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Containing the Titles of all fuch Acts as are extant in print, from the Eighth Year of King GEORGE I. to the Second Year of King GEORGE

Cap. I.

Anno 9 Georgii I.


O impower his Maje-
fty to fecure and detain
fuch perfons, as his Majefty fhall
fufpect are confpiring against his
perfon and government.
Cap. 2. For granting an aid to his
Majefty by a land-tax to be raised
in Great Britain, for the service of
the year 1723.

Cap. 3. For continuing the duties on
malt, mum, cyder, and perry, to
raise money by way of a lottery, for
the service of the year 1723.
Cap. 4. For punishing mutiny and
desertion, and for the better pay-
ment of the army, and their quar-


Cap. 5. For redeeming certain an-
nuities, now payable by the cashier
of the bank of England, at the rate
of five pounds per centum per annum.
Cap. 6. For reviving and adding two
millions to the capital stock of the
South-Sea company, and for reviv-
ing a proportional part of the year-
ly fund payable at the exchequer,
and for dividing their whole capital
(after fuch divifion made) into two
equal parts or moieties, and for con-
verting one of the faid moieties in-
to certain annuities, for the bene-
fit of the members, and for fettling
the remaining moiety in the faid
company; and for continuing for
one year longer the provifion for-
merly made against requiring special
bail in actions or fuits upon fuch
contracts, as are therein mentioned,


Cap. 7. For amending the laws re-
lating to the fettlement, imploy-
ment, and relief of the poor.
Cap. 8. For continuing fome laws,
and reviving others therein men-
tioned, for exempting apothecaries
from ferving parish and ward of-
fices, and upon juries, and relating
to jurors; and to the payment of
feamens wages, and the preferva-
tion of naval ftores, and stores of
war; and concerning the militia,
and trophy-money; and against
clandeftine running of uncuftomed
goods, and for more effectual pre-
venting frauds relating to the cu-
ftoms, and frauds in mixing filk
with ftuffs to be exported.
Cap. 9. For the better qualifying the
manufacturers of ftuffs and yarn in
the city of Norwich, and liberties
thereof, to bear offices of magiftracy
in the faid city, and for regulating
elections of fuch officers.

Cap. 10. For clearing, depthning, re

pairing, extending, maintaining, and improving the haven and piers of Great Yarmouth, and for depthring and making more navigable the feveral rivers emptying themfelves at the faid town; and alfo for preferving ships, wintering in the faid haven, from accidents by fire. Cap. 11, For repairing and widening the road leading from the BlackBull in Dunstable in the county of Bedford, to the way turning out of the faid road up to Shafford-House in the county of Hertford.



Cap. 12. For the more easy affigning
or transferring certain redeemable
annuities, payable at the exchequer,
by endorsements on the standing
orders for the fame.
Cap. 13. For the enlarging the term
granted by an act, paffed in the
eighth year of the reign of her late
majesty Queen Anne, intituled, An
act for repairing the highways, be-
tween the house commonly called the
Horfhoe-Houfe, in the parish of
Stoke-Goldington, in the county of
Bucks, and the town of Northamp-
ton; and for repairing the road from
the north-bridge of Newport-Pagnel
in the county of Bucks, to the faid

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Cap. 14. For enlarging the term granted by an act made in the third year of his Majefty's reign (for continuing the duty of two pennies Scots upon every pint of ale and beer fold in the city of Edinburgh, for the purposes therein mentioned; and for difcontinuing payment of the Petty-Port Customs there) and for making the faid act more effectual.

Cap. 15. To inflict pains and penal

ties on fohn Plunket.

Cap. 16. To inflict pains and penal

ties on George Kelly, alias Johnfon. Cap. 17. To inflict pains and penalties on Francis lord bishop of Rochefter.

Cap. 18. For granting an aid to his Majefty by laying a tax upon papists, and for making fuch other perfons, as upon due fummons fhall refuse or neglect to take the oaths therein mentioned, to contribute towards the faid tax, for reimburfing to the publick part of the great expences occafioned by the late confpiracies; and for discharging the eftates of papifts from the two third parts of the rents and profits thereof for one year, and all arrears of thefame, and from fuch forfeitures as are therein more particularly defcribed.

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Cap. 19. To continue the duties for
encouragement of the coinage of
monies; and for relief of William
late lord Widdrington; and to pre-
vent foreign lotteries being carried
on in this kingdom; and for afcer-
taining the duties on bound books
imported; and for iffuing certificates
and debentures for arrears due to
five regiments, to be fatisfied by
annuities therein mentioned; and
for difcharging the duties of rock-
falt loft on the rivers Weaver and
Mercy; and for limiting the times of
continuance of commiffioners for
forfeited estates in England and Scot-
land respectively; and for appropri-
ating the fupplies granted to his
Majefty in this feffion of parliament;
and to rectify mifnomers and omif-
fions of commiffioners for the land
tax in the year 1723...
Cap. 20. For laying a duty of two
pennies Scots, or one fixth part of a
penny Sterling, upon every Scots
pint of ale and beer brewed and
fold within the town of Linlithgow,
and liberties thereof, in the county
of Weft-Lothian, for paying the
debts of the faid town, and other
purposes therein mentioned.
Cap. 21. Fer enabling his Majefty to
put the customs of Great Britain
under the management of one or
more commiffions, and for better
fecuring and afcertaining the duties
on tobacco, and to prevent frauds
in exporting tobacco, and other
goods and merchandizes, or carry-
ing the fame coastwife.

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Cap. 22. For the more effectual punifhing wicked and evil-difpofed perfons going armed in disguise, and doing injuries and violences to the perfons and propertjes of his Majefty's fubjects, and for the more fpeedy bringing the offenders to juftice.

Cap. 23. For further enlarging the times for entring, hearing, and determining claims on the eftates

vefted in the trustees of the South-
Sea company, and for obliging per-
fons to claim ftock by the time
therein mentioned for money-fub-
fcriptions, and for other the pur-
poses therein mentioned.
Cap. 24. Tooblige all perfons, being
papifts, in that part of Great Britain
called Scotland, and all perfons in
Great Britain refufing or neglecting
to take the oaths appointed for the
fecurity of his Majefty's perfon and
government, by feveral acts herein
mentioned, to register their names
and real estates.

Cap. 25. For making more effectual
an act paffed in the eighth year of
his prefent Majesty's reign, inti-
tuled, An att for fupplying the records
of the commiffary court of Aberdeen
burnt or loft in the late fire there.
Cap. 26. To prevent his Majefty's
fubjects from fubfcribing or being
concerned in encouraging or pro-
moting any fubfcription for an
Eaft-India company in the Auftrian
Netherlands; and for the better fe-
curing the lawful trade of his Ma-
jesty's fubjects to and from the

Cap. 27. For preventing journeymen
fhoemakers felling, exchanging, or
pawning boots, fhoes, flippers, cut
leather, or other materials for mak-
ing boots, fhoes, or flippers, and
for better regulating the faid jour-

Cap. 28. For more effectual execution

of justice in a pretended privileged place in the parish of St. George in the county of Surrey, commonly called the Mint; and for bringing to fpeedy and exemplary justice fuch offenders as are therein mentioned; and for giving relief to fuch perfons as are proper objects of charity and compaffion there.

Cap. 29. To enable lords of manors

more easily to recover their fines, and to exempt infants and femes covert from forfeitures of their

copyhold eftates in particular cafes. Cap. 30. For compleating the repairs of the harbour of Dover, in the county of Kent; and for restoring the harbour of Rye, in the county of Suffex, to its ancient goodness. Cap. 31. For repairing the highways from the city of Gloucefter, to the top of Birdlip-Hill, (being the road to London) and from the foot of the faid hill to the top of CrickleyHill, (being the road to Oxford) and to oblige thofe concerned in the receipt or payment of any monies, by virtue of an act of the ninth and tenth years of his late majefty King William, touching the repairing the faid highways, to account for the fame to the truftees appointed by this act.

Cap. 32. For confirming articles of agreement between the principal officers of the ordnance, and Themas Miffing, efq; for exchange of fome lands at Portsmouth, for the fervice of his Majefty.

Private Alts.

Anno 9 Georgii I.

1. An act to enable Darcy Dawes, efq; and Sarah Roundell, to make fettlements, upon their inter-marriage, of their feveral eftates, notwithftanding their refpective minorities. 2. An act for naturalizing Luder Mello, Benjamin Berkenhout, and others. 3. An act for naturalizing John Anthony Loubier, Henry Loubier, and others.



An act to enable William Sheppard to change his firname of Sheppard to Hall, according to the will of William Hall, ferjeant at law, deceased.

An act to enable Timothy Watts, of Burbage in the county of Leicester, efq; and his heirs, to change or alter their names to Saint Nicholas, according to the will of Bazil Saint Nicholas of Knowle in the county of Warwick, efq; deceafed,

6. An

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7. An act to veft in trustees for Wil-
liam Lounds, efq; the reverfion in
fee, expectant upon a term of four-
fcore and nineteen years now in
being, of and in certain pieces of
ground and building thereupon, in
the parish of St. James within the
liberty of Westminster, and of and,
in a certain meffuage and land at or
near Knightsbridge, upon paying the
value thereof into the exchequer.
8. An act to confirm certain ex-
changes, conveyances, and other
affurances, made by John Jenyns,
efq; and others, of fome parts of
the eftates comprized in the articles
and fettlement made on his mar-
riage with Dorothy his late wife,
and to fupply fome defects in the
faid articles and fettlement; and to
enable him to make a fettlement
on any future marriage.

9. An act for vefting in trustees the
eftates of George Bennet, gent. and
of Henry Bennet, his only fon and
heir, in the county of Devon, to be
fold for the purposes therein men-

10. An act to naturalize Elizabeth
Burr, and others.

11. An act to naturalize, John Ber-
kenhout and Jacob Hanfen Bufk.
12. An act for compleating the fale
of the manors of Croxton, alias
Croxden, and Great Tate, and other
lands and tenements, late the eftate
of the most noble Evelyn duke of
Kingfton (lord privy feal) in the
county of Stafford; and afcertain-
ing and augmenting the ftipend of
the minifter of Croxton aforefaid,
out of the faid eftate, and for charg-
ing one annuity given to the poor
of Croxton aforefaid, wholly upon
the faid eftate, and discharging the
fame eftate from other annuities

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given to the minifter and poor of Tong in the county of Salop, by a deed and will of Gervas, lord Pierrepont, deceased, and thereby charged upon his estate in the counties of Salop and Stafford.

13. An act for confirming and eftablifhing articles of agreement between the most noble John, duke of Montagu, and William, duke of Manchester, and others, upon a marriage intended between the faid duke of Manchester and the lady Ifabella, eldest daughter of the faid duke of Montagu.

14. An act for the vesting several woods, lands and coppices in Sṭanierne and Geddington in the county of Northampton, and belonging to the right honourable George, earl of Cardigan, in the most noble John, duke of Montagu, and his heirs; and for vefting and fettling other woods, lands and coppices, lying in the parishes of Oakley Parva and Stanierne in the faid county of Northampton, in and upon the faid George, earl of Cardigan, with remainders over, and in the manner herein mentioned.

15. An act to enable Richard Edgcombe, efq; to fell lands, not exceeding twenty acres, to and for the ufe of his Majefty, for building a victualling office for the fervice of the royal navy at Plymouth; and to purchase other lands to be fettled to the fame ufes, as the lands to be fold now ftand limited by his marriage-fettlement.

16. An act to enable trustees, with the confent of Mary, the wife of Thomas Horton, efq; a lunatick, to execute the powers in the marriagefettlement of the faid lunatick, for raifing any fum, not exceeding three thousand pounds, for Elizabeth Horton, and Eleanor Horton his daughters, and for other purposes herein mentioned.

17. An act for vefting certain lands,


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