A TABLE OF ALL THE STAT UTES Paffed in the Forty-first Year of the Reign of his Majefty KING GEORGE the THIRD; Being the First Seffion of the First Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Cap. 1. PUBLIC GENERAL ACTS. AN N act to fufpend, until the twenty-fifth day of March one thoufand eight hundred and one, fo much of an act made in the last feffion of parliament, intituled, An act to prevent until the fixth day of November one thousand eight hundred and one, and from thence to the end of fix weeks from the commencement of the then next feffion of parliament, the manufacturing of any fine flour from wheat or other grain, and the making of any bread folely from the fine flour of wheat; and to repeal an act palled in the thirty-fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for permitting bakers to make and fell certain forts of bread, and to make more effectual provifion for the fame; as relates to other grain than wheat; and for indemnifying perfons who may have dreffed, fold, or ufed any meal or flour of fuch other grain finer than is prefcribed by the faid act. Cap. 2. An act to repeal an act made in the laft feffion of parliament, intituled, An act to prevent, until the fixth day of November one thousand eight hundred and one, and from thence to the end of fix weeks from the commencement of the then next feffion of parliament, the manufacturing of any fine flour from wheat or other grain, and the making of any bread folely from the fine flour of wheat; and to repeal an act passed in the thirty-fixth year of the VOL. XLIII. reign reign of his prefent Majefty for permitting bakers to make and fell Certain forts of bread, and to make more effectual provifion for the fame; and to indemnify millers and other perfons who have dreffed, fold, or ufed any meal or flour of a finer description than allowed by the faid act. Cap. 3. An act for raifing the fum of twenty-eight millions by way of annuities.. Cap. 4. An act to enable the lords commiffioners of his Majefty's treasury to iffue exchequer bills, on the credit of fuch aids or fupplies as have been or shall be granted by parliament, for the fervice of the year one thousand eight hundred and one. Cap. 5. An act to enable his Majefty to grant a certain annuity to captain fir Sidney Smith, in confideration of the eminent fervices which he has rendered during his command on the coaft of Egypt. Cap. 6. An act for increafing the number of field officers of the feveral regiments of militia in Ireland. Cap. 7. An act for repealing the rates and duties of poftage in Great Britain, and granting other rates and duties in lieu thereof, and on letters conveyed to or from any part of the united kingdom from or to any place out of the faid kingdom, and by packet boats from or to the ports of Holyhead and Milford Haven. Cap. 8. An act for granting to his Majefty certain additional duties on paper, pasteboard, millboard, and scaleboard, made in or imported into Great Britain; and on tea imported into and fold in Great Britain. Cap. 9. An act for granting to his Majefty certain additional duties on horfes in Great Britain; and for exempting from duty, horfes kept for the purpose of husbandry, by perfons holding farms under a certain value. Cap. 10. An act for granting to his Majefty additional stamp duties on bills of exchange, promiflory notes, and infurances; and on certain indentures, leafes, bonds, or other deeds. Cap. 11. An act for punishing mutiny and defertion; and for the better payment of the army and their quarters. Cap. 12. An act to amend an act made in the thirty-fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act to permit bakers to make and fell certain forts of bread. Cap. 13. An act for increafing the bounties granted by an act of the laft feffion of parliament, on flour imported from America, in hips which fhall have cleared out between certain periods. Cap. 14. An act for amending and further continuing, until the twenty-fourth day of June one thoufand eight hundred and one, two acts, pafled in that part of the united kingdom called Ireland, in the thirty-ninth and fortieth years of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for the fuppreffion of the rebellion, which still exifts within that kingdom, and for the protection of the perfons and properties of his Majefty's faithful fubjects within the fame, Cap. 15. An act to continue, until the twenty-fourth day of June June one thoufand eight hundred and one, an act made in the laft feffion of the parliament of Ireland, intituled, An act to empower the lord lieutenant or other chief governor or governors of Ireland, to apprehend and detain fuch perfons as he or they shall fufpect for confpiring against his Majefty's perfon and government. Cap. 16. An act to prohibit, until the twenty-fifth day of March one thousand eight hundred and two, the making of malt and the diftilling of fpirits from corn or grain in Ireland. Cap. 17. An act for continuing, until the twenty-fifth day of March one thousand eight hundred and two, certain acts of the laft feffion of the parliament of Ireland, for granting duties to his Majefty. Cap. 18. An act for the regulation of his Majefty's marine forces while on thore, until the twenty-fifth day of March one thousand eight hundred and two. Cap. 19. An act for reviving and continuing until the first day of October one thoufand eight hundred and one, fo much of an act made in the thirty-ninth and fortieth years of the reign of his prefent Majefty, as relates to the reducing and better collecting the duties payable on the importation of ftarch; for reviving, continuing until fix weeks after the commencement of the next" feffion of parliament, and amending an act made in the thirtyninth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for enabling his Majefty to permit goods to be imported into Great Britain, in neutral hips: for reviving, and continuing until the twentyfifth day of March one thoufand eight hundred and four, and from thence until the expiration of fix weeks after the commencement of the then next feffion of parliament, an act made in the thirty-feventh year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for authorifing his Majesty to make regulations refpecting the trade and commerce to and from the Cape of Good Hope; and for reviving and making perpetual an act, made in the thirtythird year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for preventing offences in obftructing, deftroying, or damaging fhips, and in obftructing feamen and others from purfuing their lawful occupations. Cap. 20. An act to extend, until the twenty-ninth day of September one thoufand eight hundred and one, the provifions of an act made in the thirteenth year of the reign of his present Majefty, intituled, An act for the better cultivation, improvement, and regulation of the common arable fields, wajtes, and commons of pafture, in this kingdom, and for encouraging the cultivation of potatoes in open and common field lands. Cap. 21. An act for permitting Eaft India goods prohibited to be worn or used in Great Britain, and warehoused, in purfuance of an act made in the thirty-ninth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, to be removed by land carriage to certain ports, for the purpofe of being exported to the British colonies or plantations in the West Indies. of Cap. 22. An act to render valid indentures of apprenticeship poor children and others, made upon improper ftamps, upon a 2 certain certain conditions; and to indemnify all persons who may have incurred penalties thereby. Cap. 23. An act for the better collection of rates made for the relief of the poor. Cap. 24. An act for the indemnifying of perfons injured by the forcible pulling down and demolishing of mills, or of works thereunto belonging, by perfons unlawfully and riotously affembled. Cap. 25.4 An act for the better regulation of the office of mafter of the rolls, in that part of the united kingdom called Ireland; and for augmenting the falary annexed to the faid office. Cap. 26. An act. for reviving and further continuing, until fix weeks after the commencement of the next feffion of parliament, several acts, made in the thirty-eighth, thirty-ninth, and fortieth years of his prefent Majefty's reign, and in the last. feffion of parliament, for empowering his Majefty to fecure and detain fuch perfons as his Majefty fhall fufpect are confpiring against his perfon and government. Cap. 27. An act for granting to his Majefty a certain fum of money for the fervice of Great Britain, to be raised by a lottery. Cap. 28. An act for granting to his Majefty certain duties. of customs on timber, fugar, raisins, and pepper, imported into, and on lead exported from, Great Britain. Cap. 29. An act for granting an additional duty on English fpirits imported into Scotland, and for allowing, until forty days after the commencement of the next feffion of parliament, the diftillation of fpirits in Scotland, from melaffes or fugar, at a lower rate of duty. Cap. 30. An act to revive and continue, until fix weeks after the commencement of the next feffion of parliament, an act, made in the thirty-fixth year of the reign of his present Majesty, intituled, An act for the more effectually preventing feditious meet ings and affemblies. Cap. 31. An act to revive and continue, until the fifth day of July one thousand eight hundred and one, an act, made in the laft feffion of parliament, intituled, An act for fhortening, until the twenty-fifth day of March one thousand eight hundred and one, the time of keeping in fleep, for malting, barley damaged by rain in the last harvest. Cap. 32. An act for granting to his Majefty feveral fums of money for defraying the charge of certain permanent services in that part of the united kingdom called Ireland. Cap. 33. An act for repealing certain duties upon tea imported into Ireland, and for granting other duties in lieu thereof; and for granting additional duties on fugar and coals imported into Ireland. Cap. 34. An act, for granting bounties on the importation into Ireland of wheat, barley, rye, oats, and indian corn, and of barley, rye, oats, indian meal, and wheaten flour and rice. Cap, |