Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To His Excellency GEORGE N. BRIGGS, Governor, and the Honorable Council of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: WE, the Commissioners appointed in pursuance of the Resolves of the Legislature, approved March 24th, 1843, to locate grants and determine the extent of possessory claims, under the late treaty with Great Britain, respectfully REPORT: That, in the month of May last, and since our former report, we met the Commissioners of the State of Maine, and, in conjunction with them, we have proceeded in the performance of the duties assigned to us, by the said resolves, and by the additional resolves approved March 16th, 1844, and have completed the same. And we return herewith a full statement of the joint proceedings and doings of the Commissioners of Massachusetts and Maine, under their hands, dated the 25th day of December, 1844, which is part of our report, and to which we refer for a full and particular account of our proceedings in the performance of our said duties. We have caused all the lands set off by us, according to said resolves, to be surveyed, and have set them off by metes and J bounds, excepting the lands held in severalty by Massachusetts and Maine in the vicinity of the River Aroostook. We have returned to the Land Office, full field notes of all surveys made by the said Commissioners, or under their direction. The Surveyors not having been able to complete the plans of the said surveys, we cannot now return them; but they will soon be finished and returned to the Land Office. In obedience to the resolves approved March 16th, 1844, we have also returned to the Land Office a separate list of such lots as we have set off to the Settlers on the undivided lands within the territory referred to in the resolves passed the 24th day of March, 1843, who had commenced their improvements before the signing of the treaty of Washington, and whose possession had not continued six years at that time. We have procured authenticated copies of all grants made by the British Government, within the territory which has heretofore been in dispute, within the State of Maine, and have returned them to the Land Office. We have found the inhabitants generally well satisfied to be within the jurisdiction of the United States; and we are gratified in believing that their circumstances and condition are much improved by the provisions made for them in the treaty, and by the manner in which those provisions have been carried into effect under the resolves of the Legislatures of Massachusetts and Maine. All which is respectfully submitted, SAMUEL C. ALLEN, SAMUEL JONES. January 1st, 1845. The undersigned, Philip Eastman, John W. Dana and Henry W. Cunningham, appointed in conformity to Resolves of the Legistature of the State of Maine, approved February 21, 1843, entitled "Resolves authorizing the appointment of Commissioners to locate grants, and determine the extent of possessory claims under the late Treaty with Great Britain :" and Samuel C. Allen, John Webber aud Samuel Jones, appointed in conformity to concurrent Resolves of the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, approved March 24, 1843, entitled "Resolves authorizing the appointment of Commissioners to locate grants, and determine the extent of possessory claims under the late Treaty with Great Britain," Commissioners to act in conjunction, in carrying into effect the provisions of the fourth article of the Treaty between the United States and Great Britain, which was done and concluded at Washington, on the ninth day of August, A. D. 1842, by virtue of said Resolves, and of an additional Resolve of the Legislature of the State of Maine, approved February 29, 1844, and a concurrent additional Resolve of the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, approved March 16, 1844, have met, and heard the statements and proofs of those persons who claim lots or parcels of land under the provisions of the Treaty aforesaid, through grants from the government of Great Britain, or through a possession and improvement thereof for more than six years before the date of the Treaty; and have determined the extent of their several claims; and have thereupon surveyed and set off by metes and bounds, to the individuals whose names are hereunder written, being in possession under grants from the British Government, the following described lots, |