There are Three that bear record in heaven, the FATHER, the WORD, and the HOLY << Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." 1 John v. 7. Jude 3. London: PUBLISHED BY E. PALMER, 18, PATERNOSTER ROW; AND MAY BE HAD OF ALL BOOKSELLERS IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. 1828. **All Communications for this Magazine must be addressed to the Publisher. PREFACE. OUR annual tribute of respect is called for by the close of the Fourth Volume of the SPIRITUAL MAGAZINE, which with much pleasure and gratitude we present to our Subscribers and readers in general. We have to congratulate our friends on the accession of several valuable writers, and the retrogression of some of another description, since the commencement of the present volume. The former circumstance has proved the means of adding largely to the number of our readers: the latter renders our pages more worthy the perusal of all whose approbation we are desirous of securing. An annual increase in the sale of the Spiritual Magazine, is a further encouragement undeviatingly to pursue the course marked out for us when we undertook the direction of its interests. It is alleged against us, that our plan is not sufficiently of a popular cast, and that we may in vain expect to realize the pecuniary advantages which are the boast of some of our contemporaries. Of this we are perfectly aware. Neither-it might have been added with truth-have we yet had recourse to the customary, and generally approved means, which would have succeeded in effecting a very extensive circulation. Our justification of this apparent neglect may be given in few words. We are satisfied with the individual exertions of |