Imágenes de páginas

for payment of his debts, and for fettling other part thereof to the uses therein mentioned.

42. An act to subject the estate of Robert Coke of Trufly, in the county of Derby efq; and William Coke, his fon and heir apparent, to the payment of the faid Robert Coke's debts, and to make provifion for the wife, and younger children of the faid William Coke.

43. An act for the fetting afide a voluntary fettlement made by Mary Fermour, widow, and for ratifying a partition made of the manors of Merfham and Pett, and divers lands in the county of Suffex, between her and Bartholemew Walmefley efq; and others.

44. An act for the improvement of the eftate of John Brifco in the county of Cumberland. 45. An act for making good the provifion intended for captain James Roch, out of the forfeited eftates in Ireland, and for restoring to the bishoprick of Cloyne in the faid king-. dom the manor and lands of Dono


46. An act for fetting afide voluntary fettlements made by John Hawe gent. of eftates in the counties of Stafford and Warwick, and fettling fome part of his eftate upon the faid John Hawe, and his fon, and for making provifion for the maintenance of his fon and daughter, and raifing a portion for fuch daughter, and felling the refidue for payment of his debts.

47. An act for fale of the estate of John Digby efq; deceafed in the county of Buckingham, and dividing the money between Sir John Conway baronet, and Richard Moflyn efq; and for fettling the eftate of Sir John Conway, in the county of Flint, and making provifion for his fon and daughter, according to an agreement for that purpose. 48. An act for the further recompenfing of John Baker gent, and his

[blocks in formation]

Cap. 1. For granting an aid to her Majefty, by a land tax, to be raised in the year one thousand seven hundred and five.

Cap. 2. For raifing monies by fale of feveral annuities, for carrying on the present war.

Cap. 3. For continuing the duties upon malt, mum, cyder, and perry, for one year.

Cap. 4. For continuing duties upon low wines, and upon coffee, tea, chocolate, fpices, and pictures, and upon hawkers, pedlars, and petty chapmen, and upon muflins; and for granting new duties upon feveral of the faid commodities, and alfo upon callicoes, china ware, and drugs.

Cap. 5. For granting to her Majefty a further fubfidy on wines and merchandizes imported.

[ocr errors]

Cap. 6. For the better enabling her Majesty to grant the honour and manor of Woodflock, with the hundred of Wootton, to the duke of Marlborough, and his heirs, in confideration of the eminent fervices by him performed to her Majesty and the publick.

Cap. 7. For the effectual fecuring the kingdom of England from the apparent dangers that may arife from feveral acts lately paffed in the parliament of Scotland.

a 3

Cap. 8.

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Cap. 8. To permit the exportation of
Irish linen cloth to the plantations,
and to prohibit the importation of
Scotch linen into Ireland.
Cap. 9. For giving like remedy upon
promiffory notes, as is now ufed up-
on bills of exchange, and for the
better payment of inland bills of

Cap. 10. For encouraging the im-
portation of naval ftores from her
Majefty's plantations in America.
Cap. 11. For the better recruiting her
Majesty's land forces, and the ma-
rines, for the year one thousand fe-
ven hundred and five.

Cap. 12. For the relief of the credi-
tors of Thomas Pitkin, a bankrupt,
and for the apprehending of him,
and the discovery of the effects of
the faid Thomas Pitkin, and his ac-

Cap. 13. For prohibiting all trade and
commerce with France.

Cap. 14. To prevent all traiterous
correspondence with her Majesty's

Cap. 15. For the relief of Fulk Emes
gent, and others, who had elapfed
their times, either for paying their
money, or naming their nominees,
for purchafing annuities; and alfo
for relief of Sir John Mead knight
and baronet, who had elapfed his
time for paying part of his purchase-
money for a forfeited estate in Ire-
land, and alfo for relief of Dorothy
Ireland, and others, in refpect of
feveral tickets for payment of an-
nuities, and of feveral million lot-
tery, and malt lottery tickets, and
Exchequer bills, and debentures to
the army, which have been burnt
or loft,

Cap. 16. For punishing mutiny and
defertion, and falfe mufters; and
for the better payment of the army
and their quarters.
Cap. 17. For raifing the militia for the
year one thousand feyen hundred
and five, although the month's pay
formerly advanced be not repaid.

Cap. 18. For making perpetual an act
for the more eafy recovery of fmall
tithes; and also an act for the more
easy obtaining partition of lands in
coparcenary, joint-tenancy, and te-
nancy in common; and alfo for
making more effectual and amend-
ing several acts relating to the re-
turn of jurors.

Private As.

Anno 3&4 Anna.

1. An act for fettling the right of se-
veral parcels of land, and other te-
nements, and of certain fishings, and
tithes of fishings, in the fociety of
the governor and affiftants, London,
of the new plantation in Ulfter,
within the realm of Ireland, and
their fucceffors; and for fettling a
rent charge of 2501. per annum
upon the lord bishop of Derry, and
his fucceffors for ever.

2. An act for naturalizing Thomas Le-
vingston, viscount Teviott in the
kingdom of Scotland.

3. An act for naturalizing Louife Ma-
rie Creffet, the wife of James Cref-
fet, efq;



An act to enable Thomas Pile, efq;
and Elizabeth Freke, to make lea-
fes for lives of the eftate of Thomas
Freke of Iwerne Courtney, efq; de-
ceafed, as alfo the fon of George
Pitt, efq; fo to do, when entitled,
and in actual poffeffion of the pre-
miffes; and that he may be en-
abled to make a jointure upon any
woman he shall marry, out of the
fame; and for establishing a school
in Iwerne Courtney, and augment-
ing the vicarage of Corne Abbas, in
the county of Dorfet.

An act to enable Agnes Hacche,
widow, and other trustees, to make
leafes, and fell lands, in the county
of Devon, for the payment of the
debts and legacies of Robert Hacche,
efq; deceased; and for the mainte-
nance and advancement of his
daughters portions.

6, An act for confirming an agree-


ment between the executors of MoJes Gould, efq; deceafed, and his relict, for payment of the debts and maintenance of the younger children of the faid Mofes Gould, and for fettling other part of his eftate.

7. An act for fale of the estate of Daniel Drake, gent. deceased, for the provifion of his widow and children, according to his will.

8. An act for naturalizing Henry Bow


9. An act for vesting in trustees certain manors and lands of William duke of Devonshire, and William Cavendish, commonly called marquis of Hartington, to enable them to mortgage the fame for payment of debts, and fubject thereunto to fettle the fame to the like ufes, as the fame are now fettled. 10. An act to enable the right honourable John lord Powlet, and Bridget, lady Powlet, his wife, with the confent of their trustees, to fell their shares and interest of and in certain manors and lands in the county of Kent, and to purchase other lands or hereditaments of the like value, to be settled to the fame uses. II. An act to veft the estate of Charles

lord Howard, baron of Eferick, in trustees, to fell the fame for payment of his debts.

12. An act for fale of feveral estates

in England and Ireland, for payment of the debts of Charles late earl of Burlington, and Cork.

13. An act for confirming an agree

ment made by certain articles by and between John earl of Kildare, Richard lord Bellew, both of the kingdom of Ireland, and Frances his lady, Charlotte countess of Newburgh of the kingdom of Scotland, and William Rowley, efq; and for felling part of the eftate of the faid. earl of Kildare, for the purposes therein mentioned.

14. An act for confirmation of an a

greement made between Thomas late lord bishop of Carlisle, and Thomas Cook, efq; for veiting the rectory of Melborne in the county of Derby, in the faid Thomas Cook and his heirs, upon augmentation of the rents to the bishoprick of Carlisle, and of the ftipend to the vicar of Melborne.

15. An act for fale of feveral manors and lands in the counties of Hereford, Radnor, and Brecon, for payment of the debts of Richard and Thomas Williams late of Gabalva in the county of Radnor, efquires, deceased.

16. An act for vesting in trustees all the eftate of Baldwin Malett, efq; and William Malett, his fon and heir apparent, for payment of the debts of the faid Baldwin Malett to her Majefty, as he was receiver general for the county of Somerset, and city and county of the city of Bristol, and for fettling the refidue on the faid William Malett, his heirs and affigns for ever, as by agreement between the faid Baldwin Malett and William Malett.

17. An act to impower the lord high treasurer, or commiffioners of the treasury, to compound with Richard Cobb, efq; as one of the fureties of Thomas Cobb, gent. deceased, receiver general for the county of Southampton, and Isle of Wight. 18. An act to impower the lord high treasurer, or commiffioners of the treasury, to compound with John Drake, John Hunton, and Edmund Cocke, as fureties for Auguftine Briggs, receiver general for the county of Norfolk and city of Norwich. 19. An act to impower the lord high treafurer, or commiffioners of the treafury, to compound with Sir Michael Biddulph, baronet, as he was one of the fureties for Morgan Whitley, efq; receiver general for the counties of Chester and North Wales.

[blocks in formation]

20. An act for fettling of the tithes

of certain lands in Francton, in the

county of Warwick, upon Simon

Biddulph, efq; and his heirs, and

for fettling a rent-charge in lieu

thereof, upon the prefent rector

there, and his fucceffors for ever.

21. An act for the augmentation of

the vicarage of Gainsborough, in the

county of Lincoln.

22. An act to empower the lord high

treasurer, or commiffioners of the

treasury, to compound with Thomas

Whitley, efq; as he was one of the

fureties for Morgan Whitley, efq;

late receiver general for the coun-

ties of Chester and North Wales.

23. An act for fale of the estate of

Ambrofe Scudamore, efq; deceased,

for payment of the mortgage-mo-

ney and debts thereupon, and

placing out the overplus money to

the uses therein mentioned.

24. An act for fale of certain lands

and tenements in Hefton in the

county of Middlesex, late the eftate

of Matthew Lifter and his wife,

and Timothy Whitfield and his wife,

for the purposes therein mentioned.

25. An act to enable James Lockart,

efq; and his wife, to fell certain

lands, tenements, and heredita-

ments in the county of Effex, late

of Sir Thomas Luckin, baronet, de-

ceafed, for payment of their debts,

and to purchase other lands with

the overplus of the money, to be

fettled to like uses.

26. An act for raifing money by a

mortgage of a plantation in the

Barbadoes, to pay the debts of Ro-

bert Hooper.

27. An act for fale of part of the estate

of Edward Baines, gent. for dif

charge of a mortgage thereupon,

and making provifion for his


28. An act for fevering and difunit-

ing the church or chapel of Horne,

from the church or chapel of Blech-

ingley, in the county of Surrey.


29. An act to enable trustees to raise

money to pay the debts of Mark

Delves, efq; deceased.

30. An act for fale of feveral lands

and hereditaments of Thomas God-

dard of Rudlow, in the county of

Wilts, efq; deceased, for payment of

his debts, and for fettling the over-

plus upon Ambrofe Goddard, for the

purposes therein mentioned.

31. An act for fale of feveral lands

and hereditaments of George Nodes,

efq; in the county of Hertford, for

payment of his debts, and the debts

of George Nodes, efq; his father,

deceased, charged thereupon.

32. An act to enable Joseph Hinxman

of North Hinton, in the county of

Southampton, efq; to fell fome eftates

in Andover, in the faid county; and

for the fettling other eftates in

Christ Church Twyneham in the faid

county, of a better value, to the

fame uses.

33. An act for fale of feveral lands

in the counties of Durham and

Northumberland, late of Patricius

Crow, efq; deceased, for the raising

the portions charged thereupon for

his younger children.

34. An act for vesting an estate mort-

gaged in fee by Thomas Burr, to

Anthony Tomkins (now an infant)

in trustees, to reconvey the fame

to the faid Thomas Burr, or as he

fhall appoint, upon payment of all

the monies due on the faid mort-


35. An act for confirming and mak-

ing good the laft will and teftament

of Hugh Nanney, efq; deceased.

36. An act to impower the lord high

treasurer, or commiffioners of the

treafury, to compound with John

Mafon, gent. who was receiver ge-

neral for the county, univerfity,

and town of Cambridge, and Ifle of

Ely; and alfo with John Pickering,

filkman, one of the faid John Ma-

fon's fureties, as he was fuch re-


[ocr errors]

of Dingley, and lands there, for

payment of the debts of James

Griffin, efq; and raising portions for

younger children.

47. An act for the better explanation

of the fettlement of the eftate of

William Trafford, gent. and Clare

his wife, and William their eldest

fon, and for making more effectual

a provifion for younger children,

according to agreements between


48. An act for vefting the equity of

redemption of the manor and ca-

pital meffuage of Latchford, with

the appurtenances, and divers free-

hold meffuages, farms, and lands,

in Latchford and Hafely, in the

county of Oxon, late the eftate of

William Lenthall, efq; deceafed, in

trustees, to be fold for discharging

of incumbrances thereupon.

49. An act to enable William Caven-

difb, efq; to make a fettlement in

jointure upon any wife he fhall

marry, and for the better raifing

the portions charged upon his e-

ftate, and for confirming infran-

chifements of feveral copyhold e-

ftates made by his father, within

the manor of Dovebridge in the

counties of Stafford and Derby.

50. An act to enable Sir George War-

burton, baronet, to fell the manor

or lordship of Pulford in the coun-

ty of Chefter, to perform an agree-

ment made upon his marriage for

payment of feveral portions charg-

ed upon his eftate; and alfo to pay

fome debts which his father had

power to charge.

51. An act for fale of feveral lands

and chattel estates, in the county

of Devon, and city and county of

Exon, of Jofeph Price, for payment

of his debts and legacies charged

upon his estate, and for a provifion

for himself, his wife, and family.

52. An act tó naturalize Andrew

Girardot, alias Devermenoux, Fran-

cis Buzelin, and others.

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