RULES AND ORDERS OF THE HOUSE. CHAPTER I. Of the Duties and Powers of the Speaker. I. THE Speaker shall take the Chair every day at the hour to which the House shall have adjourned; shall call the Members to order; and, on the appearance of a quorum, shall proceed to business. II. He shall preserve decorum and order; may speak to points of order in preference to other Members; and shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the House by motion regularly seconded; and no other business shall be in order till the question on the appeal shall have been decided. III. He shall declare all votes; but if any Member rises to doubt a vote, the Speaker shall order a return of the number voting in the affirmative, and in the negative, without any further debate upon the question. IV. He shall rise to put a question, or to address the House, but may read sitting. V. In all cases the Speaker may vote. |