! 56. "WHAT SAITH THE SCRIPTURES?''-(Rom. iv. 3.) Job Caudwell, 335, Strand, W.C.] No. 1.] OPENING ADDRESS. APRIL 1, 1865. "I seek not yours, but you." -2 Cor. xii. 14. We thank God there are many in these days who love the Truth as it is in Christ Jesus, and regard it as very precious. To such dear brethren in the Lord, one with us in the Lord Jesus, do we specially address this little sheet, hoping it will be accepted of Him and them, and that by it we may carry home 'PRECIOUS TRUTH' to the hearts of many who are strangers to its worth. We trust that such is the only motive which prompts the issue of this unpre tending serial. We desire to advocate the Gospel of Grace and Glory, as delivered by Jesus Christ, and preached by his Apostles. We own our Lord's command, to preach the Gospel in all the world, to every creature, and we cherish his precious declaration - Whosoever believeth.' 'God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' (John iii. 16.) We press this as the foundation truth, not to the exclusion of any, but to the upholding of every doctrine contained in Scripture. We disown all party spirit, and shall quote no authority but the Word of God. In simple-hearted dependence upon the guidance of the Holy Spirit we shall seek to make known the mind of God. We invite our readers to test all we say by the 'Standard of Truth,' and to reject everything which cannot be proved thereby. 'Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.' (1 John, iv. 1.) Accept these declarations of our faith and purposes, and if you esteem us faithful servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, we pray you to make our paper known, and forward this, our labour of love in any way you can. WHAT IS TRUTH? (John, xviii. 38.) Such was Pilate's question; with him an idle question; for he did not wish to know truth: he had | no heart for it, and understood not the importance of his own words. Truth confronted him, and he comprehended it not. Truth stood there before the representative of earthly power. Living, gracious, patient, precious Truth was there in the person of Jesus Christ, who had declared himself to be 'The way, the Truth, and the life.' Wretched Pilate: 'What is truth?" said he to [Hall & Co, 25, Paternoster Row, E.C. [PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. Jesus; 'and when he had said this he went out.' What! did he not wait for an answer? No; Pure Truth was before him, but in silence, though willing to speak, if enquired of in faith. Miserable, wilful Pilate! he might have heard Pure Truth, but feared it; so having invoked the most precious thing on earth, he turned away from it! Alas! how many thousands have followed the example of Pilate? How many in these days find themselves in the presence of Truth, and though, like this Roman governor, they may in some measure own its purity and worth, being constrained with him to declare they can find no fault in him, yet turn away! We the reader to ponderthis. For though Pilate obtained no revelation of Truth, failing to realise it in the Son of God, and though Jesus in person is no longer on earth, yet Truth is preserved to us in the Scriptures, and we are all responsible to receive it. We shall seek to present in this paper Truth only'Precious Truth!' Life-giving truth, and life-sustaining truth-these two great divisions, perfect in One, even in Jesus Christ. It is His word, and in His name we desire to speak. May the Holy Spirit lead us. May the reader attentively and earnestly consider, remembering always that word of exhortation. - Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.' (1 Thess. v. 21.) MARY SAT AT JESUS' FEET AND HEARD HIS WORD.-(Luke x. 39.) What an instructive contrast is presented between the characters of Mary and Pilate! The one meek, silent, trustful, attentive to hear: the other, proud, questioning, impatient, and wilfully deaf. Mary had but a lowly place on earth-she sat at the feet of Jesus, and He was poor and despised, the rejected of men. But Mary had faith-she did not form her estimate of Jesus by the position He held in the world, but by the gracious words which fell from his lips. As a listener she learnt that the despised Nazarene was none other than the Son of God, the Saviour of sinners. She believed in him, so she sat at his feet, eager and attentive, 'and heard his word.' Happy Mary! What joy to hear the assurances of her Lord. One thing is needful; and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.' Yes, one thing is needful-to hear the word of Christ in a chastened, humble, dependent spirit-to receive his word-and we are assured that, to receive his word is to believe in Him, and that to |