LAUDES DOMINI A SELECTION OF SPIRITUAL SONGS ANCIENT & MODERN EDITED BY CHAS. S. ROBINSON, D. D., LL. D. NEW-YORK COPYRIGHT, 1884, BY THE CENTURY Co. GUNTHER & Co. Music Typographers, 63 Duane St. N. Y. THE DE VINNE PRESS. HIS latest addition to the Spiritual Songs series will be found, as its name implies, especially rich in hymns of praise to Christ our Lord. It is designed to lead the taste of congregations and choirs towards a higher class of lyrics and music than has hitherto found acceptance in the churches. To this end, a large selection from the great wealth of newer hymns and modern American, English, and German choral music has been included with the best of the old and familiar hymns and standard tunes in common use. The Spiritual Songs series has met with unexampled favor, and this work, which has been for several years in preparation, is now given to the public in the hope that it may share, to some extent, in the approval that has been accorded to those which have preceded it. New-York, May, 1884. CHARLES S. ROBINSON. PUBLISHERS' NOTE TO NEW EDITION. After printing repeated editions of Laudes Domini for the past three years, it has become necessary to make new plates. In doing this no change has been made in the numbers of pages or arrangement of hymns and tunes, but the names of composers and authors have been added, and great care has been taken in the selection of type,- all of it being new and some of it having been specially designed and made for this book. New-York, September, 1887. THE CENTURY Co. |