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hither to torment us before our time? Anno

Mat. viii. 29. For he had commanded the unclean tat. 31.

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Luk. viii. 29. fpirit to come out of the man. (For

Mar. viii.



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Mar.v. 8.

* Mar.v.10.

30. 31.

oftentimes it had caught him and he was kept bound with chains and in fetters; and he brake the bands, and was driven of the devil into the wilderness) 30. And Jefus asked him faying, what is thy name? And he answered faying, f my Luk. viii. 9 name is Legion: for we are many: be- 30. Luk, viii. 30. caufe many devils were entred into him. And they befought him much * that Mar. v. 10. he would not command them away out Luk.viii. 31. of the country to go out into the deep: Mar. v. 10. b and there was a good way off from Mar.v.11. Luk. viii. 31. them nigh to the mountains a great Luk. viii. Mat. viii. 30. Mar. v. 11. herd of fwine feeding, and all the de- 32. Mat. viii. 31. vils befought him faying, if thou caft Mat. viii. us out, fuffer us to go into the herd of Mar.v.12 Mar. v. 13. fwine. And forthwith Jefus gave them leave. And he faid unto them, Mat.viii.32. Go. Then went the devils out of 'Mat. viii. Luk.viii.33. the man and entred into the fwine, 32. Mat. viii. 32. mand behold the whole herd of fwine Mar. v. 13. m Luk. viii. ran violently down a fteep place into the fea and were choked in the fea, 14. (they were about two thoufand) and 33. they that fed the fwine fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing in the city, and in the country, and what was befallen to the poffeffed of the devils. And they went out to fee 15. what it was that was done, and they come to Jefus and fee him that was poffeffed with the devils and had the Zuk. viii. 35. Legion, fitting at the feet of Jefus, Mar.v.15, cloathed 16.


Mar. v.

Mar. viii.

Mar. v.



Mat. viii. 33.

Mar. v.



** *

33, 34, 35.


Etat. 31.
Minist. 2,


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34. Mat. viii;

37. Luk. viii.

cloathed and in his right mind, and they Gadara. were afraid. They alfo which faw it 36. Luk. viii, told them by what means he that was poffeffed of the devils was healed, and 16. Mar. v. alfo concerning the fwine; and behold the whole city [and] the whole multitude of the country of the Gadarenes round about came out to meet Jefus; 34. Mat. viii. Mar.v.17. and when they faw him, they befought Luk. viii. him that he would depart out of their coafts for they were taken with great fear and he went up into the fhip and returned back again. And when he 18. Mar. v. P Luk. viii. was come into the fhip, he that had 38, 39. been poffeffed with devils, prayed him that he might be with him. Howbeit, 19 Jefus fuffered him not, but faith unto him, go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.

And he departed, and began to pub lifh in Decapolis, how great things Jefus had done for him.


the Sea.

Jefus cureth a Woman troubled with Galilee near a flux of blood, and bringeth to

a Luk. viii. a 49.

life Jairus's Daughter.


ND when Jefus was paffed over 21. Mar. v. again by fhip unto the other fide

much people gathered unto him,

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for 40. Luk. viii.

they were all waiting for him and he

H 3.


21. Mar. v,

Galilee near the Sea.

Mat. ix. 18.
Mar. v.


Mar. v.


Mar. v. 23.

Mar. v.
Mat. ix.


Mar. v.

Mat. ix.

Mar. v.



While he Anno. behold Etat. 31.

was nigh unto the Sea.
fpake these things unto them
there cometh 'one of the rulers of the
fynagogue, Jairus by name, and when he
faw him he fell down at Jefus feet*


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* d


Minift. 2.

bMar.v. 22.

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Mat. ix. 18. and worshipped him and befought Luk. viii. 23 him greatly that he would come in- 41. Luk. viii. 41 to his Houfe: faying, My little Mat. ix. Luk. viii. 42. daughter lieth at the point of death, 18, (*For he had one only daughter, about twelve years of age, and the lay a dying) I pray thee come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed, and the fhall live. And Jefus arofe and fol- Mar.v.24. lowed him, and fo did his difciples, Luk. viii. 25, and much people followed him and 42. 20. thronged him, (and behold a woman Mar.v.25. which was difeas'd with an iffue of Luk. viii. blood twelve years, and had fuffered 43. many things of many phyficians, and had spent all that he had and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse. When he had heard of Jefus, came 1 Mat. ix. in the prefs behind, and touched his 20. 21. garment: for the faid within herself, Luk. viii. but touch his garment, I fhall Mar. v.22. If I may **And Itraightway the Luk. viii. fountain of her blood was dryed up fat.ix.22. and the felt in her body that the was healed of that plague from that hour. And Jefus immediately knowing in himfelf that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the prefs" and faid, "Luk. viii. Who touched my cloths? When all de 45. 31. nied, Peter and his disciples that Luk. viii.45. were with him faid, Mafter, Thou Mar. v. 31.

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Minift. 2.


feeft the multitude throng thee and Galilee, near Etat, 31, prefs thee, and fayeft thou, who touched the Sea. * Mar.v.31. me? And Jefus faid, fome body bath 45: Luk, viii. touched me: for I perceive that virtue


is gone out of me. * And he looked 32. Mar. v. round to fee her that had done this

Mar.v.33. thing. * And when the woman faw that 47. Luk. viii. she was not hid, the came trembling, and falling down before him, fhe declared unto him before all the people for what caufe fhe had touched him, and how fhe was healed immediately.

* But Jefus turned him about, and when he Mar.v.34. faw her, he faid, Daughter be of good Luk. viii. comfort, thy faith bath made thee whole;

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22. Mat. ix.

go in peace and be whole of thy plague. 34. Mar. v. Mar.v.35. While he yet fpake, there cometh 49. Luk. viii. one from the ruler of the fynagogue's

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boufe, faying to him, Thy daughter is


Luk. viii. dead, why troubleft thou the Mafter any 35. Mar. v. farther? As foon as Jefus heard the 35. word that was spoken, he faith unto the ruler of the fynagogue, Be not af

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fraid, only believe and he shall be made 49. Luk. viii. Luk. viii. whole. And when Jefus came into 23. Mar. ix. thehoufe of the ruler of the fyna- 38. Mar. v. gogue he fuffered no man to follow 37. him, fave Peter, and James, and John,

the brother of James, and the father 51. Luk. viii. and mother of the maiden, And [when


23. Mat. ix. he] faw the people and the minstrels making a noife, the tumult, and them 38. Mar. v. Luk viii. that wept and wailed greatly. And when he was come in, he faith unto them, Why make ye this ado and weep? *Give place, for the maid is not dead but


H 4


[blocks in formation]

the Sea.

Mar. v.





Galilee, near Sleepth. "And they laughed him to fcorn. Anno **But when he had put them all out, tat. 31. Capernaum Jairus's houfe, he taketh the father and the mother of the damfel, and them that were with Luk. viii. him, and entreth in where the damfel 53. 41. was lying. And he took the damfel by the hand, and faid unto her, Talitha 54. cumi, which is being interpreted Damfel Luk. viii. 55. (I fay unto thee) arife: and her fpi


Mar. v.

Luk. viii.



Luk. viii.

rit came again, and the arofe ftraight- Mat.ix.25. 42. way and walked, for fhe was of Luk. viii. 55. the age of twelve years: and he com- 55. 42. manded that fomething fhould be giLuk. viii. 56. ven her to eat. ** And her parents were z Mar.v.42. aftonifhed, with a great aftonifhment, but he charged them ftraitly that they

Mar. v.

Mar. v. 42.


Mat. ix.


fhould tell no man what was done. 26. And the fame thereof went abroad into all that land.


Mat. ix.




Jefus cureth two that were blind.

ND when Jefus departed thence,
two blind men followed him, cry-
ing, and faying, Thou fon of David,
28. have mercy on us.
And when he was
come into the houfe, the blind men came
to him and Jefus faith unto them, Be-
that I am able to do this? They
29. faid unto him, yea Lord. Then touched
he their eyes, faying, According to your, be it unto you. And their eyes
were opened and Jefus ftraitly char-
ged them, faying, See that no man


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