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Mount of

"his heart, My Lord delayeth his com- Anno
"ing, And fhall begin to fmite his fellow tat. 33.

Minift. 4. Mat. xvi. 49. fervants, and to eat and drink with 50. " the drunken: The Lord of that fer

Mat. xiii. 35.


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- vant fhall come in a day when he "looketh not for him, and in an hour 51." that he is not aware of; And fhall " cut him afunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there fhall be weeping and gnashing of ." teeth. Watch ye therefore, for ye know not when the mafter of the house cometh; at even, or at midnight, or at the cock crowing, or in Mar. xiii. 36. the morning.) Left coming fuddenCC ly, he find you fleeping. And what I fay unto you, I fay unto all, watch.

Mat. xxv.




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"Then fhall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten vigins, which took "their lamps, and went forth to meet the Bridegroom, And five of them ૫૯ were wife, and five were foolish. "They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them. 4." But the wife took oil in their veffels 5. "with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all flumbered and 6.lept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold the bridegroom "cometh, go ye out to meet him. "Then all thofe virgins arofe, and "trimmed their lamps. And the foolish




faid unto the wife, Give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out, "But the wife anfwered, faying, Not




"fo; left there be not enough for us Mount of and you but go ye rather to them Mat. XXV. Minift. 4. that fell, and buy for your felves.

Ætat. 33.

"And while they went to buy, the 10.
"bridegroom came, and they that were
"ready, went in with him to the mar-
"riage, and the door was fhut. After- 11
"ward came alfo the other virgins,
"faying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But 12.
"he answered and faid, Verily I fay
" unto you, I know you not. Watch 13.
therefore, for ye know neither the
day nor the hour, wherein the fon of
<< man cometh.

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"For the kingdom of heaven is as a 14.
man travelling into a far countrey,
"who called his own fervants, and de-
"livered unto them his goods: And 15.
66 unto one he gave five talents, to ano-
"ther two; and to another one, and
❝ to every man according to his feveral
"ability, and straightway took his


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journey. Then he that had received 16.
"the five talents, went and traded with
"the fame, and made them other five
"talents. And likewife he that had 17.
"received two, he alfo gained other
σε two. But he that had received one, 18.
went and digged in the earth, and
"hid his Lord's money. After a long 19.
"time, the Lord of thofe fervants com-
66 eth, and reckoneth with them. And so 20.
"he that had received five talents, came
" and brought other five talents, fay-


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ing, Lord, thou deliveredft unto me "five talents: behold, I have gained

" befides

Mount of

" befides them five talents more. His Anno
"Lord faid unto him, well done, thou at 33
Minift. 4.

Mat. XXV. 21.« good and faithful fervant; thou haft
"been faithful over a few things, I
"will make thee ruler over many

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things: enter thou into the joy of
22." thy Lord. He alfo that had received
two talents, came and faid, Lord,
"thou deliveredft unto me two talents:
"behold, I have gained two other ta-
23." lents befides them. His Lord faid
unto him, Well done, good and
"faithful fervant; thou haft been faith-
“ful over a few things, I will make
"thee ruler over many things: enter
24." thou into the joy of thy Lord. Then
"he which had received the one talent,
(c came and faid, Lord, I know thee
"that thou art an hard man, reaping
"where thou haft not fown, and ga-
"thering where thou haft not strawed.
25." And I was afraid, and went and hid
thy talent in the earth: lo, there
26." thou haft that is thine. His Lord
66 anfwered and faid unto him, Thou
66 wicked and flothful fervant, thou
"knewest that I reap where I fowed

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not, and gather where I have not 27." ftrawed: Thou oughteft therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I fhould c have received mine own with ufury. 28." Take therefore the talent from him, "and give unto him which hath ten talents. For unto every one that hath, thall be given, and he fhall

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"have abundance: but from him that Mount of


Etat. 33. hath not, fhall be taken away even


Minift. 4. that which he hath. And caft ye the 30. Mat. xxv. "unprofitable fervant into outer dark"nefs: there fhall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.


When the fon of man fhall come in
"his glory, and all the holy angels
"with him, then fhall he fit upon the
"throne of his glory. And before him 32.
"fhall be gathered all nations; and he
"fhall feparate them one from another,

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as a fhepherd divideth his sheep from
"the Goats: And he fhall fet the sheep 33
on his right hand, but the goats on
"the left. Then fhall the king fay 34.
unto them on his right hand, Come
CC ye bleffed of my Father inherit the
kingdom prepared for you from the
"foundation of the world. For I was
an hungred, and ye gave me meat:
"I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink:
"I was a ftranger, and ye took me in:
"naked, and ye clothed me: I was fick, 36.
"and ye vifited me: I was in prifon,
"and ye came unto me.

"Then fhall the righteous answer 37-
"him, faying, Lord, when faw we
"thee an hungred, and fed thee? or
"thirfty, and gave thee drink? When 38-
"faw we thee a stranger, and took
"thee in? or naked, and clothed
"thee? Or when faw we thee fick or 39 -
"in prifon, and came unto thee? And 40.
"the king fhall anfwer, and fay unto
them, Verily I fay unto you, In as



Mount of 'Olives. Mat. XXV.


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"much as ye have done it unto one of Anno
"the least of these my brethren, ye have
"done it unto me.

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"Then fhall he fay alfo unto them
on the left hand, Depart from me,

ye curfed, into everlafting fire, pre-
"pared for the devil and his angels.
42. "For I was an hungred, and ye gave
"me no meat: I was thirfty, and ye
gave me no drink: I was a ftranger,
and ye took me not in; naked, and
ye clothed me not; fick, and in pri-
fon, and ye vifited me not.



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"Then fhall they also answer him, faying, Lord, when faw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or fick, or in prison, and did 66 not minifter to thee?

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"Then fhall he answer them, faying,
45.« Verily, I fay unto you, In as much
as ye did it not to one of the least of
thefe, ye did it not to me.
did it not to me. And these
"fhall go away into everlasting punish-
❝ment: but the righteous into life
« eternal.

Zuk. xxi. 37.

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Jefus teaches daily in the Temple.


Minift. 4

ND in the day time he was teaching in the temple, and at night he went out, and abode in the mount that is called the Mount of Olives. 38. And all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple, for to

hear him.


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