THE STATUTES at Large, &c. Anno fecundo & tertio ANNÆ Reginæ. A T the parliament begun at Westminster the twentieth day of August, Anno Dom. 1702. in the first year of the reign of our fovereign lady Anne, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Queen, defender of the faith, &c. And from thence continued by feveral prorogations and adjournments to the ninth day of November, 1703, being the second session of this present In the record parliament. CAP. I. it is 13 Apr. 3 Annæ. An act for granting an aid to her Majesty by a land tax, to be raised in EXP. the year one thousand seven hundred and four. CAP. II. 4 s. in the pound. An act for granting an aid to her Majesty, by continuing the duties upon EXP. malt, mum, cyder, and perry, for one year. CAP. III. An alt for granting an aid to her Majesty, for carrying on the war, and other her Majesty's occafions, by selling annuities at feveral rates, and for such respective terms or estates as are therein mentioned. Moft gracious Sovereign, Weign of HEREAS by an act of parliament made in the twelfth year of the 12 W. 3. C. 12. our late fovereign lord King William the Third, of blessed memory, intituled, An act for appropriating three thousand seven hundred pounds weekly, out of certain branches of excife, for publick uses, and for making a provision for the service of his Majesty's houshold and family, and other his necessary occafions, it was (amongst other things) enacted, That from and after See 1 Geo. 1. the five and twentieth day of December, one thousand Seven hundred, ftat. 1. c. 1. for and during the term of five years from thence next enfuing, the full, clear, and entire weekly sum of three thousand Seven hundred pounds, of lawful English money, out of all the monies arifing by the 12 Car. 2.c.azi bereditary rates and duties of excise upon beer, ale, and other liquors, which were granted to the crown in the twelfth year of the reign of VOL. XI. B King f. 4. Annæ, stat... C. 7. King Charles the Second, and by the duties of excise payable during the faid late King William's life, and by every or any of them, if all those duties of excise should so long continue; and if the faid duties of excife, payable during his faid late Majesty's life, should happen to determine before the end of the said term of five years, then out of the monies arifing entirely by the faid hereditary duties of excise, for and during all the refidue which should be then to come and unexpired of the faid term of five years, should be brought and paid into the receipt of the Exchequer by weekly payments, and in fuch manner and form as in the faid act are particularly mentioned, for the purposes in the faid act expressed: and it is thereby further enacted, That in lieu and discharge of certain perpetual annual payments, and of all arrears thereof granted by his late majesty King Charles the Second to the respective patentees therein named, the faid hereditary revenue of excise should, from and after the twenty fixth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and five, be and fland charged for ever with the payment of annual fums after the rate of three pounds per centum per annum, to be paid as by the faid act is directed, and Subject to fuch power of redemption as in the faid act is expressed: II. And whereas by an act of parliament made in the first year of your Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for the better support of her Majesty's houshold, and of the honour and dignity of the crown, it is (amongst other things) enacted, That the duties of excise which had been granted to his faid late majesty King Charles the Second, during his life, and afterwards to King William and Queen Mary, during their lives, and the life of the furvivor of them (except as therein is excepted) and a certain duty upon vinegar, shall be levied and paid to your Majesty, during your life (which God preferve) and the fame, together with the said hereditary duties of excife, are thereby subjected to the said weekly payment of three thousand Seven hundred pounds, in the manner therein mentioned, during the faid term of five years; and it was thereby further declared, That from and after the expiration of the said term of five years, so much money as, together with the faid payments after the rate of three pounds per centum per annum, should make up the sum of three thousand seven hundred pounds for every week, during your Majesty's life, should and might be taken out of the faid hereditary duties of excife, and out of the faid duties of excife granted for your Majesty's life, and either or any of them, and the faid payments, after the rate of three pounds per centum per annum, being deducted out of the bereditary part thereof, the residue of the faid three thousand feven hundred pounds a week should be applied and disposed of, to and for the publick use and service, as by the faid feveral arts (relation being thereunto respectively had) may more fully appear. III. Now we your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal fubjects the commons of England in parliament assembled, being defirous by the most easy means that are poffible to raise the money which is necessary for carrying on the present war, and fupplying your Majesty's important occafions, do cheerfully and unanimoufly grant unto your Majesty a further aid to arife by contributions for annuities to be purchased in the manner and form form herein after mentioned, and do humbly beseech your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the fame, That from and after the five and twentieth day of December, in the Aid granted year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and five, the faid from 25 Defull, clear, and entire weekly sum of three thousand seven hun- cember, 1705. dred pounds, out of all the monies arifing by the said hereditary duties of excife, and by the said duties of excise payable during her Majesty's life, and by every and any of them, according to the tenor and direction of the act of parliament above recited in that behalf, and from and after her Majesty's decease, then the like full, clear, and entire weekly sum of three thousand seven hundred pounds of lawful English money, out of all the monies to arife by the said hereditary duties of excife, and every or any of them, from time to time for ever, shall be brought and paid by the commiffioners, farmers, receiver and receivers general for the time being of the faid several duties of excise (who are hereby required and enjoined to bring and pay the same accordingly) into the receipt of the Exchequer distinctly and separately from all other monies whatsoever, that are or shall be payable by them into the said receipt, the said weekly sum or payment of three thousand seven hundred pounds, to be brought and paid into the said receipt upon Wednesday, in every week, if it be not an holiday, and if it be, then upon the next day that is not an holiday, for the purposes in this act expressed; and in case in any week or weeks the whole receipt of the monies of the said several branches or duties of excife hereby charged as aforesfaid, shall not be sufficient to answer the weekly payment or payments hereby directed for such particular week or weeks, that then and so often the deficiency and deficiencies thereof shall be supplied and made good out of the whole receipt of the faid particular branches of excise, and every or any of them, arifing in the next week or weeks, when the receipt or receipts shall be sufficient to bear the fame. IV. And it is hereby further enacted by the authority aforeMonies arifing faid, That the commissioners of excise for the time being, at by the faid their head office in London, shall from time to time feparate and branches of keep apart all the monies arifing by the said particular branches excise to be of excife herein before mentioned, as the same shall from time kept apart, and paid to time arife or be paid into the faid office of excise by the re- weekly into ceivers or collectors of the fame, or by any other person or per- the Exchesons whatsoever, and shall out of the monies so arifing make the quer. faid weekly payments into the Exchequer, for the uses in this act mentioned. V. And be it further enacted, That if the said commissioners Penalty on of excife for the time being shall refuse or neglect to pay or nonpayment. cause to be paid into the Exchequer the faid weekly sums hereby appointed, or shall divert or misapply any part of the monies which should make good the fame, then they and every of them so offending shall forfeit their several offices and places, and be incapable to serve the Queen, her heirs or successors, in any office or place of trust or profit, and shall be liable for every such offence to pay double the value of the money so diverted or misapplied, to any perfon or persons who will inform or fue for the fame, by action of debt, or of the cafe, bill, fuit or information, in any of her Majesty's courts of record at Westminfter, wherein no essoin, protection, wager of law, or more than one imparlance shall be granted or allowed. Comptrollerof VI. And be it enacted, That the comptroller of the excife excife to keep for the time being shall keep a perfect and diftinct account, in a a diftinct account of the monies. Penalty. Monies to be book or books fairly written, of all the monies which shall arise by the faid particular branches of excife, out of which the faid weekly payments are to be made as aforesaid, as the same shall from time to time arife or be raised (to which books all persons concerned shall at all reasonable times have free access, without fee or charge) and such comptroller in default thereof shall forfeit his office or place, and be rendred incapable as aforesaid, and shall also forfeit and lose the sum of two hundred pounds for every fuch default, to any person or persons who will inform or fue for the fame as is before mentioned. VII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That entred apart. there shall be provided and kept in the office of the auditor of the receipt of the Exchequer one book, in which all the monies which ought to be paid in weekly as aforesaid, for or upon account of the faid weekly sums out of the faid particular branches of excise, and which shall be brought to the faid receipt, shall be entred apart and distinct from all other monies paid into the faid receipt on any other account whatsoever. Annual sums VIII. And it is hereby further enacted, That out of the mohow to be paid. ney of the said hereditary duties of excife, arifing in or by fuch weekly payments at the Exchequer as aforesaid, the faid annual sums, after the rate of three pounds per centum per annum, prescribed by the faid act, made in the parliament holden in the twelfth year of the reign of his faid late majesty King William the Third, shall be fatisfied and paid according to the directions therein contained, and fubject to the power of redemption therein mentioned; and alfo out of all the monies of the faid several branches of excife, arifing in or by the faid weekly payments, the several annuities to be purchased in pursuance of this act, shall be paid and fatisfied, from and after the faid five and twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and five, for and during the then refidue and remainder of the several and respective terms and estates, which by virtue of this act shall be purchased of and in fuch annuities respectively; and that all the rest and refidue of the monies arifing by the said weekly payments, and which at the end of every year, reckoning the first year to begin from the faid five and twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and five, shall remain, after fatiffying or referving sufficient to fatisfy all the payments which shall |