Luk. xviii. Luk. xviii. I. ·ND [Jefus] fpake a parable to weary me. And the Lord faid, Hear 7. what the unjuft judge faith. And "fhall not God avenge his own elect, "which cry day and night unto him, 8." though he bear long with them; I "tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the "fon of man cometh, shall he find "faith on the earth? 9. And he spake this parable to certain which trusted in themfelves, that they were righteous, and defpifed others; Jo." Two men went up into the Temple to pray; the one a Pharifee, and the 66 "other Anno other a Publican. The Pharifee ftood 11. Luk. xviii Etat. 22. " and prayed thus with himself: God I fmote on his breaft, faying, God be SECT. CIX. Jefus goes to Jerufalem against the Temple. A ND it was at Jerufalem the feast 22. Joh. x. Temple. Joh. x. "in my Father's name, they bear wit- Anno 26. nefs of me. But ye believe not, be- Etat. 32. "caufe 1 ye are not of my fheep, as Minift. 3. 27. faid unto you. My fheep hear my "voice, and I know them, and they 28." follow me, And I give unto them "eternal life, and they fhall never pe • rish, neither shall any pluck them out of my hand. My father which ૯૬ gave them me, is greater than all; and none is able to pluck them out 30." of my father's hand. I and my father are one. Then the Jews took 32. up ftones again to ftone him. Jefus 31. * • anfwered them, Many good works "have I fhewed you from my father; "for which of thofe works do ye ftone 33. me? The Jews anfwered him, faying, For a good work we ftone thee not, but for blafphemy, and because that thou, 34. being a man, makeft thy felf God. Jefus answered them, "Is it not written "in your Law, I faid, ye are Gods? 35. If he called them Gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the 36." Scripture cannot be broken: Say ye "of him whom the father hath fanctified, and fent into the world, Thou blafphemeft; becaufe I faid I am the 37. fon of God? If I do not the works 38. of my father, believe me not, But if "I do, though ye believe not me, be"lieve the works, that ye may know " and believe, that the father is in me, 39. and I in him. Therefore they fought Anno C again to take him: but he escaped out Temple. Ætat. 33 of their hand. The End of the Third Year of Chrift's Ministry. SECT. CX. Jefus goes into Judea beyond Jordan, A Joh. x. ND it came to pafs, that when Coaft of Judea Jefus had finished thefe fayings, beyond Jordan. Mar. x. 1. he departed from Galilee, and came 1. Joh. x. 40. into the coafts of Judea, beyond Jordan, Mat. xix. *into the place where John at first bapti- 40. Joh. x. B Mar. x. 1. Zed; and there he abode *, And great 2 Mat. xix. Joh. x. 41. multitudes followed him, and as he I Mar. x. went, he taught them again, and he heal- 2. ed them there and [they] faid, John did 41. Joh. x. no miracle: but all things that John fpake * C 3. of this man were true. And many be. 42. Mar. x. 2, lieved on him there. The Pharifees 5, 6, 7, 8, alfo came unto him, tempting him, and faying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And he answered and faid unto them, 4. 9. * ! Have ye not read, that he which made "them at the beginning, made them "male and female? And faid, for this "caufe fhall a man leave father and "mother, and cleave to his wife: and "they twain fhall be one flefh. Where"fore they are no more twain, but one Mat. xix. Mat. xix, Etat. 33 Minift. 4. Coaft of Judea" flesh. What therefore God hath joyn- Anno Mat. xix. Mar. X. 3. Mar. X. 9. d fay unto him, Why did Mofes then Mar.x. 4. command to give a writing of divorce ' 8. ment, and to put her away? He faith 10. СС doth * And in the houfe his difciples ask11. ed him again of the fame matter. And he faith unto them, "Whofoever shall 12. put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman fhall put away her "husband, and be married to another, Mat. xix. 10. The committeth adultery. His dif ciples fay unto him, If the cafe of the man be fo with his wife, it is not good to 11. marry. But he faid unto them," All men cannot receive this faying, fave they to whom it is given. For there “ are fome Eunuchs, which were fo "born from their mother's womb, and "there are fome Eunuchs, which were "made Eunuchs of men: and there be "Eunuchs which have made themselves "Eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's 66 fake. |