Last Sabbath week he preached his first sermon. I may call it a comment on the first epistle of St. John, ist chapter, particularly the seventhi verse in that chapter; and the, second verse in the second chapter, "Christ the Propitiation." It was a very solemn sight to see the church crowded within and without. Mr. Mason, with a psalm, called on all things to praise God, and then offered up a very solemn prayer; and when he spoke to his church and people, it was very affecting indeed; and all seemed much impressed. I can, speak for one, it was a refreshment from the Lord's presence." Desirous of communicating to the religious public an event calculated to display the efficacy of divine grace, and to gratify devout and fervent wellwishers to the cause of Christ, we transmit to you the following short narrative: George Palmaling, Deacons. Bury St. Edmunds, THE gospel of late, in this place, has been attended with great success. Accessions to our church have been numerous, and the sweet influence of vital religion increasingly felt by us all. Among other instances, is a Prussian Jew, of the name of Solomon Joseph, who has been in this kingdom upwards of thirty years, and, three or four of them, a resident in this town. From the earnest and repeated entreaties of his wife, who is a serious Christian, he was induced, near twelve months ago, to hear among us the glorious gospel of God our Saviour. The subject to which our esteemed Pastor (the Rev. Charles Dewhirst) was providentially directed at that time, was founded on Heb. xii. 10-13. After his first attendance, he began to suspect his own religion, and was influenced to pray that "God Almighty would lead him into what was truth."From that time he omitted no op. portunity of attendance. The light he gained into Christianity was 171 minister was expounding the Acts rapid; especially as our beloved of the Apostles. - Hearing a discourse, in the month of January, upon the conversion of Lydia, and her public profession of Christianity,-he waited upon Mr. Dewhirst the following day, to declare what God had done for his soul, and express his desire of being baptized. The interview was pleasing and affecting; the account he gave of his conversion was simple, clear, and striking. After this he was waited upon by a number of Christian friends at different times, who were more than satisfied with the account he gave. On the first Sabbath in March he was baptized, when, before a very numerous and conducted in the following manner. crowded audience, the service was after singing, Mr. Dewhirst offered ed an introductory discourse, after up a solemn prayer; then deliverwhich the following questions were proposed: "Solomon Joseph, as your parents were Jews, and as you were educated in the Jewish principles, what induced you to embrace the Christian faith? What are your reasons for believing that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God? As you know that you are a guilty condemned sinner according to the the law of Moses, how do you ex. pect to be saved ? unani To these he made very satisfactory replies, and was then baptized according to the mode used in the independent churches. Immediately after his baptism, he was mously admitted a member of the church; and then Mr. Dewhirst addressed him upon his public profession of Christianity, -the church of which he had become a member,and the surrounding audience; concluding by prayer for the extension of the Redeemer's kingdom. Thro' the whole of the service, which was near two hours, solemnity filled. the place; and at particular, seasons, the whole congregation was much affected. sermon was In the evening an appropriate William Hickman, of Wattisfield preached by the Rev. from John xx. 29. Colonel Despard. THE trial and execution of Col. Despard for high treason, have been reported to the public through so many channels, that it is scarcely necessary for us to mention them: nor should we take any further notice of him, but on account of the spirit of infidelity by which he seem ed to be actuated, living and dying. This unhappy man, atter having thrown away his life, by making proposals, to a set of ignorant fellows in an ale-house, to murder his Majesty, and overturn the present system of government (in which it is hard to say, whether weakness or wickedness had the greatest share) appeared to be totally insensible of his guilt, and avoided the very means of conviction. When the Rev. Mr. Winkworth, an evange lical clergyman, and who is Chaplain to the Surrey Gaol, kindly of. fered his services, he declined them, and refused to enter in any religious conversation. He also declined reading Dr. Doddridge's Evidences of Christianity, saying to Mr. Winkworth, "Sir, I might with equal propriety request you to read this book," shewing him a Treatise on Logic which he had before him, Being again pressed on the same subject, he said, "I have fetters on my legs; do not endeavour to put fetters on my mind." He also ob. served that he had studied Theology a great deal, had attended all sorts of places of worship, and, had many years ago made up his mind on that subject, adding, that he did not be, lieve the truth of religion. He seems to have persisted to the end in the same irreligious state, justi. fying his political conduct with his last breath, and rejecting the Sa viour of the world. To such awful hardness of heart may men attain, who have forsaken God, and who may therefore justly leave them to strong delusion, that they may be, lieve a lie, because they receive not the love of the truth, Bedford Union. "THE seventh general meeting of the Union of Christians formed at Bedford, is expected to be held on Wednesday, the 27th of April, The Rev. Rowland Hill, A.M. has engaged (God willing) to preach on the occasion, at Bedford, in the forenoon of that day.” ORDINATIONS. JULY 15, 1802, Rev. D. Jones, late student at Wrexham, was solemnly set apart by the imposition of hands, to the pastoral office in the inde. pendent congregation at Holywell. The service was introduced by Mr. D. Davies, of Welchpool; Mr. T. Jones, of Newmarket, read a portion of the Scriptures; Mr. G. Lewis, of Llanuwchllyn, delivered a discourse on the nature of a church, pertinent on the occasion, and asked the usual questions, to which satisfactory answers were given; Mr. W. Brown, of Wrexham, then prayed the ordination prayer; Mr. J. Lewis, of Wrexham (his tutor) addressed the minister, from Cor. ii. 13.; and Mr. B. Jones, of Pwll. hili, delivered the charge to the congregation, from Phil. ii. 29. Mr. J. Wilson, of Northwich, and several other ministers, engaged in the afternoon and the preceding evening. Νον. 18, 1802, Moses Fisher was ordained pastor of the particular Baptist church of New Brentford. Mr. Uppedine, of Hammersmith, began the service, with reading 2 Tim. ii. and then prayed; Mr. Button, of Dean-street, explained the cause of dissent from the establishment, and received the account of the Lord's dealings with this church since its commencement; the church avowed their call; Mr. Fisher signified his acceptance, and gave a confession of his faith; Mr. Phillimore, of Kingston, prayed the ordination prayer; Mr. Upton, of Blackfryars, delivered the charge, from Tim. vi. 11-14.; Mr. Hutchings, of Unicorn - yard, preached to the church, from Cor. xvi. 10; Mr. Torlin, of Harlington, concluded with prayer, -The congre. gation was numerous and attentive, and solemnity marked the whole of the service. The members of this church gratefully acknowledge the kindness of the friends in Mr. Wesley's connexion, who afforded them the use of their chapel in Old Brent, ford, for the occasion. CHAPELS OPENED. DEC. 27, 1802, a small chapel was opened at Verwood, Dorset, si tuated in a most dreary part of the Old Borest, about seven miles from Fordingbridge. Though the population of the neighbourhood is small, the mental darkness of the inhabitants is extreme, and justifies the benevolent zeal of the Christian friend who stepped forward to rear this little tabernacle for God. Mr.Lewis, of Ringwood, explained the advantages of public worship, trom Psalm xlii. 2.; Mr. Button, of Downton, prayed; and Mr. Loader preached, from Ezek.xxxiv. 11, 12. For some years, two or three plain Christians, and occasionally regular ministers, have held forth the word of life to the people, not without some tokens of success. Greater hopes are now entertained from a Sunday-school, which is to be formed on one half of the Lord's Day. Hitherto, whole families have lived and died without being able to read the Scriptures, which alone are able to make us wise unto salvation. FEB. 23, 1803, was opened, a new chapel in Bagell, near Holywell, Flintshire, under the pastoral care of the Rev. D. Jones. The service was introduced by Mr.J Jones, of Liverpool, Mr. W. Brown, of Wrexham, preached from Is. xxv. 6; and Mr. T. Jones, of Beaumaris from 2 Chron. vi. 20. the afternoon, the service was begun In tion by Mr. D. Davies, of Welchpool, who also dropped a few hints on the privileges of Dissenters, to cauagainst persecution; Mr. White, of Chester, preached from Acts xvii. 30; Mr. J. Lewis, of Wrexham, from Prov. viii. 31. and concluded by prayer. We are happy to hear that the town of West Coques, in the Isle of Wight, which, in the summer season has long been a place of fashionable resort, possesses now, what will be deemed by the serious families who may be disposed to visit it, one great advantage, -a stated ministry of the gospel. Mr. Styles, when preaching some months at Newport (at the request of Mr. Walker, who sometimes preached a lecture on a Lord's Day evening) visited Cowes occasionally; and, on quitting that scene of his labours, by the unanimous wish of the people, undertook to preach statedly at Cowes. The progress of the gospel has been great during the last six months. The place occupied for divine worship (which is a storehouse fitted up for the purpose) is not by any means large enough to contain those who are willing to attend, and to contribute to the support of the cause. commodious meeting-house, therefore, is now being erected, and it is hoped, it will be completed about the time when the company visit this watering-place. A EXTRACT OF A LETTER Having received many complaints of the Abridgment of this Department, through the late Arrival of Intelligence, we are happy, this Month, to give an Additional Page, by way of Compensation. FROM THE late William Cowper, Esq. TO A LADY. * The works of man tend, one and all, As needs they must, from great to small; And Vanity absorbs, at length, The monuments of human strength; But who can tell how vast the plan Which this day's incident began ? Too small perhaps the slight occasion For our diminish'd observation; It pass'd unnoticed, like the bird That cleaves the yielding air unheard;. And yet may prove, when understood, An harbinger of endless good ! Not that I deem, or mean to call Friendship a blessing, cheap or small; Bot merely to remark, that ours, Like some of Nature's sweetest flow'rs, Rose from a seed of tiny size, Which seem'd to promise no such prize. A transient visit intervening, And made almost without a meaning: Hardly th' effect of inclination, Much less of pleasing expectation, Produc'd a friendship thus begun, That has cemented us in one ; And plac'd it in our pow'r to prove, By long fidelity and love, That Solomon has wisely spoken, "A threefold cord is not soon broken." FOR THE MISSION ARY MEETINGS. The mountains level, vallies raise, Bid, Lord, this conq'ring word go on; Our brethren bless in southern isles; Let those abroad, and these at home, Through them to Chrift may sinners come Bodborough. Mysterious are his ways, whose pow'r This page of Providence quite new, Say, Anna, had you never known * The place where Mr. Cowper then resided. O. A. J. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. As winds, and storms, and dashing surges roar With dreadful fury on the sea-skirt shore; At other times, the gentle zephyrs play, And the unruffled stream pursues its way : 'Tis thus, methinks, it passes in my soul, One day the weather's fair, another foul. Now tempest tost with various doubts and fears, My heart o'erwhelin'd with woe, my eye with tears, Impending clouds of darkness o'er me spread, And in the paths of Hell I seem to tread; My ways all strew'd with thorns, while. black Despair Would fill the measure of my days with care. Oppress'd, cast down, and almost robb'd of hope, To the poor sinner's Friend I then look up; Cast at his feet my burden and my griet, And there, and there alone, I find relief. He says to each rude passion, "Peace, be still;" And straight it yields obedience to his will. He orders light where darkness reign'd before, And bids me disbelieve his love no more. At his command my hope once more ap pears, And flow'rs of Eden deck this vale of tears; To Zion bound, refresh'd, I speed my way, And travel on by night, as well as day. At times I sing, but oft my harp's un strung, Or set to notes which captive Israel sung When they the Babylonian streams ex plor'd, And Zion's loss in plaintive strains deplor'd. Yet still the same, he wooes this heart of stone, And makes his love by countless mercies known! What can I say, dear Lord, to love so strange? To love that all my rebel acts can change? Be hush'd then, Muse, and silently adore! strings, Or passing angels touch thee with their wings, Let thy best notes resound my Saviour's And all thy theme be his redeeming grace! pow'rs! That shall on earth solace my captive hours! That shall my charter be to worlds above! Yet if my anchor's cast within the vale, gale, My little vessel shall the storm outride, Met my request, prevented my desire, THE DEW-DROP. MARK the resplendent orb of day, Enliv'ning all around! As, if the op'ning scene invite Each drop refulgence gains; That clothes the verdant plains. But should the sun his glory shroud The smallest drop throughout the field ful lyre! But oh, what base returns my heart has made! How oft his love by coldness has been So I, the meanest of thine own, face How oft I've slighted, turn'd away my throne, And shine with borrow'd ray. ANNETTE. |