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7 & 8 W. 3.

C. 21.

C. 23

XIX. And whereas upon the act of parliament, before mentioned, made in the seventh and eighth years of the reign of the said late King William the Third, intituled, An act for the increase and encouragement of seamen; as also upon the act of parliament made 8&9 W. 3. in the eighth and ninth years of the reign of the faid late King William the Third, intituled, An act to enforce the act for the encouragement of seamen, several doubts have arose whether any disabled Seamen, their children, or the widows and children of feamen flain, killed, or drowned in fea fervice, other than fuch as are exprefly qualified by the Said last mentioned acts, may be admitted and provided for in Greenwich hofpital, when any vacancies happen therein; be it therefore enacted, for the encouragement of all persons who do or thall serve at fea, That at any time hereafter, when any fuch vacancy or vacancies shall happen in the said hofpital, that the lord high adımiral of England, or commissioners executing the office of lord high admiral of England for the time being, thall have full power and authority, and is and are hereby impowered and authorized, from time to time, to nominate and appoint any disabled seamen, their wives and children, and the widows and children of fseamen slain, killed, or drowned in sea service, to be maintained and provided for in the faid hofpital, as the faid lord high admiral, or commissioners executing the office of lord high admiral, shall think fit or fee occafion; any thing in the faid two several acts of parliament last mentioned, or in the letters patents in the said acts mentioned, contained to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithstanding.

Lord admiral to appoint any disabled feamen, their wives and

children, &c.

to be maintained in Greenwich hofpital.

XX. And for the encouraging all fuch ships or vessels as shall be imployed in bringing coals for fupplying the city of London, and other ports

of this kingdom, at more reasonable rates than during this war they Allowances of have hitherto been; be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That men free from from after the five and twentieth day of March, one thousand impreffing im- seven hundred and four, there shall be allowed yearly, during ployed in the the present war, free from impressing, to every master of any

coal trade.


Penalty on officer impreffing men to allowed.

ship or vessel imployed in the coal trade, beside the faid mafter and master's mate, and carpenter, one able seaman for every hundred tun in burthen, not exceeding three hundred tuns, that such ship or vessel contains, which shall be made appear by a certificate from the custom-house, of what number of tuns such ship or vessel is really of, according to the gages or

5&6W.&M. measures mentioned in an act passed in the fifth and fixth year of their late majesties King William and Queen Mary, For laying a duty on tunnage of shipping; and if any captain, lieutenant, or other officer, shall prefume to impress or take any of the men allowed by this act, as aforesaid, fuch captain, lieutenant, or other officer, shall forfeit to the master or owner of fuch ship or vessel, ten pounds for every man he shall so impress or take, to be recovered with costs of fuit, by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information, in any of her Majesty's courts of record, wherein no essoin, protection, privilege, injunction, or order of restraint, shall be in any wise granted or allowed.


An act for enlarging the term of years granted by an act passed in the fellion of parliament, held in the eleventh and twelfth years of King William the Third, for repair of Dover harbour.

1&12 W. 3. c. 5. for the repair of Dover harbour, continued from 1709. to 1718. Continued by 9 Geo. 1. C. 30. sect. 1. to May 1744. Penalty on ship failing in or through the gates of the works without first taking down her fails. No fullage to be thrown into the bason of the harbour. Continued by 11 Geo. 2. C. 7. for 21 years.


An act for erecting a work-house in the city of Worcester, and setting the

poor on work there.

A corporation to be for ever in the city of Worcester, to consist of the Explained and perfons hereafter expressed. How the elections shall be made. Mi- made more efnifters to give notice in the church of the day and time of election. fectual by Benefactor may be elected a member for one year. In case of death of 3Geo.2.C.23. any perfon elected, a new election to be made. In case of deficiency in any parish of fit persons to be chose guardians, the same may be elected out of any other parish. The guardians of the poor of the city of Worcefter made for ever a body politick, and may purchase lands. Officers to be elected yearly. No officer compelled to ferve longer than two years. Treasurer to continue but for one year. Guardians may I be difplaced on just cause. A court to be held yearly the first Thursday in every month. Eleven of the guardians to conftitute a court. The governor may at any time hold a court; and at the defire of ten of the guardians an extraordinary assembly may be held. The court may * fummon the inhabitants to appear before them. Guardians may appoint a common feal, make by-laws, constitute committees, and settle one or more hofpital, work-house, &c. Guardians to provide materials for fetting the poor to work, and compel beggars, &c. to work in fuch work-house; and all persons sent into houses of correction; and poor children, &c. until fitteen years old; and then bind them apprentices for seven years. Guardians may punish persons in the workhouse not conforming to the rules thereof. A committee of five guardians to be appointed for punishing offenders. Court to afcertain the fums needful for fettling fuch hospital or work-house, &c. to be raised in two years; and to afcertain the weekly sums for the maintenance and imployment of the poor of the hospital, &c. afsess the faid sums in equal proportion, and certify the same to the mayor and aldermen, &c. Persons unequally assessed may appeal. In cafe mayor, &c. neglect to iffue out warrants for levying the assessments, &c. Corporation may do the fame. Corporation to provide for maintenance of the poor of the city, &c. except the poor otherwise provided for. Corporation may examine churchwardens, &c. on oath, grant warrants to apprehend rogues, vagabonds, &c. and cause them to be set to work for 6 months. The corporation not to have any power over any alms-house, &c. in the faid city, &c. Court may choose a clerk, and other officers, and fervants needful; and on death or removal choose others, and allow them out of the stock. Treasurer to account yearly, and deliver over what shall be in his hands to the succeeding treasurer. No person to be elected a guardian, unless he pay 6d. a week to the poor. Corporation may contract with any parish in the county for employing their poor, Continuance of any poor persons in the work-house not to be deemed a fettlement. Election of all officers, except guardians to be by ballot. No cloth or stuff manufactured in the work-house, to be fold by retail in Worcester city. But may be imployed for cloathing the Poor of the corporation.



9 W. 3. C. 23.



An alt for granting to her Majesty an additional fubfidy of tunnage and poundage for three years; and for laying a further duty upon French wines condemned as lawful prize, and for ascertaining the values of unrated goods imported from the East Indies.

Moft gracious Sovereign,


HEREAS by an act of parliament made and passed in the ninth year of the reign of his late majesty King William the Third, of glorious memory, intituled, An act for granting to his Majesty a further subsidy on tunnage and poundage, towards raising the yearly sum of seven hundred thousand pounds, for the service of his Majesty's houshold, and other uses therein mentioned, during his Majesty's life; it was enacted, That over and above all fubfidies of tunnage and poundage, and over and above all additional duties, impositions, and other duties whatsoever, therein mentioned, there should be raised and paid to his Majesty one other fubfidy called Tunnage, for and upon all wines, which from and after the last day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand fix hundred ninety nine, at any time or times, during his Majesty's life, should be imported or brought into the kingdom of England, dominion of Wales, or town of Berwick upon Tweed; and one further fubfidy called Poundage, of all manner of goods and merchandizes imported or brought into this realm, or any bis Majesty's dominions to the fame belonging, at any time or times after the faid last day of January, one thousand fix hundred ninety nine, during his Majesty's life, by way of merchandize (except fuch goods and merchandizes as are therein excepted) and with fuch abatements, regulations, directions for making repayments or allowances upon exportation, and subject to fuch rules and other matters and things touching the faid feveral fubfidies, as in the faid act are expressed; which faid further fubfidies of tonnage and poundage, and other duties upon wine, goods, and merchandizes, granted by the act above recited, are to be raised and paid to your Majesty, during your life, by virtue of another act of parliament made and passed in the first year of your Majesty's reign, Annæ, ftat.1. intituled, An act for the better fupport of her Majesty's houshold, and of the honour and dignity of the crown, as by the said alts (relation being thereunto feverally bad) may more fully appear: Now we your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal fubjects the commons of England, in parliament assembled, for the better enabling your Majesty to carry on the present war, and to defray your other necessary expences, do cheerfully and unanimously give and grant unto your most excellent Majesty, the additional rates, duties, and fums of money herein after-mentioned, and do most humbly beseech your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and



and by the authority of the same, That over and above the subsidies of tunnage and poundage above-mentioned, and over and above all other subsidies, additional duties, impositions, and payments whatsoever, by any other act or acts of parliament One other or otherwise however already due or payable, or which ought to fubfidy of be paid to her Majesty for or upon any wines, goods, or tunnage upon merchandizes whatsoever, imported or to imported, there shall wines im. be raised, levied, collected, paid, and fatisfied unto her Majesty ported after 8 one other subsidy called Tunnage, for and upon all wines which March, 1703. for 3 years. from and after the eighth day of March, in the year of our Farther contiLord one thousand seven hundred and three, at any time or nuedby4 Annæ. times within or during the space of three years from thence c. 6. 5 Annæ, next and immediately ensuing, shall be imported c. 19. and peror brought petuated by into the kingdom of England, dominion of Wales, and town of 1 Geo. 1. stat. Berwick upon Tweed, that is to say, one third part of fuch or 2. c. 12. f. 8. the like feveral and respective duties, as by the said recited acts, or either of them; are imposed or payable for or upon any kind of wine or wines respectively; and one other subsidy called Poundage, of all manner of goods and merchandizes to be imported or brought into this realm, or any her Majesty's dominions to the same belonging, at any time or times after Poundage on the faid eighth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and all goods imthree, during the faid term of three years, by way of merchan- ported for 3 dize; that is to say, one third part of fuch or the like several years. and respective duties, as by the faid recited acts, or either of Altered as to tobacco by them, are imposed or payable for or upon the same goods and 9Geo.1.c.21. merchandizes respectively, except fuch goods and other mer-1.3. chandizes as by the faid acts, or either of them, are exempted Exceptions. from payment of the fubfidies thereby granted.


II. And it is hereby enacted, That in all cases where by the faid former acts, or either of them, any drawbacks or abate- Drawbacks ments are to be made of the whole or any part of the duties there- and abateby impofed. there shall be in the like cases proportionable draw-ments. backs and abatements made of the whole or part of the duties by this act granted respectively; and that the several subsidies and duties by this act granted, during the continuance thereof, shall be raised, collected, levied, secured, and paid, by the fame ways, means, and methods, and under such penalties and forfeitures, and subject to such rules and directions, as in and by the faid acts, Duties how to or either of them, are prescribed or appointed, touching or be raised, &c. concerning the said subsidies of tunnage and poundage which were thereby granted, as aforesaid; and that every article, rule, 9 & 10 W. 3. and clause contained in the faid recited acts, or either of them, Annas, stat.1. concerning the faid fubfidies of tunnage and poundage formerly c.7. granted, as aforesaid, and now in force, so far forth as the fame do or may relate to the subsidies or duties formerly granted, as aforesaid, shall be used, exercised, and put in practice for the raising, levying, collecting, and answering the subsidies and duties hereby before granted, as fully and effectually as if the same articles, rules, and clauses, and every of them, were again particularly and at large recited and re-enacted in the body of this present act: except only as to such of the said Exception. VOL. XI.



C. 23.

Drawback on

sugar refined in England, exported,

over and a

bove the 3 s.

No fee for entry, &c.

articles, rules, and clauses, touching which other provisions, alterations, or exemptions are made by any act or acts of parliament now in being; which other provisions, alterations or exemptions shall be observed with respect to the duties hereby granted, during the continuance of this act, in the fame manner as they are to be observed with respect to the said subsidies formerly granted, as aforesaid.

III. And it is hereby further enacted and declared, That for every hundred weight of fugar refined in England (and so in proportion for a greater or lesser quantity) which shall be exported out of this kingdom, within or during the faid term of three years, there shall be by this act repaid at the custom-house to the exporter, within one month after the demand thereof (over and above the sum of three shillings payable by the above recited acts, or one of them) the further sum of one shilling, and no more: oath being first made by the refiner, that the faid fugar so exported was produced from brown and muscovado fugar, charged by this act, and that, as he verily believes, the fame was imported from her Majesty's plantations in America; and that, as he verily believes, the duty of the said brown and muscovado sugar was duly paid at the time of the importation thereof, and that the same was duly exported, her Majesty's searcher also certifying the shipping thereof, and all other requifites duly performed, according to the book of rates.

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the officers of her Majesty's customs, or any of them, or any of their clerks or substitutes, shall not directly or indirectly receive, take, or demand any fee, gratuity, or reward whatfoever, from any of her Majesty's subjects or aliens, for any entry, warrant, debenture, certificate, cocquet, or other matter or thing, to be done or performed by then, or any of them, in relation only to the faid subsidies of tunnage and poundage herein before granted, on pain of forfeiting for every such ofPenalty 401. fence the fum of forty pounds (to wit) one third thereof to her Majesty, and the other two thirds thereof (befides costs of suit) to the party grieved, who may sue for the fame by action of debt, or of the cafe, bill, fuit, or information, in any of her Majesty's courts of record at Westminster, wherein no essoin, protection, wager of law, or more than one imparlance shall be allowed.

V. And whereas all wines of the growth or product of France, or of any dominions under the French King, are by feveral laws and flatutes of this realm liable to the payment of several duties upon the importation thereof, and particularly by an act of parliament made in the seventh year of the reign of his faid late majesty King

7 W-3. C. 20. William the Third, intituled, An act for granting to his Majesty an additional duty upon all French goods and merchandizes; it was enacted (amongst other things) That for every tun of French wine imported within the time therein mentioned, there should be paid five and twenty pounds above the duties before charged thereupon; but by another alt made in the eighth year of the fame King's reign, intituled,

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