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on Account of the present State of our Country.



Ministers to engage.


July 27,


[blocks in formation]


Aug. 3,

Mr. Jennings's,


Mr. Booth's,

17, Mr. Burder's,

24, Mr. Kello's,

31, Mr. Hutclrings's,

Sept. 7,

Mr. Gaffee's,


Mr. Goode's,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

28, Mr. Taylor's,

Oct. 5, Mr. Wall's,


Mr. Button's,


Mr. Clayton's,

[blocks in formation]


Mr. Wall and Mr. Knight.
Mr. Hutchings and Mr. Burder.
Mr. Coxhead and Mr. Waugh.
Mr. Thorpe and Mr. Booth.
Mr. Humphrys and Mr. Taylor,
Mr. Goode and Mr. Jennings.

Mr. Clayton and Mr. Barber.

Mr. Gaffee and Mr. Button.

Mr. Waugh and Dr. Rippon.

Mr. Taylor and Mr. Towle.

Mr. Brooksbank and Mr. Humphrys.

Mr. Knight and Mr. Kello.

Mr. Button and Mr. Jennings,

Mr. Gaffee and Mr. Hutchings,
Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Barber.
Dr. Rippon and Mr. Burder.
Mr. Brooksbank and Mr. Clayton,
Mr. Wall and Mr. Goode.

Mr. Thorpe and Mr. Coxhead.

Service to begin precisely at Half past Six.
The Minister of the Place concludes.

Should any Minister, who is appointed to engage, be unable to attend, it is expected that he will procure one to supply his place, whose name is in the above list.

When a new List is formed, it will probably include the names of other Ministers who were not present, or could not be consulted, when this was drawn upi We are happy to find that these prayer-meetings have hitherto beest well attended.

At a Meeting of several of the Ministers above-mentioned, and others of their Brethren, on Tuesday, Aug. 16, it was agreed, Respectfully to submit to the Attention of their Christian Friends, the following short


THE alarming state of this kingdom loudly calling for extraordinary prayer and humiliation, several Ministers, in town and country, have ex. pressed their earnest wish that a particular day be chosen, in which reli gious persons, of different denominations, may present their common Sup plications to the Throne of Grace in behalf of our King and Country.

A considerable number, therefore, of Ministers have agreed to pro. pose to their respective congregations, Wednesday, Sept. 21, as a suitable day for this solemn purpose, and they take the liberty of affectionately recommending the observance of the same to as many of their brethren, throughout the kingdom, as may approve of this measure, and to whom the day proposed may be convenient.


Is has been suggested, that the union of two or three congregations in one place, where local circumstances permit, might be beneficial, by enabling them to avail themselves of the assistance of several Ministers, and be productive of other advantages.

Printed by G. AULD, Greville Street, London,

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OCTOBER, 1803.




THIS able and faithful minister of the New Testament was a native of Scotland, being born at the village of Fettercairn, in the shire of Kincardine, about twelve miles from Montrose. When he was seven years of age he lost his father, who was a serious man; but this event did not deprive him of that inestimable privilege, a religious éducation. His pious mother discharged, with affectionate fidelity, the important trust that devolved upon her, and watched for the souls of her children as one that knew she must give an account. Her instruction and example made a deep and lasting impression on his mind; and he would frequently mention the familiar but striking manner in which she encouraged her children to seek the God of their father, saying, "God loves to hear children pray." From this early period he never wholly omitted prayer; and was always afraid of sin. Indeed, tenderness of conscience was a prominent trait in his character through life; some remarkable instances of which, have left an impression on the mind of the writer, that can never be effaced. To the pious labours of a worthy school-master, under whose care he was placed, Mr. Crole ascribed, under God, much of his early .. improvement in religious knowledge. This good man used to catechise his pupils, and, with great seriousness, would explain and inculcate the important truths and duties of religion in a manner adapted to the understanding of his juvenile auditory. A text of Scripture, commented upon one of the ocсаsions, greatly affected Mr. Crole's mind at the time it was mentioned, and was never wholly forgotten; but, in the hout of temptation, frequently suggested the most powerful restraint

from sin, or incentive to duty. The passage was, "One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day *.

When Mr. Crole, many years afterwards, visited the place of his nativity, he had the satisfaction to find his venerable preceptor still living; and his heart, which was peculiarly susceptible of kind affections, exulted in an opportunity of testifying his gratitude to the instructor of his childhood. Age had deprived the old gentleman of his sight, but had not impaired his faculties; and he enjoyed the exquisite pleasure, not only of hearing his former pupil preach with great acceptance, but also of receiving from him every expression of affectionate and grateful remembrance. - Pious parents and preceptors! whose bowels of compassion yearn over the young immortals committed to your care, let this encourage you in your labours of love for the rising generation. Your endeavour to win souls to Christ may not be immediately followed by that evident success which you had fondly, perhaps too confidently, anticipated. You may not be permitted to know the full extent of your usefulness in the present life, - but a distinguished reward awaits your zeal and fidelity at the coming of Christ; for you will then receive the fulfilment of those promises, which are your present support: - "They that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars for ever;" and even on the melancholy supposition, that Israel be not gathered by your ur instrumentality, yet shall the faithful labourer be glorious in the eyes of the Lord.

On leaving school, Mr. Crole was apprenticed to a cabinetmaker; and, in this situation, he was not only regular and decent in his general conduct, but his integrity and industry were truly exemplary. He was so far from being an eye-servant, that his conscience would give him no rest, unless he exerted himself to the utmost of his strength and ability in his master's service; and was always grieved when he observed a contrary conduct in others. He was also assiduous in attending on the means of religious instruction and improvement; and, at the age of sixteen, received the Lord's Supper. After the expiration of his apprenticeship he left his native country; and, though he passed through scenes of great temptation, he still retained a strong sense of religion, and was remarkably circumspect in his morals. When he was about twenty-two years of age he came to London; and, sometime afterwards, was established in business for himself. It pleased God to prosper him, so that he lived very comfortably: but though diligent in business, he was also fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; and availed himself of every opportunity to hear the gospel. He chiefly attended the mi

Peter iii. 8.

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