Luke iv. 31, 32 SEC T. XXX. Jefus goes to Capernaum and preaches Capernaum. A ND [Fefus] leaving Nazareth, he 13. Mat. iv. which is upon the fea coaft, in the bor- a 21. Mar. i. * Mar.i. 21. And [Fefus] came down to Caper- 31. Luke iv. naum a city of Galilee, on the fabbath day he entred into the Synagogue and taught. And they were aftonished viat his Doctrine: for he taught them as 22. one that had authority, for his word 32. Luke iv. was with power and not as the fcribes. Mar. i. *From that time Jefus began to preach 17. Mat. iv. and to fay, Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Mar. i. And in the Synagogue there was 33. Luke iv. 23.245:25. a man which had a fpirit of an unclean devil, and cryed out with a loud voice art Luke iv. Mark i. Luke iv. Mark i. Luke iv. Mark i. a Minift. I. Capernaum. art thou come to deftroy us? I know Anno thee who thou art, the holy one of God. Etat. 30. Miracle 3. 35. And Jesus rebuked him faying, hold thy 26. peace and come out of him. And when 35. the unclean fpirit had thrown him Luke iv. 26. in the midft, torn him, and cryed with 35. 35. a loud voice, he came out of him and 27. hurt him not. And they were all a- Luke iv. mazed, infomuch that they queftioned 36. among themfelves, faying what thing is Luke iv. 36. this? what new dottrine is this? for Mar. 1.27. with authority and power be commandeth the unclean fpirits, and they come 27. out, and they do obey him. And 28. immediately his fame fpread abroad throughout all the region round about Galilee. Mark i. 29. SEC. T. XXXI. Jefus cures Simon Peter's Mother-in- A C Mar.1.27. Luk. iv. Mat. viii. ND forthwith when they were • come out of the Synagogue they 14. Mar.viii.14. entred into the houfe of Simon* Peter Luk.'iv. 30. and Andrew, with James and John. Mar. i. 29. Luke iv. 33 39. f *f And Simon's wives' mother was Mat. viii. taken with a great fever, and they be- 14. fought him for her; and he ftood over Mar. i. 30. her and rebuked the fever, and he & Mat. viii. came and took her by the hand and lift 15, 16. her up; and immediately the fever left Luk.iv.39. her, and the miniftred unto them. 40. SECT. Anno Etat. 30. Minift. I. SECT. XXXII. Several fick and poffeffed with devils Capernaum. cured by Chrift. A ND at even when the fun did fet, 32. Mar. i. difeafed, and them that were poffeffed. Mar.i. 34. and he caft out the. fpirits with his 16. Mat, iii. Luke iv.41. word,* crying out and faying thou art 41. Luke iv. Chrift the Son of God, and he rebuking them fuffered them not to fpeak: for they knew that he was Chrift, healed all that were fick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Efaias the prophet [liii.4.] faying Himself took our infirmities and bare our ficknesses. 42. Luke iv. b SECT. XXXIII. and 16. Mat. vi. Jefus retired into a Defert, where A 17. ND in the morning rifing up a 35. Mar. i. out and departed into a folitary place →→ * and the people fought him and came 42. Luke iv. *and ftayed him that he fhould not de-42. Luke iv. part Defert. a part from them. And he said unto them, Anno Luke iv. 43. 1 must preach the kingdom of God to tat. 30. other cities alfo, for therefore am I Sent. SECT. XXXIV. Lake of Gen- Jefus goeth into a ship to preach to nezareth. Luke v. Mar. i. Luke v. the people, a great draught of fishes, ND it came to pafs, that as the people preffed upon him to hear the word of God he ftood by the (a) lake * C Minift. 1. * Mar.i.38. C 16, of Gennezareth. Now as he walked Mat.iv.18. Mat. iv. 18. by the fea of Galilee, he faw two bre- Mar.i.16. thren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, cafting a net into the fea (for 2. they were fishers) And faw two fhips ftanding by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were 3. washing their nets: And he entred into one of the fhips, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thruft out a little from the land: and he fat down and taught the people out of the ship. 4. Now when he had left speaking, he faid unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a 5. draught. And Simon anfwering, faid (a) Lake of Gennezareth and the fea of Galilee were the fame thing, and called alfo the fea of Tiberias. unto Anno Minift. I. Luke v unto him, Mafter we have toiled all the Genezareth. Etat. 30. night, and have taken nothing; nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. And when they had done this, they 6. inclosed a great multitude of fishes, and their net brake. And they beckoned un- 7. to their partners which were in the other fhip, that they should come and help them. And they came and filled both the ships fo, that they began to fink. When Simon Peter faw it, he fell g. down at Jesus knees, faying, Depart from me, for I am a finful man, O Lord. For he was aftonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes Mat. iv. which they had taken, ** and Jefus faid unto them, fear not, come ye after me, 17. Mar. i and I will make you to become fishers of men. And ftraightway they forfook their 11. nets, and followed him. 19, 20. Luke v. 10. a SECT. XXXV. Jefus calleth John and James the b *Mar.1.19, AND going on from thence, he faw 20. 9. 10. 21. Mat. iv. other two brethren, James the fon Luke v. 10. of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets: and he called them, and Mar. i. Mat. iv. they immediately left their father Zebedee in the fhip with the hired fer с 22. Luke v.11. vants, and went after him. SECT. 20. 226 |