ON THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF PRIZE COURTS, BY THE LATE JUDGE STORY: WITH A SELECTION OF DOCUMENTS AND FORMS AS USED IN THE HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY OF ENGLAND. EDITED BY FREDERIC THOMAS PRATT, D.C.L. ADVOCATE, DOCTORS' COMMONS. LONDON: WILLIAM BENNING & CO., LAW BOOKSELLERS, 43. FLEET STREET. 1854. PREFACE. THESE Notes originally appeared as an Appendix to the first and second volumes of Wheaton's Admiralty Reports. The circumstances under which they were prepared are detailed in an extract from the life of Judge Story.* They afford a remarkable proof of the zeal of the eminent Judge in the promotion of every thing connected with the science of Jurisprudence; of the liberality with which he placed at the disposal of others the stores of his own erudition; and of his high opinion of, and regard for, the distinguished reporter, whose fame as a jurist is only second to his own. The continuance of the same want of any work on the Practice of the Courts of Prize, which was the cause of the original publication of these notes, * Vide p. 12. infrà. |