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I looked, then, after Christian, to see him go up the hill (k), where I perceived he fell from running to going, and from going to clambering upon his hands and his knees, because of the steepness of the place. Now about the midway to the top of the hill A ward of grace was a pleasant arbour (1), made by the Lord of the hill for the refreshing of weary travellers; thither, therefore, Christian got, where also he sat down to rest him. Then he pulled his roll out of his bosom, and read therein to his comfort; he also now began afresh to take a review of the coat or garment that was given him as he stood by the Cross. Thus pleasing himself a while, he at last fell into a slumber, and thence into a fast sleep, which detained him in that place until it was almost night; and in his sleep his roll fell out of his hand. Now, as he was sleeping, there came one to him and awaked him, saying, 'Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise,' Prov. vi. 6. And with that Christian started up, and sped him on his way, and went apace, till he came to the top of the hill.

He that sleeps is a loser.

them Peace and Safety, 1 Thess. v. 3. The character of these professors is tested by the first great difficulty they encounter, and it is found that they who consulted their own ease in entering the way, consult their ease also in leaving it.

(k) The Hill Difficulty. By this we are to understand the first great trial which a Christian experiences after embracing Christ. It may either be an arduous duty, or a heavy affliction. Anything which thoroughly tests his faith, and calls forth his spiritual energies, is a Hill Difficulty, Acts iv. 3.

(1) The Arbour. - As the Hill Difficulty represents arduous work, so the arbour represents a brief season of rest in it. Thus, the early Church, after Saul's persecutions, 'had rest, and were edified, and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied.' Christian had a right to this short season of repose, for the arbour was placed there by the Lord of the hill; but he sinned in waiting too long, neglecting present duty, and falling asleep. The roll by which he was assured of salvation falls out of his hand, for he could keep it no longer than when doing Christ's work. He who is assured of heaven while neglecting his duty, or living in sin, is deceiving himself, Deut. xxix. 19, 20; Ps. xxxvi. 2; Luke xi. 35.


Christian meets Mistrust and Timorous.-[P. P., p. 59]

Now, when he was got up to the top of the hill,


meets with Mistrust and Timorous.

there came two men running to meet him amain; the name of the one was Timorous, and of the other Mistrust (m); to whom Christian said, Sirs, what's the matter? You run the wrong way. Timorous answered, that they were going to the City of Zion, and had got up that difficult place: but, said he, the further we go, the more danger we meet with; wherefore we turned, and are going back again.

Yes, said Mistrust, for just before us lie a couple of lions in the way, whether sleeping or waking we know not; and we could not think, if we came within reach, but they would presently pull us in pieces.

Chr. Then said Christian, You make me afraid; but whither shall I fly to be safe? If I go back to my own country, that is prepared for fire and brimstone, and I shall certainly perish there; if I can get to the Celestial City, I am sure to be in safety there. I must venture. To go back is nothing but death; to go forward is fear of death, and life everlast- shakes off fear. ing beyond it. I will yet go forward. So Mistrust and Timorous ran down the hill, and Christian went on his way. But, thinking again of what he had heard


(m) Timorous and Mistrust. - Timorous is a coward, Mistrust a doubter. The one lacked firmness, the other faith, Ps. lxxviii. 8-57; Isa. vii. 9; Jer. viii. 9. The lions are dangers which seem to be in the path of life, but lie rather on each side, and therefore are perilous only to those who wander from the narrow way. Luther's friends tried to frighten him from entering Worms, by warning him of dangers, but he knew the path of duty and replied 'Even should there be as many devils in Worms as tiles on the house tops, still I would enter it,' Dan. iii. 16-18.

Christian's reply to Timorous and Mistrust is more like his old language to Worldly Wiseman than his more recent conversation. He speaks of death in going back, and death being the worst in going on, but not a word of Christ, the reason being he had lost his roll. His lively sense of the excellence of Christ, and his right in Christ to all the blessings of salvation were gone, and consequently, it is of heaven and hell he talks, rather than of Christ.



from the men, he felt in his bosom for his roll, that he Christian might read therein, and be comforted; but missed his roll, he felt, and found it not (n). Then was used to take Christian in great distress, and knew not comfort. what to do; for he wanted that which used to relieve him, and that which should have been his pass into the Celestial City. Here, therefore, he began

He is per


to be much perplexed, and knew not what plexed for his to do. At last he bethought himself that he had slept in the arbour that is on the side of the hill; and, falling down upon his knees, he asked God's forgiveness for that his foolish act, and then went back to look for his roll. But all the way he went back, who can sufficiently set forth the sorrow of Christian's heart! Sometimes he sighed, sometimes he wept, and oftentimes he chid himself for being so foolish to fall asleep in that place, which was erected only for a little refreshment for his weariness. Thus, therefore, he went back, carefully looking on this side and on that, all the way as he went, if happily he might find his roll, that had been his comfort so many times in his journey. He went thus till he came within. sight of the arbour where he sat and slept; but that sight renewed his sorrow the more, by bringing again, even afresh, his evil of sleeping into his wails his fool- mind, Rev. ii. 4, 5. Thus, therefore, he ish sleeping. now went on, bewailing his sinful sleep,

Christian be

(n) Christian misses his Roll. - Here is to be noted, -(1.) His dis tress. Having lost his deep conviction of Jesus being a Saviour for him, he cannot be comforted. (2.) His penitence. He lost his sense of his interest in Christ by sin, and cannot have it restored till he has confessed his sin and been forgiven. (3.) His search. He must retrace all his steps painfully, and sadly come to the very spot where his sin began. (4.) The discovery. He was almost happier in being restored to peace with God than when he first found it. (5.) His trials. Though forgiven and restored to God's favour, yet he must suffer the just consequences of his sin by walking in darkness. If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments, then will I visit their transgressions with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes. Nevertheless, my loving kindness will I not utterly take from him,' Ps. lxxxix. 31-33; Jer. ii. 17.

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