Imágenes de páginas

53. An act to make some alterations

and amendments in an act of par-

liament obtained the last session by

Sir Peter Tyrrill, and Thomas Tyr-

rill his fon, in order to enable them

to fell several lands in Hanflop, and

Caftlethrop, in the county of Bucks,

which were fettled upon the mar-

riage of the faid Thomas Tyrrill

and Dorothy his wife, and to fettle

other lands in lieu thereof.

54. An act for fale of part of the e-

state of Baptist May, esq; deceafed,

for reimburfing Charles May, efq;

his nephew, fuch monies as he has

expended for difcharging the debts,

legacies, and funeral expences of

the faid Baptist May.

55. An act for sale of the estate of

Thomas Holdford, esq; in Plumbly,

and elsewhere, in the county of

Chefter, confifting chiefly in rever-

fions, to raise money for payment

of his debts, and purchasing an e-

state in poffeffion, to be settled to

the same uses as the other estate

was settled.

56. An act for confirming a lease

heretofore made, of certain messu-

ages and lands in Epsom, by Sir

Jofeph Sheldon, and Sir James Ed-

wards, to Humprey Bean, and agreed

to be figned to Sir Thomas Cooke,

knight, and for enabling a lease of

other lands adjoining to the same,

to be made to him.

57. An act for vesting in trustees the

estate late of Sir Thomas Worsopp,

knight, and John Worsopp, efq; his

fon deceased, in Finsbury-Fields or

Moor-Fields, in the parith of Shore-

ditch, in the county of Middlesex,

to be fold for the payment of debts

and legacies, and the overplus of

the money remaining, to be laid

out for the purchasing of messu-

ages, lands, tenements, or heredita-

ments of inheritance in the king-

dom of Ireland, to be settled as in

the act is particularly mentioned.

58. An act to empower the lord high

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Majesty by a land tax to be raised in the year one thousand seven hundred and fix.

Cap. 3. To repeal several clauses in the statute made in the third and fourth years of her present Majesty's reign, for fecuring the kingdom of England from several acts lately paffed in the parliament of Scotland. Cap. 4. For the naturalization of the most excellent princess Sophia, electress and dutchess dowager of Hanover, and the issue of her body. Cap. 5. For continuing the duties upon malt, mum, cyder, and perry, for the fervice of the year one thousand seven hundred and fix.

Cap. 6. For continuing an additional subsidy of tonnage and poundage, and certain duties upon coals, culm, and cinders, and additional duties of excise, and for fettling and establishing a fund thereby, and by other ways and means, for payment of annuities, to be sold for raising a further supply to her Majefty, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and fix, and other uses therein mentioned.

Cap. 7. For making the town of New Rofs, in the county of Wexford in the kingdom of Ireland, a port for the exporting of wool from Ireland into this kingdom.

Cap. 8. For the better security of her Majesty's person and government, and of the succession to the crown of England in the protestant line. Cap. 9. For repairing the highways between Barnhill and Hatton Heath, in the county of Chester.

Cap. 10. For the better recruiting her Majesty's army and marines. Cap. 11. For continuing an act made in the session held in the third and fourth years of her Majesty's reign, int tuled, An act for punishing mutiny and defertion, and false musters, and for the better payment of the army and quarters.

Cap. 12. For laying further duties on low wines, and for preventing the. damage to her Majesty's revenue by importation of foreign cut whalebone, and for making fome provisions as to the stampt duties, and the duties on births, burials, and marriages, and the salt duties, and touching million lottery tickets, and for enabling her Majesty to dispose the effects of William Kidd, a notorious pirate, to the use of Greenwich hofpital, and for appropriating the publick monies granted in this session of parliament. Cap. 13. For the better ordering and governing the watermen and light

ermen upon the river of Thames. Cap. 14. For the better collecting charity money on briefs, by letters patent, and preventing abuses in relation to such charities.

Cap. 15. Formaking the river Stower navigable, from the town of Maningtree in the county of Effex, to the town of Sudbury in the county of Suffolk.

Cap. 16. For the amendment of the law, and the better advancement of justice.

Cap. 17. To prevent frauds frequently committed by bankrupts. Cap. 18. For enlarging the pier and harbour of Parton in the county of Cumberland.

Cap. 19. For the encouragement and increase of seamen, and for the better and speedier manning her Majesty's fleet.

Cap. 20. For the better enabling the master, wardens, and assistants of Trinity House, to rebuild the lighthouse on the Edystone rock. Cap. 21. For the increase and better preservation of salmon, and other fish, in the rivers within the counties of Southampton and Wilts.

Cap. 22. To impower the lord high treasurer, or commissioners of the treasury, to issue out of the monies arifing by the coinage duty, any


fum not exceeding five hundred
pounds, over and above the fum of
three thousand pounds yearly, for
the use of the mint.

belonging to the rectory of Watton at Stone in the county of Hertford, for a certain other house and lands of greater value, lying in Watton at Stone aforesaid, of and belonging to Philip Boteler, esq;

Cap. 23. For raising the militia for the year one thousand seven hundred and fix, notwithstanding the 6. An act to enable Sir Thomas Cave,

baronet to fell certain lands in the county of Northampton, to raise money to pay his brothers and fifters portions, and fettle other lands in the faid county of Northampton, and county of Leicester, of better value, to the fame uses.

month's pay formerly advanced be not repaid; and for an account to be made of trophy monies. Cap. 24. To enlarge the time for regiftring unsatisfied debentures upon the forfeited estates in Ireland, and for renewing of other debentures, which have been loft, burnt, 7. An act for confirming an agree

or deftroyed.

Cap. 25. For the paying and clearing the feveral regiments command

ed by lieutenant general Stewart, co

ment made upon the marriage of Charles Owen, esq; and Dorothy his wife, of Nash in the county of Pembroke.

lonel Hill, and brigadier Holt, and 8. An act for fale of part of the

• for fupplying the defect of the muster rolls of those and several

other regiments.


estate of James Hamilton, esq; a minor, for payment of his debts, and for raifing portions for younger children, and for making fee farms, and leases for lives, during his minority.

town and lands of Sea Town to the 9. An act for fupplying a defect (by

the death of a trustee) in the appointment of provisions for the younger children of Henry Smalman, efq; deceased, and for making the faid provision more effectual for

such younger children.

Cap. 26. For making effectual grant of their late majesties King William and Queen Mary, of the

archbishoprick of Dublin, and for

restoring the fame to the faid fee.

Cap. 27. For the impropriate tithes of the parish of Saint Bridget alias Bride's London.

Private Acts.
Anno & Anne.

1. An act for fale of the estate late of Thomas Chute, esq; in the county of Warwick, and laying out the monies arifing thereby, in the purchase of other lands and hereditaments in the county of Norfolk, to be fettled to the same uses as the Warwickshire estate stands settled. 2. An act for naturalizing William Burnet, efq;

3. An act for naturalizing Peter Silveftre, doctor of phyfick.

4. An act for naturalizing Adelaide dutchess of Shrewsbury.

5. An act for exchanging the parsonage house, and certain glebe lands

10. An act to enable John Edwards,
gentleman, to fell certain lands in
the county of Norfolk, for payment
of debts.

11. An act to permit the making up
of clothes with buttons of cloth,
for exportation, for cloathing the
afmy of the allies, notwithstanding
the act against cloth buttons.
12. An act for the relief of Sir Ste-
phen Evence, knight, and Henry
Cornish, efq;

13. An act for relief of John Afgill,
esq; in relation to his purchase of
part of the forfeited estates in Ire-

14. An act for naturalizing William Lewis Legrand.


15. An act for the relief of colonel Samuel Venner.

16. An act for naturalizing Jacob Pechillis and others.

17. An act for enabling James duke of Ormond, and Charles earl of Arran, to settle fee farm rents in the county of Tipparary in the kingdom of Ireland, pursuant to an agreement upon the marriage of the said earl of Arran, and for making good feveral grants made by the faid earl in fee farm.

18. An act for vesting the inheritance of a messuage and gardens in Atton, in the county of Middlesex, purchased by the right honourable Evelyn earl of Kingston upon Hull, in trustees, for the faid earl and his heirs.

19. An act for making the exemplification of the will of Edward late earl of Conway, under the seal of the court of Chancery, in the kingdom of Ireland, and the depositions relating to the same, evidence on hearings in equity and trial at law. 20. An act to enable Scrope lord vifcount Howe of the kingdom of Ireland, to make a certain provision for his daughters by his first wife, that which was intended, being, as expressed in marriage settlement, uncertain and contingent.

21. An act to enlarge the power of Richard lord Bulkeley, viscount Cashells in the kingdom of Ireland, of leasing his estate in Cheshire, for performance and fatisfaction of the trusts upon the faid eftate.

22. An act for fale of part of the eftate of Henry lord Colerane, baron of Colerane in the kingdom of Ireland, and supplying the want of inrollment of a deed concerning other part of his estate.

23. An act for the supplying the defect of a common recovery, fuffered by Philip Smith, efq; viscount Strangford of the kingdom of Ireland, and George Smith, efq; his

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26. An act for vesting the estate of Richard Bold, esq; in trustees, to be leafed, fold, or mortgaged, for raifing the portions, debts, and monies to which the same is liable.

27. An act for vesting certain terms for forty years, in trustees, which were granted by John Abington, efq; deceased, and to impower them to grant, renew, and fill up leases, according to the usage of the manor therein mentioned, and for raifing portions for the younger children of the faid John Abington. 28. An act for vesting the equity of redemption of the lands and tenements lying in the county of Leicester, late the estate of John Digby, efq; deceased, in trustees, to the intent that the fame may be fold for the discharging of the mortgages

and other incumbrances thereon. 29. An act to impower Thomas Carey, and George Hatley of London, merchants, to import the remainder of a quantity of French wines from Copenhagen, contracted for before the first day of January, one thousand feven hundred and four.

30. An act to enable trustees to make provifion for payment of debts of William Huggeffen, esq; and for raifing portions for his younger fons, and for making good the intended fet

settlement upon the marriage of William Huggeffen the younger, gent. 31. An act for sale of lands in the counties of Southampton and Dorset, late the estate of Thomas Deane, esq; deceased, for payment of the debts and legacies charged thereupon, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

32. An act for augmenting the number of canons residentiary, in the cathedral church of Litchfield, and for improving the deanry and prebends of the said cathedral.

33. An act for relief of non commiffion officers and private foldiers of the lord Drogheda's and colonel Coot's regiments.

34. An act for fale of the manor and estate of and in Hethersedge and Dore in the county of Derby, the estate of Christopher Pegg, esq; and mortgaging part of his manor and estate of and in Beauchiff and Strawberry Lee in the fame county, for raising money for payment of debts and incumbrances thereon, and for making provision for his family.

35. An act to enable William Gomeldon, esq; to fell a farm in Kent, to discharge an incumbrance upon the fame, and to apply the residue of the monies arifing by such sale, in payment of the faid William Gomeldon's debts.

36. An act for vesting a mortgage of Humphry Courtney, esq; deceased, in trustees, to be fold to discharge the mortgages, debts and incumbrances on the faid eftate.

37. An act for vesting, in trustees, the estate of Morris Goulston, esq; for the raising his fisters portions, and payment of debts, and other purposes therein mentioned.

38. An act for vesting certain messuages and lands in the counties of Devon and Cornwal, of Nicholas Row, efq; in trustees, to be fold, and applying the greatest part of the

purehase-money to the uses of his marriage fettlement, and the refidue for payment of debts. 39. An act for the relief of colonel John Rice.

40. An act for the removing all doubts touching the saving claufe of one act of parliament, intituled, An alt for vesting divers manors and lands of Matthew Holworthy, esq; in trustees, to be fold, and purchasing other manors or lands of equal value, and limiting the manors or lands to be purchased to the same uses, as the lands to be fold are limited. 41. An act for fale of the manor of Barwick Hall, and other lands in the county of Effex, the estate of William Forbes, esq; and for purchafing other lands to be fettled to the same uses.

42. An act to vest certain lands and tenements in the counties of Kent, the estate of Richard Thornhill, esq; in trustees, to be fold for the payment of debts, and his fifters portions charged thereupon, and for securing the refidue of the purchase money, to the uses of his marriage settlement.

43. An act to enable John Brett Fisher, efq; and Judith his wife, to sell lands for the payment of his debts, and making provifion for his wife and children, in cafe they shall have any.

44. An act to enable John Williams, an infant, notwithstanding his infancy, to renew a lease of the parfonage of Bugden, held under one of the prebendaries of the cathedral church of Lincoln; and also for fettling the prebend of Bugden, as an augmentation for the vicar of Bugden, and vesting the ecclesiastical jurifdiction of the parish of Bugden

in the bishop of Lincoln. 45. An act for the fale of lands in the county of Lincoln, late the estate of John Stanhope, esq; deceased, for payment of his debts.

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