46. An act for taking the estate in law, for a mortgage made by John Sands, esq; which is descended to the daughters and coheirs of John Pargiter, deceased (who are infants) they being only trustees for Henry Raper, merchant. 47. An act to impower the lord high treafurer of England, or commissioners of the treasury for the time being, to compound with Thomas Thomkins and John Chagneau, and their securities, for the debts owing by them respectively to her Majesty. 48. An act to enable trustees to fell several houses and lands in and near Portsmouth, late the estate of Elizabeth Hicks, for payment of a debt and interest charged thereupon, and for laying out the residue of the money in other lands, to be fettled to the same uses. 49. An act for vesting the freehold and copyhold estate of Thomas Gower, gent. deceased, in trustees, to be fold for payment of debts, and fettling the remainder for the benefit of his daughters. 50. An act for vesting the estate of Valentine Crome of Maiden Early in the county of Berks, gent. in trustees, to be fold for payment of his father's debts, and making a provifion for himself and brother. 51. An act for the sale of lands, late of John Ballet, gent. deceased, for the more speedy payment of his debts, and raising portions for his younger children. 52. An act for the more effectual affuring of part of the lands of inheritance of William and Thomas Lambard in the county of Kent, pursuant to a deed of settlement; and for affuring (in lieu of other part thereof) other lands of inheritance therein also mentioned, and for better provision for younger children. 53. An act for vesting the capital messuage and other lands and tene : ments of Foulke Wynne, in the county of Denbigh, gent. and Meredith Wynne his son, in trustees, to the intent that part thereof may be fold for payment of his debts, and the refidue fettled pursuant to marriage articles. 54. An act for vesting the estates of Christopher Reve the elder, clerk, deceased, and of Christopher Reve, clerk, his only fon, also deceafed, in certain trustees, to be sold for the payment of their several debts and legacies, and for making fome provision for Dorothy the widow of the faid Chriftopher Reve the son, and for Christopher Reve his only child, an infant. 55. An act for vesting the estate of Arthur Vaugban of Tretherwen, in the county of Montgomery, an infant, in trustees, to be fold for payment of fuch debts and incumbrances, to which the fame, or the faid infant, in respect thereof, is liable. 56. An act for vesting the estate of Elizabeth Hore, in the county of Bucks, in trustees, to be fold, and the monies arifing thereby, to be applied for the payment of debts charged thereon. 57. An act for sale of the manor of Estevening, and other lands and hereditaments in Swinshead, in the county of Lincoln, late the estate of Christopher Fairfax, gent. deceased, for payment of his debts, and benefit of his children. 58. An act for vesting part of the real estate of Ralph Baldwin, gent. in trustees, for a provision for his younger children. 59. An act for fettling and securing part of the estates of Robert Barry, clerk, and Anne his wife, for the benefit of the said Anne and her children, and sale of other part of the estate of the faid Robert Barry, for payment of his debts. 60, An act for vesting the sum of two two thousand pounds in trustees, to be applied to and for the payment of the debts of John Holworthy, gent. pursuant to an agreement with his creditors. 61. An act for the fale of an advowfon in Suffex, late the estate of Michael Sorocold, clerk, deceafed for payment of his debts, and making provifion for his widow and child. 62. An act for fale of the estate of John Viccary, deceased, in Rockbear, in the county of Devon, for payment of his debts charged thereupon, and for maintenance of his widow and children. 63. An act to impower the lord high treasurer of England, or commiffioners of the treasury for the time being, to compound with Francis Clyes, as furety for William Pennock, late of Exon, merchant, in fix several bonds, for duties on tobacco, which the said William Pennock had at the port of Falmouth, in December, one thousand seven hundred and one. 64. An act to rectify a mistake in, and explain an act passed in the last feffion, to empower the lord high treasurer, or commissioners of the treasury, to compound with Richard Cobb, efq; as one of the fureties for Thomas Cobb, gent. receiver general for the county of Southampton and Isle of Wight. 65. An act to make the ship L'Amazone, taken and condemned as a prize, and fold in the island of Barbadoes free. 66. An act for naturalizing Paul, Frances, and Katharine Kilfly. 67. An act for naturalizing of Vincent de Laymerie, and others. Anno 5 Anna. Cap. 1. For granting an aid to her Majesty, by a land tax, to be raised in the year one thousand seven hundred and seven. Cap. 2. For continuing the duties upon malt, mum, cyder and perry, for the service of the year one thoufand seven hundred and seven. Cap. 3. For the settling the honours and dignities of John duke of Marlborough upon his posterity, and annexing the honour and manor of Woodstock, and house of Bleinheim, to go along with the said honours. Cap. 4. For fettling upon John duke of Marlborough and his pofterity, a penfion of five thousand pounds per annum, for the more honourable support of their dignities, in like manner as his honours and dignities, and the honour and manor of Woodstock, and house of Bleinheim, are already limited and fettled. Cap. 5. For fecuring the church of England as by law established. Cap. 6. For repealing a clause in an act, intituled, An act for the better apprehending, profecuting, and punishing felons that commit burglaries, house-breaking, or robberies in shops, warehouses, coach-houses, or stables, or that steal horses. Cap. 7. For regulating and ascertaining the duties to be paid by the unfreemen importers of coals into the port and borough of Great Yarmouth, in the county of Norfolk. Cap. 8. For an union of the two kingdoms of England and Scotland. Cap. 9. For rendring more effectual an act passed in the first year of her Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for the better preventing escapes out of the Queen's Bench and Fleet prisons. Cap. 10. For repairing the highway between Hockliffe and Woborne, in the county of Bedford. Cap. 11. For continuing the acts formerly made for repairing of the highways in the county of Hertford. Cap. 12. For the enlarging the paffage i Cap. 14. For the better preservation of the game. Cap. 15. For the better recruiting her Majesty's land forces and the marines, for the year one thousand seven hundred and feven. Cap. 16. For continuing an act made in the third and fourth years of her Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for punishing mutiny and desertion, and false musters, and for the better payment of the army and quarters. Cap. 17. To repeal all the laws prohibiting the importation of foreign lace made with thread. | Cap. 18. For inrolments of bargains and fales within the West Riding of the county of York, in the regifter office there lately provided; and for making the faid register more effectual. Cap. 19. For continuing the duties on low wines, and spirits of the first extraction, and the duties payable by hawkers, pedlars, and petty chapmen, and part of the duties on stamp'd vellum, parchment, and paper, and the late duties on sweets, and the one third subsidy of tonnage and poundage, and for fettling and establishing a fund thereby, and by the application of certain overplus monies, and otherwise, for payment of annuities, to be fold for raising a further fupply to her Majesty, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and feven, and other uses therein expressed. Cap. 20. For the better encouragement of the royal luftring company. VOL. XI. Cap. 21. For repairing the highway between Fornhill in the county of Bedford, and the town of StonyStratford in the county of Buckingbam. Cap. 22. To explain and amend an act of the last session of parliament for preventing frauds frequently committed by bankrupts. Cap. 23. To fubject the estate of Thomas Brerewood to the creditors of Thomas Pitkin, notwithstanding any agreement or composition made by the creditors of the faid Thomas Pitkin. Cap. 24. For discharging small livings from their first fruits and tenths, and all arrears thereof. Cap. 25. For making the acts more effectual for appropriating the forfeited impropriations in Ireland, for the building of churches, and augmenting poor vicarages there. Cap. 26. For repairing the highways between Shepherds-Shord and the Devizes, and between the top of Afblington Hill and Rowd Ford in the county of Wilts. Cap. 27. For continuing feveral fubfidies, impofitions, and duties, and for making provisions therein mentioned, to raise money by way of loan for the service of the war, and other her Majesty's necessary and important occafions; and for afcertaining the wine measure. Cap. 28. For raising the militia for the year one thousand seven hundred and feven, notwithstanding the month's pay formerly advanced be not repaid; and for an account to be made of trophy money. Cap. 29. For ease of her Majesty's subjects in relation to the duties upon falt, and for making the like allowances upon the exportation of white herrings, flesh, oatmeal, and grain called beer alias bigg, as are to be made upon exportation of the like from Scotland. Cap. 30. For the better securing her Ma b Majesty's purchase of Cotton House in Westminster. Cap. 31. For the encouraging the discovery and apprehending of houfe-breakers. Cap. 32. For the continuing the laws for the punishment of vagrants, and for making fuch laws more - effectual. Cap. 33. For. obliging John Rice to account for debentures granted to him in the last session of parlia ment. Cap. 34. For continuing the laws therein mentioned relating to the poor, and to the buying and felling of cattle in Smithfield, and for fuppreffing of piracy. Private Acts. Anno 5 Anna. 1. An act for naturalizing Maria Margaret Lady North and Grey. 2. An act to enable Henry Grey, fecond son of Richard Nevill, efq; to change his name from Nevill to Grey, according to the will of Ralph lord Grey deceased. 3. An act to make the ship called the Neptune privateer (a foreign-built ship, late bought as a wreck) a free ship. 4. An act to make the ship Vigilantia of Stad upon the river of Elbe in Germany (lately a wreck) a free ship. 5. An act for naturalizing John Tigh. 6. An act to enable the lord high treasurer, or commissioners of the treasury, for the time being, to compound with Benjamin Nicholl, citizen and late merchant of London, and his fureties, for the debt owing by him to her Majefty. 7. An act for the relief of Sir John Mead, of the kingdom of Ireland, knight and baronet. 8. An act for empowering the barons of the court of Exchequer in Ireland, to grant a commiffion to some 'persons in England, to adminifter to Thomas Maule, esq; remembrancer of the said court, the ufual oaths for the due execution of his office, and to enable him to take the oaths, and subscribe the declaration, in the court of Chancery in England, instead of those requifite to be taken and subscribed by the laws of England and Ireland, in order to qualify him to execute the said office.. 9. An act for naturalizing Philip Vanden Enden, merchant. 10. An act for making the ship Supply a free ship. 11. An act to enable the right honourable Henry earl of Thomond, an infant, to make a settlement of his eftate upon his marriage (notwithstanding his infancy) and for other the purposes in the said act mentioned. 12. An act for making more effectual a settlement made by William lord bishop of Oxford, for the benefit of his children. 13. An act for discharging feveral lands in the county of Worcester, from the sum of two thousand pounds, given by the will of dame Elizabeth Rich, widow, deceased, for charitable uses, and charging the same upon other lands in the county of Berks. 14. An act for fupplying the defect of an appointment for the provifion of the younger children of John Canham, efq; deceased, pursuant to his marriage fettlement, and for settling an estate in Totteridge, in lieu of thirteen hundred pounds, the remainder of a fum of money agreed to be laid out in a purchase. 15. An act for fale of fome part of the eftate of Henry Darrel, esq; deceafed, and leafing or mortgaging other part thereof, to raise money to pay his debts charged thereupon, and for making provision for his widow and younger children. 16. An act for vesting part of the eftate estate of William Fitch, esq; lying in the county of Dorfet, in trustees, to be fold for the payment of his sisters portions, and other debts, and for preferving the residue free from all power of waste, and for settling certain tithes in the Isle of Wight to the same uses. 17. An act for enabling Agnes Lee, widow, to renew certain leases for lives, belonging to Richard Lee, her son, who is an infant. 18. An act for settling the estate of Daniel Thomas, gent. for the benefit of his wife and children. 19. An act for fale of certain houses near Aldgate in London, late the estate of William Williams, deceafed, and for purchasing lands in lieu thereof. 20. An act to empower the lord high treasurer of England, or commiffioners of the treasury for the time being, to compound with Nathaniel Rich, esq; late receiver general for the county of Effex. 21. An act for the relief of John Baker, his mother, brother, and fisters, widow and children of col. Henry Baker, deceased. 22. An act for making the ship Prince (foreign built) a free ship. 23. An act for discharging divers manors and lands of Henry duke of Beaufort, from the portions of his daughters and younger children by his present dutchess, and for charging other manors and lands of the said duke of greater value with the like portions. 24. An act to enable Henry Pye, efq; to make a jointure. 25. An act for fale of part of the estate of William Potts, for discharging his brothers and sisters portions, and his debts, and for confirming his marriage settlement, as to the refidue of his estate, discharged of such portions. 26. An act for vesting lands in Chelfea, in the county of Middlesex, purchased of Charles lord Cheney viscount Newhaven in Scotland, in the Queen's majesty, for the accommodation of Chelsea College, and other lands, in John lord Vaughan earl of Carbury in Ireland, and his heirs. 27. An act for confirming and establishing the partitions made between William Pierrepoint, efq; (fince deceased) and the honourable Charles Egerton, esq; and others of several manors and lands in the counties of Suffolk, Kent, and Surrey, and to enable William and Samuel Pierrepoint, infants, to make partition of land in other counties, and to fell the same, and purchase other lands to be settled to the fame uses, and for rectifying a mistake in the marriage fettlement of William Peck, efq; 28. An act for vesting in trustees, a messuage and lands in Ratcliffe Culey, in the county of Leicester, to be fold, upon the fettling of another eftate of as great or greater value, to the fame uses as the lands to be fold are settled. 29. An act for relief of Alexander Pendarvis, esq; in relation to five thousand pounds, and interest provided for him out of lands in Ireland. 30. An act for the better support and maintenance of the minister of Tettenhall, in the county of Stafford, for the time being. 31. An act to vest certain mills and lands in Downton, in the county of Wilts (the estate of William Eyre a lunatick) in trustees, to be fold, and for applying part of the monies arifing by the fale thereof for payment of the debts of the said lunatick, and making some provifion for Ambrose Eyre, his eldest fon and heir, and for applying the refidue of fuch monies in purchafing of other lands, to be fettled to the fame uses as the said premisses to be fold are now settled. |