let him, " he must go to Jesus, - he come into the world to save sinner." But I say, I never see such example as that man! He not long to live, only five months. After he hear the gospel, when he would come on business, he would not speak of that. When I begin to speak of business, he say, " O Sir! I have speak too much of the world, me now speak of Christ. All the corns of sand in the world, not so many as my sins! O for Christ! that Christ would take away my sins!" Now, Sir, that man came to me often, to speak of love of Christ: that man speak to me in manner he never hear of me, - in manner he hear of no man. God must teach him that. He make me ashamed before him, - he know so much of experience; he talk to me of what I never did know:-God must teach him that! He came to me one day, and say, He must put away his two wives: he once had four. "Why?" I say. • Because,' he say, 'when I go to God in prayer, my heart tell me tis bad; and Christ more near to me than 10,000 wives. I will sup. port them, I will give them what 1 get, I will work for them, and I will stay till God change their heart; - then I will marry the first whose heart be changed.' When he died, I came to his bed: he say, He would be carried in his bed to hear dear word of God, When I ask him how he was, I low spirited," he said, "I have nothing, I give all to Christ, soul and body; but now I a little afraid. I like to know if Lord Jesus has taken away my sin; and if he will take me." But next day he told me, "O Sir! now I see Lord Jesus love me with everlasting love; and now, through his blood and righteousness, I go with him to eternal life; and there I wait for you." So he go sing into Heaven: N. Did he oppose at first, Sir? K. No, Sir; he did not seem to oppose; but he knew nothing of about one year with me, that man stay there: - they love him very much. He once was farmer; bur sell all his goods, and come preach Christ. He is there. When i go away, they cry so, they hold my hand, - they would not let me go away. They say, they should die if I not came back so soon as possible; - they would pray God I come back soon. Now they say, it was for their guilt that I go away; and because they love not enough minister of gospel, God would take him away: that God would let them now see what 'tis to have no gospel. They suppose God take me away one year to learn them to use gospel better. A gentleman, from the Cape, one day tell, they dare not now speak my name to them, nor tell of me, then they fall down and cry, they are so affected. N. Mr. Kicherer does intend to return; and it is our duty to thank God for his success, and pray that he would still go on to countenance his labours. We are much indebted to you, Sir, for the satisfactory account you have given us of your labours, and of your success. K. I wish I could speak more. What I speak is only little what God has done. N. I am now, Sir, to put a very few questions to these three good people now present; and as they do not understand our language, I must put them to you. You will he so good as to give me their answers, and I will give them to the people; and the first question I would beg leave to put, Sir, is this: - Do they hope to inherit eternal blessedness in Heaven? (Put to Martha) K. She say, Yes, Sir; so sure as she stand there in the pulpit, she hope that. She say, therefore, she trust upon it Christ has died for her; and that she know it, because Spirit of Christ is now working in her heart and she say that Christ is her only foundation. She say, as she find by experience, how happy to live near Christ, so happy to have Christ for her portion! She say, that she know that Christ, not only her portion now, but she trust upon him that he will never let her go: he has put his hand upor N. Please to ask her, Sir, How she felt when first brought under the influence of the gospel? What state her mind was in when the truth first began to take effect? - then K. She say, Sir, when she first hear the gospel, she don't like it, She say, not mind, never mind. What has the gentleman to do with me? He Christian, I Hottentot; he nothing to do with me. But she say, I go to her, - I talk to her. She hear afterward something from one John Cock (another Mis. sionary). She go away; she come again. I told to her, You must try. But say she, "Christ in Heaven, I upon earth, how could he work upon my heart?" I tell her, Go pray to Christ: - ask of him, Whether the truths I preach be his truths, or not? Then she go try. She fall down in the field; she cry, "O God! what your servant say to me I don't believe it. O tell me if it be your truth!" N. Does she now take pleasure in secret prayer, and in reading the word of God? (Mary) K. O, she says, Sir! O yes, so happy! never so happy as when sho could say all to God, what she never could say to man. To God she could pour out all her heart; but not so in England as in Africa. Here not place enough for her; în Africa, she go in the field. Here, and in Holland, she say, "OI can't 'find place to be with God! I don't like that man should hear what I would say to God alone." K. All her comfort was, she might go to Christ, tell him all her wants. She had no other comfort than that. N. I would beg leave to ask, How they feel towards the people of God, and towards their unconverted countrymen? K. She say, that she love people of God very much: she love all man, but chiefly people of God; Because we have one Redeemer, one head, and saved through one blood: that she find great union with people of God. she love her K. He say, he shall tell them that he had heard here that same way that I preach there: that he heard here from people of God, that I speak the same with them. Shall telf thein, so happy that we have Christ that how they may go to him to be saved, and chiefly, that he hear here that same that Ipreach theres N. Please to ask, Sir, How they expect to be supported in the trying hour of death? K. He say, Sir, that is different; sometime he have desire to be dead; - death could do him nothing, but to bring him eternal life: but, sometime, when he look upon himself, see what great sinner, then he say not so comfortable when think of death. He think many time, should I well be in Christ, know that saved, then death shall go good with me. Do you understand me, Sir? When he near Christ, he desirous of death, death shall not be death for him, but jast door to go in Heaven. [Martha spoke for a considerable time.3 K. I wish I could say all she tell to me, but it impossible. She say, she trust there shall be many here who have pity for themselves, and for others, - compassion for own soul and soul of others; but wish it was all, but perhaps it was not all; perhaps some here now not have compassion on own soul. O, thất they would take counsel of poor Hottentot, she say! but Lord lesus show them compassion. from such people as poor Hottentot, see if such people, when they go to Jesus Christ, be saved, he will save them too, when they come like poor sinner: if they know not how to come like poor sinner, Christ will learn them; if they ask him, and not wait till to-morrow. We all now here; but, perhaps last See K. She say, Sir, what a pity 'tis Christ has shed his blood, if nevertheless sinners won't come to him! All that come to him shall find fulness in him when they come; they shall see enough in his blood to save them. But she say, that dear gos. pel will testify against them in last day; that same gospel, that same word which have all needful for sinner: therefore, if we go to Hell, 'tis our own fault, but not fault of God. He has given gospel to save sinner and help all men. And she hope, people here who have children, she feel what is parent; she hope they would bring children to fect of Christ, then God give us our children, hope we bring up our children, not for world but for Christ, not go for ourselves only to Christ, but for our children, for their children, that we and our children be saved. She say, she feel it on her heart; 0, what it is, she go to Heaven and her childrent go to Hell. She say, man say "I don't know Christ die for me:" we have nothing to do with that; we must go to Christ, and we shall find that he will save. K. The last question which I would beg leave to put, Sir, is this, What are the leading things about Heaven which make it desirable to them? (Martha.) K. She say, that make it desirable to her: first, She have no more sin, - all her sin go away; - they all go away from her: she don't like sin. Secondly, She be near her dear Saviour; and then she glorify him in perfect manner! - That is another answer; but upon same question, she say, she trust upon it, she shall be in Heaven with her dear children; because the Lord give her to pray so much for them; and when he give to pray for thing, then she trust upon it he will give it. She pray upon blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ; he said, "He not only will be her God, but God of her seed;" and she trust upon it, that not only she shall be in Heaven, but all het children! N. We are much indebted to ycu, Sir, for your goodness; and to these good people: we are just going to beg a last favour. (Mary) K. She come again upon that same, Sir. She say, that God bring Hottentot from far land, here to the people. Wherefore that? To sliew people that he save sinner, great sinner, vile, nasty, sinner, - whom no man like, whom no mankind can bear." Wherefore that? That we should see that we must go to Christ, that the Lord save such sinners, and to call people off from world. Again, we must die; we see world can do nothing for poor soul when we die; therefore, the Lord bring poor Hottentot from far land, to shew that he will save sinner; and to shew that the world, with all in it, could not help, in that hour, must have Christ, then we shall be saved. - Sir, she say, that from consequence, she pray those people, that not only pray for themselves, but be so kind pray for poor Hottentot with Missionary Society; that we see, Lord hear our prayers! and that we be so kind pray for them, because so many know not Lord Jesus Christ. N. She begs that we would not only pray, but use all the means in our power to bring the Heathen to the knowledge of the truth. K. She say, we could trust upon it, the Lord shall bless it, - 'tis his work! we could depend upon it, God shall bless it, because it is his work! [Mr. Kitcherer smiled and checked her, as the time was quite gone.] She say, Sir, this the last that she will say, she hope and trust upon it, we may meet one another in Heaven, so as we meet now; and say, 'twas for good to be here in our meeting, here use means to save poor Hottentot; and Lord bless what a poor Hottentot say! N. Will they please to sing a hymn, Sir? They then sang the 130th Psalm SEPT. 25 was re-opened, a place of worship at Wirksworth, formerly occupied as a Presbyterian Meeting; but for some time totally disused, and the interest completely expired. Dr. Williams, of Rotherham, and Mr. Alliot, of Nottingham, preached on the occasion, to a full congregation, consisting of near 400 persons. Wirksworth is a considerable market. town, about fourteen miles from Derby, containing about 3000 in habitants, who, till lately, had no place of worship but the parishchurch. The above place has been refitted, under the direction of trustees, who rely on the assistance of the religious public to support them; several neighbouring ministers having promised their aid, and there being a great propect of success. Nov. 24. At a numerous Meet. ing of Protestant Dissenting Ministers, held this day, at Shepton Mallett, an important question was laid before them, peculiarly ins teresting to the religious public: Whether defensive war be strictly consistent with Christia nity?" - which was unanimously decided in the affirmative It was further resolved, That with every sentiment of loyalty and patriotism felt by the Ministers pre sent, that it is incumbent on them to recommend to their respective congregations, cautiously to avoid the profanation of the Sabbath, while learning the use of arms for the defence of their country, by availing themselves of an act of parliament recently made for that purpose. (signed) R. SLOPER, Devizes, Chairman. On Wednesday morning early, Dec. 7, died suddenly, at his house in Hoxton Square, the Rev. John Reynolds, for many years Minister of the Independent Meeting in Ca. momile Street, London, aged 64. POETRY. SUNG BY THE HOTTENTOTS. [Translated from the Dutch.] Jesus, my Almighty Saviour, Turn my eyes and heart away From the world's enchanting follies, HERE We've no continuing city, If thou art indeed a Pilgrim, Seek to God, as reconciled Oh! consider, death awaits thee, - From the trifles of a day. Oh! reclaim my wand'ring spirit; LINES NIL. on the Death of the Rev. f. Radford. BY THE REV. J. A. KNIGHT. SWEET is the hour that brings the Pilgrim rest, And calls the lab'rer to his peaceful hotne! So, to the great Assembly of the blest, Affection bids this frail memorial rise; Alike's the voice of censure and of praise. dust, By sin consign'd to greedy death a prey; Then shall the rising bodies of the just, With ceaseless rapture hail the glorious day! |