Galilee. Mat. v. 145 "Blefs them that curfe you, and pray Anno Ætat. 31. Luke vi. 28. for them which defpitefully ufe you Minift. 2. 44 «and perfecute you: that ye may be "the children of your father which is " in heaven: for he maketh his Sun to "rife on the evil and on the good, and "fendeth rain on the juft, and on the 32" unjuft. For if ye love them which 'Mat.v. 46. "love you, what thank have ye? for "finners alfo love thofe that love them.. 47 And if ye falute your brethren only, "what do ye more than others? Do 33 not even the Publicans fo? And if ce ye do good to them which do good Luke vi. Mat. v. Luke vi. Mat. v. Mat, vi. 34, 35. СС to you, what thank have ye?" for "finners alfo do even the fame. And "if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for "finners alfo lend to finners, to receive * as much again. • ૯ e "But love ye your enemies, and do good and lend, hoping for nothing again, and your reward fhall be great, "and ye fhall be the children of the "higheft; for he is kind unto the un36.c thankful, and to the evil. Be ye "therefore merciful, as your Father al"fo is merciful. Be ye therefore "perfect, even as your Father which is " in heaven is perfect. 48 I. "Take heed that ye do not your Etat. 31. c Anno as the hypocrites do, in the Syna- Galilee. gogues, and in the Streets, that they Mat. vi. may have glory of men, verily, I fay unto you, they have their reward. "But when thou doft alms, let not thy 3. left hand know what thy right hand "doeth; that thiné alms may be in fe- 4. cret; and thy Father which feeth in fecret, himself fhall reward thee openly. And when thou prayeft, thou fhalt 5. ing. Be not ye therefore like unto 8. Our Father which art in heaven, 1 F 4 "And 12. Galilee. Minift. 2. "And lead us not into temptation, but Anno 13." deliver us from evil; for thine is the rat. 31. kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. $4. ' "For if ye forgive men their trefpaffes, your heavenly Father will alfo 15." forgive you. But if ye forgive not men their trefpaffes, neither will your "Father forgive your trefpaffes. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Moreover, when ye fast, be not as the hypocrites, of a fad countecc tenance; for they disfigure their fat ces, that they may appear unto men "to faft. Verily I fay unto you they "have their reward. But thou when thou fafteft, anoint thy head, and "wash thy face; that thou appear not unto men to faft, but unto thy Fa"ther which is in fecret; and thy Fa"ther which feeth in fecret, fhall re"ward thee openly. "Lay not up for your felves trea"fures upon earth, where moth and " ruft doth corrupt, and where thieves "break through and fteal. But lay cc up for your felves treasures in hea ven, where neither moth nor ruft Anno Etat. 31. Minift. 2. "therefore the light that is in thee be Galilee, darkness, how great is that dark- Mat. vi. nefs! " "No man can ferve two masters: 24. for either he will hate the one, and not the life more than meat, and the - ' 29. to you, that even Solomon in all his st "knoweth 32. Galilee. Mat. vi. Luke vi. Mat. vii. "knoweth that ye have need of all Anno cr Minift. 2. 33. "these things. But feek ye firft the cat. 31. 37. a A a "* Judge not, and ye fhall not be a Mat.vii.1. judged, condemn not, and ye fhallnot be condemned, forgive, and ye 2. fhall be forgiven: For with what judgment ye judge, ye thall be judged; and with what meafure ye mete, "it fhall be measured to you again. Luke vi. 38. Give, and it fhall be given unto 'you; good measure preffed down, and "Thaken together,and running over,fhall "men give into your bofom. For with .Cs the fame measure that ye meet with૮ al, it fhall be measured to you aCC gain. 39. Сс And he fpake a parable unto them, "Can the blind lead the blind? and "fhall they not both fall into the ditch? 46." The difciple is not above his master: "but every one that is perfect fhall be ec as his master. 41. cr "And why beholdeft thou the moté Mat. vii. that is in thy brother's eye, but per- 3, 4, 5. "ceiveft not the beam that is in thine 42. own eye? Either, how canft thou "fay to thy brother, Brother, let me "pull out the mote that is in thine eye, "when thou thy felf beholdeft not the 66 beam |