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Riet Fountain, and pitched on the banks of the Great or Grange River: to which they gave the preference, on account of the food for the cattle being there in abund ance; and also, because the neigh bouring tribes had requested them to come farther northwards.. The spot where they reside at present, is called Cona a Hiep t' Hype, of the Sand Koraal; and lies thirty-three days journey from the chief settle. ment. Thus it is fourteen days journey farther off than brother Kicherer's residence.

The people among whom our brethren labour, are Bastards, Namaqua Hottentots, and Corranas; of whom about 150 understand the Dutch language: but with the last mentioned of these tribes, they are obliged to treat by the help of interpreters. The brethren employ three interpreters; of whom one distinguishes himself by his application; another by his good disposition, and all of them are people to be depended upon.

They were afterwards joined by Cornelius Coor and his kraak; so that their number is now increased to about 800 or geo. All these people subsist chiefly by their cattle, the produce of the chace, and wild roots of the ground. The brethren have tried to sow some corn; but their first attempt has not been successful; however, they hope for better success next year. Public worship is regularly kept on the Lord's Day, and likewise every morning and evening, as on the Zak River the necessary instruction is also given at the school,-one or the other word being accurately explained, and listened to with much devotion. A great proportion of those who attend divine worship appear in decent dress: but here also time has been too short, the numbers of Heathen too great, and the labourers too few, to ad. vance civilization in a considerable degree; yet many there are already amongst them, that have made a good progress in reading and writing, so much so, that some of them are capable of instructing

others; and most of them take a de. light in the knowledge of God and his service; nay, there are those who give reason to think that a work of the Holy Spirit appears in their hearts. Unwearied are the exertions of our brethren there; and they too call for help, seeing the harvest is great, and their vari ous labours seem to exceed their strength.

To the Briquas or Pitsooanas, seven days journey from the Mise sionary post on the Great Orange River, a Missionary, whose name is John Matthias Kock, has been sent by the Cape Society; and he has now resided for the space of a whole year among those people near Krooman's River. The mar rative sent by him to the Cape Society amounts to the following particulars: - The people among whom he lives, he found more civilized than any other known tribe in those parts of Africa: they cultivate their good land, and raise some corn: - they live in houses built in straight rows, joining very closely, and forming a large vil lage. Their language is not diffi cult to learn; and he has already made a considerable progress in it. The Chief of a part of that tribe, who reigns over several thousands of them, and whose name is Mawlehawang, appears to favour him greatly. He came to see him; and being entertained by an Exposition of the Christian Doctrine, such as he could well understand, he expressed himself willing to receive instruction; and appointed a place where he would settle after his return. Mr. Kock asserts, that there are many among that nation who express great readiness to hear his instructions; and he mentions par ticularly three of them, who aided him in every possible way, and did even defend him when in danger. This nation seems to be a fragment of the great kingdom of Mohorooty, where Sobbogory reigns as a king. He lives six days farther up the country; and brother-Kock has spoken with him; when it ap peared that he never had heard ang

* See the last Account.

thing concerning Christians. He invited the Missionary to come to 'him; and Mawlehawang gave him a very good character.

This account being confirmed by brother Kicherer, who himself was met by a Prince of that nation, making a request for a Missionary being sent to them, the Society thought it incumbent upon them to follow up this hint of Providence; and at their last extraordiny meeting, held in the presence of our Lord, whose gracious inЯuence was dutifully implored, they came to a resolution of sending the brethren Lambert. Jansy, and W. Korter, to those Heathen, with a view to try whether it is our Lord's pleasure to open a door in those parts, and to bless their ministry. To this end they were set apart on Monday, the 5th of Sept. by the Society, in proper form, by our worthy brother Dr. Verster, at the last monthly prayer-meeting.

from Dr. Vanderkemp, which is imputed to the difficulty of com munication between the countries, occasioned by the war.

Extract of a Letter from the Missionaries at Rotterdam, to the Directors of the London Missionary Society.

Aug. 23, 1803.

Dear Brethren in the Lord,

WE make use of the opportunity of our brethren Ulbricht and Palm returning to you, in order to dispatch these lines! We are very happy that our great Lord has made a way for three of us to set about our work, after a long delay. How great will our joy be, if at any time we hear that Heathen souls are brought to our Llessed Saviour by their preaching! Oh, that his ever adorable name might These brethren have received be proclaimed all over the world! what instruction was thought need." Ask of me," the Father says, ful, in point of religion, as well as "and I will give thee the Heathen in such other particular: as seem to for an inheritance.' - May this be useful for a Missionary to know; promise be specdily accomplished, brother Jansy having previously enand both old and young, great and joyed the instruction of D J. E. small, bowing down at the Saviour's Mebius. Both of them conducted pierced feet, surrender to him for themselves with great propriety eternity! during their stay in our seminary; and applied themselves closely to their studies. The importance of their work, their responsibility, and the dangers that will surround them, have been set before them, and claim our fervent prayers, and the most decided interest for these brethren,

Let us ever be mindful of them when we approach the mercy-seat, commending them to the gracious protection of their and our Lord; and craving his blessing upon their labours, that the kingdom of the Devil may be weakened, and souls won for Christ and his kingdom!

P. S. Mr. Kicherer, who has been for some weeks in Holland, is expected in London very shortly; when some very interesting information will probably be communicated to the public.

No information has et arrived


We, dear brethren, and all our friends at this place, have lately been most agreeably surprized by Brother Kicherer coming hither, with three African converts, who were unwearied in telling the great things the Lord had wrought for them, and his mercy they had experienced in their own hearts. They took a delight in talking of the free grace of God in Christ Jesus; and with still superior pleasure they heard the same topic treated of from the pulpit, or in private conversation. These brethren have been a peculiar blessing to us, and to many children of God here; and we, especially, have been thereby greatly encouraged to venture all upon the Lord in our future calling, and neither raging fear, nor furious beasts shall terrify us, seeing he will be with us, into whose hands all things are given by the Father, and who commands

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Extract of a Letter from the Missionary Ulbricht.

Rotterdam, Sept. 11, 1803. Dear Brethren in our Lord Jesus Christ,

I HAVE accepted of your call tơ Ceylon; and am willing to serve the Lord wherever it is; but the Lord seems to have different views with regard to my future appointment. Some weeks ago I was at. tacked by a strong rheumatic fever; during which I suffered much; but, praise the Lord, was recovered from it when your invitation to go to Ceylon reached me. Though weak, I resolved to comply with it, as a calling coming from the Lord; but having undergone a great deal of fatigue, by the preparations necessary for my journey, I had a relapse, from which


ced soon recovered; but an additional indisposition of my body making is appearance, I was told by the doctor, that to take a journey under such circumstances, was utterly unadviseable. Accordingly Brother Ehrhard was chosen in my place. Since I have recovered, by the goodness of the Lord, and of course the wish returns to my breast, to know what my dear brethren intend to do with me. am ready to go whithersoever sent; nor would I wish to have my own choice, leaving all to the Lord and my dear brethren. Ceylon, or any other part of the globe, is equally welcome to me. All I wish is, to have some kind of certainty as to my future destination. Please to indulge me soon with an answer.

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Our Lord, dear brethren, hath done great things for me. Under my present circumstances, he grants me resignation: he also hath raised me up from a most alarming sick

bed; because, as I fain would infer, he means to make use of me for some interesting purpose. I am ready to follow him, step by step, serving him in every way he shall be pleased to dispose of me. I am, &e.

(signed) J. G. ULBRICHT.

Extract of a Letter from the Basil Society, to the Directors of the London Missionary Society.

Basil, April 30, 1803. Respected and beloved Brethren in Christ,

WE have duly received your vas luable letter of the 23d of Feb. through our brother Steinkopfft, and gratefully acknowledge the brotherly share you take in our circumstances, and the affectionate encouragement you give us out of the word of God. Thus far the Lord has helped us, and scattered many a threatening cloud, withour suffering it to break over our head. To him we, therefore, commit our selves for the future.

"For he, the clouds Director,

Whom winds and seas obey,
Will be our kind Protector,

And will prepare our way." It gave us great pleasure to learn that the Bible, the New Testament, and several Catechisms have been printed in French and Italian; and that at least one pious minister was gone to Paris.

The other intelligence you favoured us with was likewise very agreeable, especially the account of that worthy man Mr. Carey. He and his fellow-labourers have been tried for a good while, but now the Lord begins to reward their perseverance, by directing them to many souls who long after salvation, and by giving them a still more favourable prospect for the future. Likewise the Mission to Astracan, undertaken by the Edinburgh Society, We are appears of importance. favoured in our day to see many preparations and institutions made for the enlargement of the kingdom of God. Even now, the Lord is


looking down from Heaven upon the children of men, to gather his people from among Christians, Jews, Mahomedans, and Heathen, and to judge his enemies, who will not be converted. But still the harvest is great, and as yet the labourers are comparatively few. At the same time, the number of those is increasing who unite in praying,

Arise, O Lord! and have mercy Ripon Zion!” and he who puts this prayer into their hearts will not leave it unanswered, although the answer may be deferred.

The number of those who here constitute the two principal classes of real Christians, namely, the Basil Society, and that of the United Brethren, is considerably increasing. Oh, that they might Jikewise increase in the same proportion in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ! Among the rest, ten hopeful young men have lately joined us, whom the Rev. Mr. Huber had instructed and confirmed in the Holy Communion. In other parts of Switzerland, those who have spiritual life, are more thinly scattered. By occasion of the new regulations, the inhabitants of the Canton Schwitz gave a noble proof of their Christian principles. After the organization of their council, they went with their worthy Landammann Reding in procession to the church, to return thanks to God, making, at the same time, a public and solemn declaration, that true liberty is only to be obtained through Jesus, the Son of God.

Concerning the state of religion in Germany, we have nothing par ticular to observe. The Spirit of the Age, that is, of enlightening to greater darkness,-the Spirit of Unbelief and Apostacy is still on the increase, and most likely will rise still higher!


For our part, we find consolation in this reflection, - Let what will happen, whatever plans may be invented by the subtilty of Reason, still it remains true:

"Him all things serve in nature,
According to his will;

And he, as the Creator,
His council will fulfil.”

Thus, in union with you and all
true believers, we will cheerfully
follow the leadings of our Divine
Master: you upon a large scale,
May he
and we upon a smaller.
himself render us more and more

We salute you most cordially.

(by order of the Committee)

Ehrhardt Frederic Weinland, Counsellor of Justice, wishes light and strength from above to the honoured Directors of the Missionary Society.

When Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed; and when he laid down his hand, Amalek prevailed."- Exod. xvii. 11.

THIS passage recurs frequently to my mind when thinking on the present situation of your country. Methinks such relations are written Likewise my for our instruction.

own long experience has convinced me, that there is greater power and efficacy in faith and prayer than many in the present day are willing to admit. Nothing glorifies the name of God more than the prayer of faith offered to his elect. July 18, 1803.

In preceding Magazines, some en quiries and suggestions have been presented to the public, respecting the number of Bibles in the possession of the lower classes of society, and the best means of increasing the circulation. The benevelent zeal of the enquirers has not been confined to this country, -it has communicated with pious ministers on many parts of the Continent; and answers, full of varied and important information, have in consequence already been received from the Rev. J. R. Burckhard, Rev. J.R. Huber, Rev. W. Falkeison, and the Rev. J. Raillardt, of Basil; and the Rev. J. F. Oberlin and Rev. J. Ehrman, pastors in Alsatia. The insertion of all these communica

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tions would be too multifarious; but as a specimen of the facts they disclose, and the disinterestedness, piety, and zeal which they display, the following answer is given for the gratification of the readers of our Magazine:

Answer of the Rev. J. F. Oberlin.

"My parish borders upon French Lottingen, where all are Roman Cacholics, many of whom have procured Bibles from us; but these are but few, compared with the

number of those who are still without Bibles, but desire to have them. I have also distributed many copies of the New Testament, even to Roman Catholic Priests; some of whom, through ignorance, have burnt them this has been told to me by many of their own people with great concern. I account it a pleasing circumstance, that many of the Roman Catholic Peasants inanifest more confidence in me than in their own priests.

"One hindrance to the spreading of Bibles is, the poverity of the inhabitants; and another, the very small type of the French Bibles. Hardworking people soon lose their sight, either in part or entirely, in the mountainous country, in which the five villages under my pastoral care are situated; and the Roman Catholics also, of whom I speak. When, therefore, they arrive at an age in which they might be disposed to serious reflection, they can scarcely make any use of small Bibles. Spectacles are of

service only for a short time; for the sight is soon entirely gone.

"Nevertheless. I always keep a stock of French Bibles, partly to lend, partly to sell, and some to give away. In order to do this, I make it a rule to lay by three-tenths of all my income. If I had not adopted this practice, I should not have been able to do any thing of this kind.

"The type of the German Strasburgh Bibles is very legible; I therefore keep a number of them always in readiness †.”

The above communication, together with the letters from the other ministers whose names have been mentioned, are strongly stimu lative to the good work of forming a Society for an extensive circulation of the sacred Scriptures. This object, however, cannot be accomplished in haste; it requires deliberation and wisdom suited to its dignity and importance. In the meantime, if any Christian friends in this country feel that admiration of the character and conduct of the Rev. Mr. Oberlin, which the preceding account is well calculated to inspire, and are disposed to assist him in more largely procuring and more extensively distributing the Holy Bible in his large parish and its vicinity, their contributions will be thankfully received by Messrs. Hardcastle and Reyner, Swan-stairs, London Bridge; or the Rev. Mr. Steinkopfft, Minister of the Lutheran Church in the Savoy, Strand, and be faithfully conveyed to the Rev. Mr. Oberlin.

On reading the Communications from the Rev. Mr. Oberlin, and the other Ministers in Germany.

To souls like these, of such a Heav'nly kind,
With warm affection be my Spirit join'd:
Their holy motives may I ever feel,

And catch the lustre of their godly zeal!

Act the same part, pursue the same design,
And glory in a cause so much divine!


A Rev. Minister, now in this country, who is well acquainted with Mr. Oberlin, gives us the following short account of his character and exertions : —

"Mr. Oberlin has laboured upwards of thirty years with remarkable success. When he first entered on his office, the people placed under his care were noted for their ignorance and all kinds of irregularities; but now they are equally conspicuous for decency of behaviour, for diligence, régularity, and Christian-humanity."

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