tion, as shall give us pleasure, beyond what we are able to conceive. 6. We shall have the enjoyment of every thing, that can charm and delight our heavenly minds and senses: The very air shall be love, and our breath praise. Our minds shall be filled with truth and goodness-Our eyes shall see the King in his beauty-and we shall behold the land that is very far off. Our ears shall be opened to the melody of Heaven-we shall hear the voice of uncreated Harmony, speaking peace and consolation to our souls-we shall drink, at the Fountain-head of Pleasure, the water of life; and shall feed upon those fruits which are always in season-we shall smell the sweet odours of eternal bliss ; and feel ourselves replenished with eternal life. 7. All our exercises will be highly delightful to us there will no weariness of body, or mind, attend us, in that happy state. O, how superior will our intellectual pleasures then be, to what they now are ! Here, Here, grace enters into us--there, we shall enter into glory. Fere, love enters into us-but there, we shall enter into love. a drop comes to us-but there, we shall go to the ocean. Here, the stream comes to us— but there we shall go to the fountain. Here, peace enters into us-but there, we shall enter nto peace. Here, joy comes to us-but there we shall enter into the joy of our Lord. Here, Heaven enters into us-but there, we shall enter into Heaven. And what shall I more say the pleasures of that life are more than heart can conceive, tongue declare, or pen describe! Such riches, such honors, such pleasures, hath God prepared for those that love him: And these are the blessings of the life to come, for which we seek. And may God grant that we may obtain eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. NEW TESTAMENT PASSAGES, POINTING TOWARDS UNIVERSAL SALVATION. [A FEW OUT OF MANY] HEAR the great Master of Assemblies !———— What blessed words has he set to the view of a perishing world !—“ And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”— Such are the attractive charms, and forcible in. fluences of a crucified Saviour, that though, at first, they prove repulsive, by reason of a rejecting spirit in man; and, with some, even beyond the grave; yet they triumph, in the end, over every fallen creature; and the stoutest of all rebels will feel and fall under the force of hem. Not like Julian, the Apostate, finding Christ only stronger than he, and so yielding, because he must; but from the force of his dying love, his rising and ascending power, and because they WILL; being sweetly overcome, by his kindness.-At the 47th verse of this chapter, we hear him saying-" I came not to judge the world, but to save the world; and will he be disappointed of his design? Will not the world be saved by him? At first and at once, it will not a lasting and severe judgment will precede. But, in the end, we have reason to believe it; because, the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world. : In the 6th chapter of this Gospel, by St. John, we hear Christ calling himself—"The Bread of God, which cometh down from Heaven, and giveth light unto the world: And again, ver 51, "The Bread that I will give is my flesh; which I will give for the life of the world." The elect are never called the world, in Scripture; but those chosen out of the world. Shall this life, then, be given for the world, and the world never live by him ?-John the Baptist came to bear witness of the light; that ALL men, thro' him, might believe: not sOME, only. As Christ, then, was sent not to condemn,but to save the world; John, iii. 17.-as he came to give life to it; John, vi. 33, 51.-and also prayed, that the world might know and believe in him, as the SENT OF GOD; John, xvii. 21, 23.-why should it be thought a thing incredi. ble, that God should perform this; and the world, at length, should be saved?-especially, when other Scriptures are considered. John xvii. 2. it is said, "Thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him." If by all flesh, are meant all mankind, at least, (which most people, I believe, will allow) then all mankind will be saved; for Christ is to give eternal life to all the Father hath given him; so it is in the original; not, to as many as the Father has given him. But if we allow a PECULIARITY here, and the meaning to be," All the Father had given him as witnesses, and the first-fruits of the travail of his soul, the elect on ly; yet other scriptures, as well as the 21st and 23d verses of this chapter,' clearly shew, tite world, and the rest of mankind, are not entirely excluded, but will have that life in their season. Mat. xi. 27. Christ says, "All things are delivered unto me of my Father." And again; John iii. 35. "The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand.” And into good hands were they given for when he acknowledges, saying, "All power is given unto me, in Heaven and in earth,” he makes a noble, generous, and unconfined use of it, bidding them go and teach all nations—or, if possible, more unlimited still, Mark, xvi. 15. “Go into all the world, and preach the Gospel to eve- · ry creature?? And as he is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance, with a view, no doubt, to their Salvation, and not to their condemnation. Condemned indeed, some are, and will be, for their neglect, disbelief,and abuse of this glorious Gospel; but not without end, we may hope. For, a further ground of this hope appears, 2 Cor. v. 19. It is there written, "God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself." The Church are actually, and personally reconciled; they have heard, and believed, and are at peace with God, through Christ. They have received the atonement, or reconciliation; and the world are reconciling: That is, the foundation is laid for their return to God, by Christ. At present they stand out, pull away the shoulder, and refuse to return. But he has ways and means of bringing them to submission, and gaining their hearts to himself; awful indeed, and tremendous to consider; but, restoring and salutary in the end. Eph. i. 10. seems another, and fresh proof of this point. "That in the dispensation of the fulness of times, he might gather together in one, all things in Christ, both which are in hea. ven, (or the heavens, as the margin reads it) and which are on earth; even in him." Some interpret this, of Christ being the head of confirmation only, to holy angels, and holy men, or the elect of God, both under the Old and New Testament dispensations. There is truth in this, but it does not seem the whole truth: for, all things, here, is very strong and expressive; and seems to mean more than some of all things only and if we compare this with Col. i. 20. where Christ is said to have made peace, by the blood of his cross; and God, by him, to reconcile all things to himself, whether things in |