Galilee. Luk. XV. 18. 19. 20. cc ' Minift. 3. "fain have fill'd his belly with the Anno "husks that the swine did eat, and no Etat. 32. man gave to him. And when he came to himself, he said, How macc ny hired fervants of my fathers have “ bread enough and to spare, and I pe"rish with hunger! I will arife and go to my father, and will fay unto him, Father, I have finned against "heaven and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy fon: "make me as one of thy hired fercc vants. And he arofe and came to his "father. But when he was a great way off, his father faw him, and had compaffion, and ran, and fell on his 21." neck, and kiffed him. And the Son "faid to him, Father, I have finned against heaven, and in thy fight, and am no more worthy to be call'd thy "fon. But the father faid to his fervants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on "his hand, and fhoes on his feet, And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill 24. it; and let us eat and be merry. For "this my fon was dead, and is alive 22. 23. 66 r again; he was loft, and is found. 25. And they began to be merry. Now "his elder Son was in the field: and "as he came and drew nigh to the "houfe, he heard mufick and dancing. 26. "And he called one of the fervants, "and asked what these things meant? "And he said unto him, Thy brother is cc come; and thy father hath killed the 27. "fatted Anno Minift. 3. "fatted calf, because he hath re- Luk. xv. Etat. 32.ceived him fafe and found. And 28. έτ 1 ct unto him, Son, thou art ever with પદ me, and all that I have is thine. Luk. xvi. ( 3. 4. Ætat. Minist. 3 tat. 32 him, How is it that I hear this of Anno "thee? give an account of thy Steward hip; for thou mayeft be Then the "no longer Steward. "Steward faid within himself, What "fhall I do? for my Lord taketh acc way from me the Stewardship, I cannot dig, to beg I am ashamed. "I am refolved what to do, that "when I am put out of the Steward fhip, they may receive me into 5. their houfes. So he called every "one of his Lord's debtors to him, "and faid unto the firft, How much 6. "oweft thou to my Lord? And he "faid, a hundred measures of oil. "And he faid unto him, Take thy વંદ bill, and fit down quickly and 7. "write fifty. Then faid he to anocc ther, And how much oweft thou? "And he said, A hundred measures "of wheat. And he faid unto him, "Take thy bill, and write fourfcore. 8. "And the Lord commended the un"juft Steward, because he had done wifely for the children of this "world are in their generation wi9. " fer than the children of light. And "I fay unto you, make to your felves "friends of the Mammon of un" righteousness, that when ye fail, they may receive you into ever"lafting habitations. 10. "He that is faithful in that which "is leaft, is faithful alfo in much : and he that is unjuft in the leaft, Anno Etat. 32: "is unjust also in much: If there- 11. fight of God: The Law and the 16. "Whofoever putteth away his 18. "There was a certain rich man, 19 Luk. xvi. Galilee Etat. 32. Minift. "fine linen, and fared fumptuouf- Anno Luk. xvi. 20. ❝ly every day. And there was a "certain beggar named Lazarus, "which was laid at his gate full of 21. fores: And defiring to be fed with "the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his fores. 22. And it came to pafs that the beg"gar died, and was carried by the 23. 24. σ angels into. Abraham's bofom: "the rich man alfo died, and was "buried. And in hell he lift up his "eyes being in torments, and feeth "Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in "his bofom. And he cried, and "faid, Father Abraham, have mer"cy on me, and fend Lazarus that cr he may dip the tip of his finger "in water and cool my tongue, for 5. "I am tormented in this flame. But "Abraham said, Son, remember that "thou in thy life time receivedft ર cr લ thy good things, and likewife La"zarus evil things: but now he is "comforted, and thou art tormen26. "ted. And befides all this, between us and you there is a great gulph "fixed: fo that they which would pass from hence to you, cannot; "neither can they pafs to us, that "would come from thence. Then "he faid, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldst fend him to my father's houfe. For I have "five brethren; that he may teftifie 27. 28. *૯૮ (6 3. |