GLORY. S. M. R. HARRISON. Come, we who love the Lord, And let our joys be known; Join in a song with sweet accord, And thus surround the throne. MORNINGTON. S. M. Arr. by L. MASON. Hail to the Sabbath day! The day divinely given, When men to God their homage pay, And earth draws near to heaven. With joy we lift our eyes To those bright realms above, That glorious temple in the skies, Where dwells eternal Love. 40 Hymn of praise. To those bright realms above, That glorious temple in the skies, Where dwells eternal Love. 2 Before thy throne we bow, 4 Lord, teach our hearts to pray, Thomas Jervis. Now LET our voices join 2 See-flowers of paradise, 3 See-Salem's golden spires, And brighter crowns than mortals wear, Which sparkle through the skies. 4 All honor to his name, Who marks the shining way, To him who leads the pilgrims on To realms of endless day. Philip Doddridge. Welcome, sweet day of rest, That saw the Lord arise! Welcome to this re-viv-ing breast, And these rejoic-ing eyes! CHAPEL. 75. German Choral. To thy tem-ple we re-pair-Lord, we love to worship there, When within the vail we meet Thee upon the mercy-seat. TO THY pastures fair and large, 4 Constant to my latest end, James Merrick. 47 Twilight. |