SUFFOLK, SS. Boston, Jan. 29, 1845. Then personally appeared the above named W. Appleton, J. Barstow, W. Sturgis, Jno. Bryant, junior, and P. R. Dalton, and made oath that the foregoing report was true according to the best of their knowledge and belief. Before me, EDW. PICKERING, Justice of the Peace. ARTICLE OF AGREEMENT. This agreement made the first day of January, 1845, by and between the Boston and Providence Rail-road Co., and the Stoughton Branch Rail-road Co., witnesseth : That whereas the Stoughton Branch Rail-road Co. expect soon to have their rail-road completed and ready for use, with all the depots. and appurtenances thereto belonging, they hereby agree upon the completion aforesaid, to the satisfaction of the Boston and Providence Rail-road Co. to lease their said rail-road, depots, &c., to said Boston and Providence Rail-road Co., for the term of one year from the day when the cars shall commence running regularly between Boston and Stoughton on the following terms and conditions: 1st. Any defects or deficiencies in the construction of the road-bed, track, depots or other necessary and permanent fixtures for the safe and convenient transportation of passengers and freight on the Branch Rail-road, which shall be discovered after the trains shall have commenced running thereon under this agreement, shall be remedied by and at the expense of the Stoughton Branch Rail-road Company. 2nd. The Boston and Providence Rail-road Co. shall furnish engines, cars, train and depot attendants for the operation of the Branch Rail-road, to carry passengers and freight between Boston and Stoughtoǹ, and shall run at least three trains each way, every day but Sunday, between the points aforesaid, stopping at the regular way stations. The Boston and Providence Rail-road Co. shall also, during the continuance of this agreement, maintain the way and track of the Branch Rail-road and the ordinary repairs of depots and fixtures, it be ing understood, that casualties by fire, wind, and those arising from imperfect construction are excepted. The Boston and Providence Rail-road Co. shall also be at all risk and liability for the transporta tion of passengers and freight arising from the neglect of its servants, and not in consequence of the defective construction of the Branch Rail-road. 3d. For the services recited in the foregoing article, and for the use of its own road, the Boston and Providence Rail-road Co. shall receive, out of the gross receipts collected for the transportation of passengers and freight as aforesaid, the sum of five thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight dollars, and in addition thereto the following tolls on passengers and freight, for the use of its own road between Boston and the Stoughton Branch Rail-road Junction in Canton. For each and every passenger between Boston and any point on the Branch Rail-road beyond South Canton station, twenty-eight cents. For each and every passenger between Boston and South Canton station, forty cents. For each and every passenger from or to way stations on the Boston and Providence Rail-road, two cents per mile. For each and every commutation passenger that proportion of the amount paid which tolls received by the Boston and Providence Railroad Co. shall bear to the whole prices of the tickets, between the points for which commutation tickets shall be issued. For each and every ton of freight between Boston and any point on the Branch Rail-road beyond South Canton station, fifty-six cents. For each and every ton of freight between Boston and South Canton station, seventy cents. For each and every case of boots, shoes, hats or bonnets, four cents each. 4th. The Boston and Providence Rail-road Co. shall make monthly returns of the gross receipts from the transportation of passengers and freight between Boston and Stoughton, to the treasurer of the Stoughton Branch Rail-road Co., and shall pay over to said treasurer semiannually the net proceeds of the business, which net proceeds shall be the balance of the gross receipts after deducting therefrom two thous and nine hundred and eighty-nine dollars, and the tolls recited in the 3d article of this agreement. 5th. If on the termination of this agreement, it shall be found that the cost of operating the Branch Rail-road as provided, in the 2d article of this agreement, shall not have amounted to five thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight dollars, and that the net proceeds, as described in article 4th of this agreement, do not amount to six per cent. on the cost of the Branch Rail-road, the difference between the actual expenditures and five thousand nine hundred and seventyeight dollars, if the former be less than the latter, shall be refunded to the Stoughton Branch Rail-road Co., or as much thereof as shall, when added to the net proceeds aforesaid, make six per cent. on the cost of the Branch Rail-road. 6th. In making up the cost of operating the Branch Rail-road on the termination of this agreement, reference shall be made to the statement of the Superintendent of the Boston and Providence Rail-road Co., dated 16th March, 1844, which statement shall be the basis of making up the cost of operating the Branch Rail-road as aforesaid. In witness whereof we have, this 13th day of January, 1845, set our hands and seals. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of J. P. KENNEDY, as to J. GRINNELL, F. W. DEANE, as to F. W. LINCOLN, Stoughton Branch R. R. Co., by F. W. LINCOLN, [Seal.] Boston and Providence R. R. Co. by JOSEPH GRINNELL. [Seal.] THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOSTON AND WORCESTER RAIL-ROAD CORPORATION. To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives: The Directors of the Boston and Worcester Rail-road respectfully report, that the amount of their capital stock is The amount expended to the 30th of December last $2,900,000 00 for construction, was 2,914,078 08 The receipts of income during the year ending Nov. 30, 1844, were, The expenditures during the same period were, For repairs of road, bridges and buildings, $49,157 93 "engines and cars, . . 57,337 52 . 126,778 47 $233,273 92 Miles run by locomotive engines with passenger trains, 140,899; with freight trains, 71,4513; with gravel trains, 8,273; total, 220,6231. From the prosperous state of the business of the country, and the satisfactory accommodations which have been provided for the transportation of both passengers and freight over this road, there has been a considerable increase in the business of the last year, over that of any preceding year. This increase has arisen in part from the extension of the business of the Western road, for the accommodation of which, this corporation has made a very large expenditure of capital, but in a greater degree from an increased activity of business, in those parts of the State which are specially accommodated by this road alone. The number of passengers transported on the road during the year, including way and through passengers, was equal to 199,220 over the whole road. Of this number 57,631 were passengers conveyed to and from the Western road, 41,101 to and from the Norwich and Worcester road, including those by the New York steamboat line, and 100,488 were passengers travelling exclusively on this road. These numbers. show an increase in the aggregate of passengers compared with those of the preceding year of 26,006. The whole of this increase was in the local travel of this road, and that connected with the Norwich and Worcester road. In the travel to and from the Western road, there was a diminution of about 2,000 in the number of passengers, and as the rates of fare received by this road from that class of passengers have been reduced, there has been a considerable diminution in that branch of income. The whole amount of freight transported on the road, was 126,853 tons. Taking into computation the distance of transportation, it was equal to 114,175 tons conveyed over the whole road. This quantity compared with the amount transported on the preceding year, shows |