TENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOSTON AND MAINE RAIL-ROAD. To the Honorable Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: The Directors of the Boston and Maine Rail-road do hereby make the Tenth Annual Report of their acts and doings, receipts and expenditures. Since their last annual report, the Boston and Maine Rail-road, and the Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts Rail-road Corporation have been united by the acceptance of the various acts passed for that purpose by the Legislatures of Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, on the part of the stockholders of the two corporations. The total amount of the capital stock of the Boston and Maine Rail-road paid in on Nov. 30, 1844, including the capital stock of the Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts Rail-road Corporation, now united with the Boston and Maine Rail-road, $1,240,441 76 Of this sum there has been received during the year ending Nov. 30, 1844, Received from sale of land, Amount refunded to the corporation under the con tract for rails, Total, 102,929 00 60 00 1,641 16 $104,630 16 Of these amounts there has been expended in Massachusetts during the past year, Expended during the same period in New Hampshire, 66 Maine, . for new engines and cars, . Total, $505,907 76 798,616 74 65,182 12 115,754 31 $1,485,460 93 $7,253 98 12,107 53 1,528 80 16,867 58 $37,757 89 The other expenditures of the corporation during the year ending Nov. 30, 1844, have been as follows: Fuel, oil, salaries and miscellaneous expenses, Amount paid to the Boston and Lowell The income of the corporation during the year ending Nov. 30, 1844, has been as follows: A dividend of three dollars per share has been de- $39,708 00 Total, 46,693 50 $86,401 50 The number of miles run by locomotive engines over the Boston and Maine Rail-road during the same period of time, was as follows: In addition to the above, the trains of this corporation have run over the Boston and Lowell Rail-road, drawn by their locomotives, as follows: The passenger trains of this corporation have run over the Portland, Saco and Portsmouth Rail-road, in connexion with the trains of that Co., All which is respectfully submitted. THO. WEST, . 9,420 “ 41,250 mls. 47,728 mls. JOHN HOWE, THADDEUS NICHOLS, T. FARRAR, WM. F. WELD, R. W. BAYLEY, Directors of Boston and Maine Rail-road. BOSTON, Jan. 15, 1845. SUFFOLK, SS. Boston, Jan. 15, 1845. Then personally appeared Thos. West, J. Howe, T. Nichols, T. Farrar, W. F. Weld, and R. W. Bayley, and made oath that the foregoing report by them subscribed, was true according to the best of their knowledge and belief. Before me, EDW. PICKERING, Justice of the Peace. The undersigned has examined the foregoing report of the Directors of the Boston and Maine Rail-road, and approves the same. WILLIAM STEVENS, Commissioner for the State of Massachusetts. FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOSTON AND MAINE RAIL-ROAD EXTENSION COMPANY. To the Honorable Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: The Directors of the Boston and Maine Rail-road Extension Company do hereby make the First Annual Report of their acts and doings, receipts and expenditures. In conformity with the act of incorporation, the stock has been fully subscribed for; and the company was duly organized by the choice of directors. The survey and location were commenced in May, and the contracts for the graduation, masonry and superstructure concluded. The road commences at a point on the Boston and Maine Rail-road in Wilmington, three-fourths of a mile east of Lubber Brook, passes near Wood-end village in Reading, through the westerly part of the village of South Reading, North Malden and Malden-thence over the marshes and across the Mystic river to Somerville-thence over the Middlesex Canal, crossing Charlestown Neck under the Medford turnpike road and the Winter Hill road-thence over the marshes to the Back Bay in Charlestown-thence by a bridge west of the State Prison and across Charles River to Boston-thence between Haverhill and Canal streets to the public square at the head of those streets. The entire length of the rail-road is 17 miles. Four miles of the track are laid, and the remainder of the road will be ready for the superstructure as soon as the season opens sufficiently in the spring to permit the laying of the rails. The total amount of capital paid in up to December |