28. An act to enable Sir Ralph Milbank, bart. to make a jointure and settlement upon fuch woman as he shall marry, as if he were of full age. 29. An act for fale of the manor of Swinden, and several messuages, lands, and hereditaments in the county of York, late part of the estate of Christopher Lifter, esq; and after of Thomas Lister, esq; both deceafed, for payment of the legacies and debts of the faid Chriftopher Lifter, and a mortgage of the faid Thomas Lifter. 30. An act to impower the lord high treafurer of Great Britain, or commiffioners of the treasury, to compound with Richard Parke, citizen and late merchant of London, for a debt due to her Majesty. 31. An act for the fale of a piece of ground, late of John Killingworth, efq; deceased, on which stood several old and decayed tenements, and applying the purchase-money for the benefit of his wife and daughters. 32. An act for vacating the fettlement made upon the marriage of Henry Mayne, and for making a reafonable provision for the maintenance of his only fon (who is an ideot) during his life. 33. An act for fale of part of the estate of James Hamilton, esq; de ceafed. 34. An act for the relief of col. Richard Sutton, and other Aids de Camp. 35. An act for the relief of capt. James Roch. 36. An act for the relief of lieutenant colonel John Savery. 37. An act for naturalizing John Affleck, efq; and Mary Dutry. 38. An act for naturalizing Peter Dubordieu, and others. Anno 7 Anna. Cap. 1. For granting an aid to her Majesty, to be raised by a land tax in Great Britain, for the service of the year 1709. Cap. 2. For the speedy and effectual recruiting her Majesty's land forces and marines, for the fervice of the year 1709. Cap. 3. For charging and continuing the duties upon malt, mum, cyder, and perry, for the service of the year 1709. Cap. 4. For punishing mutiny and defertion and false musters, and for the better payment of the army and quarters. Cap. 5. For naturalizing foreign protestants. Cap. 6. For explaining and making more effectual that part of an act passed in the fifth year of her present Majesty's reign, concerning the buying and felling of cattle in Smithfield, and for giving leave for bringing up calves dead to London, as formerly. Cap. 7. For enlarging the capital stock of the bank of England, and for raising a further supply to her Majesty, for the year 1709. Cap. 8. For continuing several impo, sitions and duties, to raise money by way of loan; and for exporting British copper and brass wire duty free; and for circulating a further sum in Exchequer bills, in case a new contract be made in that behalf; and concerning the oaths to be administred in relation to Italian thrown filks; and touchingoils and plantation goods of foreigners, ta ken or to be taken as prize; and concerning drugs of America, to be imported from her Majesty's plantations; and for appropriating the monies given in this session of parliament; and for making out debentures for two transport ships in this act named; and to allow a further time for registring certain debentures; and for relief of perfons who have lost such tickets, Exchequer bills, debentures, tallies, or or orders, as in this act are mentioned. Cap. 9. For giving the commiffioners of fewers for thecity of London, the same powers as the commissioners of sewers for counties have; and to oblige collectors for the sewers to account. Cap. 1o. For rendring more effectual the laws concerning commiffions of fewers. Cap. 11. For ascertaining and directing the payment of the allowances to be made for or upon the exportation from Scotland of fish, beef, and pork, cured with foreign falt imported before I May 1707. and for disposing fuch falt still remaining in the hands of her Majesty's subjects there, and for afcertaining and fecuring the allowances for fish and flesh exported and to be exported from Scotland, for the fu ture. Cap. 12. For preferving the privileges of ambassadors, and other publick minifters of foreign princes and states. Cap. 13. For the better ascertaining the lengths and breadths of woollen cloth made in the county of York. Cap. 14. For the better preservation of parochial libraries in that part of Great Britain called England: Cap. 15. For altering Whitfuntide and Lammas terms for the court of Exchequer in Scotland. Cap. 16. To prevent the laying of wagers relating to the publick. Cap. 17. For making more effectual an act made in the fixth year of her Majesty's reign, for the better preventing of mischiefs that may happen by fire. Cap. 18. To preserve the rights of patrons to advowsons. Cap. 19. To enable infants who are seised or possessed of estates in fee, in trust, or by way of mortgage, to make conveyances of such estates, Cap. 20. For the publick registring of deeds, conveyances, and wills, and other incumbrances which shall be made of, or that may affect any honours, manors, lands, tenements, or hereditaments, within the county of Middlesex, after the 29th of September, 1709. L Cap. 21. For improving the union of the two kingdoms. Cap. 22. For the Queen's most gracious, general, and free pardon. Cap. 23. For raising the militia for the year 1709, although the month's pay formerly advanced be not repaid. Cap. 24. For continuing the former act for the encouragement of coinage, and to encourage the bringing foreign coins, and British or foreign plate, to be coined, and for making provifion for the mints in Scotland, and for the profecuting offences concerning the coin in England. Cap. 25. For making perpetual an act for the better preventing the counterfeiting the current coin of this kingdom; as also an act for giving like remedy upon promiffory notes, as is used upon bills of exchange, and for the better payment of inland bills of exchange; and also for continuing several acts made in the fourth and fifth years of her Majesty's reign, for preventing frauds committed by bankrupts. Cap. 26. For appointing commiffioners to treat and agree for such lands, tenements, and hereditaments as shall be judged proper to be purchased for the better fortifying Portsmouth, Chatham, and Harwich. Private Acts. Anno 7 Anna. 1. An act for continuing an act made in the first year of her Majesty's reign, intituled, An alt for the rebuilding and repairing of the piers of the the town and port of Whitby in the county of York. ! 2. An act for naturalizing Charlotta Christiana lady Duffus. 3. An act to enable Edward Sainthill (late Edward Yard) esq; to change his firname from Yard to Sainthill, according to the will of Samuel Sainthill, efq; deceased. 4. An act for continuing an act made in the seventh and eighth years of the reign of his late majesty King William, intituled, An act for repairing the highways between Wymondham and Attleborough in the county of Norfolk, and for including therein the road leading from Wymondham to Hetherfett, over the commons belonging to the faid towns. 5. An act for preserving and enlarging the harbour of Whitehaven, in the county of Cumberland. 6. An act for building a church or - chapel in the town of Manchester in the county of Lancaster. 7. An act to enable Anne Crewe (late Offley) widow, and John Crewe (late Offley) her fon and heir apparent, to change their firnames from Offley to Crew, according to the settlement of John Crew, esq; deceafed. 8. An act for vesting in trustees the reversion of several lands and tenements expectant on leases for lives, the estate of Hugh Stafford of Pynes in the county of Devon, efq; to be fold for payment of debts, and by discharging his power of leasing, to secure other lands to come into poffeffion to his son in lieu thereof. 9. An act to enable William Collins, clerk, Thomas Parrat, and William Day, gent. to dispose of certain lands, for the payment of the debts of John Granger, and for making provision for the widow and younger children of Nicholas Granger, his late father, deceased. 10. An act for further enabling George Penne, efq; to fell lands for payment of his debts, by enlarging a trust for that purpose contained in a former act, intituled, An act to enable George Penne, efq; to fell lands for the payment of his debts, and other purposes therein mentioned. 11. An act for naturalizing Lewis de Roffet, Peter Brozet, and others. 12. An act for repairing and improving of Morrison's Haven, and the fort there, in the shire of East Lothian, alias Hadington. 13. An act for building a parish church, and parsonage house, and making a new church-yard, and a new parish in Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, to be called the parish of St. Philip. 14. An act for vesting in John duke of Newcastle and his heirs, certain lands belonging to the vicarage of Walesby, in the county of Nottingham, in the lieu of an annual rent of 10l. per An. payable to the vicar of the faid vicarage, and his fucceffors for ever. 15. An act to vest the estates which came to the right honourable Other earl of Plymouth, by his mother, in trustees, to be fold for raising money to pay off the debts charged upon his paternal estate, and to enable him to cut coppices. 16. An act for the explaining and making more effectual an act made Anno primo Anna Reginæ, intituled, An alt giving further time to John lord bishop of Chichester, and his fuccessors, to make leafes of certain houses and ground in and near Chancery Lane, belonging to the bishoprick of Chichester. 17. An act to explain a clause in a statute made in the 27th year of the reign of King Henry VIII. enabling tenants in tail in poffeffion, to make jointures to wives, and enlarging the fame, so as Richard lord Willoughby de Broke, and others, tenants in tail in poffeffion, may make make jointures to the wives of their eldest sons or grandsons. 18. An act for vesting some part of the estate in the county of Lincoln, included in the marriage settlement of the right honourable William Powlett, esq; commonly called lord William Powlett, in trustees, to be fold for the raising money to difcharge an incumbrancefallen on the same, by virtue of a decree of the high court of Chancery; and to confirm an agreement made by the said Lord William Powlett, with the right honourable the countess dowager of Bridgwater, and the executor of the late duke of Bolton, deceased, relating to such incumbrance. 19. An act for vesting the barony of Wem, and manors of Wem and Loppington, and several lands and tene-ments in the county of Salop, and the manors of Dolby and Broughton, and lands thereto belonging in the county of Leicester, and the manor of Fulmer, and several lands and tenements in the county of Bucks, late the estate of George late lord Fefferies, deceased, in trustees, to be fold for payment of debts and portions, and other purposes therein mentioned. 20. An act to enable the honourable William Cecil, esq; with others, to fell lands for the payment of several debts charged upon his eftate by the right honourable John late earl of Exeter, deceased, his late father. 21. An act for vesting in trustees the fourth part of a fourth part (being the share of Sir Roger Braidshaigh, bart. of the estate of the late countess of Oxford, to be fold to pay portions and debts, and with the remainder of the money arifing by such fale, to purchase other lands to be settled to the same uses as his paternal estate is by his marriage fettlement. 22. An act to reverse the outlawry and attainder of Chriftopher lord baron of Slane in Ireland. 23. An act for vesting divers manors, messuages, lands, and tenements of John Lacy, esq; in the counties of Effex, Cambridge, and Middlesex, in trustees, to be fold for payment of his debts, making provision for his children unprovided for, and other purposes therein mentioned. 24. An act for vesting the site, capital messuage, or farm of the manor of South Stoke, and lands thereunto belonging, in the county of Somerfet, late the estate of John Gay, gent. deceased, in trustees, to be sold for the speedier payment of his debts, and better performance of the trusts therein mentioned, 25. An act to empower the lord high treasurer of Great Britain, or commiffioners of the treasury, to compound with the sureties of Samuel Pacey, deceased, late receiver general for the county of Suffolk. 26. An act to enable the lord high treafurer, or commiffioners of the treasury for the time being, to compound with William Mallett, efqs for the debt of his father, for whom he was furety while receiver general of the county of Somerset, and city of Bristol. 27. An act for better establishing certain charities of John Pierrepont. 28. An act for vesting the estate of Gideon Haydon, esq; deceased, lying in the county of Devon, in trustees, to be fold for the payment of the debts wherewith it stands incumbred, and fettling the overplus to the uses in his marriage settlement limited and declared. 29. An act for the better performance of the will of Stephen Harvey, efq; deceased, and making provision for his children. 30. An act for the reversal of the outlawry of Eleanor Bagot, the wife of John Bagot. 31. An act to enable William How of Somerton Early, in the county of Somerset, efq; to sell the manor and farm farm of Gunvile-Eastbury, alias Tarrant-Gunvile, in the county of Derfet, and several messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments in Gunvile-Eastbury, alias Tarrant-Gunvile aforesaid, and to settle other lands and hereditaments of greater value to the fame uses to which the faid manor and premisses in Gunvile-Eastbury, alias Tarrant-Gunvile, now stand limited, in lieu thereof. 32. An act to enable John Elye, esq; to raise monies out of his estate to pay his debts, and for fettling the residue thereof, together with the estate of Elizabeth his wife, to the uses intended by his marriage settle 36. An act to enable Thomas Bulkley, gent. to fell part of the estate comprized in his marriage settlement, to pay off debts which were precedent to, and do affect the faid settlement. 37. An act for the relief of the noncommission officers and foldiers of the respective companies of the three regiments of col. Thomas Handafyde, col. John Livesay, and lieutenant general Erle, and of the four independent companies at New York in America. 38. An act for annexing the rectory or parsonage of Hafely in the coun ty of Oxon, to the deanary of the King's free chapel of St. George within his castle of Windsor, and for vesting the advowson of the rectory and parochial church of St. Mary, alias North Church Barkhamftead, in the county of Hertford, in the dean and canons of the King's free chapel of St. George within his castle of Windsor, in lieu thereof. 39. An act to enable James Stopford, esq; to fell lands in the county of Nottingham, for payment of debts and portions. 40. An act for confirming a term of five hundred years, created by Richard Minshul, efq; and his trustees, for fecuring the payment of 8000 1. and interest. 41. An act for the relief of the earl of Clanriccard (lately called lord Bophin) of the kingdom of Ireland, in relation to his estate, and for the more effectual selling or fettling the estate of the faid earl to protestants. 42. An act to explain an act made in the first year of her Majesty's reign, intituled, An act to oblige Edward Whitaker to account for fuch fums of publick money, as hath been received by him. 43. An act to enable Anthony Stafford, gent. to fell or mortgage some part of his lands and hereditaments in the counties of Derby and Chester, for the payment of his father's debts and his own, and the better fettling and securing the rest for the benefit of his wife and family. 44. An act for vesting the equity of redemption of the manor of Backwell, in the county of Somerset, in trustees, to be fold pursuant to the will of Caroletta Nettles, deccafed, and a decree in chancery. The END of the TABLE. |