Imágenes de páginas

John i.

Minift. 1.

is being interpreted the Chrift. And he Anno 42. brought him to Jefus, and when Jefus be- Etat. 30. held him, he faid, Thou art Simon the •fon of Fona: thou shall be called Cephas, which is by interpretation a stone.



Jefus calls Philip, &c.

Torch into Galilee, and findeth PhiHE day following Jefus would go 44. lip, and faith unto him follow me. Now Philip was of Bethfaida the city of An45. drew and Peter. Philip findeth Nathanael, and faith unto him we have found him of whom Mofes in the Law, and the Prophets did write, Jefus of Nazareth 46. the Son of Fofeph. And Nathanael faid unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip faith unto him, come and fee.

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47. Jefus faw Nathanael coming to him,
and faith of him, Behold an Ifraelite in-
48. deed, in whom is no guile. Nathanael
faith unto him, whence knoweft thou me?
Jefus anfwered and faid unto him, Be-
fore that Philip called thee when thou
49. waft under the fig tree, Ifaw thee, Na-
thanael answered and faith unto him,
Rabbi thou art the Son of God, thou art
50. the King of Ifrael. Jefus anfwered and
faid unto him, Because I faid unto thee,
I faw thee under the fig tree, believeft
thou? thou shalt fee greater things than
51.thefe. And he faith unto him, verily,




verily, I fay unto you, hereafter you Galilee.

Etat. 30. Shall fee heaven open, and the Angels of John i.
Minift. 1. God afcending and defcending upon the


Son of Man.


Miracle of the water turn'd into Cana.

ND the third day there was a 1. John ii.

A marriage in Cana of Galilee; and


the mother of Jefus was there, and both 2.
Jefus was called and his difciples to the
marriage. And when they wanted wine, 3.
the mother of Jefus faith unto him, They
have no Wine. Jefus faith unto her, 4.
Woman, what have I to do with thee?
mine hour is not yet come. His mother s.
faith unto the fervants, whatsoever he
faith unto you, do it. And there were 6.
fet there fix water pots of ftone, after
the manner of the purifying of the Jews
containing two or three firkins a piece.
Jefus faith unto them, Fill the water pots 7. Miracle 1.
with water. And they filled them up to 8.
the brim, and he faith unto them, Draw
out now, and bear unto the Governour of
the feaft, and they bear it. When the Ru-
ler of the feaft had tafted the water that
was made wine, and knew not whence.
it was (but the fervants which drew the
water knew) the governour of the feaft
called the bridegroom, and faith unto
him. Every man at the beginning doth 10.
fet forth good wine, and when men have



ii. John






well drunk, then that which is worse : Anno
but thou haft kept the good wine until Etat. 30.


This beginning of miracles did Jefus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his Glory; and his difciples believed on him.

After this, he went down to Capernaum, he, and his Mother, and his brethren and his disciples; and they continued there not many days.


The first Paffover after Chrift's bap-
He drives the Traders out

of the Temple.

Anand, Jess paver was at
hand, and Jefus went up to Jeru-
14. falem. And found in the temple those
that fold oxen, and fheep, and doves,
15. and the changers of money, fitting. And
when he had made a fcourge of fmall
cords, he drove them all out of the tem-
ple, and the fheep and the oxen; and
poured out the changers money, and o-
16. verthrew the Tables; And faid unto
them that fold doves, Take these things
bence; make not my Father's house an
17. boufe of merchandife. And his difciples
remembred that it was written [Pfal.
Ixix. 9.] The zeal of thine houfe batb
eaten me up.

18. Then answered the Jews and faid un-
to him, what fign fhewest thou unto us,


Minift. I.

Anno Seeing that thou doft these things?

Etat. 30. Minift. I.


Jefus anfwered and faid unto them, John ii. Deftroy this temple, and in three days 119. will raife it up. Then faid the Jews, 20 Forty and fix years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? But he fpake of the temple of 21. his body. When therefore he was risen 22. from the dead, his disciples remembred that he had faid this unto them: and they believed the fcripture, and the word which Jefus had faid. Now when 23. he was in Jerufalem at the Paffover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they faw the miracles which he did. But Jefus did not commit himself 24: unto them, because he knew all men, and needed not that any should testifie 25. of man, for he knew what was in man.

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Christ's conference with Nicodemus.

THERE was a man of the Pharifécs, 1. John i
named Nicodemus, a ruler of the

Jews: the fame came to Jefus by night 2.
and faid unto him Rabbi, we know that
thou art a Teacher come from God, for
no man can do thefe miracles that thou
doft except God be with him. Jefus an- 3.
fwered and faid unto him, verily, verily,
1fay unto thee, except a man be born a-
gain, he cannot fee the Kingdom of God.
Nicodemus faith unto him, How can a 4-
man be born when he is old? can be en-


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ter the fecond time, into his mother's Anno John. iii. 5. womb, and be born? Jefus anfwered, cat. 30.

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verily, verily, I fay unto thee, except

a man be born of water and of the fpi"rit, he cannot enter into the kingdom 6." of God. That which is born of the "flesh, is flesh; and that which is born 7. "of the fpirit, is fpirit. Marvel not "that I faid unto thee, ye must be born 8." again. The wind bloweth where it "lifteth, and thou heareft the found "thereof, but canft not tell whence it

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cometh, and whither it goeth: fo is
every one that is born of the fpirit.
9. Nicodemus answered and faid unto him,
10. How can thefe things be? Jefus anfwe-
red and faid unto him, "Art thou a Ma-
"fter of Ifrael, and knoweft not thefe,
11." things? verily, verily, I fay unto
thee, we fpeak that we do know,
"and teftifie that we have feen; and ye
12." receive not our witness. If I have told
you earthly things and ye believe not,
"how fhall ye believe if I tell you of
"heavenly things? And no man hath
"afcended up to heaven but he that
"came down from heaven, even the fon
"of man which is in heaven. And as
"Mofes lifted up the ferpent in the
"wilderness, even fo muft the fon of
15. man be lifted up: That whofoever be-
"lieveth in him, should not perish, but
16." have eternal Life. For God fo loved
"the world, that he gave his only be-
gotten Son, that whofoever believeth
in him, fhould not perish but have



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