. Mr. Parker preached in the evening. The gospel has been preached in this village about twice a month for several years. A small meeting-house has lately been erected; and the Society now formed was a branch from the Independent Church at Billericay.

Nov. 2c, 1811. A neat Chapel was opened at Codford, Wilts, when three sermons were preached; that in the morning by Mr. Jackson, of Stockwell, Surry, from Ezek. xxxiv. 26; that in the afternoon by Mr. Wilks, of London, from Hebrews vii, 25; that in the evening by Mr. Jay, of Bath, from Gal. vi. 15. The devotional exercises by Mrs. C. Sloper, Wilks, jun. Haw kins, Rodgers, and Sleigh.

Nov. 26. A new Chapel was opened at Feltham, near Hounslow, when three sermons were preached; that in the morning by the Rev. Dr. Winter; in the afternoon by the Rev Mr. Leifchild, of Kensington; and in the evening by the Rev. Mr. Torling, of Harlington.

Nov. 27, the Rev. Andrew Reed, who lately closed his preparatory studies for the ministry, under Mr. ColJison, at Hackney Academy, was or、 dained over the Church of Christ assembling at the New Road, St. George's

in the East; Mr. Ford commenced, by reading the Scriptures and prayer ; Dr. Winter stated the nature of a gose pel church, and put the regular questions to the church and minister; Mr. Wilks offered up the ordination prayer; Mr. G. Collison gave the charge; Mr. Clayton, sen. preached to the people; and Mr. Chapman concluded by prayer. The various services above mentioned, are stated to have been very numerously aud respectably attended.

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Dec. 10, was formed, the Suffolk Bible Society, at a respectable meeting at the town hall, Ipswich. Two letters were read from the venerable bishop of Norwich, expressing his full approbation of the design, but excusing his personal attendance, and recommending the Rev. Mr. Cobbold to fill the chair in his stead, to which he was immediately appointed. The principal speakers on this occasion were Sir W. Middleton, B. E. Dillingham, Esq. Mr. T. Clarkson, and the Rev. Messrs. Julian, Gurdon, lasted, Atkinson, and the three Secretaries of the Parent Institution. Books were opened, and Subscriptions put down to the amount of 1200l.

An Auxiliary Bible Society has been also formed at Cambridge, Lord Hardwicke in the Chair. The Rev. Dean Milner, Mr. Simeon, Professor Farish, and the Secretaries of the Society in London, spoke on the occasion; and the sums collected amounted to nearly ol. including a donation of 50 Guineas from his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, Chancellor of the University.

1 Nov. 28. At a respectable Meeting at Bedford, was formed another Auxiliary Bible Society. On this occasion the Duke of Bedford opened the Meeting, expressing his high sense of the importance of the object proposed. He was supported by Mr. Whitbread M. P.; Mr. Forster, of Biggleswade; Mr. Forster, of Brickhill; and the folTowing Clergymen and Dissenting Ministers-the Rev. Messrs. Beachcroft, Richmond, Anthony, Hillyard, Martin, Grimshaw, Whittingham, Freeman, and the three Secretaries of the British and Foreign Bible Society in London; Messrs. Owen, Hughes, and Steinkopff: 65el was subscribed at the meeting, and we doubt not of its being rapidly augmented. We are happy to notice the increase of these Societies; and should be glad to see them established in every considerable town in the kingdom.

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The Cheshire Union have published the Report of their proceedings during the past year. The labours of their Itinerants have been much blessed.

Mr. T. Hitchen has settled at Tatten

ball, where a chapel was opened in 1808. Numerous hearers attend in the neighbouring villages of Barton, Til son, Bickerton, &c. Mr. Niel and Mr. W. Hitchen labour in and about Middlewich. At Peover there is an appearance of success. The gospel has also been introduced to the populous village of Over. At Minshuld a chapel is erected and a church formed. At

March field also a wide and effectual door seems to be opened. A remarkable change for the better has taken place among the inhabitants of Haslington which, before the gospel was introdueed, was remarkable for its profaneness. Here a neat chapel is well attended, and a Sunday School established. word has been much blessed to the


people at Sandbach, where it was in troduced by Mr. Silvester, about. five years ago. Of this little flock, says

the Report, we say with much pleasure, the Lord hath done great things for them, &c. The Report contains a pleasing account of the support and comfort afforded to several members of the Union, whom it has pleased God to take to himself. The Union appears to be liberally supported by the various congregations which compose it; and the prospect of further usefulness in this county is truly encouraging.


NATIONAL EDUCATION in the Established Church.

Ar a Meeting of a number of persons, friends to the Establishment, holden on the 16th of Octo

ber, 1811, his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury in the Chair, a Sodiety was formed for the purpose of extending the Benefits of Education, on the principles of the Established Church, to the Poor throughout the kingdom. A Committee was then appointed, to consider of rules and regulations; which Committee made their Report to a general meeting, on the 21st of October. The rules are, in substance, as follow::

Title. The National Society for promoting the Education of the Poor, in the Principles of the Esta

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All who wish well to the rising generation, will sincerely rejoice in the education of the children of the poor, and pray that the principles proposed to be inculcated, may be really and truly the prin ciples of the Church of England,' turgy, and Homilies, and not such as expressed in her Articles, Lias have lately been held forth to us events, an institution enabling the in certain publications. At all whole body of the poor to read the holy Scriptures, must have the good wishes of every Christian.

Education in Scotland.

LORD Justice Clerk, in an Address delivered to the Council Court, Glasgow, in the year 1808, after making some remarks on the great increase of commerce and manufactories in that city and neighbourhood, observes, that it had been stated a few years ago, by a political writer, That one Quar

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