them, for fuch intents and purposes nevertheless, as shall be contained or directed in or by the faid letters patents. III. Provided also, That this act, or any thing therein con- Act not to tained, shall not extend to avoid, or any way to impeach or void any affect any grant, exchange, alienation, or incumbrance, at grant, &c. any heretofore time heretofore made, of or upon the said revenues of first made of any fruits and tenths, or any part thereof; but that the same shall, the faid reduring the continuance of fuch grant, exchange, alienation, venues. or incumbrance respectively, be and remain of and in fuch force and virtue, and no other, to all intents and purposes, as if this act had not been made. IV. And for the encouragement of such well-disposed persons as shall, by her Majesty's royal example, be moved to contribute to so pious and charitable a purpose, and that such their charity may be rightly applied; be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all and every person and perfons, having in his or their own right any estate or interest in possession, reverfion, or contingency, of or in any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, or any property of or in any goods or chattles, shall have full power, licence, and authority, at his, her, and their will and pleasure, by deed inrolled, in such manner, and within such time, as is directed by the statute made in the twenty seventh year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth, for 27 H. 8. c. 16. inrolment of bargains and sales, or by his, her, or their last Persons may will or teftament in writing, duly executed according to law, to give lands, give and grant to, and vest in the said corporation, and their tenements, or goods, &c. fuccessors, all fuch his, her, or their estate, interest, or proper- to the faid ty in such lands, tenements, and hereditaments, goods and corporation, chattles, or any part or parts thereof, for and towards the augmentation of the maintenance of such ministers as aforesaid, officiating in fuch church or chapel, where the liturgy and rites of the faid church are or shall be fo used or observed, as aforefaid, and having no settled competent provifion belonging to the fame, and to be for that purpose applied according to the will of the said benefactor, in and by such deed inrolled, or by fuch will or testament executed, as aforesaid, expressed: and in default of fuch direction, limitation, or appointment, in such manner as by her Majesty's letters patents shall be directed or appointed, as aforesaid. And fuch corporation, and their succeffors, shall have full capacity and ability to purchase, receive, take, hold, and enjoy, for the purposes aforesaid, as well from fuch persons as shall be fo charitably disposed to give the same, as from all other persons as shall be willing to fell or aliene to or fell or aliene the faid corporation any manors, lands, tenements, goods, any manors, or chattles, without any licence or writ of Ad quod damnum, the lands, &c. statute of Mortmain, or any other statute or law to the contrary notwithstanding. 7 V. Provided always, That this act or any thing therein Persons excontained shall not extend to enable any person or perfons, cepted fron being within age, or of None fane memory, or women covert, making fuchi without their husbands, to make any such gift, grant, or aliena- gifts, &c. tion; any thing in this act contained to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding. VI. And whereas four bonds for four half yearly payments of the first fruits, as the fame are rated, and also a fifth bond for a further value or payment, in respect of the same first fruits, have been required and taken from the clergy, to their great and unneceffary burden and grievance: for remedy thereof be it enacted and deOne bond on-clared by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the twenly to be taken ty fifth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand sefor the four ven hundred and four, one bond only shall in such cafe be payments of the first fruits. 13 & 14 Car. 2. C. 3. 2 W. & M. f. 1. c. 9. ■ Annæ, ftat. $. C. 28. given or required for the four payments of the said first fruits : which said first fruits, as well as the tenths payable by the clergy, shall hereafter be answered and paid by them according to fuch rates and proportions only as the fame have heretofore been usually rated and paid: and no such fifth bond already given shall, from and after the faid twenty fifth day of March, in the year one thousand seven hundred and four, be sued or recovered, CAP. XII. An act for railing the militia for the year one thousand seven hundred and four, notwithstanding the month's pay formerly advanced be not repaid. Militia forces may be drawn out into actual service any time before 24th June, 1905. notwithstanding the one month's pay formerly advanced be not repaid. EXP. CAP. XIII. An act for prolonging the time by an act of parliament, made in the first year of her Majesty's reign, for importing thrown filk of the growth of Sicily, from Leghorn. EXP. CAP. XIV. An act for the better securing and regulating the duties upon falt. HEREAS great fums of W money are paid out of her Majesty's duties upon falt, on account of debentures for falt shipped to be exported to foreign parts; and it is found by experience, that great part of the falt, for which fuch debentures have been paid, hath been fraudulently landed on the coasts of England and Wales, and not exported to any foreign parts, or having been actually landed in Ireland, or other places out of England and Wales, have been shipped off again from thence, and fraudulently brought into England or Wales; by which evil practices her Majesty's said duties are very much leffened in the produce thereof, and the falt makers, who pay their full duties, are very much prejudiced and discouraged in their trade, by reason they cannot fell their falt in places which are fupplied with falt run, as aforesaid: for remedy whereof be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by authority of the fame, That no falt whatsoever, being of the produce or manufacture ing from Ire- of England, Wales, Berwick upon Tweed, Scotland, or Ireland, nor land, Scotland, No falt com any f. 1.23. any other falt coming from Ireland, Scotland, or the ifle of Man, or the ifle of shall, after the first day of June, one thousand seven hundred Man, to be and four, be imported or brought into any port or place within imported. Further proEngland, Wales, or Berwick upon Tweed, nor be taken out of visions for this any ship or vessel, nor put on shore within any of the said ports purpose by or places, upon pain that all the falt fo imported or brought in, Geo. 1. c.18. taken out of any ship or vessel, or landed, or put on shore, con- Forfeiture. trary to the true intent and meaning of this act, shall be forfeited and lost; and that the ship or vessel in which any such salt shall be so imported or brought in, or out of which any fuch falt shall be taken or put on shore, together with all her tackle and apparel, shall also be forfeited and lost; and every person that shall take any such salt out of any such ship or vessel, or carry the fame on shore, or convey the fame from the shore when landed, or be aiding or assisting therein, shall forfeit the sum of twenty pounds for every fuch offence, or suffer fix months imprisonment. two months II. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be law- Salt so importful to and for any of the officers for the said duties upon salt, at ed may in any time within two months after the importation or landing two me any such falt, and not afterwards, to seize the salt so imported feized; or taken out of any ship or vessel, or landed or put on shore, or conveying from the shore; and also the ship or vessel in which also the ship; such falt was imported, together with all her tackle and apparel: claimed in 20 and in cafe the owner of fuch falt or ship shall not, within twen- days may be ty days after such seizure, claim the falt and ship so seized, and fold. also give sufficient security to answer the value thereof; then, and in every such case, the falt and ship, with all her tackle and apparel, shall be fold to the best advantage. not III. Provided nevertheless, That nothing in this act shall ex- Salt carried tend, or be construed to extend, to any salt which shall be ship- coaftwife exped, to be carried coastwise, by certificate from one port to ano-cepted. ther in England, Wales, or Berwick upon Tweed, according to the directions of the former acts relating to the said duties. IV. Provided also, That in case where any falt shall have Salt forced inbeen entred and shipped to be exported to foreign parts, accord- to any port by ing to the directions of the former acts in that behalf, and the stress of weather, &c. may ship or vessel, laden with fuch salt, shall by stress of weather, be re-landed. enemies, or other unavoidable neceffities, be forced into any port or place within England, Wales, or Berwick upon Tweed, it shall and may be lawful to and for the owner of such falt, or master of fuch ship, within twenty days after her coming into fuch port, to re-land the said salt, so as due entry be made, and the duties again paid down for the whole quantity of falt that was entred to be exported, before any part thereof shall be relanded, and not otherwise; any thing in this act or any other law or statute to the contrary notwithstanding. V. Provided also, That in cafe where any fisherman shall Fisherman have taken any falt on board his boat or vessel from any part of may land falt England, Wales, or Berwick upon Tweed, for the salting of fith board for faltat fea, it shall and may be lawful for any fuch fisherman to bring ing fish, on taken on in oath made, &c. Allowance of falt for ship's provifion, or for curing fish, &c. 1 What forfeited upon neglect of fuch entries by 5 Geo. I. c. 18. f. 18. No salt to be brought out &c. in and land any such falt so taken on board, so as oath be made before the landing thereof (which oath the officer for the faid duties hath hereby power, and is hereby directed to administer, without fee or charge) that the particular quantity of falt, so to be landed, was taken on board from some part of England, Wales, or Berwick upon Tweed, and at what place it was taken on board, and that no part thereof was taken out of any ship or vessel at sea; any thing in this act or any other statute to the contrary notwithstanding. VI. Provided also, That in case where any ship or vessel shall come into any port of England, Wales, or Berwick upon Tweed, from Ireland, or any other foreign part, having on board any quantity of falt, which was taken in only for the necessary provisions of the ship for such voyage, or for curing of fish, it shall and may be lawful to and for the master of such ship or vessel to land the said salt, so as entry be made thereof within ten days after his first coming into fuch port, and the duties paid down or fecured for the fame, before the fame, or any part thereof, shall be landed or taken out of any such ship or vessel, in the same manner as the duties of foreign salt imported are to be paid or secured: any thing in this act or any other statute to the contrary notwithstanding. VII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the said first day of June, one thoufand seven hundred and four, no falt shall be brought out of Scotland by land, into any part of England, or town of Berwick upon of Scotland by land, into England. Penalty. Tweed, or precincts thereof, on pain of forfeiting the falt fo Salt officers to brought into any of the said places, and twenty shillings a feize such falt, bushel, and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity; and that it shall and may be lawful to and for any of the officers for the duties upon salt, to seize any falt so brought into any of the faid places, and to apprehend the perfon and persons who shall bring in the fame, and to carry him, her, or them before any of her Majesty's justices of the peace near the place where fuch seizure shall be made; and if, upon full proof of the fact, fuch offender shall not pay down the faid penalties by this act imposed, fuch justice shall commit such offender to the next gaol, there to remain for the space of fix months without bail or mainprize. 5 C. $W. & M. c.7. VIII. And whereas by an act of parliament made in the fifth year of the reign of the late King William and Queen Mary, intituled, An act for granting to their Majesties certain rates and duties upon falt, and upon beer, ale, and other liquors, for securing certain recompences and advantages, in the said act mentioned, to such persons as shall voluntarily advance the sum of ten hundred thousand pounds, towards carrying on the war against France; it is amongst other things enacted, That no falt shall be delivered from any falt works or pits, without notice first given to the officer appointed for that purpose, upon pain of forfeiture of the falt So delivered, and upon pain of twenty pounds to be forfeited by the owner or owners of the falt works or pits, where such falt shall be delivered: ! livered: and whereas several falt makers have been, and others may be, subjected to the faid penalties of twenty pounds, by the evil practices of falt carriers, and others, who convey falt from the falt works withPenalty on but a warrant or permit for conveying the fame; for preventing falt carrier whereof be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and carrying falt after the faid first day of June, one thousand seven hundred and without a perfour, as well the carrier, or person who shall carry or convey any falt without a warrant or permit for carrying the fame, as the proprietor of the falt works, who shall deliver falt without notice first given, shall forfeit the said fum of twenty pounds. mit. Annæ, c. 29. IX. And whereas in and by the faid act of parliament made in the Farther proffth year of the reign of the late King William and Queen Mary, visions relating and by feveral other acts relating to the said duties upon falt; it is bereto by s amongst other things provided, That any perfon, who shall export be- f. 16. yond the feas any falt, as well foreign as English, or any rock falt, Ball, upon a debenture made out according to the direction of the faid sets, be repaid the duties of fuch falt so exported: and whereas fome doubts and controverfies have been made, whether falt shipped and exported to Scotland, the isle of Man, or the islands of Jersey and Guernsey, be an exportation of falt within the intent and meaning of the faid acts, so as to intitle the exporter to a drawback of the duties of the falt so exported: for preventing of all fuch controverfies and Salt exported diputes, be it enacted and declared by the authority aforesaid, to Scotland, That it was and is the intent and meaning of the faid acts, that the ile of Man, or Jersey any perfon exporting any falt to Scotland, the isle of Man, or the and Guernsey, islands of Jersey and Guernsey, according to the directions of the intitled to a faid acts, is and shall be intitled to a drawback of the duties of drawback. the falt so exported, and shall be repaid the fame, in such manher, and under such conditions, as are directed and required by the faid acts, in cafe of the exportation of falt to any other foreign parts; any thing in the said acts or any other law or statute to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. X. Provided always, and it is further enacted by the authority Salt shipped aforefaid, That where any falt or rock falt (the duties whereof for exporta. hall have been paid or secured to be paid, according to the di- tion, and perishing in port, rection of the former laws, relating to the said duties on salt) by the finking hall from and after the first day of June, one thousand seven of the ship, &c. kundred and four, be shipped or laid on board any ship or vefel, in any port, river, or place within this kingdom of England, ar the dominion of Wales, or town of Berwick upon Tweed, in order to be exported to parts beyond the feas, or be carried coaftwife; and the said falt or rock salt, so shipped or laid on Doard, shall happen to perish by the sinking of the ship or vefkel, on which the same shall be shipped or laid on board, before the faid ship or veffel shall go out of fuch port or place, and before the exporter of fuch salt shall be intitled to a drawback or allowance of the duties thereof, then and in fuch case the exporter or proprietor of the faid falt or rock salt, so perished, shall, upon proof made before the justices of the peace, at the next general quarter sessions of the peace, to be held for the county, city, riding, division, or place next to the place where the VOL. XI. faid E |