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MRS. SARAH MOORE. APRIL 17, 18oz, died at Ashbourn, Derbyshire, Mrs. S. Moore, wife of the Rev. G. Moore. affliction, though short, was exceeding painful; but, to the praise of rich grace, not a murmur escaped her lips throughout all her illness. Her love to the ministers of Jesus was such, that she was never more happy than when she could manifest it. When free from domestic concerns, it was the joy of her heart to retire from men, and converse with God. Her affliction was of that nature, that her friends could not converse much with her, without great inconvenience on her part; and as none about her doubt. ed the safety of her state, they were contented and thankful for the few words from her. Now and then, as the case admitted, during the few last days of her affliction, I copied some of the weighty words which survive her.

Sunday morning, April 11, when I went into her room, and asked how she did? She answered, with the sweetest emotion, in the words of that hy inn, "When I tread the verge of Jordan," &c. with some other passages of our sacred poets. Monday, April 12, she said, "He is on the first step of the ladder, coming down to fetch me up to him." The enemy is chained; he can do me no harm." In the evening, when nature was a little relieved, her bursts of praise to the Lord for his mercy, I hope never to forget. In this happy interval, she repeated some lines of poetry which I was not acquainted with, and desired me to sing them. I told her I did not know the words. Per answer was, perhaps too true, "You mourn when you should Sing."

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Tuesday. "My life is held in awful pense. I urged submission to the Lord's will; to which she replied, “Oh, my dear, I could be it for a hundred years, were it

his will! I am afraid to dishonour

the Lord. - None ever perished at his feet; and there, I hope, I lie as a poor sinner!"- When I alluded to the few happy years we had spent together, she replied, several times, Thousands, thou

sands of mercies we have to be

us! --

thankful for, if he does no more for The Lord appeared for me; in the Mount of Difficulty he has been seen. - The Lord grant me an easy passage!" While the Rev. Mr. S. a clergyman of her acquaintance, and another friend, stood by her bed-side, she said, several times, with much fervour, "You see now nothing will do, but an interest in Christ."

Wednesday. I said, 'I hope you are happy, my dear? Her answer Was, "Not without a cloud."

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Thursday. I said to her, 'I hope the Lord supports you?' Her reply was, "There is my hope!" When I told her I had brought her a cup of coffee, she answered me, with a smile of praise upon her face, "More mercies in the wilder ness!" Afterwards she said, "I want to have nothing at all to do with self; I want to have done with self, and to be swallowed up in God!" When I said to her, I hope you have given me and the dear child up to the Lord; and assured her I would endeavour to act by her as a father, her answer was, "I have, and am not afraid to leave her in your care, as I have given her up to the Lord."

Saturday. I was afraid the close of life would be attended with great pain, and therefore withdrew, to ask the Lord to grant her her heart's and my soul's desire, -an easy passage! I had scarce risen from my knees, when a friend who attended her, brought me word she was gone; so that my fears were sweetly disappointed.

On Sunday evening, hier old and respected friend, the Rev. Jonathan Scott, from Matlock, preached a

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On Thursday, the 18th of November, Mr. Button, of London, engaged in opening the business of the day at the ordination of Mr. Fisher, at Brentford: from thence he went to Harlington, a village about six miles further, to preach on the Lord's Day following, having previously engaged to exchange service with Mr. Torlin, the settled pastor of the Baptist church at that place. Mr. Button preached on the Lord's Day morning from Job xiv. 10. "But man dieth, and wasteth away: yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?" He made some remarks on the mortality of man, and particularly dwelt

on the question, "Where is he?" At the close of the discourse, he suggested that one or other in the congregation might be suddenly removed that day; and wished each one to suppose it might be himself; and to ask, "If it be my lot to be called home, where am I likely to be?"

The congregation was remarkably serious and attentive. In the afternoon, as Mr. Button was about to enter the pulpit, he was informed, a man had just been seized with death in the gallery, He was brought down, carried into the vestry, and a medical gentleman was immediately sent for; who pronounced that he had certainly expired by an apoplectic fit. — In how solemn and striking a manner was the text verified!" Man dieth, - yea, man giveth up the ghost!" Reader, hearken to the voice both of Scripture and Providence; “Be ye also ready."



Ir must afford our readers much pleasure to learn, as it does us to relate from month to month, the spread of our Redeemer's Kingdom; which, on one side or the other, is continually extending its influence, to the glory of his name, and the happiness of mankind. The letter from Madras gives the most flattering encouragement for the success of a Mission in that neighbourhood, where there is a loud call for labourers in the work of the gospel. The extract of a letter from Switzerland is of a more melancholy cast; but exhibits, at the same time, a spirit of genuine piety and submission to the divine Will: but that from Mr. Carey (with which we have been favoured by the Rev. Mr. Newton) opens a very pleasing prospect to the Baptist Mission, and we are autho rized by the Secretary of the Baptist Missionary Society, to add, that No. X. of their Periodical Accounts will appear in a few days, and enable us, in our next, to give farther particulars, of a nature very encouraging and pleasing.

We would only farther subjoin, that letters are continually coming to hand from America, which relate the farther spread and increase of that happy revival of religion, which we have already mentioned to have taken place in various parts of the United States.


To Messrs. J. Fonteyn, J. Z.
and Bs. Ledeboer, Directors
of the Netherland Mission-
ary Society.

Vepery, Madras, Jan. 2, 1802.
Respected Sirs,

WITH the utmost satisfaction I

received your letter, dated the 30 of September, 1800, on the 9th of August, 1801; and should, if it had been possible, have answered it by the ships which departed for England in October last. The first account which I received concerning your Society, was in January 18co, when I was in Negapatnam, upon my journey to the southward,

by means of a Dutch friend, who communicated to me your first publication. Afterwards, we received a copy of your letter to Dr. Knapp, at Halle; and his answer to it: from which I learn, with much pleasure, the blessed progress of your labours, to the edification and increase of the kingdom of Christ : and, in January 1801, I had the satisfaction to be informed concerning a society at the Cape, and the excellent character of Dr. Vanderkemp.

Now, with respect to the Dutch prisoners of war, I had not the happiness to find any of the good men amongst them qualified to work in the harvest of the Lord, except one, whom I kept here as a bookbinder, and who has learned the Portugaeze language, so as to be able to read in the Portugueze congregation; and he is now clerk of the German church, formed of the Swiss regiment called the Meuron. He possesses, on account of the holiness of his life, in which he daily increases, a considerable influence among all ranks of men. The others were sent to Batavia in 1799, and are become a great blessing; but, since Tranquebar is in the hands of the English, there has been no communication between this country and Batavia.

themselves as deserted by the Dutch ministers and the govern ment, and had gone back to their idols, or to the Roman church, are gathered again and comfortably settled since the arrival of Governor North. It is now necessary that they should be well instructed, and have good examples set before them, that the teachers in every place should do their duty; and that the ministers should, in these points, earnestly admonish the teachers. There are many labourers wanted, both of zealous European ministers and pious native teachers, for the youth in the schools, and also upon the coast. If by the peace, which we hope for from the Lord, the Dutch places go back again to the Dutch government, it would be a great blessing to them, if the Society could send some good Christian Missionaries, to learn the language and preach the gospel to the heathen.

There are, in all the Dutch settlements, Malabar congregations, which we now visit from time to time, as they were usually visited by the Danish and English Missionaries when this country was in the possession of the Dutch. We wish we could prevail with all the societies to send zealous, faithful, and intelligent ministers.

O what do I feel, when I read in your letter of the zeal now kindled in the Netherlands for spreading the sound of the gospel and of thousands of your countrymen uniting in prayer to the Almighty, with Christians through all the earth, to pour down a blessing on the labours of his servants for the conversion of the Heathen!

Concerning the state of Christianity in the island of Ceylon, we are in hopes that it will become glorious through the zeal of his Excellency the Governor North. I send with the ships which bring this letter, different papers, written by a native of Malabar, whom I sent to Jailha, and who:n Governor North has appointed minister or candidate in the districts of Jaffna A little time since, I thought that Hall; from which one may see we poor Missionaries were forsaken somewhat of the progress of Chris- by all men in this evil time: that tianity in Jaffna and Manaan, If we could not expect any help or the Christians in Ceylon are left in assistance; and that, after our dea disagreeable situation by the war, cease, the labour of the Lord would it has not been occasioned by the cease in this place. Your letter ministers being made prisoners of has given me new life; for we were war, and having left their places. in such a state, that, to maintain The minister of the garrison of our zeal, we had to believe in hope Trincomale only, is brought here against hope. Your letter afforded with the garrison of that place; and me much strength. I thank God, the Christians who, after the change who has moved you to write to me of the government, had considered such refreshing intelligence; and to

inform me of the zeal for the Lord among Christians in Europe, for the conversion of the Heathen; and I wish, carnestly, the Directors would adopt measures for the conversion of the inhabitants of this land. The many congregations here and in Ceylon, shew that the Lord has a people in this place. The preaching of the gospel is not without witness; though but few, at present, shew any great sign of their faith. Many, who seem convinced of the truth, excuse themselves, by saying, "We have no power to believe, and to overcome difficulties."

Now, as so much zeal is excited in Europe, we may expect zealous and faithful Missionaries. That is now the only assistance, under God, we stand in need of; and we pray and hope, that God will send us this needful help. I have received no Jetter from Europe that has strengthened and awakened so much confidence and hope as yours. The Lord bless your labours to the edification and increase of the kingdom of Christ! I should esteem it great goodness in you, frequently to communicate to me any circumstance concerning the welfare of Zio.1; and should be happy, in return, to shew myself of one heart and one soul with you. I now recommend myself, and the work I am engaged in, to your affectionate prayers; and beg leave to subscribe myself

your devoted servant, -G. W. GERICKE.

[Translated from the Dutch.]

Letter from Mr. Carey, Missionary, to the Rev. Mr. Newton, Rector of St. Mary Il'oolnoth, &c.

Serampore, April 22, 1802. My very dear Sir, SINCE my last, which I see was written more than twelve months ago, I have been occupied in a more than ordinary manner. I have, however, reason to bless the Lord on this account, because I find, by

daily experience, that it is well for nie to be constantly employed. "Satan finds some evil sti for idle hands to do," is a sentiment, the truth of which I find continually. There may be persons, I allow, of so industrious a turn naturally, as to lay out their time in such a manner that there may be no loss; but my nature and constitution are remarkably fitted for indolence; on which account I admire the wisdom of that Providence which will not permit me to waste much of my precious time in idleness.

Our Lord had begun to work among the Hindoos when I wrote last to you; but since that time, the work has exceeded our most sanguine expectations. It is not a year and a half since we thought the cast of the Hindous to be so strong a chain, that we could scarcely expect it to be broken; now it appears to be so weak, that some have rejected cast who have only stayed with us a few days, and have given no proof of a divine work on the soul. We rejoice in this, and esteem it as a breach made in the walls of the enemy's capitol, and a prelude to the taking of the city itself. This, however, is not all we have to rejoice in: we have every reason to believe that several have been savingly converted, and now trust in the Lord Jesus Christ alone for their salvation. We have baptized and received into churchfellowship, eight Hindoos: four women, whose names are, Jaymconi, Rasoo, Unno, and Komol; and four men, whose names are Krishno, Gokool, Peetumbur, and Sam. Two of them have given us Some pain; and we have been ob

liged to suspend them from the pri vilege of the Lord's Table; not however for returning to idolatry, but for allowing an unbridled licence to their passions. We have some hope of their restoration, and wait for it with a considerable degree of impatience. We have some persons now on the enquiry, who give us much hope. A Bramin, named Komol, I trust, is in earnest for salvation. A man of the Kaesto, or Writer - Tribe, who has come a journey of three days,

four times over, to hear the gospel, came about a week ago, and brought with him his wife and sister. Such a circumstance, never, I suppose,

occurred since the Hindoos have been a nation for the people of high cast never suffer their women to go into the company of strangers, much less of foreigners; but this man brought his wife, and voluntarily introduced her into the society of persons who are everywhere spoken against. His frankness, and her modesty and inquisitiveness, encourage us very much. A Brahman of the village from whence they caine, and her brother, came to see what was become of them; and went away this morning apparently well satisfied with what they had seen and heard. This man's name is also Peetumbur; but he is of another rank, though of the same cast with the other Peetumbur. The Writer Cast is divided into about seventy subdivisions, all decreasing in importance, from the highest division called Ghose, to the lowest. The first Peetumbur is of the subdivision Singho; this, of that called Mittra. They hold the distinctions of cast now in contempt. The following little incident, which occurred to-day, may serve to shew you that there is nothing irrational or improper in the manner in which they treat their cast:-Peetumbur's wife, whose name is Dropodee, went to-day, with Rasoo and some others, to see some neighbours. Some person took occasion to express his or her surprize, that she should have rejected so high a cast to embrace the society of a carpenter's family, and who were also become Fe ringees (Portugueze). She replied, "We did not come because they are Feringees; which indeed they are not; nor because they are Carpenters; but because we saw that we belonged to the cast of sinners against God; and had heard that these persons fear God and love the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the true cast which we wish to be found in !"

The increase of gospel-knowledge, and, I think, also of tenderness of conscience, are not among

the less pleasing signs of the reality of the conversion of these people. It would do your heart good to sit down at table with a number of these persons of divers casts, and to hear their serious, though simple, conversations about our Lord Jesus, and the way of life by him. I forgot also to mention, that one Mussulman and two Portugueze, are among the number of our enquirers; so that our hopes are greatly enlarged.

No family, I suppose, live in greater harmony than ours. The Lord has made breaches, but we bow to his sovereign will; he is too wise to err. I frequently wonder why I am preserved; for I am every hour so near to falling into some open sin, that my preservation, even in the manner in which I now am, appears to me a constant miracle of grace. I was never so convinced as I now am of the constant need which I have of the grace of God. I see plainly that a profession of love to Christ, and even a receiving constant supplies from him for the space of twenty-four years, has laid no foundation in me, on which I can rely for preservation in time to come; nor infused any such habit of grace as would make it improbable that I should fall by the slightest temptation: I see that the least temptation would infallibly prove my ruin; nay, that I should certain fall of myself, and desert my Lord entirely, did not the watchful Shepherd of Israel constantly'uphold me.

Rev. Mr. Brown and Buchanan are very friendly with us, and have done much to strengthen our hands in our work. I am happy to say that they are well: we are also well. We have an increase of real converts among Europeans. One whom the Lord has given to us, a Mr. Cunningham, has lately published Thirteen Letters on the Evidences of Christianity, in one of the Calcutta newspapers: he is now reprinting them. I hope they may be very useful in this land of Deism and infidelity.

I hope you are well, that your bow abides in strength, and that your last days are your best days,

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