| John Stevens - 1725 - 418 páginas
...his Life. But it is to be obferv'd, that at the fame time the Parliament took from the King the Court of Wards, and Liveries, and Tenures in Capite, and by Knights Service and Purveyance ; fo that they gave with one Hand, and cut off with the other. The Rates then fettled were, for every... | |
| 1733 - 400 páginas
...made in the i2th Year of the Reign of King Charles II. [intituled, An Att for toeing away the Court of Wards and Liveries, and Tenures in Capite and by Knights Service, and Purveyance, and far fettling a Revenue tfpon his Mnjefty in lieu thereof^ or by any other Law now in Force, relating... | |
| Great Britain - 1766 - 484 páginas
...att for taking away the court of wards and liveries, and tenures in capite, and by knights fervice and purveyance-, and for fettling a revenue upon his...Majefty In lieu thereof-, or by any other law now in 1760.] Anno primo GEORGII III. c. 7; 249 in force relating to his Majefty's revenue of excife upon... | |
| Great Britain - 1763 - 524 páginas
...An act for taking away the court of wards and liveries, and tenures in Capite and by knightsfervice, and purveyance, and for fettling a revenue upon his Majefty in lieu thereof, /'/ was (amongjl other things) enaftedfot the reaj'ons and recompence therein exprejjed, That from... | |
| Great Britain - 1763 - 556 páginas
...24. For taking away the courl of wards and liveries, and tenures incapite, and by knights fervice, and purveyance, and for fettling a revenue upon his Majefty in lieu thereof. Cap. 25. For the better ordering the felling of wines by retail, and for preventing abufe's in the... | |
| Great Britain - 1763 - 570 páginas
...24. For taking away the court of wards and liveries, and tenures in capite? and by knights fervicc, and purveyance, and for fettling a revenue upon his Majefty in lieu thereof. Cap. 25. For the better ordçring the felling oí wines by retail, and for preventing abufes in the... | |
| Great Britain - 1786 - 732 páginas
...Year of the Reign of King CHARLES the Second, intituled, An Aft for taking aUay the Court of Ward* and Liveries, and Tenures in Capite, and by Knights Service, and Purveyance; and for Jetl ling a Revenue upon his Majejly in lieu thereof; or by any other Law now in force, relating to... | |
| Great Britain. Courts - 1794 - 502 páginas
...duodecimo intitul. " An " Ad for taking away the Court of Wards and Liveries and " Tenures in capitc, and by Knights Service and Purveyance, " and for fettling a Revenue upon His Majefty in Lieu thereof," dat. et coiicejf. Jilvend qiiarteriatimvii. ad feßum Annunciationis ВЕАТЛ: MARI^ V'IRGINIS Nativitatis... | |
| Great Britain - 1763 - 522 páginas
...An aft for taking away the court of wards and liveries, and tenures in Capite and by knightsfervice, and purveyance, and for fettling a revenue upon his Majefty in lieu thereof, // was (amongß other things) enafledfer the reafons ana recommence therein expreßed, That from thenceforth... | |
| Thomas Bayly Howell, Thomas Jones Howell - 1812 - 728 páginas
...IStb year of the reign of king Charles the second, entituled,." An Act for the taking away the court of wards and liveries, and tenures in capite,< and by knights service, and purveyance, and tor settling a revenue upon his majevty in lieu 8 thereof;" the said Racbel Tyson did lawfully take... | |
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